Chapter 2 - Understanding, too late

A/N: This was a similar idea that came to me around the same time. It is not a continuation of the story, instead an alternate possibility. I hope it lives up to the first run.

Pain ripped through Harry's body as he stared up at Voldemort.

Even the abomination that he had become withered under the hatred and fire in those green eyes. He glimpsed down at the crumpled form by his feet, all that was left of his greatest lieutenant, Bellatrix Lestrange. Neither she nor he had seen the spell that struck her, but he could feel her absence, she was utterly dead.

"You die now, Tom," Harry whispered, raising his wand.

Voldemort responded in kind, lifting the Elder Wand and shouting his spell in a cracking, scared voice.


Two beams of green light shot across the hall and collided in the middle freezing in place for a moment. Every eye in the hall was fixed on the deadly ballet of the spells unaware of the movement coming from one side of the duel.

The spell pushed forward only an inch, but it moved in the direction of the dais on which the head table normally lay. Voldemort took a small step back as the spell lurched a full foot. Terror gripped him as he remembered the boy's taunts. All his anchors were gone. As he looked about there were no Death Eaters even close to his position. He was surrounded by enemies, and the encroaching spell continued to draw closer to him.

It lurched again, covering half the distance towards him. Raising the wand again he fired a second killing curse into the swirling vortex and it leapt toward him again. He screamed in terror, finally trying to avoid the blast by running to the side.

His movement seemed to end the struggle and the swirling green spells launched forward, but no matter where he moved they continued to follow.

At long last the collection of magic struck him, sending his horrid body tumbling back into the hourglasses and shattering them. The wand shot from his hand, tumbling over and over through the air every eye watching until it just vanished in the middle of the hall.

The stunned audience turned back to the bleeding lump covered in bright stones and glass. It was over, their worst enemy was dead. A deformed cheer swept through the hall, half relief and half grief. Many family and friends lay dead around them.

Ron Weasley turned to look at his friend. He only had the one now, as his other friend had been the last to fall to a Death Eaters wand. Bellatrix had signed her own death warrant the second she thought the spell that felled Hermione Granger.

But when he looked about Harry was nowhere to be seen. Not only that, but Hermione's body was no longer on the floor at his feet where she fell after stepping in front of the killing curse meant for Harry. He stood confused until his sister took his hand and led him over to where Percy and Fred's bodies now lay. He had enough to grieve about this day, he would worry about his friends later.


It had been difficult, between all the damage and the crowds of people, but Harry had managed to find his way to the tapestry of Barnabus the Barmy. The Cloak had performed admirably, concealing not only himself, but the body clutched to his chest. Turning he stared at the blank wall before him, trying to fix what he needed in his mind, but he could not calm the chaos long enough to figure it out.

Sighing he walked three times before the wall, hoping the Room would be its usual magnificent self and give him what he so desperately needed. No door appeared, instead, a large archway formed in the stone wall, a dark gloomy room covered in runes visible just beyond.

Harry stepped over the threshold and felt the magic of the space wash over him. More than any other time in here, the Room felt truly alive. It was as though it was in his mind and touching his magic in a way nothing had ever done to him before. The room was now perfectly round, even the roof was a perfect hemisphere above him. Every inch of its surface layered with runes. In the very centre of the space was a small circle of glowing runes, large enough for a person to lay within.

Stepping forward slowly, Harry laid Hermione's body inside the circle gently, cradling her bushy head as it came to rest on the strange semi-reflective surface. Her eyes had closed as she took the spell in his stead and one could be forgiven for thinking her merely asleep. Anyone but Harry that is. He knew her body and soul, and now part of that was missing. It was like a cold hole in the world screaming at his very own soul.

Wiping away a tear, he stood and casting a silencing charm as he stepped from the room, he began to run through the castle, needing two more things for his long journey to come. As he reached the Entrance Hall, he tiptoed past the open doors of the Great Hall, hearing the whispers and cries of people mourning their loved ones and celebrating their victory.

