The next day…

Sitting at home all day long is actually pretty boring. It was just that before, Ang really didn't have much else to do. Since his perspective was now expanded… well, okay. He wasn't really inspired to do a lot and become a better person. He just got really fucking bored after sitting around for an hour. Mostly because no one was online except for that one guy who just kept spamming in all-caps. What a douche.

Instead, he was being dragged along on a walk with Nobu and Cat. One would question why the rep wasn't overlooking the preparations that she set into motion… of course, Ang underestimated the strategic mind of Nobu. Everything was going according to her plans in some meticulously convenient way which allowed her to just organize everything by sending texts out to everyone procedurally. Such efficiency defied Ang's shallow scope of logic.

"Why is Cat coming with us anyway?"

"Because we have to walk our pets!"

Since when was Cat the class pet? Well, not like anyone else was gonna be able to fill that role except maybe Liz. Cats are better than lizards though so this was ideal.

Conveniently, they were making their way through Ang's old haunt, Downtown. This area of the city was considered the lower end of city life, since it was basically where people lived if they had a mediocre-to-low income. That being said, it does host the city markets and has a bunch of independent businesses about… so it's a fairly tight-knit community. One that Ang never cared to be part of.

However, this was apparently where Nobu used to reside too. She lived on the other edge of the district, the side which transitioned into the Izumo district… Ang shuddered, wanting to never go back to that place anytime soon.

Regardless, she seemed to know the area better than Ang did, so he kept quiet about his previous abode there.

She stopped and pointed at something.

"Whoa! That building got fucked!"

Ang looked up and saw- oh. That was his old home, except it was now basically a hole that had been punched into the side of the shoddy apartment block it was part of. No one had even bothered to clean up the mess that the psycho-bitch left.

"I bet we missed something exciting."

"I wouldn't bet on it."

Speaking of which, why were they walking all the way out here anyway? This seemed a bit far for Cat's walk…

The intention became hinted at as Nobu stopped them in front of a second-hand electronics store that was crammed between similarly crummy stores in the shopping area of Downtown.

"Since you're gonna be my vice-rep, you need communications! Therefore I shall graciously invest in a mobile device for you to use. Rejoice!"

She laughed as she tied Cat's leash to a lamppost. Cat tried to wander off but got caught on the leash and flopped over with a woof. She was surprisingly inept at the concept of being bound as she started to chew the leash.

Nobu and Ang left the disgruntled pet and entered the store. Ah, the smell of sweat and burnt-out electronics… how delightfully unpleasant. The tight aisles of the place didn't help with the fact that despite only being fit for single-file traffic, people constantly tried to push past them.

Ang felt particularly ill as a morbidly obese man that had no right to be in a store that size attempted to shuffle past, welcoming the poor protagonist to the splendid world of sweaty globular folds grinding uncomfortably against his entire front. Make it stop.

Naturally, Nobu seemed entirely adjusted to this environment. By that, we mean that she was walking on the shelves themselves with great agility. C'mon, man. The gamer girl was outdoing your so-called A RANK AGILITY.

After much struggles, they reached the back of the store where the used phone section was. Whoever put it here could go suck a million dicks. With mustard, because fuck mustard. That shit was foul.

Nobu picked one out at random and shoved it in Ang's face. Literally. He got a faceful of cheap plastic as he recoiled back and removed it from his face.

"Don't just fucking cram it in my face! What is this even…"

A simple black flip-phone. It looked positively ancient, but functional. No fancy smartphone or anything, like all the cool kids nowadays?

"This fits you to a tee! Simple device for simple man! Mwahaha!"

Couldn't fault her for that opinion. It was pretty much perfect for Ang. Not like he'd have much use for a smartphone. He actually was content with this decision forced upon him, for once.

"Sure. Nice pick."

"Eh? Really? Okay then!"

She really didn't have much faith in that choice. That or she intended it as some kinda joke. Regardless, they trudged through the spatially stingy store and paid the little required for such a shitty device as that, including the pay-as-you-go subscription to DC Mobile. Which was clearly better than the alternative provider, AC Comms.

