Link did not consider himself to be a "techy" type of person. His problem-solving skills were phenomenal, his archery skills were deadly, and his swordsmanship was second-to-none. His technological prowess, however, was pitiful at best. He was more than capable with an ancient arrow or a sheikah slate in his hand, but if one of those relics were to ever fall apart on him, he knew he'd be quite screwed.

It was for this reason that Link laid dormant on the isolated bed situated on the dock of East Reservoir Lake while Zelda and a few of the zoras inspected the issues with Divine Beast Vah Ruta. The bed was located at the base of the radiant turquoise dock under an elegant awning adorned with crystals and…a peculiar selection of wine glasses. The majesty of the still lake sprawled out in front of him, reflecting the hypnotizing beauty of the clear, night sky overhead. A yellow streak, cascading amongst the stars, shown its gentle light on the waters before Link, triggering a familiar signal in his head. Had he still been on his epic journey, he would've jumped up immediately and begun racing towards the streak on the horizon, but that objective was not one Link harbored anymore. He was through collecting star fragments.

Following his spectacular face-off with Calamity Ganon, he and Zelda had departed for Zora's Domain to investigate the Divine Beast after it had allegedly stopped working. Even on horseback, the trip took the better part of the day, and by the time the duo had arrived, the sun was just beginning to set over the cliffs of Veiled Falls. His wounds from the fight still fresh on his body, Link was exhausted after finally ascending the steps of Zora's Domain. After handing the princess over to the safety of the zora guards, Link elected to retire to East Reservoir Lake to bask in his thoughts in solitude. He figured even the zora guards would be overkill at this point, since the monsters plaguing Hyrule had pretty much vanished entirely after the banishment of the Calamity.

Now, the hero of Hyrule laid peacefully upon the bed overlooking the lake with his hands under his head for support. His durable Hylian shield and legendary darkness-sealing sword lay propped up against the bedside on the ground next to him, reflecting the moonlight on the pillars of the awning around him. He wore, from head to toe, his full set of signature Zora Armor. Since returning to the Domain after defeating Calamity Ganon, he found that wearing this armor set helped his skin breathe better in humid environments, especially those found around the lakes inhabited by the zoras. The dangling jewelry adorning the helm and chestplate of the armor jingled every time he idly turned his head or shifted his weight.

Within an hour or two of arriving at the Domain, Zelda and her volunteer assistants had made immediate haste for the Divine Beast up on the mountain while Link tiredly trudged his way to the lake. He thought that, after being absent from the rest of the world for 100 years, Zelda would've wanted to spend more time interacting with the zoras and their king before marching up the mountain to work on Vah Ruta. After all, she was the one who had mentioned wanting to give the king some closure regarding his daughter after so many years. Surely, she'll be planning on mingling with the zoras for a while after fixing the Divine Beast's problems.

The king's daughter…the princess of the zoras…Lady Mipha. Link closed his eyes when that name crossed his mind again. Despite his many findings exploring the vastness of Hyrule during the last several weeks, many segments of the hero's memory were still foggy. Some key events, like his inauguration as a Champion, the awakening of Calamity Ganon, and his own defeat following the desperate wage against the possessed guardians, sat resolute in his mind after visiting the respective locations around the fallen kingdom. His relationships with the other Champions, however, were still as hazy as ever. Despite his reluctance to communicate with others after accepting his burdening role as Hylian Champion and protector of the princess, Link longed internally to be able to remember his past with his comrades…his friends.

One of them may not have liked him, though…he just couldn't recall.

His eyes still shut, Link let his mind wander to Mipha. Staring at her statue in the center of the Domain had definitely jogged his memory on many key aspects, including a few of the precious times they've spent together before the Calamity. He remembered the bruise she had healed for him on the trunk of Vah Ruta one quiet evening. He remembered the picture he had taken next to her and the other Champions outside of Hyrule castle. He even remembered the time he had first met her in the Domain after a sparring match with one of Hyrule's knights. He was practically still sucking his thumb at that time, so that memory may have been blurry as well, but it still stuck out enough in his mind to be distinguished. He slowly began to realize through thoughtful reflection just how much time he had spent with Mipha during his past.

He was still missing many pieces of the puzzle, the majority of which Link felt were crucial. He figured a fair amount of his activities with the zora princess must've taken place in areas he hadn't managed to visit on his quest, which would mean he didn't even remember what he didn't remember. The lack of closure sparked a growing discomfort in the deepest part of his mind, causing him to anxiously shift his weight a few times. The jewelry on his armor jingled some more.

