Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of its associated characters!

Summary: COMPLETE. Originally called "The Payback". Naruto and Sasuke always have to one-up each other, no matter what they're doing—even if its the other's birthday. Especially if it's the other's birthday. What started as a oneshot is now a series; modern AU, PWP, SNS. Established relationship!

A/N: This was originally supposed to be up for Naruto's birthday - happy belated to our favourite blonde! Sasuke's here to help him celebrate.

The Birthday Chronicles

Chapter 3: The Party

The hall was absolutely booming with noise. Much to the dismay of Sasuke, a known introvert, Naruto's birthday had happened to overlap with some big event that Ino was throwing for a friend of a friend of a friend—and, well, Naruto hadn't exactly been about to say no to an open bar and free hotel room. Sasuke, on the other hand...

He threw his boyfriend an innocent, charming smile. Sasuke rolled his eyes and brought his drink up to his lips, slinking further away from the conversation.

Yeah, Sasuke wasn't one for social events.

But he was one for Naruto.

"Hey," he ducked back, pulling Sasuke by the waist to lean in close to his ear, "if you wanna wait up in the room, I don't mind. I just—I haven't seen Gaara in ages and Ino still has something for me and—"

"You want me here," Sasuke pointed out, smile lazy and casual and everything Naruto utterly loved about it—

"Well—yeah," Naruto ducked his head a little, "but I know you don't like stuff like this."

"On the contrary," Sasuke rested his drink on the bar, fishing something out of his pocket, "I've been very entertained."

He smirked as he held up—

"Wh—hey! When did you get that?!"

—Naruto's wallet.

"Gimmie!" Naruto laughed, making a pathetic attempt to grab at it—really, all he ended up doing was pressing himself closer to Sasuke. Sasuke only lifted it out of his reach, flipping it open and pulling out...his room key?

He handed Naruto's wallet back to him.

"I don't get it." Naruto stuffed his wallet back into his pocket. "You already have a key."

"And now you don't." Sasuke picked his drink back up, smirking as he played with his tie. "Interesting."

Naruto stared at him. Sasuke knew something he didn't—which wasn't unusual, but he was being especially obvious about it today. He loosened his tie a little more—Naruto could see more of his skin, now, which was weird because Sasuke always did the top button up and—

Naruto's mind screeched to a halt.

That was a strap. That was a black strap, there, under Sasuke's shirt and Sasuke didn't wear undershirts, Sasuke didn't wear undershirts, Sasuke was wearing something under his shirt

"We should go," Naruto ground out, immediately desperate for the nearest exit—

"I'm afraid we can't." Sasuke's smirk widened (he knew he had Naruto, he knew it, that fucker knew it) as he tightened his tie again. "It's your birthday party, Naruto. You haven't seen Gaara in ages."

Oh that bastard

"Fuck you."

"That's the plan."

Naruto nearly fell to his knees.

Sasuke only moved past him, his hand tracing a path along Naruto's stomach on his way by—

"Best get your present from Ino while you have the chance, hm?"

Sasuke dodged him for the rest of the night. Oh, he was there, obviously—smirking across the room, playing with his tie, disappearing the moment Naruto broke and went after him—only appearing, again, to ever so casually place a hand along Naruto's back when Naruto was knee deep in another conversation that he couldn't get away from

It was torture.

And he had completely underestimated Sasuke, who had obviously had no problem at all coming here, given the way he fucking oozed amusement. He could see the laughter in his eyes—the slack in his shoulders—no tension, nothing. Just…

A game.

It was a game of cat and mouse and Sasuke was absolutely winning. He would touch, trace, whisper ever so innocently along Naruto's skin and vanish the second Naruto had enough sense of mind to reciprocate—Sasuke was teasing, testing, playing with him...and Naruto was rapidly reaching his breaking point.

But Sasuke had vanished, again, and Naruto found himself completely unable to follow whatever drunken rant Kiba happened to be going on. He kept scanning the room, scouring the room—fuck, he was usually so good at picking Sasuke out from a crowd and yet tonight he had been—


Sasuke stood, at the entrance of the hall, two keycards in hand. He tilted his head ever so slightly—and Naruto was too far away to see the look in his eye but he knew what it would be—and tapped a finger to the cards before turning away. Naruto immediately tried to follow, but Sasuke had waited until he was in the absolute worst position to get there in time—Naruto broke out into a run as he saw the open elevator—

He only caught a glimpse of Sasuke's dark, laughing eyes as the doors shut.

