Thank you Corkyellems and Gracie for loving this story . This chapter is for both you sweeties.

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone

Bed of Roses

Chapter 2

Hour four


I was warm, completely relaxed, even though my body was still heavy with sleep.

I sighed, stretched out and held on to my pillow even tighter. Why was I even awake?

I felt something vibrating around my leg .

I pulled out my phone and when I opened it up I remembered exactly where I had been. I also woke up Jacob, my pillow.

He groaned and covered his eyes, I hurriedly sat upright and turned away from him.

"Hello?" I rasped, fighting with my eyes to keep them open. "Emily ? Are you here yet?"

"Yes ,I am here ."

"Oh, good. What's happening, can I get out soon?" I heard a soft sigh

"The power plant and the fire department are on their way over," she said. " Are you holding up alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was sleeping for a while, you woke me up," Jacob bumped into me while making small, sleepy noises.

"How's Jacob doing?" Emily asked.. I knew where she was going with this.

"He's great, you just woke him up, too." I put my hand over the receiver and turned back to him, though I still couldn't see him.

"Bella?" he asked. "I can't see a thing, who're you talking to?"

I explained. " My friend is at my place right now . We'll be getting out soon. The fire and electrical departments are on their way over."

"Okay" he said, holding on to both of my arms and turned me towards him fully. "God, I can't pick out where you are at all."

"I'm right in front of you," I said. I could feel his legs and I leaned forward a little to get closer to him. I wish the back up lights hadn't gone out.

I should have known, when I heard his breathing really clearly that something was up, but I turned my head anyway and felt his lips against mine.

We froze for about a minute before I felt him lean in to me. We were only connected by his hands on my arms and our lips, but it was enough. I slowly breathed in his scent through my nose . There was absolute silence, and my lips worked with his frantically, both of us putting all that we could into the kiss.

Gasping for air, I came back to reality. I was panting, as was Jacob .

"Oh, God, I just kissed ..." I started to panic, and the embarrassment of the entire event set in, making my eyes sting and water.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked me gently .

I nodded, but realised he couldn't exactly see me so I mumbled a 'yes' through my quivering mouth.

I felt his hands on my arm again and he pulled me to him, holding me tightly against his surprisingly warm chest. "Please don't be sad," he murmured. "You weren't the only one in that kiss, you know. I was just as much a part of it as you."

When I didn't say anything he continued. "If it makes you feel any better, I've wanted to do that since you've walked on to the elevator." I laughed then and felt him press his lips against the top of my head.

We sat in silence for a while, my eyes feeling drowsy once again. Jacob's thumb was rubbing figure eights into my arm and I felt his head droop down to the side of my own every now and then.

After few moments , his cell phone rang , causing us both to jump and wake up. Jacob pulled out his cell phone and the screen lit up his handsome face.

I had almost forgotten what he looked like, so when I saw his face illuminated like that I leaned up and kissed him.

He chuckled before dominating into the kiss. We were both grinning like idiots when we pulled away.

Then, Jacob read the message on his phone and I heard him sigh heavily.

"It's from Sam ," he muttered. "'Yo Jake . They're about to break into the elevator shaft, so if you're doing anything I would- stop. See you in a few." I giggled at the message while he rolled his eyes.

" Bella ," Jacob said softly. I nodded since my head was nestling against him. "When we get out of here, you're going to go out with me?"

My face heated up to epic proportions, and I was so happy he couldn't see it. "Definitely," I replied in a whisper, just as the panel above us was opened up and a flashlight was shone in.

"How are you guys doing down there?" A voice called out happily.

"Oh, pretty good," I stated with a smile. There was some laughter from above us and the light was moved. I could see the figure of a man in navy and yellow, a fireman, peering down in on us.

"Now, Jacob , why don't you lift up Bella and we'll pull her out?" He nodded and helped me stand up, then picked me up by my legs, reaching up towards the open panel. With the aid of two people, and Jacob pushing on my feet, they lifted me out.

"How are you feeling?" Emily asked gently as she enveloped me in a blanket.

"I'm tired and hungry. And everyone is staring at me." The people who had been woken up by the commotion my resuers had made were staring at me from their doors, and glancing at the dark elevator shaft in awe.

I noticed Jacob climbing out and his friend started clapping his shoulder. He was smiling and answering his questions.

He looked up and caught my eye, both of us smiling goofily.