The sound of said jewelry gave rise to another factor in his mind. He glanced down at himself from the horizon he had been staring at, eyeing the elegant zora chestplate that shone its might off the core of his body. That armor…the king had said something about it when he gave it to Link at the Domain before he was to venture off with Prince Sidon to appease Vah Ruta with the shock arrows. In addition, Link vaguely remembered reading something about it on one of the engravings next to Ruto Lake. The king had said that Mipha made the armor herself shortly before the coming of the Calamity, and the engraving mentioned armor-crafting as…an official engagement tradition of the zoras. Lastly, he remembered his conversation with Sidon and the elder Muzu in front of Mipha's great statue the same night he received the armor in the first place.

Link removed his hands from under his head and patted himself down, marveling at the complex dimensions of the chestplate. Sidon was right; the armor DID fit perfectly. It would only make sense, then, that Mipha had Link in mind when she was making the armor. That would mean…she wanted to marry him. Could he…could they…possibly have been…

"Hey, buddy!" A familiar voice called.

Link quickly opened his eyes upon hearing the silence broken. His hands fell to his sides. Turning his head slightly in the direction of the voice, he was surprised to see Prince Sidon jogging up to the awning under which he lay. The zora prince wore a warm, friendly smile upon joining Link under the awning. Link promptly sat up on the bed.

"I thought you were up on the mountain fixing Vah Ruta with the others!" Sidon mused. "When my father told me of your whereabouts, I figured I'd join you. Not much into elbow grease, I assume?"

Link, as usual, said nothing. He stared absently into Sidon's eyes before allowing his gaze to settle on the ground beneath him. He shrugged. Sidon chuckled gently.

"Yeah, I didn't think so, especially after your big battle and all. I myself don't know much about Vah Ruta beyond its need for electricity and its ability to create water from nothing, so when I heard them say something about the issue being in its laser sight, I knew I wouldn't be of much help." He chuckled again.

A very light grin appeared on Link's face before quickly disappearing again. Sidon's upbeat and overwhelmingly friendly attitude always tried to be contagious, but lately, Link had been sadly lacking in emotional strength. When Sidon turned back to look directly at Link again, he could see remnants of this weakness in the hero's expression. As he looked on, Link, his head down, toyed with the silver decorations hanging from his chestplate. Sidon's expression turned to one of sadness and sympathy.

"Look, Link, I know I've said this before, but…I think you're just…stunningly amazing in everything you do. My people and I are still overjoyed that you appeased Vah Ruta and saved our precious home. And recently, we've witnessed your feat against Calamity Ganon out in central Hyrule from the safety of our mountainside. All of us…and I especially…are so proud of you." With every word of his speech, Sidon's sense of heartfelt emotion grew stronger. He figured, perhaps, that it had something to do with Link's role in helping him fulfill his late sister's request on top of the waterfall 100 years ago.

He found, however, that Link's expression had not changed. Despite receiving Sidon's unwavering words of praise and appreciation, he didn't seem the least bit comforted. Sidon couldn't help but to sigh. "…You know, Mipha would've been proud of you too."

At this, he noticed Link's eyes widen. The hero released his grip on the chestplate ornament he had been holding and looked up again to meet Sidon's gaze. Seeing the response, Sidon smiled again, and sat down on the bed next to Link. The two sat silently next to each other under the awning's moonlight shadow for a peaceful minute or two. Link stared at the collection of wine glasses nestled on the banister next to the bed, and Sidon gazed out at the sparkling waters of East Reservoir Lake, where he and Link had worked together to deactivate Vah Ruta just weeks prior. Link glanced over at Sidon a few times, waiting for him to say something. Mentioning Mipha had piqued the hero's interest.

Sidon turned back to look at Link again, a playful grin on his face. "…I'm sensing you're interested in knowing more about my sister. Would I be correct?"

Link stared deeply into Sidon's eyes after hearing this question, and, after a few fateful seconds, he nodded his head in response. The zora prince's face lit up upon receiving an answer from the mute Hylian hero.

