Chapter 1 The Shirtless in the Shootout

As he turned off the invigorating hot water, Booth reached for one of the towels hung over the shower door and wrapped it around his hips; then grabbed the other and swiped it across his shoulders and chest, before turbanning his head in the thick terrycloth. Stepping out of the shower enclosure onto the Southern Living bath mat he'd bought Brennan for Christmas, the new Supervisory Special Agent wiggled his toes in the long loops of its lush hydrocotton Teromet pile.

While he had once cringed at the hefty prices his wife paid for towels, Booth had come to appreciate this touch of pampering in their busy lives. The couple worked long hours and were kept hopping with their children's activities. Brief moments of comfort and bliss like this soothed the stress they both experienced.

With swift sure strokes of his razor, Booth cleared the methol foam from his face and checked for stragglers in the mirror. He rubbed his palms across his cheeks to insure a close, clean shave, then brushed his teeth quickly. Because his normal afternoon meeting with Director Cannon had been rescheduled for 11 am, he had set his alarm clock an hour early the previous night, and needed to 'get a move on' as Pops would have said.

Suddenly the bathroom door popped open and an auburn head appeared. Brennan took one look at her husband, and stepped toward him. Pulling him into a snug embrace, she purred,

"You remind me of Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar!"

"I take it that's a good thing?" Booth inquired, with a smile.

"Ah, yes, Booth, he was the third Mughal emperor, an accomplished warrior, an able general, and a powerful, astute, tolerant ruler. He gave his wives religious freedom to remain Hindu if they wished, and prohibited sati. His unifying legacy of pluralism had a strong influence still felt in the modern Indian republic."

Booth grinned into her fragrant hair. He loved it when his Bones went all 'scholarly' on him.

"I love it when you are shirtless! Your acromia and torso musculature are perfect, Booth!"

"Torso musculature? That's not a very scholarly description of anatomy from the world's foremost forensic anthropologist, Bones."

"Hush, Booth! I wanna kiss you right now….."

Brennan pivoted, pushing him backward toward their bed.

"Whoa there, my love! Cannon pushed up our meeting before lunch. I've gotta get to the office, Bones!"

"Well, then, we'll just have to make this a quickie, won't we?" she replied saucily.

Twenty minutes later, the couple were dressed for their day. Brennan headed to get the kids dressed while Booth brought her a mug of kopi luwak coffee. (He stuck to Folgers, same as Pops and Grams. No civet would ever digest coffee beans destined for Seeley Booth's stomach!) Brennan straightened his tie as he kissed her goodbye.

"Remember the Valentine's Day you borrowed the tommy guns for me?" Booth murmured in her ear.

"The Bureau is in the process of upgrading Hogan's Alley and Murphy Sanchez wants me to try it out. They've added some features, but he wants my input on the situational scenario modification program they're installing. It allows the instructors to modify our virtual tactical environment at will during training sessions and recertification testing. He wants to test its capabilities. I thought you might enjoy evaluating the revised feedback capture methodology with me."

He felt her smile widen against his cheek. Like Sweets, Brennan had taken a tactical performance test when she received her concealed carry permit, but it had been awhile. She had relished the experience, but it was rare for non-agents to be allowed on Hogan's Alley.

"That would be an excellent way to spend Valentine's evening, Booth."

"I spoke to Cam and Isaiah is wanting to earn some money for summer soccer camp. He's available to babysit the kids tonight if you approve."

"Good idea, Booth. I've noticed that he's responsible and considerate with his brothers. I believe Isaiah would do a fine job minding Christine and Hank this evening. After all, he watched over Tyler and Jordan in foster care before Cam and Arastoo adopted them. Hank will love having a guy sitter too."

"Ok then, Bones, we're set. I'll pick up the kids tonight and see you at home. I really gotta get a move on! Love ya!"

After one more kiss, he was out the front door.

Hank grinned at Brennan from the kitchen bar. " 'Saiah's gonna stay with us, Momma? I like him!"

"Yes, honey, finish your oatmeal, Christine's going to be late for school if we don't leave in ten minutes."

Christine came out of the bathroom, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You still have toothpaste on your lip, Little Girl," Brennan told her. "Grab your backpack and let's head out to the car."


Booth picked up his children an hour earlier than usual. He drove to the Fallsgrove Village Center where he helped Christine pick out a 5" x 7" picture frame at Art and Framing Depot. The previous Saturday the trio had secretly gone to Moto Photo for a picture session. Then Hank chose a puppy gift card at Barnes and Noble. Even at age four, the little boy knew how his mother's eyes always sparkled at the chance to select a new book.

Once they arrived home, Booth helped his daughter disassemble the picture frame to insert their photograph. He smiled at her intense look of concentration, identical to her mother's, as she chose two gift bags from the hall closet.

"Hank can use the red one, and I'll use the pink one, Daddy. We made cards in class today."

"Me, too! Me, too!" crowed Hank, pulling a rumpled piece of folded construction paper from his backpack. Four squiggly letters adorned the crayon-colored heart inside.

Christine carefully tucked tissue paper into the bags to conceal their gifts, and carried them to the coffee table.

"You think Mommy will be pleased?" she asked.

"Your mom would love it even if you just tied a bow around your waist and gave her a hug for Valentine's Day, Monkey!" Booth answered.

The front door opened as Brennan came in. Spotting the gift bags, she quickly plastered a look of utter surprise across her face.

"Look, Momma, look!" Hank said proudly. He reached into his bag and pulled out the gift card.

"Hank, you're supposed to let Mommy open her gifts!" Christine chided him.

"Honey, I don't mind," Brennan told her, kissing Hank's tousled brown head. "Thank you, Little Man! I will enjoy buying a new book to read!"

"Here, Mom," Christine held out her bag as Brennan took a seat on the couch. She peered carefully into the pink sack, and withdrew the tissue-protected frame.

"What a wonderful picture of you three!" she smiled with delight. "This is a perfect Valentine's gift, Christine; I need a new picture for my desk at the lab! Thank you!"

Christine hugged her mother with great satisfaction as her parents shared a smile.

"Isaiah will be here soon. Go change into your play clothes. I brought Neopolitan pizza from Pizza CS," Brennan told her children.

"Yay! Pizza!" Hank told Christine.

"I know, Hank! I have eyes."

"Honey, be nice; he's just excited," Booth said.

"Yeah, and he's a doofus."

"So were you at four, Monkey!"

A knock at the door signaled Isaiah's arrival. Hugs and kisses were exchanged all around, and the parents left for the evening. Isaiah stood on the front porch with Hank hanging from his arm. Christine waved goodbye, and Booth watched to make sure they went back in the house before driving down the street.

"Ready for some shooting, Mrs. Booth?"

"Booth, I daresay I will top your score!"

"Them are fightin' words, Wild Card Wanda!"

"You can bet on it, Big River Buck!"