A/N: My OK Teacher has a birthday today. This is my present. And yes, you will have to put up with my horrible proofreading skills. This is a surprise.

All rights to the Criminal Minds characters belong to Mark Gordon Productions, CBS and ABC Studios. No rant this time.

*Knightly bow*

Chapter 1

The Thursday before the King Holiday weekend, Jack was riding home after school on the bus. His cell phone, a Christmas present from his dad and pop buzzed in his book bag. He dug it out and looked at the text. Jack deeply smiled at the name of the sender.

Hey pal! Please don't be alarmed with Rosa's car gone when you get home. I'm here. A smiley emoji was inserted. And Jack, I know the code for a security threat. Dad and pop told me. It's all good. I'll explain rest when you get home.

Jack smiled as the bus stopped at the end of the driveway. He grabbed his book bag and headed up the aisle to get off. "Good night Maria," he smiled at the driver, slipping the strap of the bag on his shoulder. "See you in the morning."

"Have a good night Jack," Maria smiled.

"You too," Jack smiled as he leaped off the last step and ran up the driveway. Blowing into the home, Jack dumped his book bag and jacket in the entry way to run into the kitchen. "Uncle Sean!" he shouted racing at him. Max intercepted that reunion with Sean smiling at the both of them.

When Jack and Max finished, Sean took the assault of the power hug his twelve year old nephew unleashed on him. "Hi you," Sean smiled, wrapping Jack in a big hug. "I've missed you. Sorry I missed Christmas again. You know me and the crazy restaurant business."

"That's okay Uncle Sean," Jack smiled at him. "The Skype session opening presents together was awesome," he smiled. "What are you doing here?"

Sean smiled, rubbing Jack's head. "My boss gave me the holiday weekend off. I know dad and pop are out on a case. And maybe Rosa and Aunt Jess could use a break?" Jack smiled at him. He looked at Jack. "And I get quality time with my nephew," Sean smiled. "How's that for a win?"

Jack smiled back. "That's a serious win. What's the plan?"

"First off Jack, you need to find me some keys to Papa's SUV." Jack reached into a basket on the counter and jangled Dave's keys to his Land Rover SUV in the garage at Sean with his big smile.

"Show off," Sean smiled, taking the keys, slightly nudging Jack's head. "Now we go to the grocery store." Sean looked into the entry way. "After you put on your coat and get your book bag in the kitchen so we can take care of your homework," Sean growled, putting his index finger into Jack's shoulder.

"You sound like dad," Jack snarked back, moving to get his bag.

"Good," Sean fired back. "Would Rosa or Jess let you get away with dumping your coat on the floor? Far less your dad or papa?"

Jack looked at him. "Okay Uncle Sean. I'm busted. What's the plan?"

Sean smiled. "Tacos for dinner tonight and getting your homework done. I've got the grocery list made for dinner. Tomorrow afternoon?" Sean asked, smiling at Jack. "You think you can get the three of us to the cabin?" Sean asked, petting Max.

"The cabin?" Jack brightly smiled. "That's a major win. Let's do it Uncle Sean."

Sean and Jack put on their coats together. Sean opened the door to let Jack out and looked at Max. "You're not coming along?" Max barked and bolted out the door following Jack. Sean set the security alarm and locked the deadbolt as Jack and Max got in Dave's SUV.


Sean was tucking in a sleepy and showered Jack into bed when Jack's cellphone rang. Sean smiled at the caller ID, picking it up off Jack's bedstand and handed it to him.

"Hi dad," Jack yawned.

"That time already buddy?"

"I've had a good day dad. But I'm getting tired," Jack said, putting his cell on speaker.

"Who wore you out Jack? Rosa or Jess?" Dave asked.

"A surprise papa," Jack yawned. The team, eating their dinner around the table in San Francisco field office looked at each other a bit on alert.

"Hello big brother," Sean smiled. "You too Dave. I've got the holiday weekend off after the monster hours I put in over the holidays; especially around New Year's Eve. The boss kicked my ass out of the kitchen until Thursday. And I knew you two and the team are out on a case. I can't be around much to back you two." Emily smiled at JJ. "But when I get a chance like this, I'm going to. I sorta love my family; even dealing with the bottomless pit squirt."

"I so hear that," JJ said. Emily rubbed her shoulder.

"Jayje," Sean said. "He ate four tacos. Carnivore style."

JJ giggled. "Sean, Will and I have two sons. I understand completely."

"So do I Sean," Dave smiled. "I count that I still have all my fingers after taco night at home." The team laughed as Hotch nodded his head with his small smile.

"I'm just as guilty," he smiled.

"Thanks Sean for the back-up. Aaron and I appreciate it," Dave smiled.

"I love doing it Dave. But Dave, I gotta ask. Does Jack know the security code to the alarm system at the cabin? 'Cause Dave I don't know if my cell can handle the encrypted shit from Garcia. I'll still the recovering junkie paying bills. My cell is pretty low tech."

Aaron smiled. "Yes Sean, he does. And thank you. Dave and I appreciate this more than you'll ever know."

"Aaron I promised you and Dave I support your family. Problem is – I only get so many chances to do it with my work schedule. This is one. I ran with it." Aaron and Dave smiled at each other. "But hey guys? First things first; someone is tired and needs his parents before I tuck him in."

The team all smiled listening to Hotch and Dave saying good night to Jack.


Jack blew in the back door on Friday getting off the bus. Sean looked at him smiling. "We got your clothes bag packed last night. You're old enough to get you book bag ready." Jack headed for the stairs. "Jack!" He turned at looked at Sean. "Pal, I've only been there once. You've got to be my navigator. You're heads down with me on the drive there. Please take that into account packing you book bag. It's not videos and games pal on the drive."

Jack smiled. "Got it Uncle Sean." He started to move to the steps and then stopped and looked at Sean. "We need this. Just you and me."

"Yeah we do," Sean smiled.
