A/N;I don't like to post trigger warnings with every chapter. So, this will be the only warning. This is a dark story with a lot of rape, murder and copious amounts of bloodshed, abuse, and terror. You will need big girl panties to read this story. It's not fluffy in a traditional way. But there will be a happy ending.

I give a slight nod to Emilyscartoons and her My life as a background Slytherin. Theo is a background Slytherin. This is an alternate storyline to Field Master. So, please keep in mind some of the characters that are alive in this story may or may not live through Field Master. I would also like to thank Canimal for the continued use of Walden's birds, they've become a huge part of who he is and who he'll become. The Lipizzaner Lucius rides is my boy Favory Con Bria ( Conner ) and they do actually glow under lights, the grey hairs are iridescent. And he is a snarky spoiled brat.

A big thank you to Skyeryder01 for being my Beta on this. She is a Goddess. Hugs to DutchScorRosefan for being my alfa reader and cheering section ...Love you! Go read her newest Ruin and Conquest.

Wicked Dreams

Chapter One

Drowning out that urge to kill was becoming more difficult for Theodor Nott Jr. The quiet boy, the studious boy, the background Slytherin. Where Draco took the spotlight, Theo stuck to the shadows. Always watching, waiting for the moment to strike. The students of Hogwarts would flinch in fear of Draco. Never suspecting the real danger lay within him.

The Demon introduced itself to him that summer, just before his sixth year began. He and Draco had both taken the Dark Mark earlier that day. And with a revel now in full swing, Theo had chosen to skip out on the celebration, something he just wasn't ready for. He would be seventeen at the end of October, and women still intimidated him, particularly screaming and or Imperioused women. He hated to disappoint his uncles, his father's childhood friends were as good as brothers. They all helped to raise him, and looked forward to the time he became a man.

He knew he wasn't a bad looking bloke, the girls at school liked his dark hair and were always complimenting on his brown eyes. Pansy liked to run her fingers through his hair in class, making him squirm uncomfortably but then knowing Pansy. That's why she did it. There were just more important things to him than sex and girls. When he caught sight of the muggle women dragged from the Malfoys' dungeons, he had panicked. Leaving Draco to the task. He could handle it, he had done it before. Draco's father owned an upscale brothel in London and took him there for his birthday just last week. Theo's father had not allowed him to go along. So, he panicked, making an excuse of needing the loo, and he bolted out the side door.

Not able to use the floo or apparate, Theo snuck down to the stable and took Draco's favorite horse. It was a mere fifteen kilometers to Nott Manor, and Draco's Lipizzaner gelding made it a quick ride. Yet he was exhausted when he reached home. Theo gave the horse a rub down, turned his borrowed mount out in a paddock, gave him some hay and made his way up to the Manor. In the distance, thunder rolled with the promise of afternoon rain.

Sticky with sweat from the ride home, Theo climbed the stairs to his room, peeled off his clothes and slipped into the shower. Hoping the hot water would loosen his muscles. He ached all over, and his arm still burned, as he stared down at the mark glaring against his pale skin. The skull stared back at him, and he would swear the snake blinked when soap suds ran down his arm.

After toweling off his lean form, and pulling on a soft pair of lounge pants, his stomach began to grumble, he had vomited up his breakfast when they branded the skull and snake into him. Theo called for the old family elf, to bring him a snack, and settling in the family library. He grabbed a favorite book and his sandwich as he stretched himself out on the sofa.

The afternoon sun had vanished from the sky when Theo woke to the sound of his name.

'Theo…..Theeeoooo…Theeeeooooo…...' Theo's eyes fluttered open to a darkened room. His book lay propped on his bare chest where he had dozed off, and it was now late into the evening. Rain dotted the windows from a late summer storm. He could have sworn he had just heard his name, and he lay motionless. He listened to the steady patter of raindrops against the glass while the shadows crept across the carpet between the ancient bookshelves. Thunder rolled, rattling the windows. The old clock ticked away the seconds. Someone else was in the room, Theo could feel it. His fingers curled around the wand tucked into his waistband. Tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Theo had lived in this haunted old mansion his entire life and had become familiar with its ghosts and the chill they brought into a room. This wasn't Grandmother.

Something else was with him. It felt dark, darker than the tattoo now on his arm. He strained to see into the shadows. Anxiety built, someone had called his name, someone else was in the room. He needed to hear it again instead of the steady thumping of his heartbeat. Lightning illuminated the room. There he saw it, the soft glow of eyes in a darkened corner, blinking just the once. His vision adjusted to the low light. Theo held his breath. It crouched on its haunches, watching him.

For thirty years the Demon had resided at Nott manor. It had stayed with Daemon Nott for the first fifteen before moving on to his son. Now, it watched Theodor Jr. It would have waited a bit longer, but …. But there was the matter of that mark on his arm. It called out to the Demon, stroking its need for mayhem. And a Dark Mark on fresh flesh begged for attention.