Fuck it.

Naruto burst the door to the stairwell open. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline that dulled the fatigue but he had never cared about taking the stairs less

He caught Sasuke, keycard in hand, tapping it against the door to the room—not unlocking it, just tapping, an impatient, beckoning gesture that had Naruto—well—

Naruto had Sasuke slammed up against the door before he even registered the thought.

"You've got a lot of nerve," his voice came out in a tight whisper—nearly shaking with need, "making me chase you like this."

Sasuke slid the keycard along Naruto's neck.

"Bold of you to assume you've caught me."

Naruto let out a breath and his hips moved with it—he grabbed the wrist that held his keycard and Sasuke didn't fight him—the door unlocked, card still in Sasuke's hand—

"I caught you," Naruto breathed, using Sasuke's body to shut the door behind them. He pressed their bodies together—pressed Sasuke's wrists against the door—

Sasuke's smirk widened, but he said nothing.

"I caught you," he said again, hips grinding into Sasuke's—and there it was. Broken, shattering right through that smug, glittering amusement—the raw desire in Sasuke's eyes—

"Take what's yours, then." Sasuke's voice was laced with air, with lust, with sex—fuck, Naruto was so gone in this—

He wrenched himself away, just enough to rip at Sasuke's shirt—and Sasuke laughed, then, because he got him—he had Naruto, like it was nothing, he had him and there was nothing in the world Naruto could do to bring himself to deny it. The keycard fluttered down to the floor, forgotten, as Sasuke grabbed him by the back of head and crashed their lips together—Naruto moaned into his mouth—

"Turn me around." Sasuke's voice rumbled against his lips and Naruto was helpless to do anything but obey—he pulled back so Sasuke could twist, the shirt falling from his shoulders—

Naruto froze.

He knew—of course, he knew—that Sasuke was wearing something. After his last birthday, he had even been able to imagine what it was, but this—this

This was so much more. This was so much better. He hadn't even realized that the black fabric had been wrapped around Sasuke's neck—that it shone, as if it was leather—that it linked back, twisting under his arms, across his chest—but even more than that—

There, trailing down from the collar around Sasuke's neck, was a chain. A chain—small, silver, and splitting into two halfway down so that—

Naruto sucked in a breath.

—so that it could link to the cuffs around Sasuke's wrists.

The breath shuddered back out of him.

And Sasuke seemed perfectly happy pressed up against the door from the way he smirked back at him, waiting—from the way he held his hands behind his back, waiting

In the same motion, Naruto ripped the last of the shirt from Sasuke's back and grabbed ahold of his hips, reaching around to deal with his pants—and it was only then that Naruto realized that Sasuke was wearing the garter, again, with that delicious lace around his waist, disappearing under the fabric his pants—and Naruto knew what he would see but fuck, there was nothing he wanted more—

His briefs were overtop of everything, this time, and Naruto memorized the curves of Sasuke's legs as he pushed them down—as his hands ran down Sasuke's legs, feeling the skin until he hit the socks—he pressed a kiss to where they began as he dropped to his knees—and he was so, so very tempted to stay here and worship every inch of Sasuke's skin he could reach until he was nothing but a trembling mess in Naruto's hands, but the chain danced along Naruto's fingertips and it reminded him—

"The—pocket, my left pocket, Naruto—"

Naruto's lips paused, just for a moment, as he slipped his hand into the fabric—and then they widened into a smile. This sneaky fucking bastard, who had been walking around all night with full lingerie under his suit and a pocket packed with everything they would need to take advantage of it—

He traced the path of Sasuke's body as he stood, pressing kisses along the way—he paused, only for a moment, to reach around and feel just how hard Sasuke was—pumping his cock once, twice, again, again, again—

"Mm—Naru—to—" Sasuke's voice cracked and Naruto grinned as the precum leaked out of his cock—he pressed a kiss to Sasuke's neck as he let go, only to find the chain again, only to twist it around his hand as he pulled back—he used his free hand to toss the lube onto the bed—the condoms, too—

Sasuke turned to him, just in time for their lips to meet. He pressed himself against him and it made it so very obvious that Naruto was fully dressed—in direct contrast to Sasuke, naked if not for the lace around his waist, the leather around his neck—

Sasuke pushed Naruto onto the mattress and dropped to his knees.


