He felt her move closer and hugged her tighter. He loved the way her hair smelled, long now, twirling curls up until her shoulders. He loved how they would lay in bed the whole afternoon, not really talking, just staying in each other's arms. Especially those cold, dark, winter nights. They could hear the rain fall and they could feel the wind blow. But nothing else mattered. The only thing they cared about, was being together. He looked at her face. Her eyes were closed but he knew she wasn't asleep. She just enjoyed the silence, the longing moment they shared till her fathers' arrival. But they still had much time ahead. Their breathing was in unison as if they were one.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize how his own eyes had closed. What made them open was the soft touch of her lips upon his.

He didn't protest. He loved how her hand used to travel from his cheek to the back of his head, playing with his locks. Then it would travel its way back down and it would rest upon his chest. But not today. It stayed were it was, grabbing his hair a little too harder, pressing her lips a little too stronger on his, making his heart beat way faster than usual. He turned so they could have a better angle and just the moment he felt the tiniest sense of her tongue traveling his lower lip his eyes opened again.

"What are you doing?" he whispered inside the kiss and he almost felt her smiling.

"I'm kissing you" she responded and Mike almost rolled his eyes.

"I know you're kissing me. It's the way you're kissing me that has me asking" he elaborated. Her eyes opened and she tilted her head a little.

"I thought you liked it when I do that…"

"I do… But I thought we said we are going slow?" he almost asked and she sighed.

"We ARE going slow… I just want to get warm"

Mike looked at her confused.

"You want… what?"

"When we're kissing I always feel warmness inside me and now I'm cold so I'm trying to get warm" she explained and started kissing him again.

This time he didn't stop her. He knew what she meant although he wasn't really sure if she understood exactly what that feeling was. But he was feeling it all the time. Not only when he was kissing her.

He felt like that by watching her cross the road from the car to his door. When he watched her eat the last eggo with so much pleasure. When she was skeptical or when she couldn't understand a math problem. When she was practicing her powers. When she looked at him with her big eyes, making him forget about the rest of the world.

He smiled at the kiss. This time it was his turn to touch his tongue a little to her lip.

He felt her giggle and it was the most beautiful thing in the world.