Big thanks to my beta Sherry for editing this chapter! Also, a giant thanks to anyone who's reading this! Hearing your stories and knowing that some of us have gone through the same thing means the world to me. Thank you.

"Come on skinny love just last the year

Pour a little salt we were never here

My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my

Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer…

I told you to be patient

I told you to be fine

I told you to be balanced

I told you to be kind

In the morning I'll be with you

But it will be a different kind

'Cause I'll be holding all the tickets

And you'll be owning all the fines."

-Bon Iver-


She stares at her computer for an immeasurable amount of time, unable to comprehend what just happened. Hearing his voice… knowing that someone out there-even if it was someone who didn't truly know her-cared about her enough to stop her from doing something so final… so irreversible. She doesn't feel the inclination to harm herself in this moment, but she knows it won't take long for that inclination to trickle back into her consciousness. There's this dark part of her that's always been there, telling her how easy it would be to end it all. She's stayed strong so far-ignored the not so subtle voice in her mind-but she knows one day the temptation could grow too overwhelming to resist. One day, she might wake-up and decide on something she'll never be able to take back. But... isn't that the point? Isn't that why death seems so beautiful? It's finality is what is appealing. No more hurt. No more worry. No more suffering. No more of anything to contend with. First, she closes her eyes as a shiver runs down her spine. Then, she smiles.

The end. Two words, which should never seem so happy. Her smile slowly fades away because now she knows there's someone out there who would care if she decided to finish it. Edward. What a beautiful, timeless name. A name she's found in so many of the classics she's read-time and time again-to escape reality. Edward. Her savior. Her guardian angel.

She wonders if he truly meant what he said. Would he truly want to be her friend? Looking back, she can't remember the last time she had a friend. She had the tendency to push everyone away. It was easier that way, after all. Besides, she never felt like leaving her room. A new day on the horizon was always such a scary prospect for her. Bella only leaves the sanctuary of her house when necessary. She goes to school, goes to work, and then comes home to lock herself away in her room. School-her personal Hell on Earth.

Thankfully, she only has a few more weeks left until graduation. Kids are cruel. They're too egocentric to care about others suffering. No one ever gave Bella a chance. Well, one girl did, but then she transferred after her parents decided to move to another school district, leaving Bella completely alone again. With no one to talk to, she sunk further into the abyss, which was better known as her depression. In a way, her depression is comforting to her, like an embrace from an old friend because it's always been there.

Her depression embraces her as she readies herself for school-her own personal hell. It may seem dramatic, but to Bella it's the truth. Slumberous still, Bella pads across her bedroom to the bathroom and slowly undresses. Stepping into the shower, she turns the faucet to a scalding temperature and exhales as the water hits her naked skin. It feels wonderful. She smiles as her skin turns a bright shade of pink, and stands still for a while until she feels something-anything, and only then does she begin to wash her hair. She's sluggish as she's washes, not wanting to get out and put on a brave face for another school day.

She'll put on an act, like she usually does, pretending she's all right as she coasts through her classes. All the while going unnoticed by her teachers and peers. If no one interacts with her, she believes her day was perfect. Because when people do bother with her, they never have good intentions. She can't stand the taunting. She can't stand the constant threat of violence from several girls in her grade. Truly, she can't stand being her.

Nevertheless, today is a new day. Today, she has a friend. One friend who understands me. A melancholy smile tugs at her lips at the thought. Her only friend, Edward, has never even met her. They've only talked for a matter of minutes, but she already feels like they know each other. It's a thrilling feeling, something that she's not used to. Normally, Bella feels numb, but when Edward's number lights up her phone she feels something-a spark of emotion. She can't understand it because it's been so long since anything has moved her.

As she slides into a pair of jeans and throws on one of her nicest sweaters-keeping her colors bleak as to not draw too much attention to herself-her phone lights up with a new text message. She gulps. Only one person could be texting her. Edward.

Bella practically trips over her throw rug as she scuttles over to her bed to grab her phone. Her fingers are shaking and she wonders why she's so nervous. It's just a text message, and it's probably nothing. Still, no one ever texts her. The few friends that use to text her stopped after they realized how boring she was. At least, that's what Bella believes happened. Truly, she'd barely respond to their messages, and she never went out of her way to make plans, until, finally, they stopped reaching out to her.

Quickly, Bella unlocks her phone and her eyes brighten as she reads the message. It's short, but thoughtful at the same time. She can't remember the last time anyone went out of their way to be thoughtful toward her.

Good morning, Bella. I hope you have a great day at school today.

Such a simple text, and yet it means the absolute world to her. It's a reminder that she's not alone. It's a reminder that somebody cares for her, even if they don't really know her. Someone out there would care if she died. Which makes her desires to end all of this so much more complicated. She has parents, but she assumed that over time they'd just get over it. They haven't been that interested in her since she was little, so why would they care if she wasn't here anymore? Edward, however, would care very much. Even though he's only talked to her a handful of minutes. He suffers from depression, too. He's fought with his demons and now has them controlled. Maybe he can help her fight her own. That is, if she wants to fight them at all. Some days it seems like it would all be so much easier if she just laid down and allowed the depression to wash over her; drowning her while it provides her with that profound sense of relief before ending her life. Wouldn't it be blissful? She shakes that thought from her head and quickly texts him back.

Thanks! I have school so I don't kno how fun it'll be. What r u up to today?

She taps on her phone with her fingernails with one hand as she grabs her backpack with the other. As she slides on her pair of worn, black converse the screen of her phone lights up with another text message.

