Part II!

This was seriously such a long drabble. But as promised, here is part two. Things really get heated here. Also, I am really new to writing smut, soooooooo…. Yeah.

I really hope that you guys have enjoyed this little mini story! As always, I am taking requests for my one-shot series, so if you have any requests, feel free to ask in a review or shoot me a PM. I'm always looking for a challenge to improve my creative writing skills.

Collection III: Reminding Me of Regrets, Pt II




Two weeks had passed since Sakura had run into Sasuke. The last two weeks have also been hell. She was constantly trying to make sure that she didn't run into the guy. She was glad when it seemed that he didn't show up at the coffee shop again, though Tadashi revealed that he was just coming in at different times, or not at all.

So he was avoiding her too, after all.

She was enjoying her morning coffee like most days, but unlike her usual routine, she had the next three days off of work.

Her phone vibrated. Curiously, she grabbed the phone out of her pocket to see who had messaged her.

'So… Sasuke kind of has your number.' Naruto's text read. Sakura could immediately feel anger well up in her chest as she swore she was going to beat that idiot to a pulp (well not really, he couldn't leave Hinata's child fatherless).

'Naruto! What the fuck! Why would you give it to him?!' Sakura texted back, though those words couldn't come close to conveying just how pissed off she was.

'He asked for it.' Came a quick response. Sakura felt like she had been hit in the chest with a sledge hammer, her heart rate skyrocketing.

'What do you mean he asked for it?!' Sakura inquired. Why would Sasuke all of a sudden want her phone number? Well, not that Sasuke couldn't find a way to get a hold of her anyway. She did kind of work at a local hospital.

'He asked for your number, and I gave it to him.'

'You're a horrible friend!' Sakura wrote back.

'I'll just pretend that you aren't being mean for now.' Naruto texted back.

'I hate you.' Sakura replied. Naruto didn't respond to that, but she knew that Naruto didn't take her threats seriously anyway. That whole thing aside, now Sakura was going to have anxiety for the rest of the day, wondering what the hell Sasuke wanted her phone number for.

Thirty minutes later, and she got a text from an unknown number.

'Sakura. It's Sasuke. Can we meet?' It was simple, and straightforward. For a moment, Sakura looked at her phone screen, unsure of how to respond to that.

'I don't think that's a good idea.' She wrote back after a few minutes.

'I just want to talk.' Sasuke replied, almost immediately.

'I'd rather not. We live different lives now, Sasuke.' Sakura replied.

'Sakura, I just want you to hear me out.'

'No! Don't text me again. I can't believe Naruto gave you my number!' Sakura angrily responded. After five years, now he wants to talk?! It was bad enough that she had to deal with him being in town and that they had basically avoided each other in the last two weeks, but this was just too much.

'Please, Sakura.' Came another text. Sasuke had completely ignored her request. 'Look, we don't have to be friends. I just.. want to set things right.' Sakura sighed. Sasuke was not the type of person to say 'please', so he must be pretty desperate. She was going to regret this.

'Fine. On my terms. There's a restaurant on Miyaki St.' She wrote back.

'The dango place?' Sakura couldn't help but blush a little, caught off guard at the fact that he remembered.

'Yep. I'll be there at 7.'

'Okay. I'll be there.' Sakura hadn't realized that she had been holding in her breath as she let it out in one big sigh. She sent Naruto one more death threat though.

'You are dead, Naruto. I can't believe Sasuke wants to talk.'

'Sakura, just don't kill him.' He wrote back, causing the pinkette to roll her eyes. She wasn't going to believe that Naruto was innocent in this, not for a second. Naruto was the only one who had kept in contact with Sasuke this whole time.

Sasuke was always on time, and if he wasn't on time, he was early. He had cancelled all of his evening appointments to do this. It had taken Naruto another week of pestering before Sasuke finally gave in and agreed that at a minimum he should at least tell Sakura the truth.

The little dango shop still looked the same from the outside as Sasuke pulled up in his black sports car.

Ever since he had run into Sakura at that little coffee shop, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He had not been sleeping well either. Dreams about their break up would come to him, or dreams about her being with another guy would plague him. Even on two occasions he dreamed about having sex with her and her whispering sweet nothings in his ear as she moaned underneath him which left him waking up a hot mess and sweating like crazy.