"Well, I know I was quite young while Mipha was around, so I may not have all the answers, but I do remember much about how she made me feel back in those days…" He began, trailing off as if in a dream. "She helped instill a lot of the confidence I have in me today. She never stopped telling me to believe in myself. It was on top of Veiled Falls 100 years ago that she made me promise to protect our home from harm after she was gone. When I wake up each morning…when I actively spend each day making sure our beautiful Domain is safe…while I was helping you shut down Vah Ruta not too long ago…I always remind myself of how I never want to let her down."

Link recalled to himself his meeting with Sidon before going to work on Vah Ruta those few weeks ago. The prince had told him that he believed in him. This encouraging line now seemed synonymous with how Mipha spoke to the prince 100 years prior. She shaped Sidon into the fearless, kind, dependable leader that was sitting on the bed with him today, in front of the majesty of the East Reservoir. In a way, Link was talking to an extension of Mipha herself.

Upon making this connection, more of Link's memories began to unlock. His encounter with the Lynel on Ploymus Mountain where he fought alongside her, his lunches with her between sparring practices with the zora guards, the jealousy of that other zora woman…what was her name…Kodah? He thought back on these returning memories rather fondly, and in the process, he gradually began to rediscover the value of his past relationship with the deceased zora Champion. Something still felt…missing from his mind, however.

Link looked back up at Sidon as he continued. "My sister was the kindest soul to ever grace our Domain. It's hard even nowadays to picture her as a seasoned warrior, for her compassion just outshines every semblance of capability she may have ever had for violence. I may be over ten feet tall physically," he added, chuckling, "but I still look up to her even today. I think…perhaps all of my people see her statue every day and strive to be like her."

Link looked straight at Sidon as he spoke. As the hero's mind struggled to piece together the dusty fragments of his memory with Mipha, it seemed that…his heart was doing the same. The descriptions, the stories, the emotions…he was now sure he liked her, but…did he love her? And if so…how much?

Upon finishing his description, the zora prince studied Link's expression very carefully. Usually Sidon could rely on his ability to read faces, especially since he considered Link to be his closest pal, and Link…wasn't exactly an extroverted character. But this time, Sidon was intrigued to find that he couldn't decipher Link's thoughts. It was as if a complex whirlwind of feelings and emotions was raging in his friend's mind. To pick out a response was to pick a needle from a haystack.

Sidon knew something Link didn't about him and Mipha, however. Before the night was up, he was determined to share this information with his friend so that he may hopefully understand fully the impact he had made on her and the zora people 100 years ago. The clever prince knew that the key to achieving this was subtlety. He smiled, and with a sigh, he stood up.

"Come, Link. Walk with me. Let's go pay Vah Ruta and the others a visit."

With nothing else to do beyond continuing to lay on the bed and wallow in his uncertainties, Link eagerly stood up behind Sidon. He walked around to the other side of the bed and, after bending down to grab his signature sword and shield, disappeared to follow the prince. He took a deep, refreshing breath of the glimmering lake air.

In order to reach the Divine Beast's perch, the duo needed to travel downhill to the southwest of the East Reservoir along the Ruto Precipice, which eventually gave way to Ruto Mountain, just shy of the circular lake in which Vah Ruta waited. Along the way, Zora's Domain sat in the valley to their right, presenting its exquisitely stunning glory in the night. The stone of the monuments itself seemed to glow a radiant, inviting shade of turquoise against the suctioning blackness of the cliffs surrounding it. That, coupled with the many lanterns and torches scattered around the Domain, gave off a brilliant beacon of warmth and welcoming to contrast the enveloping cape of darkness Hyrule was often known for. It was the most beautiful place Link had ever seen, and revisiting it during his weary travels always gave him a minor sense of comfort and, strangely…belonging. It was something he couldn't describe.

During their walk, not much was said beyond some idle comments on Sidon's part regarding the stunning view of the Domain during the night. Link didn't need to be told twice; the Domain was perfect in any way a structure could be. He did wish Sidon would've talked a bit more, however. Being as silent as he was all the time, he often found it awkward when his companions didn't talk much either. On the other hand, upon leaving the East Reservoir, Link was certain that Sidon had more to talk about. He figured, perhaps, that the esteemed zora prince was saving it for their arrival at Vah Ruta.