I work today. I don't know how fun that will be either.

She smiles at this as she bounds down the stairs, heading to the front door. Before she can get very far, her father stops her, asking where she's headed to so quickly. It's too early to be leaving for school, but Bella likes to pretend she's part of a school club and attends meetings in the morning. Charlie, her father, always liked hearing this. He's been so worried about her social life, although, he never brings it up to his daughter. He's worried that she's not around people enough. Most kids her age constantly goes out with their friends, but not her. She spends her weekends locked away in her room.

"Do you want to have breakfast with your mom and me?" Charlie asks as he blocks his daughter's path to the door.

"Dad, I'm late for Spanish Club. I've got to get going or people will wonder where I am."

Bella can't meet his gaze, and luckily, her dad isn't one to hover. He gives her a gruff nod before stepping out of her way and allowing her to exit. She jogs to her truck, eager to get to school. Although, she knows she'll just end up sitting in the cab of her truck with a book in hand, waiting for the first bell to ring. She never understands why she's so intent on getting to a place she hates, but she doesn't really understand why she does many other things either. It's probably because mornings are such a restless time for her. Although she's tired, she can never sleep. She lies in bed, waiting for sleep to come and put her out of her nightly misery, but it rarely does quickly enough. It creeps up on her, until it's a few hours before she has to be awake. Three to four hours of sleep each night is normal for her. Sometimes, she wonders what it would be like for her not to feel restless all of the time.

As she drives to school, Bella wonders what she should say to Edward. She's not used to having… well, conversations, as pathetic as that sounds. She usually answers when someone asks her something, usually her parents, or she makes small talk when it feels absolutely uncomfortable not to. But this thing with Edward… she cares about this conversation. She wants to have a friend.

The moment she parks and turns the ignition off, she picks up her phone to respond to him. Her friend. Will she ever tire of calling him that? Has it really been that pathetically long since she had a friend in her life?

I'd rather work than be school. Where do u work?

She plays music, trying not to be too anxious as she waits for his reply. Seconds tick by like hours, and she wonders if it's healthy for her to be so dependant on a person already. She doesn't know Edward. What if he lets her down? What if, in his effort to save her, he eventually grew bored of her? What if he'll only make things worse? Her screen lights up again, causing her heart to skip a beat as she reads his message.

I'm an IT consultant.

Is that fun?

It pays the bills. Lol.

A genuine smile engulfs on her face. Their conversation is so easy. Of course, it's just over text and that makes all the pressures of talking face-to-face nonexistent. But it's more than that. There's a simplicity about their conversations that always makes her feel so happy.

It's better than my job. I work the hardware store.

It's a boring job, facile, and monotonous, but on the bright side, Bella doesn't have to deal with anyone. She stocks shelves and keeps to herself. She doesn't look to be the type who would know what they're talking about, so customers usually badger her coworkers and avoid her entirely.

So, you work and go to school? That's impressive, Bella.

She grins at her phone. Another grin. This must be a record for her. She can't remember the last time she smiled like this. Her smiles as of late have been forced. She's usually far too tired and numb to really feel anything.

Thx. I can't wait 2 be done tho.

Plans after you graduate?

Idk. I don't really think bout my future.

Why would she? She wasn't planning on having one. It's hard to stay motivated when you're wondering how much longer you'll be able to last. College held no interest to her. Neither did a career, for that matter. Everything seemed so bleak through her eyes. She's watched others chatter about their future over the last semester. They talk about college, their hopes and dreams, and where they would love to be in five years time. It's strange to Bella, because she hasn't even considered any of these things. She hasn't thought about relationships, getting married, or having kids. She hadn't considered any of this. Of course, she's young, but most of the girls she's around have some sort of dream. While Bella has nothing.

Well, you have time to think about it. It's hard trying to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life when you're so young.

She rolls her eyes. She certainly doesn't feel young. As her mother tells her, she's eighteen going on forty. As she trudges around the school every day, she practically feels middle-aged. She can't imagine how Edward must feel at twenty-five. Although, she knows she's just being ridiculous because twenty-five is not old.

Maybe ur right. I can think about it.

She knows she's lying, although, she feels like if she lies enough times it might just turn into the truth. Maybe if she pretends to be optimistic it'll happen one day. It's a lot easier to give someone the answer they want, instead of telling them the truth. No one wants the truth, despite what they may say. The truth isn't easy, but then again, nothing in life seems to be.

I hope you do. I just want you to be happy, Bella. Whatever you do, be happy.

Be happy. Whatever you do, be happy. No one's ever told her that before. Everyone's been so concerned with where she'd be career-wise. No one's cared enough to ask her about anything else. Her school counselors, her parents, everyone has asked her about everything else except her happiness. Edward has been the only person to ever bring it up.

Thank u Edward.

Of course, Bella. Promise me you'll have a good day at school.

I'll try. Have a good day work.

I'll try.

She smiles at his response, running the tips of her fingers across their messages, cherishing them. The first bell rings and she jumps in her seat. She hadn't realized the other student's arrival, nor had she realized how quickly time was passing. She's so used to time ticking slowly by, but now that she has a friend-someone to talk to, it feels like everything has changed.

A/N: Thanks for reading and please review! I'll be posting teasers for this story in my facebook group, The Highlander Princess's Clan, so feel free to join. :)

Song- "Skinny Love" by Bon Iver. This song was on their 2007 album For Emma, Forever Ago, and I love it's beautiful, melancholy sound. This is one of my favorite songs, from one of my favorite bands.