She was driving him crazy.

Shutting off his car, he could already see her pink hair through the shop window. She was sitting at a table close to the window, sipping on some tea. She had always liked sitting by the windows. He could tell that she looked nervous. It was still ten minutes before seven. Just how early had she shown up?

Releasing a sigh, Sasuke got out of his car and walked into the shop. Once again, onyx eyes met viridian.

Sakura was wearing a white ruffled shirt and dark wash denim, her hair neatly brushed and a headband to match.

"Hello sir! How can we help you today?" A waitress greeted, though she seemed extra polite. Sasuke was used to this however. They see him roll up in a nice car and usually an expensive suit. Tonight however, he had changed into much more casual clothes, settling for some dark wash skinny jeans, a white shirt and casual grey blazer.

"I'm meeting someone, thanks." He replied, as he went to sit across from Sakura. He watched as she brought her tea to her lips again, staring out the window as if there was something super interesting out there.

"Nice car." She commented as she took a sip.

"It's not bad." Sasuke replied, going with the flow.

"I ordered myself some dango. You can order whatever you want." She continued. As if on cue, the waitress came by the table.

"Hi! I see your guest has arrived! What can I get for you?" She chirped all too happily. Sakura found herself a little irritated at how the waitress's demeanor had changed since Sasuke was sitting with her.

"A water is fine. I would like some salmon rice balls." Sasuke ordered. "Put everything ordered at this table on one tab." He added. The waitress seemed a little put off by the fact that Sasuke was implying that he was paying for Sakura's food, but both Sakura and Sasuke ignored it.

"So you wanted to talk?" Sakura began, getting straight to the point.

"I wanted to apologize." Sasuke corrected. "For what happened." he added. Sakura let out a small chuckle as if in disbelief.

"Five years is enough time to not expect one." She replied, bitterly, still holding her cup and gazing anywhere but at him.

"It doesn't mean you don't deserve one." Sasuke offered. "I messed up."

"I think it was a little more than an 'I messed up'" Sakura mumbled. Silence fell between the two as the waitress brought Sasuke his water, in which he politely thanked her for.

"I guess I can't disagree with that." Sasuke conceded, after the waitress left them again. "It was my fault. I knew that I was only going to be there for a year. It wasn't right for me to lead you on."

"I was the stupid one who fell for it." Sakura scoffed.

"I should have had more restraint." Sasuke stated. "My goal was to become the heir and then the CEO of my family's company."

"Congratulations, you're now one of the youngest rich people in the world." Sakura sarcastically commented. Sasuke would be lying if he said that those words from Sakura didn't hurt more than they did. It was a shallow jab, but he did deserve it.

"I didn't want to be the one stuck with an arranged marriage." Sasuke confessed. This got Sakura's attention as she looked at him for the first time since he had sat down, her eyes conveying confusion.

"An arranged marriage?" She asked skeptically. "So now you're telling me that you were busy screwing around with me when you had a fiance?" Oh boy. Way to twist this to make it sound even worse.

"My father wanted us to marry to merge companies, but I've never met the woman that he wanted me to marry." Sasuke revealed. Sakura scoffed.

"Wow, that makes this whole situation so much better."

"Sakura, my father would have never approved of our relationship." Sasuke countered.

"It wasn't a relationship." Sakura argued, though Sasuke could tell by the falter in her voice that she was lying about how she felt. It was a relationship. They may not have ever put an official label on it, but Sasuke was in that relationship too.

"I wanted to become CEO of our family's company so that I could marry whoever I wanted. I didn't want to have to answer to my father or brother." Sasuke continued.

"Well, now you can, if you haven't already." Sakura replied quietly. Again, they paused their conversation as the waitress brought the both of them their food, asking if they needed anything else before retreating off to wherever it was that she sat and waited in the restaurant for customers.

They both began to eat to get some dinner in their stomachs before continuing their conversation.

"So, you're finishing up your residency?" Sasuke asked, changing the topic as Sakura's last reply had made things a little awkward.

"Yeah. I'll be finishing up in August." Sakura replied, taking another bite of her food. "I'm assuming Naruto told you."

