So I did something a tad different here, you'll see as you read. Anyways, this one has ties to "Born of Twilight"(ok, it's actually a 'continuation' of it). So I'd suggest reading that one as well so you're not lost. Anyways, here comes one of mine (yes, you heard that right, this Chosen is one of mine. I created her).

Chapter 1

Cira stared out the window, idly stirring a spoon in a cup of hot chocolate. There were catalogues of venues, dresses, etc. strewn about the table before her. Her fiancé came up and put his hands on her shoulders.

"You ok?" Arthur asked, "You look out of it,"

Cira turned to face him, giving him a small smile.

"Just thinking…Leo's worried about Zoe and how she's doing," she told him.

"Doesn't surprise me," Arthur chuckled, "Panth's been wondering about her too. I can't believe it's been five months since they adopted her,"

Zoe was…interesting…to say the least. The sweet little girl had nearly died, but Pantheon and Leona had saved her, adopting her not long after. The little girl was also a fellow Champion, something that neither Leona nor Pantheon were happy about.

"What were you thinking?" he asked laying his chin on her head.

"Arthur…what if I can't give you a family?"

The other Chosen froze before coming around to his fiancée.


"It's just…I've wanted nothing more than to be a mom and after I was Chosen I had to…" her form flickered and she held out her hands, her blue eyes sad under the golden visor, "You tell me…do you think I can have kids if I look like this,"

"…I don't know,"

Her form flickered as she hugged her arms.

"Cira…I'm so sorry…I forced this on you…" Leona's voice whispered.

"You didn't force anything on me, Leo," Cira told her, "I chose this. Just like you Chose me,"

Arthur gave a hum.

"She wants a child just as much as Leona did," Pantheon told him, "Leona has one now, however,"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"What do you think,"

"Cira…" Arthur started, "What if…what if we did what Leo and Panth did? What if we adopted a kid?"

Cira's eyes lit up in hope, that heartbroken look on her face melting away.

"So…why don't we start looking?" he asked, "And hey, we'll have a ring bearer or flower girl,"

Cira gave a laugh and hugged him tightly.

"I knew there was a reason I said yes,"


A worn old woman opened the door to the sight of a woman in a business suit and a little, brown-haired, brown eyed girl standing on the stoop.

"Again?" the old woman asked, "What happened this time?"

"Fire," the other woman said as the young girl seemed to shrink in on herself, "Faulty electrical wiring sparked and burned the house down. No one was hurt, but they lost everything,"

"Oh Vesper, come here," the old woman cooed, gathering the little girl in her arms, "Don't worry, sweetheart…you're safe now,"

The girl, Vesper, didn't want to be 'safe'. She wanted a home.

The old woman took Vesper into the orphanage and to a play area filled with other children.

"Lunch will be done in a bit, sweetheart," the old woman told her, gently stroking her wavy hair, "I'm sorry this one didn't work,"

And with that, she left.

"Case 13 strikes again!" one of the boys jeered, making Vesper bow her head, tears streaming.

"It's true! She's been in more homes than all of us put together!" another boy agreed, "What's it been Vesper? Ten homes?"

"…Twenty-five," Vesper whispered, holding her arm.

"And they say that black cats are unlucky!" a girl teased, "She's even worse!"

Vesper's eyes went even darker as she pushed through the crowd of kids and went to 'her' corner, picking up the one-eyed, raggedy teddy bear and hugging it to her chest, burying her head in its fur and breaking into muffled sobs.

This always happened. She was always getting picked because she looked cute with her heart-shaped face and large brown eyes…but she was always being sent back because for some reason bad things always happened to the family she went to.

She wondered why she even tried.

"Annnnndreeeeewwwww!" a child's voice called, getting a sigh from the Summoner.

"What is it Zoe," Andrew sighed.

"I'm bored,"

It took everything Andrew had not to facepalm.

"Mama and Daddy have been gone for ages!" the Aspect of Twilight huffed, crossing her arms, "When are they coming back?"

"They're a bit busy now, Zoe,"

"With what?"

"Cira and Arthur are looking to adopt,"

Zoe's duochrome eyes narrowed.

"But they have me!" she huffed, "Wait! Does that mean I get a little sister!?"

"They can't be on Valoran all the time, Zoe, you know that. And possibly,"

"But they can't be on Earth all the time too," Zoe countered.