He fiddled with the thing as they exited the store, somehow turning it on despite the fact that it was straight off the shelf. He didn't question it much as he looked to see if the phone had any old data on it from the previous owner… it seemed like a pretty blank slate, aside from a single encrypted folder. He figured it was the system files or some manner of technojabbery along those lines so he left it alone as Nobu snatched it outta his hands.


"Man this thing is old! They probably made this when even the Shinsengumi were still relevant!"

The distant cry of a chronically ill fangirl could be heard.

"I'm just punching in my number. It would be pointless for me to invest in this for you if it didn't even have my contact info!"

Once that was said and done, she handed it back to Ang with a firm punch to the gut as she turned to-

Find a severed leash. This wasn't entirely unexpected as she grabbed Ang by the shoulder.

"We have a missing cat! We gotta tell the authorities!"

"... Why not just look for her ourselves? We can pretty much guess where-"

"NO! I have an amazing idea! We should look for her ourselves! Because-"

"Cause why rely on them Shinsengumi bigots, right?"

Nobu's eyes widened and she shook Ang violently. This was immensely disruptive to his senses.

"Not what I was going to say but wow you actually said something COOL! Yeah, fuck the police! Let's not waste any time, they might beat us to it otherwise!"

Like some kind of anarchic kid on a sugar high, Nobu sprung into action as she seized the leash and dragged Ang by the collar with her D3M0NK1NG strength.

"Gack! Why the fuck would they be looking for her?!"

Little did the uninformed protagonist know, the Shinsengumi were well onto the case already… yes, indeed, it was the infamous "Saberface Ahoge Sensor" at work. The strand of hair was twitching erratically, and Okita was screaming.


Before she could do her trademark blood spurt, she was smacked on the back… which somehow made her better as she yelped and turned to see John Doe. A spontaneous medical tablet appeared and popped itself into Okita's mouth to help with the illness.

"Worry not, it simply means that an important event is taking place. We must act."

Oh hey, the tablet was raspberry-flavor. She suckled on it and wondered where the hell it even came from… it could've been poison! Nah, something so deadly wouldn't be so delicious as smiled in content.

"I can see it with my enhanced vision… there is a missing pet. We should investigate."

"B-but Mr. Doe, we should leave that to officials. Like the Shinsengumi!"

"Then consider us interim Shinsengumi officers!"

He smiled at her but she threw up an X-sign with her arms.

"Impersonating law enforcement officials is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offense!"

"... Okay, we're just a couple good-willed volunteers that aspire to be like the Shinsengumi?"

Okita's eyes sparkled and her ahoge sproinged up in glee.

"That's music to my ears! This will look so GOOD on my application! Let's go let's go!"

And so, a new search team was formed. With wrought iron speed and shukichi-enhanced agility, they rapidly made their way for Downtown.

Unfortunately for them, they forgot to get permission to leave. Despite being too fast for the perimeter defenses to pick them off, a certain eagle-eye was able to track them and pinpoint their destination… as the Urukorp CEO watched the surveillance monitor.

"Interesting… Asako!"

With a snap of the fingers that sparkled with prestige, a shadow emerged from behind Gil. A woman in an all-black suit with a skull mask and purple hair tied into a pony-tail. She kneeled before the CEO.

"Find an accomplice. Follow them and ruin their intended prize. That shall be a suitable punishment."

"As you wish."

And just like that, the brief exchange was over. Whatever was on the CEO's mind was certainly something of complex connotations, of schemes and intrigue that only a business owner such as himself could possibly comprehend…

"Even in this world, I shall make you suffer, Faker!"

Or not.

Returning to our main duo, Nobu had somehow managed to trace the Cat's tracks into a nearby park. She called it "Oda Intuition", but it was probably just her Tenka Fubu at work since Cat had traces of Divinity. You can't just make that shit up on the fly.

"Look, Cat tracks!"

She approached a decimated tree and inspect a single splinter from its massacred mass. This probably constituted more than just a simple "track". Perhaps Cat was hungry and was going on a hunger rampage. What a scary thought.

"I knew I should've fed her beforehand!"

"So this is your fault?!"

"Mwahaha! It cannot be helped!"

Catchphrase. Regardless, the search continued. The trail led to various other crime scenes… including a toppled snack wagon and a pond that had its population of aquatic life extinguished. It was nice to have a bunch of reminders that Cat was, at the end of the day, a Berserker… so spontaneous sprees of madness such as this were not too unexpected.

