Mario and Sonic are the two most infamous gaming rivals of all time. Their competition has spanned across multiple generations of gamers

(Red) Well today we're taking a look at their villains to see which of them have the harder time! Bowser, King of the Koopas!

(Geo) And Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik, The Mad Scientist of the Sonic World. Since we are trying to find out which of these two is the superior threat, it only makes sense to compare not only themselves, but their massive armies

(Ender) Meaning, in this scenario, both sides will be assisted by their minions and armies to get a true feel of who is deadlier. I'm Ender and they are Red and Geo, and its our job to analyze their weapons, armor, skills, feats and weaknesses to find out who would win A Death Battle

The mushroom kingdom is a bright, colorful and happy kingdom lead by the royal toadstool family. However, it is not the ONLY kingdom

(Red) The Koopa Kingdom is basically the exact opposite. Its a dark, lava filled world lead by the powerful king of the koopas: Bowser

*Bowser roars*

*Cue Bowser's Theme

(Ender) Bowser is fierce emperor and leader. His army is composed of a large assortment of creatures, giving him loads of versatility in combat.

(Geo) His front line is headed by the humble Goomba; a bipedal mushroom creature that has only one combat strategy: Walk straight into its opponent. While not the smartest strategy, it goes to show their fearlessness in combat. They can even sprout wings, becoming Paragoombas, which grants them a very limited flight and the ability to bombard foes with Micro Goombas

(Red) These little mushroom guys can even use certain power ups such as the Super Leaf and the Super Bell. Goombas are mass fighters, typically fighting in large groups to attempt to overwhelm their victims and using pretty wonky formations to get the edge

(Ender) Next of Bowser's base infantry are the Koopas. While not as brave or versatile as the Goomba, The Koopa's are master of defense. That shell on their back can withstand almost any amount of force without shattering. Even when Mario jumps on them with his full weight, the shell remains in tact. They can even spin and shoot themselves forward in their shells, making them effective projectiles. The Koopas can also sprout wings to become Paratroopas, granting them a nearly indefinite flight

(Geo) One of Bowser's more intense soldiers, the Hammer Bros. Typically fighting in groups of 2, these creatures prefer to stay at a distance and throw hammers at their enemies, using tricky jumps and movements to confuse the foe. They also come in a variety of types: The standard Hammer Bros, the Boomerang Bros-who toss boomerangs-, and the Fire Bros who toss fireballs.

(Red) Hey now, don't forget the deadliest one of all: The Sledge Bro! These fatasses throw giant hammers and create shockwaves with a single jump that stuns nearby victims.

(Ender) The Piranha Plants are plentiful and, as Viridi so clearly tells us, come in a variety of species. Though typically restricted to their pipes, some plants have gained the ability to walk with their roots and some even having the slight ability to fly

(Red) The Magikoopas are a race of warlock turtles. They can shoot magic spells that not only hurt on contact but also can transform things, as well as the ability to teleport. The strongest Mahikoopa of them all is Kamek, Bowser's right hand man. Along with the basic magic abilities, Kamek is able to create clones of himself, heal minor wounds, shoot fire spells and make things grow in size!

(Geo) The Lakitu's remain in the air throwing down Spiny's. Some of them even posses the ability to strike foes with lightning. The Sky Guy's may not possess the amazing powers of the other minions. But they make up for it with weaponry. They are masters of several types of weapons such as cannons, spears, wands, slingshots, maces, and even propellers for flight. Monty Moles can dig underground and attack enemies with wrenches

(Ender) The Chain Chomps are living balls of iron and teeth, who want nothing more then to tackle and devour anything in their way. Then there are the undead members of the armada: The Boos and Dry Bones

(Red) Boos are little round ghosts that are externally shy. They can turn invisible, possess inanimate objects, and phase through solid objects. And the Dry Bones are nearly invincible. No matter the blow that hits them, they will always put themselves together. It takes a SUPER powered hit like a star man to put em down for good. They are completely immune to all manor of heat and can even launch bone projectiles. Not everything in his army can fight on their own, however

(Geo) The Bob-ombs are living grenades who are always seconds away from detonation. The bullet bills come in multiple different types such as heat seeking and torpedo. and the Thwomps are living stone faces that have only one use in life: Squash whatever is below!

