There were very few moments when our house was so silent and one of those times was bedtime. The moment that all the kids were in bed brought some much-needed peace to our bustling family home. It was a time that Harry and I normally welcomed with open arms. But for the past few days, I hadn't been able to do that. Lately, whenever the kids went to bed, the house seemed too quiet and I was always tempted to let them stay awake a little longer but that would just ruin their routine. It wasn't their fault that their father wasn't home. It wasn't anyone's fault.

It was just that one of his missions had run too long. This wasn't the first time it had happened either. But it was certainly the first time that the ministry hadn't been able to get into contact with the Auror team and that was enough to have a shiver running down my spine. I couldn't let the kids see that, or else they'd get scared too.

Closing the storybook that I was supposed to be reading the boys, I set it aside and looked at the beds where my boys were already sleeping. Rising to my feet, I made sure they were tucked in properly before walking towards the window which overlooked the street below. I stared out into the distance for a long moment, as if doing so would grant me with a glimpse of Harry. But as always, it didn't.

Drawing away from the window, I made sure that the night lamp was switched on before leaving the boy's shared room. I walked down the stairs and set about making sure that everything was locked and that the wards were in place; maybe an early night's sleep was what I needed. Not that it would help either way – it wasn't like I'd be able to get much sleep either. My mind would work in overdrive until Harry returned. It was just one of the consequences of being married to an Auror who tended to be assigned to these big cases.

My steps slowed at the sound of the fireplace kicking to life. Step by step I approached the front room, gradually quickening my pace until I stood in the doorway and watched Harry – a very battered and bruised Harry – tumble out of the fireplace. A sharp, relieved gasp left me as I looked him over from head to toe, the sound alerting him to my presence. Harry looked towards me with a small smile that never failed to make butterflies erupt in the bit of my stomach. Rowena, it was good to see that smile again.

"Hi," he said quietly, likely remembering that it was past bedtime and the kids were asleep.

"Why is 'hi' the first thing you say?" I allowed myself to complain, voice trembling slightly as I crossed the space between us with quick footsteps until I was in front of him.

"You're right, I'm sorry," he said as he reached out and took me in his arms, rocking me slightly from side to side. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I murmured against his shoulder, squeezing him tight in my arms, reluctant to let him leave again.

Holding me close to him, I felt Harry nuzzle his nose into my hair and let out deep breaths as if to steady his heart. "I'm sorry, the mission ran –"

"I don't want to know," I cut in, drawing away from him so I could meet his eyes. "I don't think my heart could take it."

"Then I won't say anything," he promised, drawing way to hold me at arm's length. "I'm going to go and freshen up; I feel like death."


"Sorry," he apologised with a wince. "I spoke without thinking. Is it too late to get some food? I'm starving."

"Go and shower," I said, kissing him quickly, "I'll have food waiting for you."

"Thank you," he said leaning down to kiss me again. "Love you."

I stood still, watching as he walked up the stairs to shower before heading off to the kitchen to see what I could make on such a short notice. Only he was gone for a rather long while. By the time I had finished cooking and placed the food on the table, I went off in search of my husband and from the top of the stairs, I saw him walk out of our bedroom with a towel slung around his neck.

He crossed the hallway, not noticing my presence and ducked into the boy's room. I followed silently after him and stood in the doorway to watch as he perched on Albus' bed. Harry stared down at Albus for a moment before brushing some of the hair of his forehead. Slowly, doing his best not to wake our youngest, Harry rose from the bed and crossed the room to kneel in front of James' bed. He did the same to James – reaching out a tentative hand to brush a hand over his hair.

But James was a light sleeper, he had been since he was born. His father's hand in his hair work James up and he blinked bleary eyes up at Harry and began to speak intelligibly.

"Go back to sleep," Harry assured him, patting his back. "We can talk in the morning."

Harry remained where he was, patting James on the back until he fell asleep again. He spent a little longer making sure that James actually had fallen asleep before he rose to his feet and fixed the blanket around him. Turning to leave the room, Harry paused in his step when he saw me standing in the doorway.

We stepped out into the hallway, and Harry shut the door behind him. I watched him in concern as I asked quietly, "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright," he reassured me, reaching out to hold my hand. "Just glad that I'm finally home."