Sakura stood behind the stage in her school's auditorium. She knew that she was here for the school's play but something about it was off.

She was dressed in a long deep golden gown that ruffled out at the bottom until it stops at the end of her thighs. The ends of the dress were adorned with white flower patterns and she was slightly overwhelmed by its beauty.

As she was fingering one of the small delicate flowers on the curves of the dress, trumpets rang out. She instantly recognized them as her cue and stepped out onto the stage and into the spotlight.

All around her, her friends were giggling and dancing with their partners. I'm at a ball, she realized and looked around. The back of the stage was now covered with a wide white wall with long satin ribbons hung along it. The ribbons extended to the ceiling, where they draped themselves above, creating a canopy to cover everyone. Thick vines with large flowers blooming from it were wrapped alongside the ribbons and ran down the walls, making the area seem older and more real than it was.

It was so stunning that Sakura forgot that she was supposed to be acting in a play. In the background she could hear a soft violin and paused for a moment, listening to the melodious song it played. It was so calming that unknowingly she began to gently sway her body to the music.

Suddenly a low voice spoke from behind her, "May I have this dance?"

She whipped around and locked eyes with Syoaran. He stood tall behind her, dressed in a handsome white ensemble. It had similar flowers to her own on its chest and shoulders, but his flowers were the gold color of her dress and seemed much more dignified than pretty on him.

She looked up at his face and blushed at the look in his dark eyes, sparking with interest.

He knowingly smiled at her and reached down to grab her hand. She gasped at his soft touch and allowed him to gently pull her to the middle of the stage as he began to spin her around to the flow of the song.

He pulled her closer and continued to dance along to the violin, rocking with her until she forgot the rest of the world around them. All she could see was him. His forehead was bowed down so that it rested on hers and his eyes were closed. He had the most content smile on his face she felt warm looking at it. She turned positively red at the sensation being held in his arms gave her and stared intently at his face. His long eyelashes played across his cheek and his hair fell on his forehead, slightly hiding his eyes. She was suddenly tempted to reach up and push them away and as she worked up the courage to do so, he suddenly looked up at her. His grasp tightened and he pulled her closer, leaning down to whisper in her ear- "SAKURA!"

She awoke with a start.

Kero floated above her head, tapping his foot in the air and frowning very sassily.

"Sakura, how are you ever going to get to school on time if every morning you sleep in?!" He said, wagging his little finger at her in the air as if he were a disappointed parent.

She shook her head trying to shake out the image of Syaoran being oh so close to her, "K-Kero-chan! What did l say about waking me up before my alarm!"

She looked at her clock and realized that she had slept for 30 minutes longer than usual. Sakura launched out of her bed and ran into her closet, shrieking out. "I'm gonna be late! I -uh - Shoe shoe, WHERE is my shoe! - Oh Kero, how could you let me stay in bed - The BED! It's under the bed!"

Kero sat on the desk, amazed as he watched Sakura leap from deep within her closet - soar gracefully through the air and land head first under her bed.

Her legs kicked about as she searched for her missing shoe, "l got it!"

She yanked the small brown slip on out from under the bed and tossed it into her bag. She sprang up from her place on the floor and ran down the stairs, shouting goodbyes as she went.

Kero blinked and looked at the empty room in front of him, dumbfounded by the spectacle he just witnessed.

Sakura sped down the road, going so fast that she couldn't see the street corners or which buildings she passed. Once she was a few minutes into the ride though she slowed down and began to skate with more caution, looking at the path ahead of her

On both sides of the road were rows of tall Cherry Blossom trees. Their petals floated and swirled in the air, dancing in a way. Watching the pretty petals spin she giggled to herself and spun around on her skates, picking up speed as if to join in with the flowers.

As she twirled along she was reminded of her dream that night. Syaoran holding her so closely, the feeling of his arms around her, the look on his face as he- "What am l thinking?!"

She stopped skating and bent down to hide her face, embarrassed by how overwhelmed she was just thinking about that dream. She was bright red and she attempted to cover that fact behind her hands.

After she had calmed down, she moved her arms so that her cheeks rested on her palms and mumbled to herself, "It's only Syaoran-kun. I shouldn't be reacting this way, he's just a friend of mine so what am I thinking about?"

In the distance she heard the school bell ringing. "I'm late!"

Getting up and forgetting the weird feelings she kept having, she skated away, promising to herself to push away all thoughts of the dream.

When she arrived at the classroom everyone was already there except for the teacher. Her friends were happily walking around, talking and laughing as they pleased. Tomoyo sat in her own chair and smiled up at Sakura when she approached, "Good morning Sakura-chan"

"Good morning!" She smiled, "Where's Terada-sensei? "

Tomoyo put her finger to her lips and thought for a moment, "I'm not sure, I didn't hear that he was going to be absent today."