Still, she could've picked a time that didn't coincide with Ang being around to assume responsibility for the damage she caused. They left the park and found a haunting trail of-

"Blooood! A trail of blood! This is a great lead!"

Ang crouched down and put his finger in the red stuff… and licked his finger. Nobu recoiled.

"You wretch! Are you a vampiric entity too?!"

"It's ketchup."

Ang knew the look and smell of blood well, this wasn't it. He figured Nobu would be familiar too, but apparently not. That or she was just being silly. She slapped him on the back.

"As expected of my vice-rep! Astute observation. We must go deeper."

Deeper into what? This wasn't a mystery, it was just Cat flipping the fuck out cause someone forgot to bloody feed her!

Despite the best intentions of our second team, they were on a completely different trail. They had arrived at the blown-out apartment that now seemed void of a resident. John investigated some of the leftover trash while Okita just peered out the hole in the building.

"Fairly high up, an ordinary person would perish at this height… why are we here again? I don't see a lost pet."

"Clearly, the pet has been kidnapped."


This was what John's keen intellect had concluded, from the most insignificant amount of irrelevant evidence. He was taking this way too seriously, like some kinda… ally of justice. Pssh.

He grimaced as he fished out an empty ramen bowl from some rubble.

"Only someone as despicable as to consume such bland strands of saturated gruel on a regular basis could pull off a petty stunt such as this… thankfully, his former abode here leaves many leads for us."

"It does?"

Okita questioned the strange man's logic as she stepped on something squishy… ew, a sweaty sock. She tried to shake it off but it clung to her shoe. Sweat should not be sticky. She really hoped that was sweat. Her face contorted as she struggled to shake it off, flailing her foot around before-

"Souji-san, stop fooling arou-"


"... Why is this sock sticky?"

A moment of silence for John Doe's handsome face.

Switching perspectives yet again, Ang blinked and looked up as he heard the shrill, girly screech of a man that just had his integrity tainted. He chuckled to himself… for some reason, he felt responsible for it. And it felt good.

"What are you giggling at? Tell me the joke. Tell me!"

Nobu nudged Ang's shoulder, curious as to what he was laughing at. Not that he could really explain, so he ignored her… she started to prod him, and then bludgeoned him with the butt of a matchlock-


Ang fell over.

"Hey! You can't just escalate it into such a blunt weapon suddenly! It's gotta be gradual!"

"I wanna know the joke!"

"Okay okay jeez, stop pointing that thing at my crotch."

She had some fixation with aiming her rifle at his crotch. It was an obvious weakspot, but c'mon. Have some sense of respect for a man's dignity and fertility.

"Right… uh, what's the difference between the Shinsengumi and my life?"


"... Not much, really. They're both pointless concepts."

… Talk about a pitiful amount of self-esteem. That being said, Nobu burst into laughter.

"That's such a you-level joke, mwahaha! Good."

She only found it funny because of that reason. It was better than her not being amused by it at all. Regardless, they were at the final destination of their investigation. Since y'know, they've actually been going around and doing their assigned task, rather than become frozen in time while another scene takes place.

Before them was a massive tree with ashen bark, which sat in the middle of a plaza in the middle ground district of the city, Menlo Park. It was the bustling area at the epicenter of Chaldea City, that hub which connects everything… all centralized at this oversized tree which was the only piece of mother nature's greenery in this otherwise concrete jungle.

And of course, Cat was stuck up this tree. Because we always have to have one of those in a story, right? Though she wasn't really in peril… it looked like she was napping contently in one of its many branches. Unfortunately, it seems to have drawn quite the crowd that seemed mortified by Cat's "perilous predicament" and wanted to help her, yet they instead pulled out their devices to record the incident in case someone else steps in to save her. Totally not relatable.

Ang and Nobu looked at each other.

"Y'know… that's a really tall tree."

"It is! So, start climbing."

"You're kidding, right?"

"What? Use that agility you're so proud of!"

Ang's A RANK AGILITY wasn't simply something he could rely on any time he liked! Okay, it definitely was, but he really didn't wanna climb up this gargantuan tree. Especially with all these people watching! He'd be treated as a heroic person… ugh! How sickening to even consider!