Harry scoffed at the idea that any world without Hermione could be considered a victory. A swift flick of the wand as he passed the doors and two summoning charms shot into the morning air. A small whistling noise preceded the small black stone launching into his left palm, drawing a growl of pain with the velocity with which it struck, only seconds before the much thicker form of his Firebolt struck his right palm.

Mounting the broom and casting one last look back at the castle he had called home, he shot off towards the boundary of the school. What would have been a ten-minute walk on foot took him only seconds, and the moment he felt the wards lift over his body he disapparated away.


Green flames licked around his body as he stepped out into the Atrium. People were hugging and shouting as they celebrated all throughout the large room. He felt disgusted at the people he passed, felt disconnected from those who had very nearly capitulated to the madman they'd claimed to fear.

Flicking the wand again, he cast several very powerful charms to split the crowd before him and silence his passage. He didn't want hangers-on at this moment. He needed peace for the insanity he was attempting.

Walking purposefully past the clearly drunken revellers, he quickly made it to the elevators and began his descent to the deepest levels of the Ministry. He had only visited the room once before, but he knew the way, almost as if something was calling him forwards. The spinning entry room was no problem for him as he purposefully strode to the correct door, not knowing how he knew it was the one.

Quickly descending the large stone steps, he found himself once again standing before the Veil of Death. The voices came once more, calling to him. He felt the urge to reach out and touch the fabric as it fluttered in the non-existent breeze. But a stronger thought stayed his hand. He had a purpose here and he would fulfil it.

Harry lifted the Resurrection Stone in his left hand and looked at its gleaming surface. The Veil did not appear in the reflection. Harry filed that away. Surely Hermione would have found such a thing fascinating. Clearing his mind of the horrible thoughts this brought forward, he flicked the stone in his hand. Once. Twice. Thrice.

A non-existent gale began rushing through the Veil now, the fabric flapping like the cape of some flying superhero. Harry had to duck to the side to avoid being struck by the fabric, unsure of exactly what would happen should it even brush his skin. After what felt like eons, the fabric finally settled, and a pale glowing hand pushed the settled fabric aside and stepped out.

Harry moaned with pain as he beheld the disembodied soul of his best friend. Hermione stood before him, pale and see-through, but it was her. The ache he had felt since her soul had left her body finally began to ease as her perfect smile turned on him once more.

"Hello, Harry." She whispered, her cool hand brushing against his skin, leaving a prickling feeling as it washed over it.

"Hello, Hermione." His voice croaked out.

Her smile broadened as she watched him. Her calculating mind knew what he was attempting. She knew it was wrong and crazy and impossible. It was just so Harry.

"Don't we have somewhere to be?"

Harry could not form words any longer. Soft sobs racked his body as she stood there, dead, and yet still comforting him. He could see just what it was about the Stone that had driven the second brother to his death. It had been only moments, but already the ache he felt for her was agony. So, he nodded in reply and she led the way, slowly guiding his invisible form through the corridors of the Ministry.

He was unsure how long it took them, and not once did he notice another living being on his way through, his attention utterly fixed on her. Stepping together into the phone booth, he locked his eyes on hers as the booth raised them back to ground level. The soft smile never left her face as she basked in his attention. He had never known it, but she had longed for him to look at her like that in life and was now revelling in it in death.

As they exited the booth, Harry withdrew his broom from within the Cloak.

"I know how you hate flying, but I didn't think apparating would work." Harry finally managed to croak out.

"If it's with you, I'll love it. And It's not like I can fall off and die."

Harry winced at her reply, but once more felt her hands sliding over his cheeks. Looking up once more she still bore that wide smile. There was something she wanted to say to him, he could feel it inside him, but she was holding back. Unable to push her on it at the moment he held the broom out at mounting height and waited.

Hermione mounted the broom, only just corporeal enough not to slide right through it. Harry mounted behind her and wrapped his arms partly around and partly through her form. He'd never flown the Firebolt so gently, but now, with her wrapped in his arms, he took off at a snail's pace only slightly increasing in speed as they cleared the clouds. Partially in fear that she would disappear and partly to extend his time with her.