"…I swear your mother is rubbing off on you," Andrew sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

Conversations with the League's newest Champion almost always went this way…with Zoe still as hyper as ever and Andrew trying not to scream from the barrage of questions.

"I mean, I am her daughter!" Zoe chirped, "So…who's my sister?"

"You don't even know if it's a girl,"

"I can feel it!" Zoe smirked, crossing her arms.

Andrew looked at the letter.

"You are right…but Cira and Arthur aren't able to see her right now," he told her.

"Can I see? Please? Pretty please? With cherries, and sprinkles and chocolate mooncake and…"

"Alright!" Andrew sighed, turning the scrying glass on his desk to Earth, "Here,"

Zoe hopped up on the desk, her big smile fading as she saw the little girl within, holding her knees to her chest as her big, sad brown eyes stared out the window, tears streaming. Something stirred in Zoe's soul.

"Andrew," the Aspect of Twilight stated, unnaturally serious as she never took her eyes off the girl, "I Choose her,"

"…What?" Andrew asked.

Zoe turned to face him, sparkling tears streaking down her face.

"I want her to be my Chosen," she said firmly.

"That's awful sudden for you…"

"Andrew…she's just like me…" Zoe whispered, "Please…I don't want her to be alone. Even if Mama and Daddy don't take her…I can't leave her,"

"…I'll go talk to her,"

A couple days later, Vesper was drawing in her corner when the caretaker walked up, followed by a man in a dark coat and fedora.

"Vesper, darling?" the woman asked, "There's someone here to see you, he says he knows the couple that's going to adopt you,"

Vesper looked up as the man knelt down.

"Hello, Miss Vesper, my name is Andrew Summers," he started as the caretaker left, "How are you?"

"She says you know the two who are going to adopt me?" the little girl asked.

"I do," he told her, "But I've also got something I want to ask,"

She watched him carefully.

"I work for a video game company named Riot Games," he explained, "They made a game called League of Legends. The League has a bunch of Champions that people 'play' as and try to win with. What they don't know, is that those Champions are actually real. That Valoran is a real place,"

Vesper gave him a skeptic look.

"I actually come from there," he told her, opening his palm and letting violet sparks of light play around his fingertips.

Vesper's eyes widened in wonder as she reached out to touch the sparks, giving a soft giggle as they tickled her palm.

"Those Champions are real too," he said, "A lot of them have something they call 'Chosens'. One Champion wishes to have you as her Chosen. Her name is Zoe, she's our newest Champion…and like you, is an orphan. She was adopted by two other Champions, but you can have her tell you that. She wanted you to not be alone again because she knows painfully well how this feels. So, Miss Vesper, would you say yes to become Zoe? And not be alone?"

Vesper's eyes filled with tears and she hugged Andrew, much to the Summoner's surprise.

"Yes!" she cried, "Please, I don't want to be alone…"

So you all, who haven't read Daybreak, have now met Vesper! Next up...well...let's just say, Cira and Arthur don't know that Vesper was Chosen by Zoe.

For you people wanting Chosens, here are my requirements:

What Champion

Character's name ( 1st and last)



Physical Description


Why were they picked by the Champion?

How did they become the Champion(why did the Champion choose them and what were the circumstances that made the Champion choose to bond with the character? *doesn't have to be tragic accident, but I still want to know why they're the new Champion*)

They CANNOT be Valorian (from Valoran or have family from Valoran. Kayle is the only exception and that will be IT. No more of that). Dynasty Chosens (such as how Shen ended up) will not be taken as they are quite difficult to explain. AND NO MAGIC! (Street magician is fine...but no mystical powers. This is a world without magic save for the magic that comes with Chosens). Also, if you make a Mary Sue/Gary Stu character...I will make you change things about it. I don't want to write those...they're unfair to everyone else...

You will have one month to get me a description of your Chosen before the Champion goes back into the pool. You can have multiple Chosens (my requirement is that they are related/know each other) Limit is 3. I CAN decide whether or not I will use your Chosen, I'm pulling the 'My story, my rules' card. If I see that someone has a very good reason for that Champion, then I will show preference for them mainly because it's easier for me to write.

Champions WITHOUT (meaning NOT TAKEN) a Chosen:






Anyway, hope you liked it. If you did, please let me know!

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.