hey all MG here first off I'm typing from my Cell I can't change the font size sadly with the app I'm using. The other docs for my stories are lost I checked so I'm going to need to rewrite them it won't take long but I will need time. So until my laptop can be repaired I decided to write this fanfic to pass the time. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter one
The skies of Amity Park filled with smoke as buildings burned and people ran, jets flew through the skies as they dropped bombs and unleashed hail storm of bullets upon the town, in the middle of this chaos stood a single teen with his red and white l shirt ripped to shreds and stained with blood , his black hair in a mess, body and face covered in cuts and gashes, tears flowing down his face. His name Daniel Fenton aka Danny Fenton who was also secretly this now burning towns once protector from all types of creeps from the living to the dead but now all that he cared for is gone nothing left his home destroyed, family murdered along with his friends, everything gone because of them.
He stood there as they surrounded him guns locked and loaded ready to shoot to kill, all men in white the ones responsible for all of this. They could care less about all those suffering in this hell they unleashed upon this innocent town and its people.
"Daniel Fenton aka Danny Phantom number one public enemy of the world stand down by order of the G.I.W. so that we may take you in for painful experiments so that we may help protect the world from monsters like you!" A agent yelled.
"Monster, you dare call me a monster when I have spent the last 4 years of my life protecting this town from everything that went bump in the night ensuring the safety of its people never letting anyone get hurt then you assholes come along and start firing off your guns acting like your the heroes come to drive away the scary creatures the people fear, but your no heroes just a bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing hiding your hideous deformed personalities that of the real monsters so with my last breath I wish you would all just go straight to hell and die!" Danny voice echoed with a demonic sound as his blue eyes turned a crimson blood red and his black to white before he screamed releasing a loud and powerful wail that sent the agents flying, buildings began to crumble and fall, windows of all types shattered and everything blown away.
As the wail stopped Danny fell to his knees weak and tired he looked around the town was silent not a single thing moved he could smell the blood of the innocent and see the bodies of the now dead agents and their jets that crashed and now burning, a single tear fell from his eye and with a smile he looked up as it began to rain then said" this is the end" before he fell to the ground just as the tear hit at the same time.
Danny Fenton was dead along with the rest of Amity Park as only the sound of the rain could be heard as it tried to wash away this horrible scene.
-chapter one end-
Hey all I left this short on purpose I would like you all to review and please let me know if you want more or not.-MG