Potter: The Hive Empress
Summary: Harry doesn't exactly grow up with the Dursley Family. Instead, he is raised by some funky scientist. In the end, he discovers Magic far earlier than he ever should have… Which ruins all of Dumbledore's plans much sooner than he thinks things could. After all, the boy claimed everything at the 'tender' age of nine going on ten years. Stupid Potter luck is what Dumbledore calls it.
Warning: There might be some cussing involved. Also, this is going to be a major crossover with a focus on the Harry Potter Realm.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the first part of this first Chapter. The first chapter was freely 'given' via DocX for my sole use.
Chapter Two: Business As Usual
Harry sighs as he arrives at the place known as the 'House Elf Placement Agency' in Carkitt Market off from Horizont Alley. The door tinkles as the five of them enter, ready to buy a few working elves. Apparently the goblins suggested buying elves to brew potions, and to craft things to sell. They also said most elves are abused more often than not.
"Hello." A man says as he enters the room from the back. He is wearing a soft gray formal robe with a trim of some white fur.
"Good day, we have come to buy a few different house elves. How many do you have in stock?" The man blinks softly.
"I have exactly forty, the limit we all have for selling elves." Harry grins at him. The goblins informed him that as long as there are enough people to host them that the government doesn't care how many elves a group buys.
"That is good, I'm starting a charity focused around elves. I've got a group who is going to host them, made of 151 members besides us last I knew. However, there will be more joining. Each of us has at least the core of a Hogwarts Graduate but me. We are basically going to be taking in as many elves as we can. We will primarily be allowing them to craft whatever they please, though we also recently got about 40 abused muggleborn that need care, so we will need a few with medical knowledge, potions knowledge, ingredient harvesting knowledge, and other things." Harry says before Kosmos shows him the list with the elf types they need. The man hums thoughtfully before turning toward Harry.
"If you can get a few files on each of the members of your organization and a picture and individual magic samples then it will be easy to get you as many elves from the source by just sending them to you." Harry nods to him with understanding.
"We will get them to you by the end of the week. If I am correct they are worth about 250 each and 10,000 altogether. If need be we can raise it to 12,000 at most." The man frowns at the offer. He goes to the cash register and hums.
"Fourteen are worth 216, thirteen are 250, eight are 232, and five are 211. If I am correct the most you would have to pay is 9,200 galleons for all of them." The man looks up at him, earning a raised eyebrow before Harry pulls out his Gringotts Card and allows him to check them out. Harry quickly sees his friendly bot, Kosmos, making a quick portal on the wall. The man makes his standard whistle sound used in most elf shops before they all appear. "All of you are going with these people." They shrink for some reason. A bodyguard ushers them into the portal while calmly telling them to bond to any with tufted tails and leather crests.
"Next you guys can go get what you think is needed for the compound." Harry points at two of his guides before giving them the card and his summoned trust vault key. Apparently none of his other vaults take keys. They nod before hurrying off together ready to get everything they can think of. Harry goes through the portal before seeing one last shy elf. He is wringing his hands together nervously. Harry taps his shoulder causing his magic to bond to his core. After his newest buy he should have 75300 galleons left in his trust account at Gringotts.
Hurrying off with his new elf he goes toward the 'nesting grounds' that are being built. He quickly spots a nurse droid near the place who is motioning him closer. "I am proud of you, this nest may be an important thing to keep those here from being injected against their will. Are there any eggs currently?" The droid nods.
"Thank you for the praise, first of all my given name is Serenity. If you will follow me to get a quick tour. And for your question, the Queen Mothers are about to lay eggs and shortly the Queens will as well. And for your knowledge the Queen Mothers have decided to create a specialized eggs their DNA told them about to be sent into the other world. It is called a 'Searching Injector Egg' which hatches injectors who search for the best among other species near it. We have plans to let them loose into Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and other places." Harry nods with understanding as his DNA instantly tells him about the different Injectors and their eggs.
Harry nods and turns toward his elf, "I'm sorry, but you can't enter here unless you wish to become family. It might be a little painful because it changes what you are a little. See my tails? They became a part of me when I became family." The elf's eyes sparkle for some reason.
"Elves be allowed to become family?!" He seems so excited so Harry smiles softly at him.
"Of course you are. I always wanted extended family you know." Harry blinks when the elf lunges and hugs his leg as if it is his lifeline.