Despite the lack of conversation, though, Link's mind was fully occupied. Since listening to Sidon at the lake earlier, the troubled hero couldn't shake the constant, intruding thoughts of Mipha swirling around in his head. Upon leaving the Shrine of Resurrection after his 100-year slumber, Link had absorbed his desolate surroundings with an objective and largely uncaring focus, treating the remains of the once-flourishing kingdom and the death of his closest friends as merely additional, mundane elements of the world in which he found himself. This was probably due to the lack of memory he had for everything in his fateful past. However, for the first time since his awakening, Link was beginning to feel a longing. A longing for the life he once had. A longing for the experiences he once shared with Zelda…with the Champions…with Mipha.

He flinched as he bumped into Sidon's back. Sidon, barely even fazed due to his size, turned around to look at Link. "Head in the clouds, friend?" He chuckled. "We're here."

Realizing how distracted he had been, Link looked upwards at the Divine Beast while rubbing his forehead. Following the defeat of Calamity Ganon, the giant machine no longer positioned itself facing Hyrule castle. In addition, the other three Divine Beasts had shut off their laser sights, as the other Champion spirits were obviously aware that the threat had been eliminated. Vah Ruta's sight, however, had failed early, just moments after firing the initial beam at Ganon in the castle. As a result, when Link studied the Beast from the rock mountaintop below, he could see several zoras walking around its exterior with a relaxed but focused pace, working together to address the device's problems. They looked like helpless ants compared to the Beast's daunting size. Many of them had collected around the machine's front end under its massive trunk, where the laser sight was supposedly situated. Among the crowd, Link and Sidon spotted Zelda, and they began to approach her.

When Zelda glanced up from her work and saw the two of them, she smiled and waved. "Greetings, you two!" She said in her distinguishable accent. "Are you enjoying the scenery up here?"

Link mused to himself about how peppy and lighthearted Zelda had become recently since the banishment of the Calamity. It seemed like coming out of a 100-year struggle to contain Ganon's Malice would make Hyrule's princess rather weary and unsociable, but just the opposite was apparently true. On the other hand, he admitted to himself, the relief associated with the end of the suffering coupled with the satisfaction of finally mastering her holy sealing power must be enough to improve her mood.

"It is stunning as usual, Your Highness." Prince Sidon answered with a respectful bow.

Zelda giggled and rolled her eyes. "Sidon, you know very well that you are also royalty. And with a new, fresh start for Hyrule, I consider myself less of a princess and more of a humble servant of the Goddess. If anything, I should be the one bowing to you!"

Sidon chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it, princess."

During their greeting, Link looked around him at the Divine Beast and the zoras working hard to maintain it. It became immediately obvious to him that many of the female zoras working in the area were aware of Sidon's presence. Most of them were standing near each other and giggling while looking at him, while a few others tried to hide themselves while fanning their faces. He found it interesting that almost every female he met on his journey acted the same way in his presence. While having to wear the feminine Gerudo garb out in the desert in order to infiltrate the settlement, he even noticed several men acting similarly towards him. He was beginning to grow suspicious of what this behavior meant.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Zelda address them both. "If you two were looking to get some time with Vah Ruta, you needn't worry. We were just starting to hit a snag in our repair work, and most of the zoras are electing to return here tomorrow after a good night's rest. We should all be out of your way within a few minutes or so."

Sidon, after thanking the princess, raised a question. "Whatever do you mean by 'a snag?'"

Zelda shook her head in exasperation. "We suspect we're missing a few crucial parts to finish the repair. The remaining guardians Link wasn't forced to destroy on his quest are now back on our side, so we're strictly devoting ourselves to their protection, and as a result, we're running low on ancient parts."

Link grinned awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. Zelda raised an eyebrow. "Link, just so you know, I may very well need you to travel out to Hyrule castle tomorrow and scavenge for more parts. If I end up requiring this service from you, I will compile a list of the parts I'll be needing. The scientists appointed by my father 100 years ago kept a few sizable storage wings full of ancient parts near the lockup in case any of the guardians needed repair. Would you be willing to do this for me should I ask tomorrow?"

Link nodded and accepted the task without hesitation. His role since the very beginning was to protect and assist Zelda in whatever she may need, and, despite King Rhoam's passing in the Great Calamity, he was determined to adhere strictly to his duty. In addition, he felt like he owed it to her and the zoras for destroying guardians and making parts scarce in the first place.

"Alright then, perfect." She concluded, clapping her hands together. "Well then, gentlemen, I do suppose it would be my time to retire for the night. We've all put in a great deal of work these last few hours, and I must say, we're making steady progress!" With this announcement, she swiftly stood up, and dusted herself off. Sidon extended his hand, which Zelda promptly grabbed and shook firmly.