"Are you planning on staying here when you are done?" Sasuke continued, ignoring the fact that she assumed that their blonde friend was involved. Sakura raised an eyebrow as if his questions were odd.

"Um, don't know yet." She replied. "I still want to become a pediatric doctor someday."

"You'd be good at that." Sasuke commented. He could tell that Sakura stiffened, as if unsure how to respond to that, but Sasuke had been honest in his compliment. Sakura always had a kindness about her that he felt would make her a great mother someday.

"Thanks. I guess we both have been able to achieve some of our dreams." Sakura conceded, "It's what we wanted." Sasuke couldn't help but feel guilty.

Sitting this close to her, he was only reminded of just how exotic and beautiful she had become. For the first time, Sasuke detected somewhat of a calmness from Sakura, as if she had finally resigned herself to what had happened. Sasuke however, wasn't sure if he could do the same. The longer that he sat here with Sakura, the more he found himself not wanting to let go.

They continued their meal, finishing it much faster than Sasuke would have liked. The waitress came back to the table giving Sasuke the tab, batting her eyelashes at him as he politely exchanged his card with her to pay.

"Thanks for dinner." Sakura began, pushing herself from her chair as she began to grab her things. Sasuke did the same in response.

"Sakura, I'm glad you came." He replied as he watched her fumble around for her things like she had at the coffee shop.

"Thanks for apologizing. I never expected one." Sakura admitted. She paused for a moment, as if contemplating something before she spoke again. "I'll see you around. Since you're in town I mean."

"Yeah. I'll be here for a while." Sasuke replied, a little surprised at her last comment. It was as if she would be okay with seeing him again. A foreign feeling of hope ignited in his chest.

"Okay. See you Sasuke." With that, she gave him a small smile before walking past him and out the restaurant door. Sasuke stared at her as she moved farther away. This was the third time that he has had to watch that woman walk away from him.

That was arguable one of the hardest things that Sakura had ever had to do in her life.

He was sincere in his apology, and she could see it in his eyes. For the first time in a long time, she felt lighter. She felt some sort of closure, but at the same time, she found that it was still hard to let go.

Even after everything had happened, she still found her body reacting the same way it once did. Her cheeks flushed, she began to sweat, and her heart rate increased. She blamed it on her memories. She even still remembered the way his lips felt against hers, and it frustrated her.

He had left her.

After she had walked out on him that night, she hoped that he would prove her wrong and fix things. Tell her that he felt the same. He never did reply to her confession.

It crushed her for a second time a week later when he really did leave, and he never came to see her. He never so much as sent her a text, or called. He had just disappeared like he had never been there in the first place.

It wasn't until two weeks later that she had found out that Naruto had gone over there in her defense and threatened Sasuke to never contact her again.

Sakura gave a wry smile as she drove home. Strange how five years can change things.

Just as Sakura was pulling up to her building, it was beginning to rain. At first the cold water droplets came down in a light sprinkle before it suddenly became a heavy downpour. It had rained like this Sakura thought, the night she had first met Sasuke.

Rushing into the building so that she could go up to her flat, she still got soaked. Between her long shift and being awake all day, she was definitely more than ready to go to sleep for the night. She would sleep in as long as she needed to tomorrow.

She was heading to her bedroom after throwing off her damp coat and wet shoes when a knock came at her door.

Chase after her. That's what his mind was screaming. Chase after Sakura and do something, anything. Sasuke clenched his fist. No, he should have chased after her the first time. The third time? Who was he kidding? He couldn't even tell her that he had loved her back.

"So um, I didn't want to interrupt you guys since I thought you were on a date…" The same waitress had approached Sasuke again. "But here's my number. Want to go out for coffee sometime?"

Sasuke stared at the paper for a second as if confused before he realized that she was asking him out. "Sorry. I'm um… not available." He rejected politely. The look a disappointment and embarrassment was clear on the waitress's face as she mumbled an apology and walked away.

Finally exiting the restaurant, Sasuke quickly dashed for his car. It was beginning to rain. It had rained the night he had first met Sakura. Getting into his car, he pulled out his phone. Coffee. Coffee had started everything between him and Sakura.