"Okay okay I'm going!"

Fuck those matchlocks. She always had them loaded but the one she gave Ang was empty. The Demon King's methods of persuasion were great, to say the least.

Ang summoned his pair of weird blade things and started to use them as makeshift climbing picks.

"... snort"

Ang tilted his head back and glared at Nobu. The fuck was she snorting at?

"What the fuck are those things meant to be? They look like a twelve-year-old designed them!"

As she laughed, other people in the crowd did as well… y'know, just to make Ang feel all the more terrible about this situation. He grimaced and just kept hacking his way up the tree. This is why he hated people.

However, as he reached around a fifth of the way up to where Cat was, something whizzed past his head and struck into the bark above his head… it was an arrow.


He screamed.


A bowstring bending back was heard as the arrow nocked, and another shot flew up to narrowly miss his right leg as he pulled it away.

"I ain't fucking target practice, fuck oooooff!"

The crowd's attention turned towards the owner of the bow… it was John Doe, with a cool expression on his face as he lowered the weapon.

"Do not be fooled by this idiot's attempts at heroism. He is, in fact, the perpetrator of this dilemma. Who else but a deviant like him to drive an innocent family's pet up a tree like so?"

John, why have you done this? You had one job, that was to provide delicious food to everyone in the class. Not set out to make our protagonist into a pincushion!

Nobu twirled a matchlock in her hand skilfully and grinned towards John.

"Oi, that's my vice-rep you're shooting at."

"I am simply doing my part as a member of society. This is JUSTICE."

Oh dear. John Doe has activated "HERO OF JUSTICE MODE". His parameters increased and he has now temporarily become the "protagonist". Nobu and Ang are now the villains.

"... Suits me better anyway."

Ang shrugged and attempted to climb again… his ascent was halted by a volley of arrows that cut him off. Another volley and they were now framing his body, effectively trapping him.

"H-hey you didn't hit me… but this is really damn inconvenient!"

"I am Archer, and I have delivered JUSTICE to you. Stay put, villainous scum, while the enforcer comes to collect you."

The enforcer? Who in the world could that be-


A blue-white blur went straight through the crowd, weaving through Nobu and John, before it started to ascend up the tree towards Ang.

"What the-"


A katana stabbed into in the bark of the tree beside him as Okita suddenly appeared there with a determined look on her face… which quickly degraded into a confused one as she saw Ang.

"Huh? What are YOU doing up here?"

"No no no, what are YOU doing up here?! Shouldn't you be dying of anemia or something?"

"Firstly, it's chronic tuberculosis. Secondly, we thought you were some heinous villain! Man, it must've been someone else's disgusting, blown-up apartment that we went to. Phew! You had me scared for a second!"

No, you pretty much have all those facts correct. It was just that the villainous Ang was too conflicted with the emotions of fear, anger, and confusion to really muster up any response so he just kinda hung there and nodded.

"That being said, you should probably hang around here and let me handle this… we can explain to John when we're back down! Promise!"

Okita started to go ahead of Ang. Thank god someone else was going to go do it, he thought.

But hold on, we should focus on our NEW protagonist, John Doe.

He aimed up towards Ang, with the intent of disarming him. However, as he fired the arrow, it was shot out the air with amazing timing and aim. The crowd gasped in awe and shock.

"... Are you obstructing JUSTICE?"

Nobu laughed and clicked a new matchlock, discarding the old one as she aimed towards the determined protagonist.

"Yeaaaah. I am. It can't be helped!"

Several more formed a lotus formation behind her as she folded her arms.

"Vice-rep! You must defeat the Shinsengumi scum! Bring glory and victory to Dahag!"

Ang looked down, with an expression that basically said "are you joking?". A glancing shot to the area between his legs that splintered the bark filled him with new resolve (read:fear) as he broke the arrows off and scrambled up the tree like the world's ugliest weevil.

"We are not scum! A-and I'm not in the Shinsengumi, but I'm not impersonating or anything! B-because that would be a criminal offense and I am no criminal, for I go out of my way to uphold everything that is great about the-"

The prodigal swordswoman was suitably distracted as Ang managed to somehow clamber past her. Fortunately, she wasn't quite that stupid as she saw the cockroach surpass her in scaling the vast tree trunk. Huffing a little, she hurried up after him.