"What exactly did you two get up to in the elevator?" Emily hinted as she wiped my lipstick which was smudged a little.

I glared at her, especially for wearing sneakers. I pulled off my high heels and straightened out my skirt and then something dawned on me.

"Oh my God he saw my underpants," I stated, deadpan. We froze in the middle of the stairs, my face turning a beet red. "He was pushing me out of the elevator, and he obviously must have seen them, this dress is so small. Oh, God."

"It can't be so bad Bella," Emily choked out through her laughter.

"He did ask me out, though," I added.

And then the door opened and the two guys burst into the staircase, laughing loudly.

They froze when they saw us. I yelped, my face turning bright red again as I looked at Jacob and then scurried up the stairs into the apartment with Emily.

"I think I'm just going to get something to eat and head to bed. It's been a long night." She jumped forward to give me a hug and then just there was a knock on the door. We went to answer it, and standing in front of it was Jacob's friend .

"Bella, this is Sam ," Emily said, introducing us to each other "This is Bella, our poor little prisoner." Sam shook my hand happily, glad to see that I had escaped unscathed.

"Would you like me to walk you down to your car?" Sam asked Emily.I saw a slight pink tinge to her cheeks as she nodded.

After bidding me goodbye she took his hand and followed him down the hall.

It was then that I noticed that I was left alone with Jacob who had suddenly appeared at my door.

"I'm going to take a shower," I blurted shutting the door on him and ran to my room to pick out clothes .

When I got out from shower ,I changed into a pair of black sweatpants with a t-shirt and a hoody.

My apartment was starting to feel a little cold so I pulled on a pair of woollen socks.

I trudged out to my living room, my stomach rumbled loudly.

"Hello," a silky voice said once as I turned to go into the kitchen. I froze, midstep and pivoted, facing Jacob who was sitting on my coffee table. In my hurry on shutting the door,I had forgot to lock it.

His hair was damp and was wearing his own black pants and a white t-shirt.

"Hi," I said timidly.

"Any reason why you seem so terrified of me so suddenly?" He asked standing up and taking a few steps towards me.

"Did you see my underwear?" I blurted, then blushed. Jacob 's lips quirked, but he very kindly averted his eyes and nodded.

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. I felt Jacob's hand pull mine away and he smiled, looking me in the eyes.

"I like them" he tried, which only made me blush and snort out a laugh.

"I need food," I stated, deciding that it wasn't that huge of a crisis if he had seen what was underneath my dress. I turned around and opened the door to the fridge .

A month later.


The power outage had lasted two weeks, and in that time some local news reporters had managed to wrangle interviews with myself, Bella, and our friends, producing a preview type newspaper article to a television segment they were planning on running when the power was back on.

Bella had pretty much moved over with me as our friends had pretty much used her food that night . With no power and heat, we'd taken up refuge in my apartment with some of the more non-perishable foods, picking up groceries every other day.

It was lucky for us that the more central part of town had their power back, but us on the outskirts had to make due with no power .

Bella and I had been given time off work for the while that the power was out. Our employers were very understanding that we were pretty much the only ones who still had no power.

Though Sam thought it was soon ,I had proposed her to be my fiancee yesterday.

I had never met anyone like Bella and didn't have the heart to let her slip away from me.

I prayed that she didn't reject me coz I didn't have any ring right now .

I had decorated the bed with rose petals and few scented candles that I had borrowed from Mrs Crowley.

To my surprise she said yes and made me the happiest person on the planet.

The day after the power had come back, Bella and I were sitting around the kitchen, trying to figure out what we would do for dinner. She was standing at the sink, looking at the tap with such concentration that I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her .

Bella turned to me with a smile,wrapping her arms around me. "I'm hungry but I don't know what to make," she grumbled with her face pressed into my chest. I chuckled and tickled her sides, causing her to giggle

"Let's eat out tonight,"I offered and kissed at the shell of her ear.

Bella nodded and reached for a phone and one of my take out menus, just as someone buzzed up.

I sprinted across the room, holding down on the speaker. "Jacob , it's us. Let us up!" Emily exclaimed. I didn't say anything and just unlocked the door.

I walked back over to Bella who was deciding between two places. "You better leave the door open. She sounds too excited to use a handle," Bella mumbled.

It seemed like a wise choice, so I unlocked the door and left it open a crack. Of course, when I opened it Emily came running inside, throwing a bag at me before frightening Bella in the living room and turning on the television.

