Chapter 10: What Is This An Intervention

"Professor Dumbledore!. You have to come with me. I found Mrs. Norris in a corridor. I can't be certain, but I think she's been petrified somehow" He said holding up the petrified cat.

The students gasped in shock.

Harry was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath "There was a message on the wall. I didn't get time to read it. I saw Mrs. Norris and came straight here".

Dumbledore came over to Harry and gently lifted Mrs. Norris, from him "Harry, can you show me where you found Mrs. Norris" He asked gravely.

Harry nodded his head frantically "Yes, Professor".

Dumbledore spoke "Professors with me. Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately in an orderly fashion".

Harry led the headmaster and the professors to the deserted corridor.

Filch was already there staring at the writing, muttering darkly about the mess underneath his breath. Then he saw Mrs. Norris and fell back, clutching his face in horror. "My cat! My cat! What happened to Mrs. Norris?" he shrieked, rushing over to Dumbledore.

His popping eyes fell on Harry. "You!" he screeched. "You! You've murdered my cat! You've killed her! I'll kill you! I'll—"

"Argus!. Come with me and you, too, Mr. Potter,".

Lockhart stepped forward eagerly "My office is nearest, Headmaster—just upstairs—please feel free—".

"Thank you, Gilderoy," said Dumbledore.

Lockhart, looking excited and important, hurried after Dumbledore; so did Professors McGonagall and Snape.

As they entered Lockhart's darkened office there was a flurry of movement across the walls; Harry saw several of the Lockharts in the pictures dodging out of sight, their hair in rollers. The real Lockhart lit the candles on his desk and stood back. Dumbledore laid Mrs. Norris on the polished surface and began to examine her.

Harry slouched down in a chair outside of the candlelight, watching. His arms were folded with an unreadable expression on his face.

The tip of Dumbledore's long, crooked nose was barely an inch from Mrs. Norris's. He was looking at her closely through his half-moon spectacles, his long fingers gently prodding and poking. Professor McGonagall was bent almost as close, her eyes narrowed. Snape loomed behind them, half in shadow, wearing a most peculiar expression: It was as though he was trying hard not to smile. And Lockhart was hovering around all of them, making suggestions.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her—probably the Transmogrifian Torture—I've seen it used many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very counter curse that would have saved her…". Lockhart's comments were punctuated by Filch's dry, racking sobs. He was slumped in a chair by the desk, unable to look at Mrs. Norris, his face in his hands.

"Oh, do shut up" Harry said out of nowhere, he surprised even himself. It was out of character to be so callous, especially given the situation he had found himself in.

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry aghast "Mr. Potter!" She exclaimed angrily.

Harry shrugged with indifference "Don't tell me that you believe him?. It can't have been the Transmogrifian curse as it tortures the victim to death over a long period of time. Despite, what it may appear she didn't suffer Trust me, the walls around here have ears and I think someone would of heard a cat being tortured to death with a curse that is second to the Cruciatus curse" He said uncrossing his arms and stood up, leaning over Mrs. Norris as he listened to the sound of her heart beating "Just as I thought, Mrs. Norris is still alive. She's merely been petrified. Filch this is reversible with mandrake root" Harry said standing, upright "Interesting though, as to why she was merely petrified. If someone did this. Wouldn't the Medusa curse has proven a less complex curse to perform and it's harder to cure and is lethal if not cured without a matter of minutes from suffocation".

Snape raised an eyebrow "Since, when did you become an expert on the dark arts, Potter?".

Harry said with a menacing look "I did my research...and before any of you start that is all I've done. In a duel, I might not be able to block all the curses, hexes and jinxes thrown at me. I want to know which curse I can afford to hit me. Believe me, I have no desire to fight fire with fire unless it is a life or death situation and a life was on the line then I might consider using dark magic. I won't deny it. I have no slant towards Light or Dark magic. If you didn't know before. Well, you do know. But, if you're implying that I have some sort of involved with Filch cat, then by all means I'll willingly subject myself to Veritaserum to prove my innocence if needs be".

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Potter" Dumbledore said and began muttering strange words under his breath and tapping Mrs. Norris with his wand, but nothing happened: She continued to look as though she had been recently stuffed.