"Lift your hips."

And Naruto distantly wondered who had caught who, here, because even with a chain wrapped around his hand, linked to Sasuke's neck, with Sasuke's eyes were trained on him Naruto would do whatever they told him—he raised his hips and Sasuke barely had his clothes to his knees before—

"Nngh—fucking hell, Sasuke—" This was too much—this was too much—Sasuke was in front of him, on his knees, eyes unwavering as reached Naruto's tip, letting his tongue run around it in time with Naruto's groans—

He took Naruto in and he was lost—Naruto was falling back, back, and he couldn't hold himself up—Sasuke pulled back and Naruto felt the chain be pulled tight—he pulled Sasuke forward and he felt it—he felt it, the small moan around his cock, as Sasuke obeyed—he twisted the chain tighter, wrapping it around his knuckles again, and it pulled Sasuke back up—his lips were parted and wet and panting, and Naruto could see it in his eyes—

"You're mine," Naruto whispered, the smile breaking his face before he could even think of stopping it. Sasuke was usually so subtle about these things—so quiet, so reserved—but today it was like his restraint had snapped—like it had been burnt to a crisp. Sasuke had thought of a million different ways to do this but if Naruto didn't hurry the fuck up

"Prove it," Sasuke said, and his eyes flashed with challenge—his tongue darted out against Naruto's cock, again, but this was the same as before—this was teasing, taunting, beckoning; Sasuke looked at him and his eyes said come and get it

Naruto snapped the chain taut and Sasuke was up—he spun them around and Sasuke was pressed against the mattress—he let the chain untwist from his grip as Sasuke smirked and held his hands behind his back—

This is what Sasuke wanted.

Naruto clipped the chain to Sasuke's wrist.

This is what Sasuke wanted.

He clipped the second chain and pulled back. Sasuke's eyes were still on him, like they had been all night, but god if Naruto would ever be able to get over this sight—Sasuke's face, pressed against the mattress, his hands behind his back, ass in the air, garter pulled tight and chain pulled even tighter

"Pass me the condoms."

Sasuke's eyes flickered around him—behind him—then back to Naruto—

"What?" Naruto said, running a hand down Sasuke's back. "They're right beside you. Pass them to me."

Sasuke watched him for a moment longer.

"Take off your clothes."

Naruto's grin widened. An eye for an eye—he could respect that. His pants were already half-off anyway, and he hadn't bothered with a tie (he never did when he could help it), which really just left his shirt. It also left him with plenty of time to watch as Sasuke shifted, using his shoulders to move along the bed, eyes glued to Naruto's as he rolled just enough to pick the condoms up with his mouth—

Naruto held out his hand.

He made no motion to make it easier for Sasuke. No motion to make it quicker. Sasuke's hands were tied firmly behind his back and it left him with no way to hide himself from Naruto's view as he sat up on his knees—the garter pulled against his thighs and all it did was make his erection all the more obvious—

Sasuke dropped the condoms into Naruto's waiting hand. Naruto could feel his breath on his fingertips—feel his tongue as it darted out, just for a moment—Sasuke looked up at him and Naruto found his hand tracing along his chin—pulling Sasuke up to meet his lips—

"You're so fucking beautiful." It was a sigh out of his mouth—a breath filled with desire and love and bursting, bursting affection. Naruto had submitted to his love for Sasuke years ago, but sometimes (some days, like today) Sasuke pulled it right back up and made Naruto stare it in the face—

"You're all talk," Sasuke whispered, lips on Naruto's neck and body in his lap—Sasuke pressed right up against him and then all his weight was on him, hips rocking and breath panting and—

Naruto knocked him on his back.

He loved it when he could feel how bad Sasuke wanted him. He loved it when Sasuke's body moved with—moved into—his touch, as if asking for more—Naruto sucked at Sasuke's neck and he felt his hips buck up (arching into him, pressing their bodies together)—he moved his lips down to his nipple (hands gripping his hips, fingers slipping under the lace that Sasuke still wore)—

"Naruto—" Sasuke's breath was harsh—ending in half a groan—Naruto smiled at the sound—

"I'm not giving you your hands back, Sasuke." Sasuke had teased him all night. All night. The least Naruto could do was give him a taste of his own medicine.