(Ender) Yes, Bowser's army is plentiful and versatile. But we have yet to talk about the ultimate part of his army: his elite squadron

(Red) The Koopalings!

*cue Fortress Boss

(Red) The youngest of the group is Larry. He's not really all that powerful, usually relying on his other siblings.

(Geo) Next is Morton. This beefy lad can create shockwaves that stun foes with a jump as well as being able to use his magic wand to create spike balls. He is also sometimes depicted with a hammer. Also he can apparently manipulate his own gravity...I mean how else could he climb those walls?

(Ender) Wendy is the only female of the group. Her preferred method of magic is firing magic rings in varying ways

(Red) Iggy is the most insane Koopaling of them all! Along with his magic wand he also seems to have an affinity with Chain Chomps, seeing as he has a freaking Chain Chomp Chariot! Its a ride and a guard dog all in one!

(Geo) Roy has a lot in common with his brother Morton, also being able to shake the ground and seeming manipulate gravity. But his preferred weapon of choice is his personal cannon that fires bullet bills.

(Ender) The, surpsingly, second eldest of the Koopalings, Lemmy Koopa is a bit more tricky then his siblings. He is not as skilled or as powerful, instead relying on several tricks.

(Red) He is also the only koopaling with some serious BALLS! Hehe...g..get it? His weapon is a bouncy ball...which he can manipulate the size of. Oh and bombs. Because why not

(Geo) Lastly is Ludwig Von Koopa, the oldest of the koopalings and their-self appointed-leader. By far the most skilled in magic, Ludwig is capable of flying and creating extremely life like duplicates of himself, all of which are capable of combat

(Ender) The Koopalings are by far Bowser's most powerful legion of minions. However there is still one more unit to talk about. The second in command, Bowser's own son: Bowser Jr


*cue Enter Bowser Jr!

(Geo) Jr possess several of his papa's abilities. He is surprisingly strong for a kid his age, and can shoot fire from his mouth-though only in the form of fireballs. His biggest advantage, however, is his knack for technology.

(Red) He's pretty much NEVER without some sort of robot mech to pilot. His favorite of which is definitely the Junior Clown Car. What was once his dad's sole vehicle, Jr managed to snag his own...and made a few tweaks. And by tweaks I mean FILLING THIS THING UP WITH WEAPONS! Cannons, drill arms, wrecking balls, a...a tongue? And little Mecha Koopas, which are designed to latch onto to an enemy...and then explode.

(Ender) Jr also wields the Magic Brush, a paint brush that allows Jr to create anything he wants just by drawing it. And he even has himself a little disguise in the form of Shadow Mario, which gives him the same level of mobility as the plumber himself

(Geo) As you can probably tell, Bowser has got one hell of an army backing him. But if they were to fail...and by 'if' I mean WHEN, then Bowser jumps into the fray himself

(Red) Bowser is a monster! That shell on his back isn't just for looking tough, it acts as an indestructible defense and a brilliant, stabby offence! Not that he's short on weapons, mind you, since he's strong enough to PULL AN ISLAND TO HIMSELF and his claws and teeth are sharper then those stares I get at the club

(Ender) Right...Bowser is also highly adept in magic. He can shoot fire from his mouth, manually grow himself in size, cast magical curses that can turn people into blocks, and somehow carry a large supply of Hammers. Probably the same magic portal the hammer bros use

(Red) you think they use...HAMMER space?

(Geo and Ender) UUUGH!

(Red) haha! Anyway Bowser is super tough. To the point where, even after being dunked in Lava, he's still up and kicking. Then there's his ace in the hole...the monstrous transformation known as GIGA BOWSER

(Ender) Giga Bowser boosts bowser's already insane power to its limits. In this form he can even create storms of ice while spinning

(Geo) He's survived a supernova to the face, being sucked into a black hole, being crushed under his own castle, and has defeated ANOTHER castle which was transformed into a mech

(Ender) He isn't without his flaws however. He is EXTREMELY cocky, always underestimating his opponents. He is quick to anger and is extremely dimwitted and clumsy. To the point where he leaves traps laying around that ALWAYS end up being used against him.


