And here's chapter two...
Spoilers for the death cure if you don't know about Sonya and Newt's past.
Sonya woke to the sound of someone screaming. I took her a second to get her bearings and calm the panic that rose up inside of her. She was on the beach. On the island. Safe. And that the person screaming was Newt; not in pain or terror but in surprise, his voice full of laughter.
She re-sheathed the knife that she'd drawn in her moment of panic, dropping her arm down to her side as she took in the scene in front of her.
Newt and Thomas, apparently having fallen asleep a little too close to the sea, had been caught by a wave as the tide started to come in. It looked as if they'd both shot up, startled, and Newt, being the slower of the two, had gotten hit with the worst of it. He was drenched from head to toe, his once baggy white shirt now stuck to his skin, practically translucent. Meanwhile, Thomas' pants had caught the most of the wave, but everything from his waist up had made it mostly unscathed.
Everyone else around them started to lower their weapons, relaxing as they realised there was no danger here. Thomas gave a small yelp as Newt shook his head, his floppy hair flying out around him, flicking water everywhere, but mostly on Thomas.
Newt and Thomas' eyes locked and when Newt looked away, he reached down, swiping handfuls of water up, soaking the front of Thomas' shirt. He stumbled backwards with an indignant shriek and everyone laughed as his arms flailed and he nearly fell before quickly recovering, splashing Newt in turn with equal pettiness.
Harriet squeezed Sonya's hand before diving forwards into the sea to join the water fight and Sonya watched with a soft smile as Frypan, Brenda and a slightly reluctant Gally joined them. The six of them dancing around each other with bright smiles just having genuine fun.
Newt threw his head back with laughter, looking healthier and happier than Sonya ever remembered seeing him. She found herself watching him with a soft awe, trying to piece this boy, who'd been through hell and was now trying to find peace on an island with Thomas and his friends with her big brother from all those years ago and Sonya concluded that it was weird. And it was going to be weird for a while, maybe always.
"The wet shirt is a good look on him, huh?"
Sonya's head whipped around at Minho's voice and it took her a second to realise he was talking to her.
"Huh?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as Minho's lips quirked in a teasing smirk, nodding into Newt's direction.
"Newt," he clarified. Out of the corner of her eye, Sonya saw Newt stop and look over at them but Minho didn't seem bothered by his eavesdropping. "In the wet, white shirt. It's a good look, right?"
Sonya's eyes widened in horror as she realised what he was implying and spluttered over stumbled excuses, half aware that everyone but Harriet had fallen silent to watch her make a fool of herself.
"Son…" Harriet said before dissolving into another fit of giggles and Sonya looked between Newt's slightly affronted expression at Sonya's horrified look, at Harriet finding it hilarious and everyone else's amused, knowing looks about something that they knew nothing about.
"No." Sonya shook her head and grimaced, kind of grossed out at the thought as she shook her head again. "No. Ew. No. Not that," she insisted. Newt quirked an almost offended eyebrow, the smiles fell from both Minho and Thomas' faces almost defensively and Sonya suddenly felt like an ass. "Wait, no. I didn't mean…" She looked over at Harriet desperately. Seeing the look on Sonya's face, Harriet sobered up quickly, giving her girlfriend a gentle look.
"Babe… maybe you should…" Harriet said with a slight one shouldered shrug. Sonya's face twisted into a conflicted expression, tears stinging behind her eyes as she looked to Newt desperately and Harriet moved to her side instantly. Her arms slid around Sonya's waist, drawing her into her arms.
"Sonya," Minho said, his voice suddenly soft and unsure. "Hey, I'm sorry. I was just shucking around. I didn't mean to trigger something."
Sonya shook her head, pressing knuckles into her lip for a moment as she drew a shaky breath.
"It's not that," she was quick to assure him. "I just—" She looked at Harriet uncertainly.
Harriet's thumb stroked the skin under the edge of Sonya's shirt in soothing circles. "Maybe it's time," she said softly, too quiet for anyone else to hear, "If you want to do it privately, you don't have to tell him like this."
Sonya pressed her forehead against Harriet's shoulder for a moment before pulling back slightly, turning to face the group, still not sure of where to start.
"Why don't we all sit down," Harriet suggested lightly, "and if anyone wants to walk away half way through a sentence then they're entitled to that."
Everyone gave some sort of affirmative gesture before following as Harriet guided Sonya up the beach and away from the sea, where the sand was softer and the sting of the salt wasn't as sharp.. All of them dropped down onto the sand, all signs of the earlier laughter gone, once again taken over by the horrors of the past.
Sonya leant heavily into Harriet's side as she brushed sand through her fingers, refusing to look up at anyone as she considered her words.
"I uh—When WCKD had me they… they were trying to see if I produced the enzyme stronger if I felt a certain type of… loss or fear so they gave me some of my memories back," Sonya said softly, listening to gentle sounds of waves and the camp coming to life around them over the group's shocked silence. "So it's just… thinking about Newt like that. It's just… weird. Gross even.