'I need Sakura's address.' He typed in, sending the text to Naruto.

'Dude she was already pissed I gave you her number. How did meeting up with her go anyway?' He replied.

'Sakura's address. NOW.' He typed in, sending it. 'You know I have the resources to find it if I need to' He added in an attempt to further persuade his blonde friend. While he wasn't lying, it would take a while before he would be able to get that info, but he wanted it now.

'Okay, okay fine… but you better not let Sakura kill me later! It's your fault!' Naruto wrote back. 'The building is 435 Shikaku St. She is in the top flat'

Sasuke didn't answer as he used the voice command in his car to input the address. His phone vibrated with another message from Naruto.

'You gonna tell me how it went? Obviously something went down if you want her address!' Naruto pestered. Sasuke growled. He would have to answer Naruto later. He was about to do something really stupid, but he had already let so many chances pass by.

At a minimum, he had to at least tell Sakura that he had loved her too. It had taken him three times to realize just how much. She deserved to know that even with how things turned out, he had, and did return her feelings.

She didn't live too far away from the restaurant that they had eaten at he found. Pulling into guest parking, he quickly threw his phone into his jean pocket before making a dash for the building. The rain was really coming down hard.

When arriving in the building, a security officer sat at the front desk.

"Sir, how can I help you?" He asked upon seeing the damp Uchiha enter the building.

"I'm here to see Sakura Haruno." Sasuke replied. The guard raised an eyebrow as if he was suspicious. Sasuke was going to have to resort to something so this guy didn't send him off. 'I'm an old friend of hers, Sasuke Uchiha." He added. Immediately the security guards face lit up.

"Sasuke Uchiha? As in the CEO of Uchiha International?" He asked, perplexed. Sasuke nodded. He wasn't a huge fan of playing this trump card, but it proved useful at times.


"I didn't know that miss Haruno was a friend! Sure, go up. She's probably expecting you." The guard offered, calling down the elevator for him. Sasuke didn't say anything more. She definitely wasn't expecting him.

As soon as the elevator arrived, Sasuke thanks the security guard, getting onto the elevator and pressing the button for the flat on the top floor.

Arriving on the top floor, Sasuke could see the front door to Sakura's flat. Stepping out of the elevator, he stared at it, suddenly wondering if he should really do this. If this was the right thing. He would be intruding in her life. He didn't have a right to do that… but he had to know. Had to know if there was anything he could change.

Sasuke let out a shaky breath as he willed his feet to move one in front of the other towards the door. It seemed too soon when he arrived at it, tentatively bringing up his right arm to knock. It was now or never. He could run away and be that same coward that he was, or he could do what he should have done a long time ago.

He knocked on the door. He could hear footsteps approach the door. He froze as he heard the door being unlocked as Sakura opened it to peek who was outside her door. Shock overtook her face.

"Sasuke? W-what are you doing here?" She asked, opening the door all the way. Sasuke could tell that she hadn't gotten here much before he did. She frowned. "Did Naruto give you my address? Wasn't my phone number enough?! I'm going to k-"

"Sakura." Sasuke finally said as he watched the pinkette. Her viridian eyes met his again. "I need to know."

"Know what?" She asked, seemingly getting irritated. Sasuke gulped.

"If you still have feelings for me." he asked firmly. He watched her cheeks flush as she frowned, as if she was offended by such a ridiculous question. He knew that this was unfair. She was probably going to lay into him, and never ever want to see him again.

"How can you ask me that? Seriously Sasuke, I was nice enough to meet with you but-"

"Sakura, I loved you too." Sasuke confessed, effectively shutting the pinkette up. She clasped her hands to her mouth at his sudden confession. She looked like she was going to be sick. "I still love you." Sasuke continued. For a moment they stared at each other in silence, neither of them so much as breathing.

"That's not fair." Sakura shakily replied, averting her gaze as her hands fell to her sides again.. She clenched her fists. Sasuke tried to prepare himself for disappointment. He deserved it after all. "That's not fair, Sasuke!" Sakura scolded. "After everything that's happened, now you think you can tell me how you feel?!" She exclaimed. "What do you think you are doing?!" Tears were forming in her eyes as the first one fell. Sasuke wanted to take all the hurt, all the tears away.