(Ender) Even with these set backs, Bowser and his army still remain to fight and be a constant threat to the Mushroom Kingdom


Full Title: King Bowser Koopa
Age: 52
Weight: 800 Pounds
Height: 8'7
Likes Haiku

Koopa Troop Army:
-Goombas (Goomba shoe and Wings)
-Hammer Bros (Boomerang Bros, Fire Bros, Sledge Bros)
-Piranha Plants (Multiple abilities and species)
-Shy Guys
-Monty Moles
-Chain Chomps
-Dry Bones

-Bullet Bills (Torpedo, Homing, Banzai)
-Airships (Plentiful, and armed with multiple cannons)

Elite Troops:
-The 7 Koopalings
-Bowser Jr (Clown Car with multiple weapons and tools)

Skills and Weapons:
-Indestructible Shell
-Fire Breath
-Incredible strength
-Size Manipulation
-Block Curse

Giga Bowser:
-Strongest form
-Elemental attacks

-Continuse to terrorize the Mushroom Kingdom
-Survived a Supernova and a Black Hole
-Moved an island
-Fought 2 castles and beat them both
-Survived multiple dunks in lava

-Anger issues
-Durability has limits
-Army isn't too good at their jobs

The world of Mobius is home to a multitude of highly advanced humanoid animals. But among them is one man with one goal

(Red) To take over the world and turn it into a theme park! This is Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik!

*cue E.G.G.M.A.N

(Ender) Eggman is a mad genius who wishes for nothing more then to destroy nature and replace it with machinery. But a certain blue hedgehog constantly gets in his way

(Geo) But despite all that, he refuses to give up. And he has quite a few tools under his belt to help him. He's created a TON of robot minions using animals as a fuel source. All of his robots are built for speed and defense. I mean they kinda have to, considering the kind of things he's up against

(Red) The Moto Bugs are as basic as they come. They have claws but don't really use them, preferring to just ram themselves into things with no fear. Some even come with handy springs to defend against bouncing attacks. Burrowbots attack from below with their drill noses and arms

(Ender) Crabmeat are crab-like robots that can fire concentrated energy blasts and rockets. A variation of this enemy known as the Big Chaser is a juggernaut, being capable of flight fast enough to catch Sonic with its electrically enhanced fists and even supporting 3 laser cannons

(Red) Buzz Bombers fly and rain energy blasts down. Newtrons are chameleon based robots that can turn invisible and fire lasers. Orbinauts shoot spiked balls at their foes and come with a type that shoots fireballs instead. Caterkillers are one of the few, pure defensive robots, possessing multiple segments that can break off and fly around when hit. Their cousins the Crawltons hide in the walls, waiting to strike.

(Geo) Balkirys are flying bots who dive at their prey at breakneck speeds. Nebulas also fly and can fire spiked balls. Snail Blasters can cling to walls and have 2 shell-mounted laser cannons. For extra defense they can curl into their shells and perform a rolling strike. The EVER ANNOYING slicers fire their boomerang like claws out at foes, but are very vulnerable without them.

(Ender) The most versatile bots on his side are his Egg Pawns. While not the toughest bots, they have a ton of weapons at their disposal. Laser guns, spears, bazookas, shields, katanas, maces, wands, bombs, hammers and lances. While these robots are plentiful, Eggman had even more powerful bots up his sleeve: His Advanced Robots

(Red) E-101 Beta MK 2 can fly, shoot homing missiles, condensed beams of energy and reflect projectiles with a shield and using the greatest defense ever made: The Backhand! The Egg Robo's are robots egg head made in his own image. Their just as smart as he is and are built to pilot other machines, though they also have their own personal ray gun

(Geo) Mecha Knuckles is a robotic clone of Knuckles the Echidna, and possesses all his abilities while ALSO gaining the ability to fire rockets from its mouth. The Shadow Androids are group fighters, usually in groups of 3. They can fire homing tracer from their hands, perform their own homing attack and can match Shadow's own strength.