She brushed a stray tear away and risked a glance up at Newt who was watching her with a puzzled look, like he was trying to piece it together.
"You knew me?" he asked, his voice soft with surprise. "You knew me before we went into the mazes?"
Sonya gave a sad smile, biting down on her lip to try and stop herself crying and nodded slightly.
"Yeah," she breathed, "you could say that."
Newt's eyebrow furrowed and just that small gesture that had indicated his confusion in every memory made a fresh wave of emotions wash through her and Harriet's arm around her waist tightened.
"I've got you, babe," she whispered into Sonya's hair and Sonya nodded.
"We knew each other well?" Newt asked and Sonya gave a fond smile.
"Nobody knew me better," she admitted.
"Holy shit…" Minho said, sounding as though the wind had just been knocked out of him and Sonya glanced over at him. He was looking between Sonya and Newt with an open look of surprise on his face and when his eyes met Sonya's he gave her the slightest of smiles.
Sonya nodded, confirming his suspicions and she looked back up at Newt, her brown eyes meeting his identical ones.
"You were my favourite person in the whole wide world and were inseparable… until we were separated and even then, you and Thomas used to sneak into my dorm to see me," she said, tears trailing down her cheeks as she gave a sad smile. "My big brother, always looking out for me."
A beat seemed to past over the group where nobody said anything and nobody moved.
Sonya watched as Newt's eyes widened and his lips parted. Thomas' head whipped around to look at Newt but he didn't make any move towards him. Newt's bit his bottom lip to stop it wavering and his eyes glassed over. He opened and closed his mouth several times before taking a steadying breath.
"You're—you're sure?" he whispered so quietly that Sonya didn't actually hear him say the words she just read them on his lips.
She nodded. "I know things about who I was. My name, figures of parents but not their faces or names. Just… me and you," she said. "Your face, our relationship, being taken, but for some reason not your name. I don't know how or why but it's jumbled." She moved her hands either side of her head in a strange gesture like she was trying unjumble her thoughts and memories physically.
"But you're sure?" Newt pressed, "WCKD gave people fake memories, simulations and…implanted thoughts."
Sonya shrugged slightly helplessly. "I don't… it seemed different. More real. More fitting," she said, "whatever it was they were trying to do for the serum, I don't think it worked properly but..."
"Newt," Minho said softly but Newt didn't look over at him. "Your eyes, hair, skin, face shape… you don't look dissimilar. You could easily be siblings."
"You said… you said you remember me?" Thomas asked, looking cautiously from Newt to Sonya as if he was giving Newt a moment to process. Sonya nodded.
"You were their favourite," Sonya said absently, recalling vague images of Thomas talking his way around scientists and guards and opposite her Thomas winced like he'd been told that before. "I think we knew something was about to happen but not what… You snuck Newt into see me, so we could say goodbye and…"
"I think I remember that," Thomas finished softly and everyone looked up at him in surprise. He gave a slightly offhanded shrug. "I got stuck by a griever and got some of my memories back. I remember pieces of the WCKD facility but nothing beforehand. I remember a younger Newt and a girl but you weren't called Sonya… It was something else?"
"Lizzy," Sonya said, her old name felt foreign on her tongue and her heart clenched at the blank look on Newt's face. A blank look that told her that her name and these memories meant nothing to him. "But I'm not Lizzy anymore. Lizzy died the day they wiped my memories. What I do remember of her it's not like me. I'm Sonya. And if you don't want to know about our past then I won't tell you and if you don't want anything to do with me then… I can respect that too but…" she trailed off with a hopeful look, not wanting to say the wrong thing that would make him feel pressured. "…I'm here if you change your mind."
Newt gave her a crooked look that wordlessly gave a very strong 'what the fuck are you talking about?' vibe. Whatever doubts he might have had slipped away.
"Why would I need to change my mind?" he asked. "I might not remember you but you said you weren't her anymore and I'm not who I was before either. You're still my sister. No amount of memory wipes are going to change that. We have nothing but time now and it's not like either of us are going anywhere and even if we were. I want to get to know you. I want to know what it's like to have a little sister."
At the unwavering conviction that shone through in his eyes and the raw emotion in his voice and with Harriet's slight reassuring nudge, Sonya surged forwards, half crawling, half throwing herself across the sand into his opened arms.
"I'm a hugger," she said into his shoulder, not caring that his clothes were still soaking and by extension soaking her. "You should probably know that I'm a huggy person."
Both Newt and Thomas chuckled slightly.
"So's he," Thomas said, "a lot of our glade were very big on casual intimacy."
Sonya hummed. "Us too," she said contently, letting her self, for the first time in… however many years, sink into her big brother's arms.
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain, Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming
Also, I'm going to posting a full-length post-death cure fic soon with Newtmas, Sonya x Harriet, the gang and a boat and much more craziness soon, so look out for that!