Harry knew he was crazy. No one had broken the Veil before. And many would call what he hoped to accomplish dark magic even if it worked. But he didn't care anymore. He had given his whole life to this country, to its pathetic war and all it had given him in return was sorrow. The one bright point in his life ripped away at the moment of his triumph.

Hours passed as they flew, neither speaking. And yet, images of their combined pasts shifted between them. It was as though Hermione's soul was penetrating inside of Harry and pulling at his darkest memories. For every darkness she found, she shared back a bright point of her own history. By the time he settled them down on the Astronomy Tower, he felt he knew the girl in his arms better than he knew himself. Though Harry would say he already had before the strange journey.

Letting the broom drop from under them, Harry took Hermione's ghostly hand in his own. Scared to hold too tightly, lest he pass right through, he began leading her forwards, down to the Room. The arch was not there as they approached, but Harry was not worried. If it could hide a tiara for years without damage, it could safely hold her body for a few days.

As they approached, the Room seemed to sense them, and the archway again spread from the floor, rising until it was twice their height. Afraid to look at her face, Harry led her into the room and felt the magic shift as the archway disappeared behind them, leaving a perfect half sphere of a room sealed on all sides. Hermione squeezed his hand gently as he turned to face her.

He could see the pain on her face as she stood beside her own corpse. And he wanted to apologize for hurting her, even in death, he had managed to do so. Hermione placed a finger on his lips as he took a breath, silencing him.

"It hurts, yes, but we're here for a reason, Harry."

Even in pain, and death, she still encouraged his crazy scheme. He was sure she knew it wouldn't work and was just humouring him one last time. A way to properly say goodbye. He nodded as he prepared the things he would need. As he knelt in a second smaller circle that appeared to the bodies left, he noticed her soul wandering around the room, staring at the many runes. Harry couldn't help but smile at her unending curiosity.

"Hermione," he whispered. She turned to face him, her glowing hair sweeping a large arc behind her as she spun. "Kneel, please." He indicated the space opposite himself.

Smiling that same grin, she gently knelt beside the cold body. Harry took a deep breath before placing the Elder Wand in the bodies hands, pointing the tip towards her head and gently resting both hands on her stomach. He then fished the Stone from his pocket and laid it delicately over her heart, careful not to graze the surface of her body as he did.

Hermione bit her lip as she watched him, afraid for the first time since stepping out of the Veil of what would happen next. Harry's eyes met hers and he indicated for her to place her hands over the Stone. Reaching forward, she placed her hands where he indicated, feeling him lay his own right hand over her clasped fingers.

Reaching down, he pinched the very bottom tip of the Elder Wand with his other hand and locking his eyes on Hermione's he took one last deep breath.

"Harry," she stopped him, watching him closely, "I love you."

Harry froze like a deer caught in the headlights. He knew now what he felt for her was love but hadn't dreamed she felt the same back. It had to be love. Hearing it now sent so many emotions rippling through him. Terror, elation, regret, hope. Love.

That cheeky grin she had fallen for spread over his face, lighting it up so that it glowed almost as brightly as she did in the dark room.


The word was less than a whisper as neither one let their eyes drift. They felt the spell draw magic from both bodies and the room as it shot from the tip of the wand and struck the Stone.

Hermione gasped loudly as she felt a tight suction, like apparition, pulling on her fingers. Unable to break eye contact, she could not look down to see what was happening but could feel the drawing of her soul as it stretched.

Harry watched enraptured as the Stone sucked the glowing soul through itself and pressed it into the rapidly heating body beneath his fingers. Those brown eyes disappearing from his view as the entire glowing form was drained through the Stone and back into the body it had been so forcefully ripped from.

As the last wisps of her soul were drawn into her body, Harry watched the Stone follow, losing form and rushing like smoke into the corpse. As he glanced down at the clenched hands, the Wand began to dissolve as well before rushing upward and following the Stone through his hand and into Hermione's chest. As the last wisp passed his fingers he felt a pulsing throb inside her chest as Hermione's eyes shot open and her body lurched upwards.