(Ender) Speaking of hedgehog duplicates, Eggman has no shortage of fake Sonic Bots. Silver Sonic is powered by a Chaos Emerald, making it an incredibly agile and dangerous foe. It can perform its own spin dash and can fire its sharp quills as projectiles

(Red) Mecha Sonic isn't as fast as his silver brother, but he's far stronger. He also has his own version of the spin dash and can even absorb chaos energy to enter its own Super form, granting it the ability to fly and fire energy blasts. It also becomes completely invincible! But those silly bots PALE in comparison to Eggman's deadliest creation: SCRATCH AND GROUNDER!

(Geo) What? No no no. Its the Tails Doll!

(Ender) Your both wrong. Eggman's deadliest creation: Hyper Metal Sonic

*cue Boss (Sonic CD)

(Ender) Metal Sonic was created by Eggman to be superior to Sonic the Hedgehog in every way. And was a great success...on paper

(Geo) Yeah turns out Metal was SO skilled, he ended up betraying Eggman...A lot. Like...A LOT

(Red) Whenever Metal Sonic is on screen, just assume he's going to betray Eggman.

(Ender) Metal Sonic was given several of Sonic's abilities, such as his speed, spin dash and homing attack. He can create a black shield around himself, making him immune to any attack, has a front mounted chest laser and rocket propelled flight

(Red) He can also perform his Maximum Overdrive attack, which overloads his circuits and turns him into a giant ball of power and pain. But that's not all, since Eggman apparently decided to make Metal an ever evolving force

(Ender) With his Scan and Copy ability, Metal Sonic can flawlessly replicate an opponent's techniques and attacks.

(Geo) When things go sour, Eggman isn't scared of entering the battlefield himself. He pilots the Egg Mobile, a flying machine with 2 front mounted machine guns. Its biggest advantage is its universal connectivity with all of Eggman's robots

(Red) One of his deadliest being the Egg Dragoon! Eggman made this bad boy after years of studying Sonic's patterns! Its got super tough armor, a Gatling gun that shoots fireballs and ice blasts, and a giant drill capable of shooting waves of electricity and and being used as a missile.

(Ender) However none of Eggman's mechs are as well known as his most iconic battle suit: The Death Egg Robot.

(Geo) This Bad boy is Packed with two Large Rotary Claws that can Drill and Pierce things. Rocket Propelled flight, bombs, laser blasts and even an electrical barrier

(Red) Its also surprisingly Agile as when its weakened enough Eggman can activate its Pinch Mode. OH AND GUESS WHAT! Eggman, later on in his carrier, remade this bot. And added a Phantom Ruby. You know, like the thing that gave INFINITE his powers!

(Ender) Eggman is a mad genius. He is able to play his opponents right into his very hands and has even conquered PLANETS

(Red) Buuut just because he's smart doesn't mean he's not dumb. He's extremely cocky and always leaves exploitable weaknesses in his robots. But still, where ever there is a blue blur, there is an egg shaped doctor ready to fight

"A nice dream. But dreams are meant to be...Broken"

Full name: Dr. Ivo Robotnik
Age: 45
Weight: 282 Pounds
Height: 6'1
Has an I.Q of 300

-Crabmeat (Big Chaser)
-Buzz Bombers
-Snail Blasters
-Egg Pawns(Multitude of weapons)

Advanced AI:
-Egg Robo
-Mecha Knuckles
-Shadow Androids
-Silver Sonic
-Mecha Sonic
-Metal Sonic

Egg Mobile:
-Flying machine
-Twin Machine Guns
-Universal Connectivity

Egg Dragoon:
-Gatling Gun

Death Egg Robot:
-Has been rebuilt numerous times
-Large Rotary Claws
-Rocket Flight
-Eventually powered by the Phantom Ruby

-Constantly has new machines built
-Has conquered planets
-Manages to make machines capable of keeping pace with and defeating Sonic and friends
-Pissed on the MOON!