"She's not dead, Argus," he said softly before turning to Harry giving him a searching look.

Harry averted his eyes and glowered at the floor "Don't even think about it. I am entitled to my privacy, sir. I already give you my permission to be subjected to Veritaserum, but I did not give you my expressed permission, nor am I willing to have you use Legilimency on me. Do so, and you will leave me with no choice but, to report you to the Ministry and the school board of governors for abusing your power as headmaster of this school" He half threatened.

Snape lip twitched upward at Potter having grown a backbone.

The headmaster muffled his surprise at being caught red handed. His twinkle faltered in his blue eyes as he turned to his staff "Mr. Potter is correct. Mrs. Norris has indeed been petrified. But, how I cannot say…".

"Ask him!" Shrieked Filch turning his blotched and tear stained face to Harry.

Harry felt a rage course through him like no other as he slammed the palms of his hands onto Lockhart's desk "Don't you see what's happening here!. Voldemort is behind this!. I'm certain of it!. This is some sort of scheme he's cooked up in order to get my expelled. Whilst I'm at Hogwarts or The Dursleys he cannot touch me. But, if I'm expelled and my wand snapped. I'll be left vulnerable and open to attack!. There's no doubt that I will be blamed for the attacks. I was the first one on the scene when Mrs. Norris was attacked. If a student gives petrified next everyone will begin looking for someone to point fingers at and that person will most likely be me. If the attacks do not stop Dumbledore will be removed as Headmaster and I will be expelled. He's killing two birds with one stone as it were" He snarled out pacing the office like a wild animal "I heard something that lured me into that corridor just like he wanted!. Don't you get it?!. I've done it again!. I've just walked into a trap but, this time I bloody know it!. He must have an inside man!. A student or….a professor. It's Quirrelmort all over again" He exploded as the item on Lockhart's desk rattled violently as a torrent gust of magical wind picked up.

Professor McGonagall in concern placed a hand on her young lion's shoulder "Mr. Potter, you must calm yourself. Working yourself up into a state will not help matters".

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he Occluded his emotions and nodded "I've got it under control" He turned to Lockhart and narrowed his eyes "Curious, sir that you would apply for a job that everyone believes to be cursed. You know Quirrell played his part well. He made himself appear to be the least likely culprit and shifted the blame on another" He said nudging, his head in the direction of Snape.

Snape also narrowed his eyes and stared at Lockhart in an apprising manner.

Lockhart looked around the room to see all eyes on him. He took a small step back "You can't honestly think that I had something to do with poor Mrs. Norris being petrified?".

Harry whipped out his wand "We'll just have to see about that now won't we" He knew that the man was innocent but it would divert everyone's attention from him.

He pointed his wand at Lockhart "Petrificus Totalus" It was sweet, bitter revenge for trying to use the memory charm on him and Ron down in the Chamber of Secrets.

Lockhart stiffened as his limbs locked into place.

"Mr. Potter" Professor McGonagall reprimand.

"If we nip this in the bud now. If it is him than what is the harm, professor. I only wish to ensure that he hasn't been marked. I would subject him to Veritaserum or Legilimency, but I do not have the authority to do so. And if he is possessed by Voldemort then it would be useless as Voldemort would have been smart enough to cover his tracks. So, even if he hasn't been marked I cannot and will not rule him out as a main suspect. I have more to lose than anyone here" He said, standing next to Lockhart.

"Potter has a point, Minerva. If Lockhart is indeed before the attack. We can deal with him now rather than allow our students and staff to be petrified" Snape said softly in Harry's defence.

Harry grabbed Lockhart left arm and pushed the robe of his sleeve of his elbow to see a flawless arm. He stared at it in a meticulous manner. He rubbed a bit.

"What are you doing?" Snape asked "He clearly hasn't been marked, Potter".

"A glamour cannot camouflage the dark mark. But, Muggle cosmetics can. I was merely covering all the basis, sir" He replied and shoved Lockhart's sleeve down "Still, we can't be sure even if he wasn't marked as a Deatheater doesn't mean he isn't Voldemort's man. But, I suppose that it's only fair that we give you the benefit of the doubt. But know this I have my eyes on you, Lockhart and I will not be the only one," He warned as he slid his wand back into his wand holder and pointed his finger at Lockhart's chest "Finite".