"Thank you for all your help, princess. My father and I, the zora people, and the spirit of Mipha appreciate your assistance." He stated regally. Zelda blushed.

Link sighed upon hearing Mipha's name spoken again. He also noticed, it seemed, that Prince Sidon was a totally different zora to Zelda than he was to Link. He seemed far more grounded and formal when speaking to Zelda, whereas he seemed more like a casual, personal friend towards Link. To Link, he almost acted…like a brother. He had to wonder…did Sidon really see him that way?

The distracted Champion once again had to snap back to reality when he noticed Sidon already walking towards the Divine Beast. Zelda had left on her return to the Domain just moments ago, along with the brigade of zoras that were helping her with the repairs. As far as he and the prince were concerned, they were now the only two remaining on the mountaintop with Vah Ruta. Link shook off the fog he was in and jogged after Sidon.

With WaterBlight Ganon defeated some time ago, no hazards confronted the duo as they traversed the Beast on their way to the trunk. Link had surrendered the sheikah slate to Zelda after defeating Calamity Ganon, so he had no control over Vah Ruta's movements in a way that would've made their navigation easier. It supposedly wouldn't have made a difference, though, since Mipha's spirit was now in control of the Beast. Curiously enough, probably due to her watchful eye, the Beast's trunk extended just as Link and Sidon approached it from the inside, allowing them to travel up the long extension without any problems. After only a few short minutes inside the giant mechanical creature, the two of them were back outside on the Beast's perched trunk, basking under the glow of the moonlight.

Sidon let out a long, content sigh. "Doesn't the air feel amazing up here, Link? I feel closer to my sister than ever when I visit Vah Ruta. That is, after you purged the demon living inside it."

Link could sort of agree with the prince on that point. Mipha was Vah Ruta's master, and after he defeated WaterBlight, it was her spirit that came to him within the control room and granted him her sacred healing power. Vah Ruta was where Mipha had first made contact with Link in over 100 years, so how could he not feel connected to her here?

The question he had was, was Sidon aware of the fact that his deceased sister's spirit literally crossed into the physical world at this place? In fact, after being freed by Link weeks prior to this night, her spirit stood right where they now stood on the Beast's trunk while overlooking Hyrule in its decayed state. In essence, he was even closer to his sister than he thought. Although, unfortunately, her spirit could no longer greet them as it did before with Link, as it had been finally laid to rest along with the other Champions upon Ganon's defeat.

Sidon, his gaze set out on the distant Hyrule castle, put his hands on his hips. "You know, Link, I actually resented you a little bit as a child 100 years ago. I loved my sister very dearly, but it seemed like she was always occupied with you during her bits of free time. I felt almost like you were stealing her away from me." He chuckled gently, reminiscing on his innocent past.

Once Sidon started talking, Link had turned around to face him, and sat down cross-legged on the smooth surface of Vah Ruta's trunk. At sitting height, Sidon appeared to tower over him like a mighty skyscraper. He listened very closely to the prince's reflections.

"This is where it gets a little personal. I've never told anyone this before, and only my father knows about it." Sidon couldn't help but to smile. "…But I used to follow you two sometimes when you'd run off from the Domain. My little legs would get sore from running after you both, since you were so much bigger and faster than me." At this, he laughed a little at his own childhood shenanigans, and Link actually bore a smile as well. "It's just that I wanted to know what was so special about you. I would hide in the bushes or behind a tree while you guys would swim in a lake together or stare at the clouds in a grassy meadow. You looked like such special friends to me."

Link looked down at his legs, grinning from ear to ear. He didn't remember smiling like this in well over 100 years. Even before the Calamity, he felt too much overbearing responsibility to ever express any positive emotions. The last time he figured he would've smiled like this…was in his early childhood upon visiting Zora's Domain for the first time. Thinking about such incredible, intimate experiences with the kind and beautiful zora princess, however, just grew to be too much for the shell containing his deepest feelings. How could he have taken such precious moments for granted?

Sidon was not done talking yet, though. When Link looked back up from the ground, still smiling, he observed the zora prince looking back at him, sharing a similar smile. He could already see the growing warmth in his dear Hylian friend upon hearing his childhood stories. Sidon knew with unwavering confidence that Link and Mipha were more than friends, however, and he was just moments away from revealing it. Even telling Link about the average sunny afternoons he spent with Mipha seemed to be doing the trick, but he had one more secret to share.