He heard Sasuke make a noise—low, in the back of his throat—as Naruto reached his hipbones—


For one moment, Naruto only grinned—and then his mouth was very much occupied.


It was weird. Usually Sasuke's hand would be right in his hair—clawing at his shoulders, scratching at his back—as Naruto went down on him. Sasuke had stopped being shy about what he wanted years ago, and Naruto loved every second of it. But now—

Now, Sasuke was frustrated.

He could hear it in the low moans and the shake of the chain—and he could feel it in the way Sasuke's body twitched, as if restraining himself, as if right on the edge and desperate to break loose—

He pulled up only to smile, only to tease, but Sasuke took it as his chance—he twisted around, pushing at Naruto's torso with his knees—pushing him back, just enough to give Sasuke the space to turn, but not quite enough to move Naruto's body away from his—

At the same time Sasuke picked up the small bottle of lube (in his mouth, again, with no hesitation), Naruto twisted his hands through the garter. Sasuke looked back at him, half-curious, half-glaring


And Naruto loved it.

Naruto was taking too long and teasing too much and Sasuke wanted him already, he could see it in his eyes—he could feel it in the way Sasuke kissed him as he crawled into his lap, as the lube fell out of his mouth so Naruto could catch it the same way he caught the rest of Sasuke's body—

It was barely a moment after Naruto uncapped the lube that Sasuke was up, on his knees—his forehead dug into the nape of Naruto's neck, pressing, pushing, trusting Naruto to hold him up because he certainly didn't have the option to—Naruto smiled at the thought and Sasuke bit the edge of his ear, as if he had somehow known—

"Bastard," Naruto whispered, pulling Sasuke closer to him.

"Moron," Sasuke replied, breath as warm as his body against Naruto's, voice just as perfect as the rest of him—

And he felt that breath again, against his skin, as he slid a finger into Sasuke. Soft and slow and like a sigh of relief—coloured by just a touch of Sasuke's voice—and Naruto felt Sasuke's weight fall even further into his arms (it was so, so very hard to keep still with Sasuke's cock pressing right up against his)—

"More," Sasuke asked, and it was an order. Sasuke was in his lap, hands tied behind his back, all his weight on Naruto—giving himself to Naruto—and yet Sasuke asked, and Naruto said yes, whatever you need, whatever you want, take it all, anything you want, everything—

"Na—ruto," the edge of a whine—the edge of a moan—god, Naruto could feel his orgasm building and he wasn't even in Sasuke yet— "you're talking out loud."

Naruto knocked Sasuke onto his back (slowly—his fingers were still in him, after all).

"You dick," he told Sasuke's laughing, brilliant, beautiful eyes. "You know I can't help that."

Sasuke's only response was to kick the condoms at Naruto.

Naruto pulled his fingers out and stared at Sasuke for a long, decadent moment.

Sasuke stared back.

"I can't help it either."


The condom wrapper was on the floor in the first second—the next was enough to have Sasuke up, on his knees (turning around so Naruto could see the chain and grab the garter and slip a condom onto Sasuke, too, as he muttered "for the mess"—), and it was barely another, after that, before Naruto was behind him and—


"Fuck, Sasuke—"

It was enough to make Naruto's mind go numb with pleasure—enough to make it damn near impossible to open his eyes (but he had to; he had to memorize every inch of Sasuke's skin)—he twisted his fingers through the garter, again, as if clinging to it would somehow help him cling to reality—

"Mm—" But Sasuke made a noise (low, gutteral, in the back of his throat) as his face twisted against the sheets, and Naruto distinctly saw the chain tighten, again, as Sasuke's fingers flexed out and then in again—

Naruto pulled back to run his hands back along Sasuke's waist, his hips, his thighs—and then he pushed in again.

"Ah—!" It was small and muffled but Naruto couldn't stop the smile if he had all the strength in the world, because Sasuke's fingers were flexing again and his face was twisting again and his breath was coming in small pants already

"S'it feel good, Sasuke?" He kissed the question along Sasuke's skin.


"You want more, Sasuke?"


"You want it slow?" He pushed in with the word, twisting his hand around just to brush Sasuke's cock. "You want it gentle?"

Sasuke sucked in a breath, as if to reply, but Naruto didn't give him the chance—

"Or do you want it fast?" He pulled out and thrust in.