"MASTER BE SO KIND TO ELVES!" Harry coos at the elf and the adorable behavior causing the elf to flush with embarrassment. He detaches quickly before straightening his pillowcase robe. "Dopey is sorry. Elves shouldn't hug their masters."
"Why not?" Harry asks him causing the elf to pause and try to think of a few reasons. "You are allowed to hug any of us that you wish. Now, follow me if you want to become family." Dopey gives a huge grin before he follows Harry only to yelp as an injector wraps around his arm. "Don't hurt it. That is the injector that will make you into family. Seems like you will be a queen."
Dopey nearly faints before the nurse gently takes him and carries him off toward a nearby resting place. Harry smiles at her little, adorable elf as he chatters to the droid curiously while asking questions. He winces as he feels his egg sac forming again. He sighs before he hurries toward an egg bay. Serenity smiles at him seeing his discomfort and guides him directly to the largest bay.
"We found out that you lay many more eggs than the Queen Mothers and that the Queen Mothers lay more than the Queens. We counted." Harry nods before sighing and wincing as his eggs start almost forcing themselves out. His clothes are carefully removed with magic before he gently lays on his back with his egg sac depositing leathery eggs between the two bars keeping his legs apart. He silently and cautiously reaches out with his mind to the eggs. They have searching injectors. Harry sighs before deciding to hatch two more Queen Mother eggs. Instantly he arches in pain a little as a more than double sized egg exits his rear. This one has a pair of Queen Mother and a pair of soldier injectors.
He sighs as the egg slips between his legs landing with a soft thunk before it opens automatically and sends both pairs off in opposite directions. The Queen Mothers are likely to be searching for a pair of queens. The soldiers might be searching for the best of the workers to change into guards. 'Now that I think about it there needs to be some guards and some soldiers for precaution, not a lot but at least a handful around each queen and as many or more for the Queen Mothers with twice the Queen Mothers with or around me. Damn!' He arches in pain as the eggs get a little larger and hatch within seconds only to send out guard and soldier injectors in pairs. How two alone fit in an egg is simple, they would curl around each other and appear to be a larger one before splitting apart as the egg hatches.
He grins as his eggs keep coming, he decides to nap while telling his body to make at least 50 hibernating searching injectors of the common kind. Maybe even sending a few to muggle communities to get a few Muggleborns who weren't able to go to Hogwarts in order to claim custody of them. They most likely will be going after Muggleborns, now that he thinks about it. He yawns before he drifts off to sleep not knowing the Queen Mothers and queens started producing guards and soldiers for a few double injection. The queens decided on 7 guards and 3 soldiers and the Queen Mothers decide on 10 guards and 5 soldiers. Harry instantly lays 12 guards and 8 soldiers.
Harry yawns sleepily before he rubs his eyes as a kitten would, with the back of his wrist. He opens his eye before his eyes bulge at the sight of the guards around him. They are big and bulky, large enough that many know not to mess with them. "I'm sorry, but she needs her rest. As the Empress she has high need of resting time, regardless if she wakes or not Harry seeing you will her her choice." Harry clears his throat causing them to shift so he can see Serenity again.
"Serenity, I hereby appoint you my interface with our people. You will be in charge of making sure everyone and everything that is not an immediate emergency gets attended to. For the emergencies, you will have the Queen Mothers get together with their councilmen and councilwomen. If you have any suggestions for eligibility for each Queen Mothers' council and their queen daughter's councils please make a note of it. If you need to see me for anything urgent or important and I am near waking you may enter the room and wait quietly for me to awaken all the way. Also, where is my tea?" To Harry's delight Serenity brings him a mug of earl gray tea. He take the tea before quietly sipping, humming a pleased sound and flushing when he hears the chuckles from his guards.
"See, she would be happy to see me every time she laid eggs if she gets tea. The egg laying process dehydrates them and they need lots to drink. We noticed from security footage that she loves tea so we produced some for her. The others have found a few tea favorites and we have been able to enhance them with extra vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. Now, she needs to simply plan what to do until she gets of Hogwarts age. Afterward she might want to discuss if going to Hogwarts is worth it." Harry groans as he remembers every legend he read about the Founders in Ragnok's Office which was politely procured for him as his droids continued with business.