"I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago." He declared, grabbing Sakura and crashing his lips against hers. At first she completely stiffened, not kissing him back. It was not like Sasuke could force her to change her mind, or even think about giving him a second chance, but he had to kiss her, at least one more time.

It seemed like an eternity, but he felt Sakura slowly relax in his embrace as she began to respond to his kiss, tears streaming down her face. Sasuke felt like it was too soon when they broke apart.

"Sakura, I'm sorry." Sasuke apologized again, leaning down to kiss a tear away. He pulled them into her flat, shutting the door behind them as she clutched his shirt in her fists, sobbing into his chest. She hadn't given him an answer yet, but he would comfort her for as long as he needed to. This is what he should have done so many years ago.

"I wanted to hate you. It was so much easier to hate you." Sakura sobbed. "But when I saw you, I realized I still loved you, and it hurt so much." Sasuke held her tighter as his chest felt like it was going to explode with her confession. "After five years, why?"

She was too good for him.. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve a second chance.

"Sakura." He said softly, as she looked up at him, trying to wipe the tears away. Sasuke gently cupped her face with both her hands, as he leaned down to kiss a couple of tears on her cheeks before softly pressing his lips to hers again.

How he had missed these soft warm lips. They were familiar, and perfect. Sakura was perfect.

She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer, one hand on her neck and the other in her hair. They kissed slow at first, as if their kisses were fragile, but Sasuke felt a familiar yet foreign heat begin to pool in his lower belly. Their kisses became rougher, more desperate. Eventually they broke for air.

"Stay with me." Sakura asked softly, a sultry glow in her viridian eyes and Sasuke didn't hesitate to give his reply with more kisses. He was going to never leave this woman again, not ever, no matter what it took. He needed her with every fiber of his being. He had fought for his chance to be free to chose whom he loved, and while he had thought for sure that he was going to have to settle for someone who wasn't Sakura, here he was.

Breaking apart from her lips, Sasuke moved to kiss the crook Sakura's neck, eliciting a sensual moan from the pinkette that was music to Sasuke's ears as it ignited a deep desire within him. Sasuke slowly moved his hands, gripping Sakura's thighs right underneath her backside and as if in sync, she immediately wrapped her legs around him. Sasuke caught her as he carried her to her bedroom. Luckily the door was open and he saw the bed or else it might have been a little awkward since he had never been here before.

He dropped her on her mattress, quickly discarding his blazer before he pulled his shirt off, tossing them onto the floor. He kissed Sakura as she took her shirt off, breaking from their kiss briefly before tossing hers to the floor without a care in the world. Sasuke was going to make Sakura his. He would not give up a second chance.

This time, he kissed her neck again, licking and suckling at the spot between her neck and earlobe as he reached around to unclasp her bra. She gasped when he nipped a sensitive spot and he freed her of her bra, revealing her soft creamy breasts.

"Sakura." Sasuke breathed against her neck, "If this is what you want, I won't hold back." He warned huskily, his voice low.

"Don't." Sakura breathed back, her voice barely above a whisper. Sakura was driving Sasuke wild. The urge to just consume her, to take her like an animal and give in to his carnal desires overcame Sasuke as he gave her a few nips at her collarbone, leaving little marks behind as he moved down towards her breasts.

Sakura's breasts were just as he remembered them. Her rosy nipples were already erect from his teasing kisses as he kissed down her chest and took the right one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud.

"Nnngh." Sakura moaned in response, which only stroked Sasuke's ego. Her moans were to most sexy thing he had ever heard, and he wanted to make her moan his name in pleasure. Sasuke wanted to make Sakura blissful putty under his touch.

His left hand massaged her left breast before he gave it the same attention that he had given her right one. The way that her back arched under his touch, and the moan that escaped Sakura's lips were delicious. The fire that was pooling in his lower belly was beginning to become unbearable with his need.

While suckling her breast, he traced his fingertips slowly down Sakura's stomach, to the waistband of her pants as he undid the button and zipper to them, hooking his fingers beneath the waistband to pull them off.