"What's going on?" I asked, still holding the warm paper bag in my arms.

"We brought you dinner," Sam said as he walked in which made Bella hang up the phone she had pressed to her ear.

"Yes, so sit down and watch the freaking news!" Emily exclaimed after closing the door in a hurry.

I started pulling out some Korean food from the bag and placing it on the coffee table, whereas Bella promptly picked it up and began inspecting it.

I got up and picked up the necessary dishes and cutlery before sitting on the floor in between Bella's legs as they hung from the couch. She passed me down a bowl of Pork ramen soy , and we passed different boxes of food , back and forth during the commercials.

" It's starting " Sam said as he dug to his khimchi.

Bella laughed and I grinned at my overly excited friend, wondering what it was that we were waiting to see on TV.

"In local interest, today we have a story about four friends who met under unusual circumstances during the two week long power outage that took place here in the city." Bella and I both sat up at attention while they cut to a picture of the busted in elevator shaft.

"Bella Swan and Jacob Black were on their way home from their friends' bachelor and bachelorette parties, though neither of them knew each other through the bride and groom. They met completely by accident when Jacob held the elevator for Bella to ride up to the fourth floor.

"Unfortunately, between the third and fourth floors the power went out, stalling out the elevator and trapping these two inside."

I laughed when it cut to footage of Sam and Emily standing outside our apartment building, their arms around each other. "Bella had called me and asked me to come talk to management, to see if there was anything we could do to get them out of there. We had no idea how long the power was out."

Bella was giggling when a voice over started again. "Their friends didn't hear from them for hours, and it can only be assumed that they were asleep, or knocked unconcious from hyperventilation in the enclosed space."

Bella and I burst out into laughter, as did the others. It cut to the elevator shaft again. "It is only thanks to the fire and power workers, who teamed together to get these two free that we can say they are here with us today."

"A week later, things were looking up for the young couple. We visited them at Jacob's apartment where Bella had moved in to help conserve energy, or what little there was left of it." Bella and I continued to laugh as it showed the two of us, in almost matching pyjama's poking at each other in the door way to my apartment.

"It wasn't so bad being stuck in there,"Bella explained. "We didn't know each other then, but it was easy to talk to him. It's only by chance that we weren't friends already." I watched myself that I was staring at Bella the entire time she spoke.

"Now how are things looking up for you two, is there any romance here at all?" the reporter asked with a laugh. Bella's face turned red and she turned into me. I watched myself wrap my arms around her and laugh.

"We've been on a couple of dates," I explained. "They mainly involve grocery shopping , though." Our friends laughed at me, and I looked up at Bella, who was shoveling food into her mouth, her cheeks red.

I looked back at the screen to see the reporter addressing the camerar

"For what must have been a terrifying experience, there are no lasting scars in the minds of these two. It is a rare occurance in our city, but there is no denying the love between these two, in what is sure to be a story to remember. I'm Jessica -Marie Clapp ."

I couldn't help but clap at that. The amount of drama they fabricated was amazing.

"I wish I taped that," Bella sighed.

"Don't worry," Emily said. "I did. I'll make you a copy. "

"Thanks Emily ," I added. "That really made my night."

Bella started to run her fingers through my hair and I leaned my head back, fully aware that she was spreading it out and tugging on it lightly.

"That was awesome," was all Sam could say, sweet and sour pork stuck in his mouth.

We sat with our friends as we finished our suppers, watching the rest of the news which seemed to pale in comparison to our story. Long after our food was finished, we talked for hours . After it got dark outside , four of us even managed to watch a movie together .

I watched Bella as she walked our friends to the door. I couldn't help but stare and smile as she still didn't leave herself.

I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her stomach, spinning her around. She squealed and faced me once she was back on her feet. I grinned innocently and slowly backed up towards the bedroom.

"I liked that," I told her simply. "I think it pretty much summed up everything that happened." Bella laughed .

"Yes, because we clearly both passed out in shock when the lights went out."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped up, leaving me to hold her up as she wrapped her legs around my chest.

"I'd say it did me pretty well. I get to come home to a beautiful girl in my apartment every day. She cooks pretty well, too."

Bella chuckled as I kicked open the door to our room.

I lowered her down to the bed, placing a kiss on her neck. "I'm glad you seem to like it," she whispered. "Because you're stuck with me ."