"First, we should remember that I almost literally can claim the place. If I do claim it I'll need to send an intelligent business society member to inspect the place during schooling this YEAR!" He jerks as his egg laying sac starts putting out some eggs. "Five at most." he says as his guards turn to give him privacy. His magic acknowledges his wish and only six are produced. One was already laid though, cheeky magic core. To his non-existent surprise they immediately hatch and scurry away.
"My apologizes, it seems when I think about different workers we need in the family that I lay eggs." They nod to her as she continues drinking the tea, feeling a little worse for wear.
"It is fine, Empress Potter. The other Royals told me that they agreed on something you may not be happy with. I am going to tell you to inform you and to let you choose if we should apply the change." Harry nods and she smiles softly before she comes over and sits next to her. She waits for several moments before giving a human like sigh.
"The other royals have request that they each have their own council despite being where they obey their sire and the sire's sire. They ask that they have two originally male and one originally female in the way of mates at minimum. They said that everyone has up to ten years to choose a suitable mate, as your people are very long lasting according to DNA Results this may be quite the short amount of lifespan time. If you were human the equal would be about three months depending on the caste you are in. For empress it could be equal to about 10-15 years but we have refused to test you without permission. If you will allow us to it might be a good thing." Harry reacts in a way that he knows that no ordinary nine year old would. He pauses to think about it, the repercussions and any benefactors which may improve such things.
"I have some conditions and some time altering factors. If a person was recently changed then they should have a little more time, lifespan wise. They would have much time to figure out is a person is worthy or capable of the job without insight to that kind of things. Also, they should have at least twice as many advisers as they have mates to ensure they have some advisory staff to help pick their mates. And if they aren't completely of age in their birth species's idea of such then they should be granted a ¼ of the time longer." Taking the computer offered to her she begins typing.
Mental Age
Physical age
Ability to breed with original species parts
Familiarity with the society
Familiarity with Duties
Should be associated with at least two droids who readily agree to be helpers
Should have options for mates, and if none are available can look for mates among own first species before having them changed
Should be allowed, able, willing, and have at least a little knowledge of their own council's topic
Each Royal's council will consist of people who care for a designated topic assigned by either the Queen Mother or Empress if a queen and by the Empress if a Queen Mother.
Must have hormones
Harry hums thoughtfully before nodding to herself. She hands lets Serenity look over the file before smiling at her. "This seems well thought out. Though I will have to inform the others of these choices. Thankfully you already suggested that they have councils, I think you did so a few moments ago. For now we will start initiating the Mate Searching for the majority of the Royal Caste Members. If allowable I can start getting you a few secretaries ready to act as administration for the majority of the hive." Harry nods before stretching some and slowly standing up to avoid slipping.
One of her soldiers gently helps her away from her egg-sac mess. "Alright, I need clothes… and more tea." One of the soldiers instantly procure an elegant, beautiful gown, probably made by the seamstress bots.
Harry sighs as she makes her way toward the sitting room. She sighs before mentally telling herself to only lay one batch every 3, 4, or 6 months. She quickly settles into the kitchen to cook food for the family, with help from the cook bots. She is only upset with the lack of meat and dairy products.
Harry sighs as she looks around the now complete castle foyer. While some of the castle is still being worked on, and is the last to be worked on of the settlement, she knows it will be perfect however it is designed. The builder bots are hard working people and they seem to agree with modest proclamations of 'we just do our job' when told such. Harry things they are rather funny in that regard, but she would probably do the same if she was ever able to. Humming thoughtfully she heads toward the main council room. After a few moments she arrives with the Muggleborn children waiting patiently, scattered across the room in small clusters.
Taking a seat in the high-backed chair she sees the children focus on her, some with astonishment. "Today we are going to talk about placement. I am sure that none of you wish to return to abusive relatives but I have no doubt that there may be some who wish to find a place to stay. I am willing to provide homes as long as you are careful to avoid certain places, which Guards will be stationed near to keep you safe from harm." Harry turns to Serenity and nods to her.
Serenity steps forward with a small smile, not quite happy, due to being sad for the children. "First of all, welcome home. That is if you choose to make this place your home. If not we can arrange for you to have a different home through various methods. In case none of you noticed each of you are magical children. Your relatives noticed this, though most probably didn't identify it, and they were scared of you." The speech continues as Harry tries to decide exactly what needs to be done with and for the children.