-Over confidence
-For some reason, never thinks to make metal NOT weak to hedgehog spikes

Alright the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all

(Geo) Its a war between 2 armies and their cruel leaders! Will Bowser send Eggman down the pipes, or will the doctor have himself some new power sources?


A Goomba sits atop a look out tower with a telescope tied to its head. It looks around before its gaze falls on something: A mass or robots being flown over sea "Mother of koopas...ITS AN INVASION!" It yells, causing the telescope to fly off. The Goomba runs to the throne room "KING BOWSER! KING BOW-" When the Goomba enters he sees Bowser with his mouth full of food and Kamek taking notes " I interrupting?" The goon asked. Bowser swallows all at once

"No. What happened soldier?" The king asks

"Huh? Oh right" The Goomba clears its throat "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"


"Fat, mustached old man with an army of robots coming east!"

"Get everyone to battle stations!" Bowser yells, running to the top of his castle. Once there, he is eye to eye with Eggman "Hey bub! Who the hell do you think you are!?

"I am Dr. Eggman" The doctor says, twirling his mustache "Today is your lucky day. I have chosen this spot to be the base of operations for Eggman land! Surrender to me and I may consider making you an employee" He laughs

"Oh yeah? Well listen here egghead!" Bowser yells "My castle has already been taken over by enough pretentious weirdos. And I'm not about to let another one!" Eggman simply laughs and snaps his fingers, causing the Buzz Bombers carrying metal crates to drop them, revealing his robot army

"You and what army!" He laughs. Bowser whistles as the castle gates open. Out marches the Koopa Troop

"This one!" Bowser laughs. Eggman growls as both leaders yell



*cue Bombs for Throwing at You

The armies charge one another. The goomba's clash head first into the Motobugs, trying to knock the other over. One motobug uses its superior speed to rush around and run the goomba over. Another Goomba calls on its buddies as they all stand on top of each other and use that height to smash a Motobug. They cheer before getting blasted by Buzzbombers. The bee robots continue to rain down laser fire on the minions before Hammer Bros jump down and lob hammers up at them, destroying them. Catterkillers fly by as the Hammers strike their segments, causing them to fly off and crush them. A Shy Guy releases a Chain Chomp, which barks and charges forward, crushing the segments with its weight and chomping the main head into bits. It then gets drilled from below and knocked into the air by a Burrowbot. When it lands, the chain chomp barks and rushes the Burrowbot, which ducks underground to avoid it once more. Underground, however, they come in contact with a Monty Mole, who throw wrenches at them to destroy them. The mole laughs before getting grabbed by a Crawlton and thrown into the air. Koopas duck into their shells and spin forward in an arrow formation, bowling over the crawlton and some Egg Pawns. The koopas clash against the shells of Snail Blasters, causing both sides to bounce back. Some of the koopas take to the skies to dive bomb but are shot at by the shell cannons. Some are destroyed while others have the hindsight to duck back into their shells and reflect the blasts back. In the sky, Lakitus rain down Spinys before 5 Balkirys dive in and destroy a handful of their clouds. One Lakitu charges up and zaps the robots apart with lightning. The Shy Guys march forward only to meet eye to eye with a legion of Egg Pawns. A few shy guys in the front fire blasts from their wands, which the Egg Pawns counter with energy blasts. A shy gun uses a propeller to fly into the air and shoot at the pawns with its slingshot but one of them jumps up and slashes it apart with its spear. It lands and bashes a group of them away before clashing against another spear and getting blasted at by Cannon Guys. A shy guy runs up and clashes mace on mace against another Egg Pawn. The egg pawn uses its superior size to knock the weapon away but the Sky Guy's nimbleness allows it to dodge the downward swing and impales the robot's leg with its spear, cleaving upwards and exploding it.

Bowser laughs "Give up baldy! My army is unstoppable!"