Theo blinked at the apparition, attempting to focus on its form. It wasn't entirely human and wasn't wholly animal with its tail flicking in agitation. Theo remembered he was a wizard. Glancing down at his forearm, he reminded himself he was now a dark wizard. Lighting the fire with a wordless spell, flames roared to life illuminating everything but the dark crouched figure. Featureless, it rose up on long legs, a black silhouette in the bright room.

'Theo …Theeeoooo...Theeeoooooo.' The creature hissed. It took a step towards him, nails clicking sharply on the hardwood floor. One long arm reached out, beckoning him with a clawed finger.

Theo jumped up, wand at the ready, fully intent on defending himself, until his feet froze in place. His breath came in panicked gasps, and the creature moved closer. Theo squeezed his eyes shut. This had to be another nightmare. A hint of sulfur tickled his nose, and he opened his eyes. It stood over him, trailing that long-clawed finger through his hair and oddly reminding him of Pansy. It bent over and leaned in as if to kiss him. Sharp white teeth gleamed in its mouth, the red tongue lolled. Theo's heart pounded, and his world went black.


"Theo!...Theo!" The booming voice of his father rumbled down the hallway. The sharp clicks of his riding boots echoing on the stone tile.

"In here Father." Theo stood and stretched. The scent of roast beef reached him, and he smiled. He missed Gills cooking while at school. Theo's stomach grumbled, he was starving.

"There you are, dinner is ready….. The Dark Lord was a bit disappointed that you did not stick around for the festivities…. I made your excuses. And of course, He was understanding, but, you'll need to be at the next dinner party."

"Do you suppose we could go for a hack after dinner? We haven't had a full moon ride in ages." This should make up for his disappearing after the marking ceremony, at least to his father. Nott Sr.'s eyes lit up in anticipation.

"A hunt in the moonlight?" Nott Sr. asked as he arched an eyebrow and leaned his muscular frame against the doorway. The request was out of character for his son.

"Uncle Walden's hounds wouldn't mind….. now would they?"

"I'll floo call your Uncle and spread the word after we eat then."

Theo still could not shake the fog from his brain and the feeling that something was off, something was wrong. He looked down at the skull and snake, but that wasn't it. Taking the Mark was something he had wanted. Yet an eeriness held on with a whiff of rotten egg in the back of his mind.

Nott Sr.'s nostrils flared and he cocked his head. For a brief moment, Theo saw panic flicker in his father's eyes. Could he feel it too? Did he smell the sulfur? His father narrowed his gaze, and glared around the room before turning on a boot heel and headed out the door.

Theo followed his father to the kitchens. Unlike the Malfoys, the Notts preferred the table in the Manor's vast kitchen. A heavy, English oak table, made for little boys and men with muddy boots sat just on the other side of the mudroom, in front of the massive hearth with easy access from the stables. His father preferred the casual atmosphere, it seemed silly for the two of them to eat in the formal dining room. As such it was rarely used after his mother's passing.

Theo didn't remember much of his mother, he was two when she had died. And now that he thought about it, there seemed to be a lot of rooms no one used. He still had three weeks of summer break to explore, after all it was his house.

A pair of Dobermans lifted their heads as the men walked in. Neither one abandoned its post in front of the fire. They would wait patiently for their scraps.

His father lifted the stasis charm and removed the shield Gill had placed on their dinner. The little elf wisely distrusted the hounds, "Now that you have your Mark, you know …..You'll be invited to the….The dinner parties now." His father said to him while pouring him a glass of wine, "And by invited, I mean expected to attend."

Theo avoided the subject and his father's gaze. He knew what the dinner parties consisted of. Which is why he had disappeared to begin with.

"Have you written to Grandfather yet, about my taking the Mark?" He asked his father.

"I owled him this afternoon….. So, how are you feeling? Are you certain you're up for a hunt?"

"I feel fine, really I do," And really he did, he felt fine, energized even, "Just famished is all."

Theo cut a slab off the beef, filling his plate. He tended to lean toward the thin side growing up. Never one to eat a heavy meal. Nor did he ever enjoy a drink. Maybe it was the Mark? Theo preceded to finish off a huge portion of the roast along with most of the wine. He wondered if he might be turning into a Weasley.

His body hummed with energy heading to the stables. Ozone hung in the air, crisp and cool, and the full moon still hung low in the sky. His Uncle Walden's hounds came barreling down the drive, anxious for a chase. His Uncle, the Huntsman, galloped after them. He slid the big, dapple grey to a stop and stepped off his mount in one smooth move. Regardless of having the one leg, nothing slowed down the executioner.

"Uncle!" Theo embraced the big man, "I missed seeing you at the marking. You'll forgive me? ….I wasn't feeling well."