He said his name one more time to ensure he was paying attention. "Link…"

Link was already looking straight into Sidon's eyes, so he promptly continued. "How much do you remember about that bed you were laying on earlier? The one on the dock by East Reservoir Lake?"

Link shrugged. It just seemed to him like a conveniently-located amenity for couples' honeymoons or something.

Sidon continued with another question. "Do you know why there are so many wine glasses sitting on the banister there?"

Again, Link shrugged, so Sidon continued. He noticed the hero almost quivering in anticipation. "I'll have you know that, 100 years ago, my father ordered those wine glasses to remain untouched. Even to this day a century later, we zoras have honored that decree. Those glasses belonged to Mipha, and she only shared them with you."

Upon hearing this information, Link's mind suddenly started moving a mile a minute. How could that be? He was laying right on that bed a mere couple of feet away from those wine glasses…and he couldn't even remember. Heck, a few of them were sitting on the side table only inches from the bedside! To think he was resting in a place so precious to him and Mipha…and he didn't even realize it. It was almost overwhelming to think of how strong his bond must've been with her.

Yet again, however, the flustered hero's thoughts were interrupted as Sidon spoke. "But Link, that's not all. In the few fateful weeks leading up to the Calamity, the two of you became practically inseparable. I continued to follow you as much as I could, but you two were away from home so much that I'd get tired and have to turn back. More and more often, as the days wore on, the two of you would retire to that same bed at night by the lake and not return to the Domain until morning." The prince took a deep breath and bit his bottom lip. "I'll have you know, Link…there were some nights leading up to the Calamity that I will never forget. Nights I've tried following my sister to the lake when she'd run off with you. My father would always catch me and forbid me from approaching the East Reservoir while you two were gone there."

The prince paused and looked solemnly at Link, who was now quivering noticeably. Sidon's face turned to one of great sadness, and he sighed, turning away from Link and staring thoughtfully at the moon. He brought his right hand up to his chest. "Link, I used to think during those times that it was merely past my curfew. I think…no, I KNOW now…that that was not really the case. It was no coincidence that my father would allow me to wander off behind you two wherever you went…but stop me whenever I tried following you to East Reservoir Lake."

Link gasped in shock, fully realizing what the prince was telling him. His eyes widened, and his jaw fell slack. He continued to quiver anxiously as his mind began making connections on an unprecedented scale.

Sidon saw this reaction upon looking back at Link, and his sorrow grew, thinking about how painful it must've been…the tragedies of the Calamity. With a heavy heart, he spoke once more. "Dear friend…Mipha loved you…very, very much. She willingly devoted her soul to you, and on those fateful nights at the lake, her body, as well. To us zora, a bond that sacred is celebrated to the greatest extent. Your connection to our princess filled our people with great pride." He looked toward the ground as he continued. "I…I didn't understand at the time. I was just so young and innocent. But I see it now, and…great hero…" He looked back up into Link's eyes. "…I'm proud to call you my brother."

It was at that exact moment that the floodgates in Link's mind opened, and he remembered everything. The places they went together, the moments he shared with her, the things she said to him, and most importantly…the nights they spent together by the lake. Like a freight train, his fragile mind was slammed with the entirety of his powerful relationship with the zora Champion all at once, and almost immediately, he broke down, buried his face in his hands, and wept.

Mipha…sweet Mipha…how could Link have been so ungrateful as to forget about her and the priceless bond they had with each other? How could he have been so careless as to allow her spirit to remain trapped in this cursed Divine Beast for 100 years? And when he finally did come to set her free, how could he have been so naïve as to stand there in silence as she faced him in the control room for the first time since the Calamity? Link had had his chance…his chance to tell her how much she meant to him…his chance to reconcile for all the wrongs he had done her. But she was gone now…moved on from this world…and Link now had no more chances. He wanted nothing more than to be with her again…to live and breathe with her as one for the rest of eternity. If only…if only…if only he had one more chance.

Author's Note:Hello! This is my first time writing a fanfic for something other than MLP. There are still three more chapters and an epilogue, so I hope you enjoy! Also, just for those who play Breath of the Wild, the bed at East Reservoir Lake is a real place you can visit! I took a selfie in the game, which I posted to the end of this chapter over on WattPad. Feel free to check it out!