"Oh yeah?" Eggman twirls his mustache "Let us see how 'unstoppable' they are against THIS!" He presses a button on his console. Bowser looks around and sees the sky fill with airships baring Eggman's logo "Behold! The Egg Fleet!" Eggman laughs as the lead ship charges up and fires a laser, taking out a large portion of Bowser's and his own army and leaving behind a crater. Bowser gasps before growling. He whistles as his own airships fly out and shoot at the Egg Fleet. "Your pitiful weapons cannot match my advanced legion!" Eggman laughs as the Egg Fleet open fire, taking down the 3 lead ships. As Eggman laughs, 7 pairs of eyes glare through the darkness of the ship hulls.

*cue Final Antasma

Suddenly, 7 shells shoot out, spinning and taring through Eggman's robot forces. "What the!?" The doctor yells. The koopalings pop out of their shells and strike a team pose, before laughing. Larry jumps into the air and shoots a fireball down at an Orbinaut, who retaliates with sending its spikes at the young koopa. Larry ducks into his shell and spins, knocking the spikes away. Roy and Morton slam the ground, stunning Egg Pawns as Morton slams them away with spiked balls and Roy with his cannon. Wendy winks as she dodges the Slicers attacks and destroys them with her rings. Iggy and Lemmy laugh as they ride the insane one's chariot, running over Moto Bugs...and a few of their own units. Jr and Ludwig float over head-Jr in his clown car-and laugh as they watch the carnage. Bowser stomps up to Eggman

"Checkmate fatso!" Bowser winds up a punch and slams Eggman's Egg Mobile, sending the doctor flying into the air. Eggman regains control and growls

"This game is far from over!" He laughs "Get a load of this!" He presses another button. Suddenly, Beta appears and scans the battleground

"Target Confirmed" He says deeply and charges towards the scene. Firing into the crowd, Beta destroys legions of Goombas and Shy Guys before Ludwig appears in his way

"A duel is it? So be it!" Ludwig says as he laughs as he shell bashes the E-series away. He takes out his wand and shoots a magic projectile at the bot, who back hands it away and fires missiles at the elder koopa. Ludwig teleports out of range and appears higher up, creating 2 clones of himself who begin to charge blasts. Beta counters with a laser blast. A snail blaster is destroyed by a magikoopa, who was then tackled by two spin dashing bots-Mecha Sonic and Silver Sonic-destoying it. They land but soon fall back with a stomp. Morton and Roy jump down and roar at the hedgehog robots. Silver Sonic stands up and shoots robotic spikes at the two. Morton bashes them away with his hammer as Roy shoots red bullet bills. The two spin and fly away at top speed, but the bullets chase them down. Eventually both bots jump inot the air, letting the bullet bills crash into a wall. The heavyweights growl as Lemmy jumps down. He holds up a bomb and, with help from Kamek, makes it grow bigger. He hands it to Roy and Morton who toss it into the air and they all shoot flames to ignite it. The robot hedgehogs look at each other and nod. Mecha spins and cuts Silver Sonic in half, retrieving its Chaos Emerald and glowing. Through the explosion, Super Mecha flies down and blasts the 3 koopalings away.

The Shadow Androids run through, destroying Shy Guys and dismantling Dry Bones as they go before getting devoured by chain chomps. Iggy laughs while being pulled by them. Wendy appears along side Larry and both fire magic blasts Mecha Knuckles, who tries to counter with rockets but ends up getting blown up by Mecha Koopas thrown by Bowser Jr. The prince laughs over head before suddenly getting slammed by a wrecking ball. He and the Clown Car regain their footing and look at the attacker, the Egg Robo piloting its own Egg Mobile. "You think that hunk of junk could beat me? Ha!" He laughs as the Clown car slams forward with drills. The Egg Robo attempts to defend with the checker wrecker but the chain breaks and flies off. Jr flies over head and punches it to the ground laughing. Mecha Sonic's super form runs thin as Roy, Morton and Lemmy shell spin into him, destroying it.