John fired another shot towards Ang, but it was shot out the air again.

"Would you stop that?!"

"Nah! Eyes on me, justice man."

Nobu seemed fired up… literally. There were some sick embers emanating from her feet and hair-ends. Someone in the crowd decided to call the fire department. Y'know, just in case things get out of hand (they probably will).

"Hmph. I was getting tired of this charade anyway."

He cast away the bow and instead summoned a pair of strange swords; one white and one black. They were mysterious swords that had deep and sophisticated lore embedded into their very being… not that any of us care. They were just a pair of pretty cool swords.

"Forsaking your only way of contending with my ranged advantage? Is this some form of handicap? … Oi, are you underestimating me?"

Nobu clicked her tongue as she gave John quite the glare, seeing this as some kinda slight against her. He simply smirked as the two had a dramatic staredown. The crowd fell silent, as did Okita as she stopped and felt the pressure of the atmosphere developing…

The demon king grinned. She was the center of attention once again. Not that it was a bad feeling. She figured she would've had a longer break, but this was fine too. Firing up was nice now and again, after all. Her hair flowed unnaturally in the air as sparks literally started coming off of her.

"Go on. Make the first move."

John chuckled before his smirk faded and his expression became stern.

"Very well. This shall be your end, villain."

He suddenly dropped his swords, before they vanished into thin air. What was the point in bringing them out again? It was to dramatically lead into his trump card, of course!

"I am the bone of my sword…"

Energy gathered around him as Nobu watched on with a cocksure smile, preparing herself to counter whatever mysteries John had to throw towards her… perhaps we would finally find out what his TRUE NAME was. Perhaps-



"Worry not citizens! The fire is being extinguished!"

A handsome blond-haired man in the entirely wrong uniform for a fire warden (except for his bright red fireman's hat) held his arm out as several gouts of water blasted Nobu into submission.

John blinked.


He too received the sudden hydro pumps as things became thoroughly… well, damp. Nobu shot up, shivering like a cat that had fallen into a river as she charged towards the fireman.

"The hell do you think you are?! I AM THE DEMON-"


She was blasted back again by the hose as the blonde man swished his hair back, making sure not to get wet himself.

"Hahaha! Such a beautiful lady, it is unfortunate that your rage burns so fiercely. Were it not for my ill-fated role as a fire warden, I, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, would ask for your hand in marriage! Diarmuid! I believe she has had quite enough."

The pretty man called Diarmuid sighed as he turned off the hose. He was actually in uniform, but in a way that made him look like some pin-up poster in a female locker room.

"Why… in the world are we firemen again, my king?"

"Because they were the roles available to us when we applied! It must have been fated! Fire wardens get the opportunity to meet many types of beautiful women, after all. We even get to carry them at times!"

"I'm fairly sure they were the only roles left because we're nothing more than afterthoughts to the offer…"

"What was that? Speak up, Diarmuid."

"Nothing. I think we're done here."

John spluttered, his chant interrupted and the energy dispersing. Now he was pissed off as well.

"Don't just go around blasting people with that hose! That's sure against your regulations! I wasn't even on fire!"

"You looked like you needed to cool off though!"


Sure enough, John had cooled off. His machismo had faded, and he officially lost his protagonist status. You know what that means?

Back to our main hero! Wait a second, where is he?

Okita blinked.

"Huh? Oh no! I was so transfixed into inactivity by the shenanigans down below that I have completely ignored the cockroach!"

As she looked up, she saw… Ang was at the branch!

He gulped, as he trod carefully across the wooden appendage. It wasn't too narrow but this was quite high… the view gave him butterflies in his stomach.

"C'mon Cat… wake up. Oi! Cat food! Fresh fish! Pork rib ramen!"

Silly Ang. Cats don't eat ramen. Only the tonbito that comes with some kinds of ramen. Never the noodles or broth, just the flakes. Cat turned over in her sleep as she let out a drowsy burp.

"Nnngh… Cat is too stuffed to eat another bite~..."