Sasuke's gaze met Sakura's as he slowly pulled her pants from her legs. This woman was bewitchingly beautiful, a seductress. Her viridian eyes glazed over with lust as a blush colored her cheeks. He threw her pants over on the floor.

He could smell how sweet she was and it only made his need for her grow. He wanted to bury himself into her warm slick folds between her legs. Starting at her ribs and kissing down her taunt stomach, Sasuke teased Sakura as she moaned in response to his kisses. He gave her a little playful nip at her hip which made her gasp as he hooked his fingers at the waistband of her panties. If he had it his way, he would rip them off in an instant and have his way with her, but he wanted to take it slow. He wanted to enjoy the way he made her moan.

Slowly, Sasuke peeled away Sakura's panties, a wet spot indicating her arousal evident. Sasuke could smell her sweetness even more. Tossing her panties to the floor, he moved to put head between sakura's thighs, but she tried to close them in response, as if embarassed.

"Relax." Sasuke breathed, kissing her right inner thigh affectionately. She did as he commanded as she relaxed again, surrendering to his kisses. Sasuke took his time, kissing both of Sakura's thighs before he moved towards her wet moist slick folds. He breathed hotly on it which caused Sakura to gasp in response.

Sasuke kissed her there before sticking his tongue out to run along her sweet opening.

"Aaaahn." Sakura moaned, her breathing heavy. In response, Sasuke did it again, enjoying the sweet taste of her arousal. He found the cluster of nerves above her opening, taking it into his mouth and suckling on his which caused the pinkette to squirm and curl her toes as she let out another seductive moan. Sasuke was going to make her cum before he took her.

Slowly licking at her nerve bundle, he inserted a digit into her wet, silky cavern. It was warm and tight around his finger. She moaned again at this as he experimentally pumped in and out with one finger before inserting a second digit.

Sakura was so tight around his fingers, and Sasuke could only imagine how good it would feel around his cock. He began pumping faster as he suckled on Sakura's sensitive mound.

"Aghn, Ohhhh." Sakura moaned. "Yes, Sasuke, Ooooohh."

Sasuke could feel Sakura becoming more wet down there as he played with her, teasing her. Her silky walls were beginning to tighten around his fingers as the hot coil in the pit of her stomach began to tense, plunging Sakura closer to her release. Sasuke didn't stop, he wouldn't stop until she screamed in her ecstasy. It wasn't long before she would cum.

"Oh, Sasuke! Aaaaaaagh!" Sakura almost screamed as that coil in her stomach released, sending her body in a pleasurable fit of contractions as her orgasm ripped through her body. The fluttering of Sakura's walls around Sasuke fingers and the creaminess of her orgasm had him beyond aroused, and the need to bury himself within her walls was unbearable. Slowly, he pulled his fingers from her wet core, licking them clean. Sakura was still coming down from her high, but Sasuke was far from finished with her.

Quickly, Sasuke discarded his pants and boxers, discarding them on the floor before he climbed on top of Sakura once more, kissing her lips again. He was so hard, and his desires were demanding that he be inside of Sakura, now. He traced her waist, hips and thigh with his right hand softly, causing Sakura to moan against his kisses.

"Are you sure you want this, Sakura?" He asked huskily, one last time, his final attempt at restraint. Her eyes locked with his.

"Yes, I do. Please." She whimpered. "But, I've never been with anyone before." She sheepishly admitted, causing Sasuke to flush and hesitate for a moment as he realized what that meant. This was not his first time, but he would make sure to treat Sakura gently and like a goddess.

"Okay." Sasuke replied softly. He kissed her again, his kiss deep and endearing. He grabbed Sakura's right arm, guiding her down to his manhood, wanting her to grasp it. She gasped when she felt it and Sasuke groaned at the foreign touch. It felt so good. She began to experimentally rub it, causing Sasuke to shiver with pleasure. With a growl, he pinned her arms up, no longer able to restrain himself as he rubbed his length along her hot slick opening which caused them both to moan out in pleasure. He was teasing her, but he wanted her to be ready.