Professor McGonagall gasped covering her mouth in shock at Harry's display of wandless magic as Lockhart was now able to move.

Professor Snape raised an eyebrow at him "You've certainly been busy, Mr. Potter. You're using wandless at a second grade level. The counter-curse is a part of your Charms final exam".

Lockhart glared harshly at Harry.

Harry ignored Lockhart and turned to Snape "What can I say, I'm a natural at Charms and Potions. I must of inherited it from my mother whilst I inherited my talent in Transfiguration and Defense Against The Dark Arts along with my knack for finding trouble from my father. I informed Professor McGonagall at the start of the year that I will be teaching myself how to do wandless magic like the children who attend the Uagadou School of Magic. If I'm ever disarmed in a duel than I have the advantage of wandless magic to simply summon my wand back".

"You're obsessing over a war that has not even begun yet, Mr. Potter. If you continue like this you'll end up in the hospital wing at the rate you're going from exhaustion. You can only push your body and magic so far before it begins to take a toil on you. What are you going to do next year with two or more addition classes?".

"I'll just have to work around it. I know you're concerned, but you needn't be. I know what I'm doing, professor. I've recently found out what my limits are and no thanks to Hermione's constant nagging have decided to take a short break from my studies and Potions club in order to recuperate" He told her.

"Miss. Granger, only nags you because she cares. Do not be angry with her for being concerned about you. And frankly, Mr. Potter, she isn't the only one. Do not take us for fools Mr. Potter that we would not have noticed that you're wearing Muggle cosmetics to hide the paleness of your skin. If it wasn't for Quidditch practise and your Herbology classes. You would isolate yourself indoors all day and not only that I know that you're probably staying up most nights to study when you should be sleeping like the rest of your housemates. And do even bother denying that you aren't taking potions to avoid falling asleep in your classes".

Harry scowled and folded his arms "What is this some kind of intervention?. We've gotten off topic. We're not gathered here because I'm solely focusing on preparing myself for the trials and tribulations that I will come to face sooner or later. We're here because Voldemort has somehow infiltrated the school and petrified Filch's cat".

"Quite right, Mr. Potter. However, Professor McGonagall does have an excellent point. You're neglecting your health, my boy".

"If I had someone to mentor me, then I wouldn't have to do this on my alone. I get that I'm not a one man army. But, it feels like that to me. You're not forced to bear the burdens that I do. Voldemort wants me dead. And no one will tell me why?" He ground out "Why did he after me in the first place?. I was just a baby at the time and was no threat to him, yet something must of scared him that much that he came after me. I'm not stupid, I know a bit about how his mind works he wanted to take me out because he had the ridiculous notion that I could pose a potential threat to him. Do not take me for a fool headmaster. There's something that I'm missing here. Something that I think you're not telling me. And frankly, sir, I don't like being kept out of the loop!" He yelled at the headmaster as an image of his godfather falling through the veil flashed through his mind.

Snape shared a look with the Headmaster as if to say 'I told you, so'.

"Mr. Potter, do not take that tone-".

"It's quite alright, Minerva. Harry, there are something's that I know that I don't feel that you're ready to know. You have my word that when the time comes I will tell you, but until then you must trust that I only have your best interests at heart" He said in a grandfatherly tone of voice.

Harry remained silent at this and scowled at the floor.

"To hell with Potter. My cat has been Petrified!" he shrieked, his eyes popping. "I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus," said Dumbledore patiently. "Professor Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. As soon as they have reached their full size, I will have a potion made that will revive Mrs. Norris".

"I'll make it," Lockhart butted in. "I must have done it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep—".

"Excuse me," said Snape icily. "But I believe I am the Potions master at this school."

There was a very awkward pause.

"You may go," Dumbledore said to Harry.

Harry went, as quickly as he could without actually running. He didn't want to end up being framed for something else. He needed to get back to his friends who were most likely waiting for him in the common room with questions. Harry had decided to tell them about the voice he heard and see what they would make of it. He didn't want to mess with the events leading up to his confrontation with Riddle down in the chamber of secrets too much.