"Ha! Take that bolt brains!" Roy says

"Say. What's that thing?" Lemmy asks, pointing at the chaos emerald. Before they could grab it another blast blasts them all away. They look up and through the smoke they see him: Metal Sonic

*cue Metal Sonic Boss (Sonic Mania)

The impostor looks forward, having used the chaos emerald to become Neo Metal Sonic, his eyes glowing as it scans the 3 koopas. "ALL LIFEFORM DATA SUCCESSFULLY COPIED" He says before spinning and firing his own bullet bills. Morton tries to slam them away but they end up getting blasted. Larry attempts to sneak attack Metal from behind, but the sonic clone swiftly side steps and kicks the child away. He then activates his black shield to block the fireballs coming from Wendy and Iggy before returning his own. Ludwig and clones blast Beta down to the ground before turning to help his siblings. Beta stands up

"I am not finished yet" He says scanning around. A boo appears behind him and laughs before phasing into the robot's form. "! Gha!" Beta struggles as more and more boos fly in. The robot then laughs like a boo as it flies up, covered in a mysterious aura

"Beta! What are you doing!?" Eggman yells. The boo-possesed robot flies forward, raining down blasts on Moto Bugs and slicers. "Darn it!" Eggman presses a few buttons and flies away

"Where do you think you're going coward!?" Bowser yells, shooting fireballs up at him. Eggman pulls a lever, firing 2 robots down: A green one will a drill nose and some sort of chicken bot

'What the hell?' Bowser asks before incinerating them with flames. He looks up and gasps as he and his castle roof get blasted. He falls onto the battlefield and looks up, seeing the Egg Dragoon

"Hohoho! Lets see how you like this one!" Eggman charges electricity in the drill and fires it at Bowser, electrocuting the king of koopas and rendering him to the floor. Kamek flies up.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" He yells and showers Bowser in a magical glow. Eggman looks with a cocky grin as Bowser grows in size and roars, shaking the battlefield.

"Well well. Seems you've caught a second wind" Eggman laughs. "No matter. I will still defeat you!"

"Bring it chump" Bowser huffs as the two titans clash. Neo Metal Sonic backhands a Dry Bone's skull before looking up and using his black shield to block the possessed Beta's blasts, before returning fire with his own. The boos fly out of Beta, allowing him to be destroyed. They come together and form Boolossus and laugh at Metal. The robot hog looks around, surrounded by the koopalings who charge up fireballs. He simply scoffs and looks forward

"CHAOS CONTROL!" He shouts as time freezes around himself. He glows and charges his Maximum Overdrive attack, unleashing it as soon as time restores. The koopas get blasted backwards and Boolossus is destroyed by the bright light. Metal sparks but looks around. Everything around him either destroyed or unconscious. "HOW PATHETIC"

"Oh yeah big shot!?" Jr yells, firing a cannonball at Metal. The robot grabs it and crumbles it to dust with his hand before turning to the prince of the koopas. "Well i'm not scared of you!"

"YOU SHOULD BE!" Metal says flying at Jr. The prince uses the clown car to grab a hold of Metal before ejecting himself out and allowing his ride to detonate. Jr floats to the ground with a parachute and laughs...before he gasps as Metal floats there

"MY TURN!" He flies and knees Jr in the gut, causing the young koopa to cough up blood. Metal punches and kicks Jr multiple times before back flip kicking him into the air and charging a powerful blast. Jr looks up and ducks into his shell as the blast engulfs him and blasts him into the castle

"JUNIOR!" Bowser roared. Eggman smirks and laughs

"Oh boo hoo. Looks like my creation is superior! This castle is mine!" He laughs as Bowser stares at the robot and then at Jr, who struggles to stand

"...that's my son..." He says. He roars and punches the Dragoon "THAT'S! MY! SON!" He yells and knocks Eggman away. The doctor growls and fires the lightning infused drill at the king. Bowser grabs the drill and roars, flipping it around and throwing it back.

"WHAT! NO!" Eggman yells as the drill hits him. Bowser turns to metal and roars

"You can hurt my can hurt can hurt the koopalings..."

