Yang shouted as she came running into the dorm room she shared with her little red-haired sister and teammates. In her hand was a bow and arrow with a pink piece of paper on it. The red-haired girl looks over her shoulder and gives her sister her full attention.

"What's that?"

"I don't know, I found in the mailbox with this letter that said: "Shoot anyone and they will fall in love." Wanna test it out!?" Yang asked with glee.

"I don't know..." Ruby says as she stands up from her desk. "Messing with the powers of love can be dangerous."

"I bet you it won't be!" Yang shouted.

"Okay! If you say so!" Ruby said with glee. Watching the two from afar in a big bush was no other than Roman Torchwick and his partner in crime... Neo. The two were hidden in a bush, watching the two girls from far away.

"This is perfect!" Roman shouted. "Once they shoot those arrow's, all hell will break loose! Those fools don't realize that those arrows are filled with pure dark magic! Making everyone they shot to turn into violent killing machines!"

*Okay!* Neo said by holding up a sign that said her words.

"Now, to watch those idiots spread the evilness in the arrows. Get some popcorn out Neo, because we are in for a show!"

And watch they did. Ruby and Yang walked around the area for a bit before stopping in the courtyard of their school. There, they saw Winter and Qrow sparing again, with Weiss trying to calm the situation down.

"First target!" Ruby shouted.

"Roger!" Yang shouted as she ready's the arrow. The bow begins to glow a light shade of pink-purple color, making the arrow slowly turn the same color. Once Winter's feet had hit the ground, Yang fired. The arrow flew past Weiss's left side of her cheek before hitting Winter in the shoulder. The arrow then fades into the air before returning next to the bow. Yang's eyes widen in shock as Winter lower's her sword. A tiny glint of pink sparkles appears over her eyes before fading away.

"Winter!" Wiess shouted. Qrow was about to charge at the tall white-haired woman, only to stop a few steps in front of her.

"She okay?" Qrow asked before waving his hand in front of her face. Her eyes widened and her mouth was a gap. She stared at the raven-haired male for a few seconds before blinking. Three blinks and a sneeze later, Winter looks around the area for a bit.

"Who shot me?" Winter asked. Her eyes then met with Qrow's. A quick flash a pink appears in them before disappearing. Qrow stared at her with a confused expression on his face.

"Winter?" He asked.

"QROW!" Winter shouted before dropping her sword to the ground then running over to the rugged handsome man in front of her. Jumping into his arms, she tackled the drunk to the ground before pressing her lips to his. The male himself puts his hands up and pushes the white-haired woman off him. Once on his feet, he stares down at her with a confused face.

"I'mma go!" Qrow said. He then turns around and runs away from the three girls. Winter, after getting to her feet, grabs her sword and chases after him. Making Weiss turn attention to Ruby and Yang.

"What did you just do!?" Weiss asked, or morally shouted. She walks straight up to Ruby, ignoring Yang, the one holding the bow and arrow.

"I did nothing!" Ruby said.

"Your lying!" Weiss shouted.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled.

"Got it!" Yang said before shooting an arrow to Weiss's but. Making the white-haired girl blush ear to ear. She growls at Yang for a second, before looking back at Ruby to smile. Her anger was no longer noticeable, instead, a nice aura was coming out of her.

"Oh Ruby!" She said. "Your silver eye's would match my winter collection! Come! Let's go try on some of my clothes!"

"Okay..." Ruby muttered as she was dragged by her cloak to her room by the strong girl. Yang just shrugged her shoulders before walking away with the Bow and Arrow still in hand. Roman and Neo stared at the area where it all went down for a while. The Roman looks over to Neo to ask:

"Why aren't they going into a rage?" Roman asked. "WHY ARENT THEY KILLING EACH OTHER!?"

*How should I know?* Neo said.

"Oh no, we need to get that Bow and Arrow back before something horrible happens!?"

*Isn't that what you want?*

"I meant by if Cinder finds out!" Roman said.

*Good point...*

Kikkie: Hehehehe...