This wasn't going to work. She was in hibernation mode due to the feast she had. This was why you shouldn't overfeed your pets! He cursed silently as he got closer… he'd have to nudge her awake. She was too heavy to carry down, so this was the only way.

The crowd's attention was up at him now, no one daring to make any distracting sounds that may throw him off. Except-


A tall ladder suddenly smashed against the side of the tree as Fionn gave a thumbs-up to Ang.

"Haha! How ingenious of me to have thought about bringing this fire ladder. After all, I am a fire warden! Worry not, dark one, we will rescue that poor trapped cat!"

Ang was consequently thrown off by that sudden shake of the tree, caused by the ladder. This wasn't going to end well, as he tripped over a knot in the bark and stumbled forwards. He gasped and reached out to brace his fall… all he got was a faceful of-




Time froze. The crowd froze. Fionn's hair swayed majestically in the wind as he gazed up in sheer awe…


The resounding shockwave of the full-power kitty revulsion sent that human trash bag flying… literally sky-high. A resounding-


-was heard as Ang hurtled over the city and far away. No one was sure what to even think of this… but hey. Cat was now in free-fall!

The crowd gasped. Fionn pointed upwards and yelled:

"She is falling! Who is going to save the poor thing now?!"

"Isn't that your fucking job?!"

John was too busy calling Fionn out on his bullshit to react, Nobu was too busy being wet and Diarmuid was… too busy being too damn handsome? I dunno.


A black blur suddenly emerged from the crowd and snagged the Cat straight outta the air. The figure landed and dumped the cat beside the sodden demon king.

"... Hmph. It seems like I didn't have to do much at all."

The black-suited maidservant of Gilgamesh ended up becoming the overall winner, as the crowd cheered for her. She thought nothing of it, but opted to accept interviews as the press latched onto her. Gotta keep up the public image for Urukorp, after all.

Nobu just sat there with a poker face expression. Her fiery rage was being sufficiently subdued by undeniable amounts of befuddlement. Cat turned to her.

"Nobu! Cat is glad to see you, for you are not a talking fish. They were weird."

"Cat… I won't put a leash on you again, but can you not wander off and cause chaos?"

"Hmm… you must negotiate with the Cat. Three fish dinners! For the next term! My conditions are final!"

"Yeah yeah, we'll discuss it when we get back."

John wandered over to them and extended his hand to Nobu. Seems like the competitive feelings had subsided, and normal John Doe had returned to them.

"Uh… let's just forget this and continue with festival preparation. Deal?"

"... Deal."

Nobu took the hand and got up, before she started to wring out her shirt.

"Uh, what about Mainyu-san?"

"Oh, vice-rep? Eh, he'll find a way back. Somehow."

As for the firemen… well, Diarmuid was doing the boring job of packing up the fire equipment while Fionn was just kinda hitting on some girls from the crowd. By the way, their "fire truck" was a giant demon boar.

Diarmuid loaded the rest of the stuff on before patting the boar on the nose and turning to Fionn.

"My king, it is time."

"Hahaha, indeed! Sorry girls, but I must be off. If I were perhaps a polyamorous man, I would propose to all of you… sadly, I am not. I do hope our paths may be blessed enough to cross again in the future, however. Farewell."

He bowed and wandered back towards the giant boar in grandiose fashion, golden hair glistening in the sun. The girls swooned so hard that any possibility of a future husband became impossible.

John shook his head.

"Celts… I dislike the lot of them."

"Casual racism, eh?"

Nobu nudged John in the shoulder as they made their way off and the crowd started to disperse. Cat hummed a strange tune as John sighed towards that remark.

"No… I just have really bad overall experiences with the Celts. Cu is bad enough as is."

"Really? You guys seemed like brothers when I saw you last."

"Say that again and I'll only give you half-portions for your next lunch."

She laughed heartily as they made their way off… normal pedestrian traffic resumed in that plaza as peace was restored to Menlo Park.

As for Ang? Well… we'll get to that in a bit.

Later that day…

The sun started to set over Menlo Park…

"… Um…"

Okita sat on the branch with tucked knees as she watched the sun go down. She sighed in resignation…

"Is someone going to rescue meeeeee…"

Hmm… nah.