"Its alright lad, here …..you're as good as a man now." Walden handed him the flask from the pocket of his riding cloak.

Theo didn't hesitate, and the burn from the whiskey felt amazing. Why hadn't he ever tried it before? Something inside of him began to purr.

"Whiskey now?...Huh!" His father huffed, "Go…. saddle your horse." Shaking his head, he plucked the flask from Theos hand and laughed, "And saddle mine as well!"

Theo turned around, "Are the Malfoys coming?"

"Lucius is, Draco is still a bit under the weather and is staying home with his mummy tonight," Nott Sr. chuckled, handing the flask back to Walden, "Now aren't you glad you didn't end up with Cissa?"

"I would take my Cissa back, even if she would spoil my pups," Walden took a long pull on the flask, "Bast is coming, Rodd's stuck babysitting Batshite crazy and Antonin's balls deep in Alecto."

"Why aren't you balls deep in some bint?"

"Who ever said I wasn't?" Walden grinned at him, "How did ya think I knew where Antonin was?"

The Sr. Nott shook his head, "And you left for a moonlight hunt?"

Walden shrugged, "I can fuck Ally any time, but a hunt is rare these days. Besides, Antonin can handle Ally all on his own."

"Not that the boy left much, but are you hungry?" Nott Sr. asked his friend.

"Oh no, I had plenty at the Dragon's Lair, it's where we met up with Ally,… Your horse is here … and when are we taking the lad to Lucius' place?"

"Never, he can get laid at school like everyone else… Not at a trashy strip club!" Nott Sr. took the reins of his mount, "Thank you Son."

"I'll have you know that the Dragon's Lair is the most distinguished gentleman's club in Wizarding Britain!" Lucius' clipped tones cut the night. Resplendent, Lucius sat astride his prized Lipizzaner stallion, both glowing in the moonlight.

Theo looked from his father to his Uncle Lucius, "Why can't I go to the Dragon's Lair? Draco's been."

"Because I'm your father and I said so… Now mount up! I believe Rabastan has our quarry wrangled, and we want to be there for the release." The real reason for keeping the boy away, he had yet to divulge to his son. The reason he couldn't let his son alone with a woman. Not yet anyway. He had to be sure. He had caught the scent of the Demon in the library and could have sworn he felt his presence. But Theo was young, still only sixteen, seventeen at the end of October he reminded himself. Fifteen years to the day that that Demon butchered his Jessica.

Theo pouted for all of ten seconds, not wanting to be the petulant child like Draco so often was. He trotted his horse next to Nott Sr." So, how about tonight? Can I get my willie wet? …. Hear me out Dad….. please," Calling him dad would soften him up, it did every time, "If Uncle Bast has a woman mudblood can I fuck her?"

"Why in Merlins name would you want to fuck a mudblood?"

"I don't know…. I heard Aunt Bella saying Uncle Roddy fucked a mudblood his first time…."

"Well they are sturdy, and you can rough'em up a bit if you like," Walden added with a knowing grin.

"Shut -up Walden!"

"No, Teddy. Walden has a point,…. I myself have never fucked a mudblood…" Lucius' was drowned out by Walden's snort of disgust.

"You, dishonest cunt. I know for a damned fact that not one , not two, but three of your mistresses are in fact mudbloods!"

"THEY ARE NOT!...They are high born muggle women…. And there is a difference!"

"There's not a difference Lucius." Walden kept shaking his head, "Nope, no difference!"

Theo watched the back and forth between his Uncles, Lucius feigned offence and Walden continued to poke fun at his muggle mistresses, "What do you say Dad?"

Nott Sr. took a deep breath, "Honestly, I don't have a problem with it."

Theo grinned, "Thanks Dad, I'm going to ride up and see if Uncle Bast has one."

"If he doesn't I'm sure he'll go find you one!"

Theo urged his big, dark bay mare into an easy canter down the roadway.

Lucius rode up beside Nott Sr." So, Teddy, you'll let him stick his cock in a mudblood but not one of my fine young ladies of the evening?"

"It has nothing to do with you Lu, and everything to do with it ending up as something very expensive, if you get my meaning… As in would you want me visiting your establishment? Or my father at that."

"No," Lucius' face paled in the moonlight," You think it may have already moved into the boy?"

"Theo suggested this hunt tonight….. What do you think? When have you ever known Theo, my gentle little boy, to voluntarily go on a hunt? Then to ask for a mudblood? What do you think Walden?"

"I think we need to watch the boy and not jump to any conclusions."

Theo slowed his mare to a trot, seeing the silhouette of his Uncle Rabastan up ahead. The full moon illuminated the path, and in the distance Theo could make out the bodies of two muggles kneeling on the ground. Pulling Asha to a stop, Theo hopped off and embraced his favorite Uncle.