She gasped deeply for air, sucking it down after so long without it. The air tasted differently as it passed her tongue, tickling her throat and mouth. Fear clutched at her chest at the darkness surrounded her. Only the now dull glow of the runes on the walls giving light to the small space. As she settled once more into her body, she could feel her hands holding something warm to her breast. Looking down she saw she held a hand clutched against her.

Following the attached arm back, she finally beheld Harry's face. He looked stunned and scared, but somehow still happy.

Hermione lunged at him, knocking them both to the floor as she enwrapped him in the strongest hug she had ever given. The man of her dreams had quite literally brought her back from death. Afraid to let him go again for fear that he would leave, she held him tight and cried into his shoulder.

Harry was stunned. His insane plan had worked. It had cost the Stone and Wand, but he couldn't care less about those worthless trinkets. He had Hermione back, and he would have gladly given a lot more to accomplish such a thing. He lay on his back on the hard floor for what felt like hours as Hermione cried over him. He relished in the feeling of her now warm body against his own, a feeling he had feared he would never know again.

As the sobbing form above him finally stilled once more, only moving as she took in deep breaths, Harry shifted his hand along her back sliding up until it rested against her cheek. Softly guiding her face to lift above his own, he once more stared into the chocolate eyes of his best friend.

Smiling softly, he spoke ever so gently, "I love you too."

Fresh tears spilled from her eyes as she dipped down and took his lips for the first time, and they both lost themselves to it.


Harry wrapped his arms gently around Hermione, walking slowly behind her as they wound their way through the deserted corridors of Hogwarts. They could still hear voices echoing about the walls, so they knew people were still there, but they did not encounter anyone until they reached the Great Hall.

Stopping outside the open doors they saw hundreds assembled eating over the rebuilt tables. Most were laughing and smiling, sharing stories of their experiences. Harry felt no pull to go to them. They had failed him utterly in his every time of need.

Catching sight of the heads of red hair assembled at what was the Gryffindor table, he found Ron's face among the crowd. He was one of the loudest, shouting out his successes, even claiming credit for things Harry and Hermione had done. About the only thing he wasn't claiming to have done was ending Voldemort.

Thinking about that, Harry looked over at the repaired hourglasses. He was unsure of just how long it had been since the battle, but almost all signs of it had been swept away from the Hall. It was like they all just wanted to wipe it away and forget it. At that moment, Harry finally made his mind up.

"They aren't going to change, are they?" He whispered in Hermione's ear.


The swell of anger he felt towards his former friends and adopted family shocked him. After everything they'd suffered, they would just keep on going on the exact same way. It would only be a matter of time before another monster was bred from this fertile ground.

"I'm leaving."

"I'm going with you."

Harry's arms tightened around her waist as he pulled her closer.

"Thank you."

Turning under the cloak, she looked up into his pained eyes. Smiling she pressed her lips to his own once more. Minutes passed before they broke apart. Eyes locked together they breathed as one.

"Let's go, Harry."

She gently pulled him in the direction of the exit, both hidden beneath the only remaining Hallow as they slipped from the grasp of both Hogwarts and Britain. Neither would ever return, and he was happy to let the fools believe that both he and Hermione had died that day.

Harry had lost his wand to Nagini at Christmas, and now the Elder Wand as well. He had no inkling of where Draco's wand had ended up in the state he'd been in after her death. And yet Harry felt no desire to go and buy a new one. Hermione's wand had been lost to her since Malfoy Manor and with the final curse, Bellatrix had surely won the allegiance of her monstrous wand once again. And she too felt no need to replace either.

They would quietly visit Gringotts and withdraw some of Harry's inheritance. From there they'd go to Australia, find Hermione's parents, and live the rest of their lives in anonymity. Neither felt any need to do so with magic. They both felt just as at home in the Muggle world. It had never taken from them. Harry's relatives had hurt him, but they'd never taken another soul away from him as the magical world had. And forevermore, wherever Harry led, Hermione would follow.

As they stepped beyond the ward line of Hogwarts for the last time, they turned to look at the castle. Shaking his head, Harry wrapped Hermione tightly in his arms and with a crack, they were gone.