When Kita awoke she could hear arguing outside her door.

"You cannot really mean to take Kita away today, big brother!" Kita heard Kagome exclaim, sounding pleading. "She only just got here and she must be feeling very confuse. She needs time to adjust."

"I do mean to take her away today. Now in fact." Sesshomaru's implacable voice responded. "Inari needs the familiar surroundings of our home."

"But…" Kagome started worriedly.

"And don't call me big brother." Did Sesshomaru sound exasperated or amused? Kita could not tell.

"Don't you have something to say about this, Shoga?" Inuyasha snapped grumpily.

"We are back home." Shoga replied. "Lord Sesshomaru is lord here. His wishes must be obeyed."

"hnnh" Sesshomaru murmured somewhat suspiciously.

"What?" Shoga sounded far more pious than Kita had ever heard her. "I have always obeyed your commands my lord without question."

"More like she is planning to run off to find Myoga." The monk Miroku laughed.

"Uh huh." That was Shippo.

"Enough!" commanded Sesshomaru. "I am taking my mate home. Do not get in my way."

Mate… that's right Kita mused. Canids had mates not wives. She was willing to bet that a holy man had not been within a hundred kilometers of their … mating? That sounded wrong, so very wrong in Kita's mind.

She sat on her matt and started giggling in to her hands.

"Something amuses you Inari?" Sesshomaru asked from the doorway. Why did his voice have the power to send shivers racing up and down her spine?

"I was just thinking about the holy man." Kita giggled helplessly trying to imagine Sesshomaru in front of an alter in wedding formal wear.

Sesshomaru's voice was ice cold when he asked "You were thinking about the monk? If so you had better have been planning to eat him."

Now Kita was confused. It probably would have helped if she had stopped laughing. "Monk? You wish for me to eat a monk? What on earth for? Did you have a specific monk in mind or was I to go on a rampage through the nearest monastery?"

"I had in mind the monk outside." Sesshomaru could not follow along with how quickly her thoughts jumped around.

"You want me to eat Miroku? Why?" And had he bothered to tell Miroku this?

"Then I take it he was not the holy man you were referring to?" Sesshomaru tried once again to follow her logic.

"No I was thinking about the holy man who was not at our…. wedding" Kita refused to use the word "mating" "because we did not have a wedding. Why would I be thinking about Miroku?"

"He is known to be… popular… among women." Sesshomaru gave up on trying to figure out why she was thinking about a monk being at an event that had not occurred.

"Oh and because I am a woman I must be weak and susceptible? Kita stood angrily. "Well, nothing for it then, if you have said it then it must be true. I suppose I should go out at once and succumb to his charms."

Kita tried to brush past Sesshomaru but he stopped her with an arm around her midsection.

She was surprised to see his eyes were sparkling as he looked down at her. "What is so damned funny?" She demanded.

Sesshomaru was surprised Inari had stood up to him. Not many would. But he supposed he should not have been. She had always stood her ground. It was one of many reasons he had agreed to take her as a mate.

"You please me mate." He did not quite smile down at her, but there was a softening in the lines around his eyes and mouth.

"Let me get this straight…" Kita backed up a bit so she could look in to his eyes. "If I do domestic chores it annoys you, but if I argue with you… fight back… it pleases you?"

Sesshomaru nodded his head slowly and then had the audacity to wink at her!

"Well, then I am about to make you ecstatic…" She threatened.

As pleasing as Sesshomaru found the banter with his mate to be he was far too busy at the moment. There would be enough time later. At home.

And what a wonderful word that was now, home. He had rarely gone back since her disappearance.

"No, what you are going to do is prepare yourself for our trip home." He gave her waist a gentle squeeze. "It will be a long journey."

"Then you truly do mean to return to your home today?" Oh of course he did, she doubted the Daiyokai had ever told a joke in his life.

"Our home and yes." Sesshomaru walked towards the door.

"Did you…" Kita sputtered "Did you just dismiss me? I am certain I don't like that!"

Sesshomaru looked down at the angry fox demon trying to figure out what she wanted from him. Suddenly he remembered how he always saw Inuyasha and the monk leave their mates. "Hnnhh." He grumbled and grabbed her by the shoulders and slanted his mouth over hers in a hard fast kiss that fairly knocked her out of her socks. "There now get ready. We will leave at once."

"That wasn't…" Kita was embarrassed over how hot her cheeks suddenly felt. But whatever it was she had planned to say would have fallen on deaf ears since he had already left the hut.

"Of all the asinine men in the world I ended up with that one." Kita gathered up what few belongings she had brought with her. She hoped Sesshomaru was serious that she had clothes at his… their… home because the few things she had brought with her would not be appropriate here. Partly because they were so different from what everyone else wore, but mostly because there was no way they were going over all of those tails.

Kita stepped from the doorway to find Sesshomaru leaning against a tree with Rin bouncing around his feet like an eager pup. He did not interact with her, but he did not shoo her away either. This did not seem to bother Rin.

"Don't forget to come back for me Lord Sesshomaru." The worry in Rin's voice tugged at Kita's heart.

Kneeling down Kita looked Rin in the eye. "Has Lord Sesshomaru ever forgotten you before?"

"Oh no! Lord Sesshomaru is very kind. He would never forget me!" Rin assured her smiling.

"Then you may rest assured he won't forget you this time. But if it makes you feel better I will help him remember you." Kita was surprised when Rin hugged her tightly.

"Good by my Lady! I hope you remember who you are soon!"

"I hope so too Rin." Or at least I think I hope so, Kita fretted.