"Still...alive..." Larry coughs

"But the moment you hurt my son, THATS where I draw the line!" He grabs Metal and tosses him away. Metal flies and looks down to scan him but gets caught by a giant Bowser fist, knocking him into a mountain. Bowser shoots a fireball at the top, causing a rain of boulders to fall and collapse Metal sonic in the lava below

"GHRAAAAAA!" Metal yells as he is submerged. Bowser looks to Kamek, who flies to help Jr.

"Now then." He turns and gets sucker punched by the Death Egg Robot's rocket fist

"I've been saving this one!" Eggman laughs. "Prepare to meet your doom!"

Bowser growls as his body glows, becoming Giga Bowser. He stomps forward, slashing and stomping the Death Egg Robot. Using the power of the Phantom Ruby, Eggman charges a laser blast. Bowser takes a deep breath and shoots, their attacks colliding. Eggman laughs "You cannot hope to match my power! Prepare to be defeated!" Bowser takes a step forward and roars, his flames overtaking the blast "NO WAY! I-I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!" Eggman yells as he ejects from the robot before it explodes. Bowser grabs him and holds him up to his eye level " chance your in need of a new minion?" He smiles. His ploy fell on deaf ears as Bowser throws him up and swallows him whole. He shrinks back down while chewing and looks over the battleground

"That's why..." he poses "NO ONE MESSES WITH ME!"


Bowser coughs and spits up Eggman's mustache. Meanwhile, the Koopalings and Jr all lay in emergency care

(Red) Mmm. Hard boiled

(Ender) Eggman was smart, and his robots clearly had the superior technology. However, NONE of that could have prepared him for someone like Bowser

(Red) The dude survived a freaking SUPERNOVA exploding in his face! Even Eggman's strongest bot couldn't match that

(Geo) While they were more technologically advanced, Eggman's army lacked clear versatility. Each of his basic bots are designed to only really do ONE thing.

(Red) Where as the Koopa Troop are actually TRAINED warriors! Each with a variety of tools at their disposal. But hey basic troops aren't everything. Surely Eggman's more advanced robots could turn the tide

(Ender) While they could, the same is true for Bowser's Elite Squad. The Koopalings are a much more superior team and as such are more suited for battles like these. And Jr has shown he can be just as tough as Bowser himself! Like the time he lifted and threw a 27,000 pound Dragoneel. Plus, Kamek's ability to make troops grow in size and even heal the wounded meant the Koopa Troop would be pretty hard to kill

(Geo) Also not to mention the invincible units in Bowser's army like the Boos and Dry Bones! They are completely unbeatable by normal means

(Red) The only real member of Eggman's armada that could do some damage was Metal Sonic. And yeah he could certainly wreck some shit! But alone, he isn't enough to take them down

(Ender) Not only is his chaos control powers much more limited then the likes of shadow, but his power output PALES in comparison to Bowser himself. Eggman's own mechs could certainly make the battle more repetitive for him, but none of them have the power to put Bowser down for good

Note: The Time Eater is its own sentient being with no connection to Eggman outside of Sonic Generations. Its the same reason we did not give him people like Chaos or Dark Gaia

(Geo) To be blunt, Bowser was way to strong and way to tough to be defeated by anything Eggman could throw at him

(Red) you could say this battle was over easy!

(Ender) The winner is Bowser and the Koopa Troop


+Far smarter
+More advanced technology
+Egg Fleet trumped the Airships
-Troops lacked versatility
-Lacked power
-Metal Sonic, while strong, could not compare to Bowser's strength and durability
-No magic to help weaken Bowser
-Robots have several glitches

+On his own, FAR stronger and FAR more durable
+Troops were very versitile
+Koopalings, Kamek, and Jr outclassed a large majority of Eggman's robots
+Superior training
-More mundane weapons by

Next Time On Death Battle:

*Cue Welcome To The Jungle*

Black dragon

Galactic Hunter

A man with a metal eye is shown Fighting Sonya Blade and the Joker

A bipedal wolf is shown Jumping out of his ship and Confronting Fox

Kano vs Wolf