Positioning himself at the opening, he began to push his length into her opening, hissing as he did. He pushed in just a little, relishing in the way her tight warm velvety walls grasped the head of his length. Then in one fell swoop, Sasuke buried his length inside her, pushing past her hymen, stilling for a moment as Sakura gasped in pain. Sasuke kissed her in an effort to distract her from the discomfort she was going to feel until she began to get used to him. It was so hard. The way that she took all of him, and her hot tight wet walls squeezed his cock as he fought the urge to roughly thrust inside her.

They stayed like that for a while until she began to relax. Sasuke continued to shower her jaw and neck in kisses as he experimentally began to move inside her, pulling out slowly, before burying himself again. She gave off a long moan as he did. Experimentally, Sasuke did it again, starting to create a slow pace between them. Sakura felt so good around his length, her tight walls creating the most erotically sweet friction against him. He was losing himself in her. Slowly, their pace began to quicken, Sasuke desperately trying to keep his thrusts steady as they began to ascend towards pleasure. Sakura was beginning to moan between her pants as Sasuke buried himself within her.

"Aaaaahn." She moaned, her cavern becoming more slick as she became more aroused. "Sasuke… oooooh."

Sasuke grunted in response, feeling his climb towards climax quickening. He needed release, but not before bringing Sakura to hers. He was thrusting into her roughly now, Sakura's back arching at the sweet, tantalizing friction between the two. As if on instinct, she began to buck her hips towards his, as if desperate for more. Sasuke groaned as she did, feeling her walls begin to contract around him. She was getting close to her release. Grabbing her thighs to pull her into a better angle, he thrust into her, not holding anything back as the sound of their wet skin slapping against each other filled the bedroom.

"Nnnngh Sasuke, yes! There Ohhhh.-" Sasuke moaned as her walls became unbearably tight before her orgasm ripped through her body, causing her warm walls to flutter around Sasuke. Her moans of ecstasy as she rode out her second orgasm and the feeling of her around his cock was enough to send Sasuke over the edge as he let out a guttural moan when his own orgasm ripped through him, his hot seed shooting into Sakura's wet cavern. His thrusts were erratic as he rode out his orgasm with Sakura.

He collapsed on her, both of them panting as they came down from their highs, trying to slow their breathing. Affectionately, Sasuke kissed her forehead before kissing her swollen lips softly.

"I love you." He breathed softly, causing the pinkette to smile.

"I've always loved you, Sasuke." Sakura replied softly. Sasuke smiled back, kissing her one more time before he moved off of her, pulling Sakura to his chest and wrapping his arms around her. They listened to each other's breathing for a while before falling asleep.

It had never felt more perfect.

Bright rays of light peeked through the cracks in Sakura's dark curtains as she groaned. What time was it? She stretched, memories of last night flooding back to her as she rolled over, disappointed to find to that the space beside her was empty.

Quickly, she sat up in bed, trying to register what was going on, realizing that Sasuke was gone. She almost panicked but spotted a red rose and a small note by the empty pillow beside her. Tentatively she reached for the rose and note, a blush decorating her cheeks as she read what Sasuke had written.

'Marry Me, Sakura'

Sakura's heart fluttered at the three words as happiness began to bubble in her chest. Looking over at the time, it was already eleven in the morning. She couldn't remember the last time that she had slept that long, or slept that good. No wonder Sasuke had left already. She might have been off work for three days, but he wasn't.

Stretching the last of her sleepiness from her body, she reached over to her phone to tease Sasuke.

'What kind of a proposal is that?' she cheekily sent him. His response was immediate.

'A demanding one.' He replied. Sakura rolled her eyes. He was such a smart ass sometimes. He always had been, but she couldn't help but grin like an idiot.

'I might have to consider it.' She wrote back.

'You already have.' He responded confidently, unfazed by her answer. 'Sakura Uchiha' he added. Sakura blushed even more at the change in last name.

'I'm a handful, you know.' She wrote back.

'Indeed.' He replied. 'I will see you for dinner.'

Maybe now neither of them would have to live with their regrets.

Okay, haha I'm done writing trash now.

It was kind of fun to write though, and I hope that I didn't make the character too OOC.

Please leave a review for me! I like it when you guys tell me what you think, and I always appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Until the next drabble! Also, I'm currently working on my main fic, Ascension, so don't forget to check that out if you would like to read a SasuSaku multi-chapter fic. Sorry for the shameless plug.