Sakura hummed, and turned her head to look out the window, paused in thought. It was a sunny day, and she could see the birds and squirrels skittering along from her classroom window.

Tomoyo put her hand down and gave her a mischievous smile, "Speaking of missing people, Syaoran's not here either" and gestured towards his empty desk.

Huh, she thought, he's usually always on time. Sakura looked at his desk and felt a weird Feeling in her chest. She wondered if he wasn't coming. An image of Syaoran walking to school popped into her mind, what if when he was crossing the street a big bus was coming down the road too. What if the bus couldn't see him, is he in the hospital, will he ever walk again?! Sakura's eyes widened and she froze in her chair as these scenes played on in her head.

Tomoyo stared at her for a second and giggled into her palm. "You're so cute Sakura-chan, I bet Syaoran-kun just slept in."

Sakura sheepishly glanced glanced back at her, smiled and then nodded at her explanation. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. If it could happen to her, she guessed Syaoran-kun could sleep in too. Speaking of the devil, the door to the classroom was thrown open and there stood Syaoran. His dark hair was messy as if he hadn't had a chance to brush it that morning and even though he usually greeted everyone with a good morning he walked straight to his desk and plopped down.

Sakura and Tomoya heard a tiny thud as Syaoran dropped his head onto the hard desk. Sakura turned around in her chair to see Syoaran now had his face buried in his arms. Looking at his hair now she was reminded of the strands she wanted to brush back of that same hair last night.

She blushed at the intrusive thought and instead poked him on the shoulder.

"Is everything okay Syoaran? You seem upset, " she said.

He shook his head, refusing to answer or look up at her.

"Is there anything I can do?"

He shook his head again, but this time he sat up and propped his head upon his hand, "I'm failing English again."

Ooph. That explains it. Sakura knew that Syaoran's mother watched over his grades like a hawk and considering that he was this upset, she probably called him to yell about it. She felt bad for Syaoran, she knew he held his mother in very high regards and despite their seeming cold relationship, he hated disappointing her.

"If you'd like, I could tutor you? I'm actually really good at English. I'm sure I could help you do a little better," It was true, English came easy to her and if he needed her, she'd do anything she could.

Syaoran looked at her in earnest, "Really Sakura?" He desperately needed the help and honestly, the idea of spending hours alone with her was pretty tempting too.

She gave him a big smile, "Of course!"

The classroom door suddenly opened again and this time both Terada-sensei and Eriol were standing there. Eriol seemed to be amused despite the fact that he was just caught being late by the teacher.

"Now Eriol-kun," Terada-sensei began to lecture, "you have to make getting to school on time a priority. l understand that you just transferred here and your adjust- "

Eriol ignored him and strolled to his seat next to Syaoran. He gave them all a cheerful smile and said, "Good morning everyone."

"Hello Eriol-kun," Tomoyo said, turning to greet him.

Syaoran buried his head in his arms once again but still greeted Eriol with something that might've been meant to sound like a good morning.

"Good Morning!" Sakura said as she examined him, looking for clues as to why he was late. His clothes were all in order and his eyes didn't seem sleepy, so he probably didn't sleep in.

She wondered if something good happened to him this morning because he certainly had a new twinkle in his eyes.

Ignoring her stare Eriol started a conversation with Tomoyo about the song she was going to be practicing after school.

"Well, it is a little uncomfortable singing a song completely in English but since the way it sounds is so nice l barely even notice it's a different language."

Eriol hummed in agreement, "I'd love to hear you sing it before the recital. Could l attend a practice after school?"

"That would be so much fun. l always do my best when I'm singing in front of others," Tomoyo said.

Sakura loved Tomoyo's singing, her voice was so pretty she could listen to it for hours. "I'd like to come to!"

"Sakura-chan, if you come I'll definitely sing my best!," Tomoyo visibly brightened at the idea of filming Sakura listening to her sing. She was always so cute when she was excited about something.

Sakura reached over and nudged Syaoran's shoulder, "Would you like to come to? We could do a little English practice while we wait for Tomoyo to get ready."

He nodded into the desk, trying to hide his very obvious excitement at the idea of getting to spend time with Sakura after school.

Tomoyo shared a look with Eriol and giggled again, now very excited for practice today.

From now on I'll probably be updating the story weekly, trying to crank out longer chapters.

I've been really enjoying writing this, thankyouthankyou to everyone who read and left a review, getting those notifications is so exciting.

Please leave a review, tell me what you guys think should happen!