"D'you want it hard," he pushed in harder, gripping Sasuke's cock tight and relishing in the way it made him gasp, "like I'm taking what's mine?"

Sasuke's eyes opened.

"Yeah," Naruto grinned, "that's what I thought."

It was the only permission Naruto needed—that look in Sasuke's eyes—to let himself go. Sasuke had driven him half-desperate with need, and now—and now

"Nngh, Naru—Naru—"

"Yeah," Naruto breathed into his ear, using Sasuke's cock to pull his hips into his—using his other hands to pull his shoulders up, too—Sasuke's back arched so easily, so perfectly—

"H-haah, ah—"


Sasuke was nearly in his lap, now—arching back, leaning back until Naruto pulled him up and back so he could roll his head back onto Naruto's shoulder, like he had wanted—so he could ride Naruto, like he had wanted

"Keep—keep—Naruto, like that, like that—ah—"

Sasuke's breath was a hiss through a teeth and a desperate gasp with each roll of his hips—Naruto groaned and Sasuke echoed the sound—god, he was so close, so close, so close—

"Cum—cum in me, Naruto—"

Oh god, oh god—

"I love you—"

Oh holy fucking hell.

Naruto could only desperately dream that the hand on Sasuke's cock kept up the pace—he could only desperately hope that Sasuke felt anywhere as fucking as good, as divine, as drenched, as suffocated with ecstasy as Naruto did in that beautiful, white-hot moment—

"I—" Naruto sucked in a long, desperate breath, "love you too, Sasuke, I really—I'd do anything—"

Sasuke let out a soft laugh. It only made the edges of Naruto's eyes burn more.

"I know, moron." His voice was soft—laced with affection, and a thickness that Naruto knew was in his own voice, too. "I know. Undo me."

He let out another breath, and the edges of his vision focused just a little more. It was just enough to let him pull out—slow, god, every inch felt too fast—

With trembling hands, he undid the links to Sasuke's wrists. He collapsed, onto his back, about the same time as Sasuke did.

"Holy fuck," Naruto said, still unable to get his breath back, "I don't think," he laughed, "I have ever seen you that horny."

Sasuke pinched his skin.

"Ow, ow, hey—dickhead, ow!" Naruto flailed, but all it did was make him laugh harder. "Don't act like I didn't fucking love it. I'm gonna be hard from that for the rest of my life. Jesus Christ…"

Sasuke only laughed, turning into Naruto to hide the motion in his neck, but it only made Naruto feel it all the more—

"I don't know what I did to deserve that...please tell me so I can do it again."

He felt Sasuke's smile widen.

There was a pause.

"On my last birthday," Sasuke's voice was soft and low, and his hand traced a path along Naruto's stomach, "you told me you wanted to marry me."

Naruto slapped a hand over his face.

"You were supposed to forget about that!" he said, groaning at his own idiocy. Fuck, of course Sasuke would have remembered— "How am I supposed to surprise you now?!"

"You never were going to," Sasuke laughed against his skin. "You can't keep a secret to save your life."

"Hey! I—"

"And besides," Sasuke said, pulling back enough to prop himself up, "who said I wouldn't be the one surprising you?"

Naruto's heart skipped several thousand beats.

"Y—I—you—wait, no, Sasuke, Sasuke," he said, desperately fighting back the smile but Sasuke was smirking at him with those glittering eyes and ugh stupid fucking gorgeous asshole, "I've—I wanna propose! I've been planning this for—like, since we—forever! I've been—"

Sasuke's snort broke out into a laugh, and then Naruto was laughing too, and he just couldn't keep ahold of any of his protests—

"C'mon, Sasuke—"

"You'll have to beat me to it, then."

Naruto pointed his finger right in his face.

"I will. I'm gonna win this." Naruto's grin widened, even as his eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna win you."

Sasuke's smile widened. "Moron," he said softly, one hand on the back of Naruto's neck as he gently pulled him down. "You already have."

A/N: Lingerie Sasuke 2: electric boogaloo. There's a pun in here somewhere about revenge but I'm not creative enough to come up with it

Sorry I've been so quiet for so long! I still have a lot of WIPs & a lot of prompts I'm working on, but I've been getting my ass kicked by my PhD and I've only now finally recovered from getting sick D: But I finally got to sit down and do some writing this weekend - and here we are! And hopefully more soon :)

Until then,

- Kinomi