AN: Apologies for any spelling errors, I didn't have much time to edit.

Izumi sighed happily as she sunk on the couch of her childhood home. She tilted her head back and smiled at her mother bustling about the kitchen.

Her mother turned to her, a weary but relieved smile on her face, "Oh, Izumi. I'm so happy that you'll be staying for a while. I was so worried about you during this assignment."

"Sorry I couldn't contact you while I was away. Safety reasons, you know."

"Yes, I know sweetie. But I can't help but worry sometimes."

Izumi smiled at her mother before facing down at the sound of footsteps coming from down the hall. Izuku walked up to his sister, a wide grin on his face, "Thanks so much sis. My hero analysis books have really grown because of you. Especially with all you told me about Hammerhead and Lazy Eye."

As he sat by her, she ruffled his hair, "You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get information on Lazy Eye. She's incredibly secretive! Most of what I got was from observation. She really only answered a question or two."

Izuku crossed his legs and looked eagerly toward his older sister, "Can you tell me anything about the mission?"

"Sorry kiddo," her eyebrows knit apologetically, "You'll have to wait a few more days for the full report to be announced publically before I can give any details."

A cute pout formed on his lips. The elder Midoriya laughed and poked both his cheeks.

"Alright you two, go wash up and get ready for dinner," Inko informed.

The two siblings did as their mother said, quickly returning to the table to dig in to their supper.

As they ate, talk switched from Izuku's school life and social circle to Izumi's work load.

"It hasn't been to hectic. The only big thing was this recent mission and most of the paperwork is being handled by some of my underlings," she said as she finished the last of her meal.

"Izumi sweetie?"

She swallowed down her last bite, "Yeah?"

"How are you and your boyfriend?"

She blinked and looked from her mother to her younger brother. Both waited with bated breath for her to divulge information. The young woman laughed, "He and I are doing fine. He wasn't able to go on this mission with me, so he had to stay home. We went out to eat late last night. I think he was a little sad to find out I was gonna be staying with you guys for a while."

Inko nodded and hesitantly added, "That's good. When will he come over? I'd love to meet him."

Izumi inwardly sighed. She knew how much both her mother and brother wanted to meet him. And everytime they asked she always had to give the same answer. "Mom, you know he can't. And you know how much I'd love for you to meet him. But he's a hero. And he's got a lot of enemies. He may not know you but he really does want to keep you safe. The less you know of him, the better."

Izuku looked sadly at his sister. He could see how much this subject affected her. He knew more than anyone that Izumi truly wanted he and his mother to meet her boyfriend. Izuku would be lying if he said he wasn't curious but he could also respect the fact that Izumi's boyfriend, despite not personally knowing him or his mother, wanted to keep them away from potential danger. This man was a true hero to Izuku.

Izumi looked up at Izuku when he placed his hand on hers, giving what little comfort he could provide for her. She really did want her family to meet him. She had asked him early on in their relationship if he would be willing to meet her family. He told her firmly but not unkindly that it wouldn't be possible. His work as a hero would place her family in danger and that it wasn't something he wanted to risk.

Inko caught on the sadness the subject brought her daughter and made to apologize when the doorbell to their apartment rang.

The Midoriya's blinked at each other. Izumi glanced in the direction of the door before looking back at her mother, "Are you expecting someone?"

Inko shook her head. Izuku stood, since he was closer to the door, "I'll go see who it is. Probably Mrs. Furukawa bringing more perssimon's."

The young boy walked quickly to the door, not bothering to look through the eyehole and opened the door, ready to greet his elderly neighbor when he stopped dead in his tracks as he beheld the sight of his homeroom teacher at the door.

Shouta Aizawa stood before Izuku, a neatly wrapped box held in his hand and his signature blank expression on his face.

Izuku quickly snapped out of his shock, "M-Mr. Aizawa? I'm sorry, I-I didn't realize there was a home-visit today. Actually, I didn't think U.A. did home-visits."

The boy stepped aside for his teacher to walk inside. The man held up his hand in a placating manner, "Relax Midoriya. This isn't a home visit. It's...personal."

"Izuku dear? Who's at the doo- oh!"

Inko and Izumi stood at the opening to the living room. Inko tilted her head in confusion at the sight of the stranger. Izumi, however, seemed to light up with a smile and her eyes twinkled with delight as she exclaimed, "Shouta!"

Izumi immediately walked up to the raven haired male, wrapping her arms around his neck. Izuku stepped back, confused at the flow of events and watched with surprise as his teacher wound his free arm around his sister's waist. Izumi stepped back and turned back to her family, utter joy painted on her face, "Mom, Izuku, this is Shota Aizawa. My boyfriend."

Izuku's jaw dropped. His sister was dating his homeroom teacher? "Wha-what? But at school..."

Aizawa scratched at his stubble, "What? You expected us to show PDA in public in front of a bunch of students? We're professionals. We know how to keep our relationship and work separate."

Izumi poked him at the sarcastic tone he took with her brother, "Sorry Izuku. Shota and I agreed to keep work and personal life away from each other. Especially in our line of work, we have to keep those we love at arms length."

The older male stepped forward to Inko and held out the wrapped box, his head bowed at the older woman, "Sorry it's taken so long to introduce myself. Please accept these as my apology."

The older woman bowed back to him, her hands taking the offering, "No need to apologize. Thank you for taking care of Izumi and for thinking of Izuku's and my safety. Please, come on in."

Inko lead the man into the living room, the siblings following closely behind.

As they all sat around the table Izumi looked to the hero, "Why did you decide to come now Shota? Not that I'm not happy, said that it was to protect my mom and Izuku."

He nodded, "I still want them safe. But seeing as your brother is attending the school that I teach at, he already knows who I am and my identity. It...seemed wrong to deceive you two any longer."

"Shota..." Izumi intertwined her hand with his.

Izuku sat up straighter, "Don't worry Mr. Aizawa! Mom and I won't say anything about you to anyone."

Inko nodded, determination set on her face. She soon smiled, "I'm so happy I get to meet you. Izumi couldn't really tell me much about you. You're much more handsome than I had thought!"

Izuku smiled at the happiness on his mother's and sister's face. It was more than a little awkward knowing that his sister was dating his teacher but he knew that the pro hero was a good person. And his sister was always so happy when she spoke of him.

Aizawa stayed for an hour or so, answering questions and even eating a meal at Inko's insistence ("You look famished"). Izuku stared in wonder as he saw his teacher in a new light whenever he shared light touches and warm looks with his sister. And Izumi had been ecstatic about his visit as well. The young Midoriya had never seen his sister quite so happy. Perhaps since she had found out he had been accepted into U.A.

Aizawa soon called it a night and made to leave. Inko couldn't help but give him a quick hug with a quite 'thank you' for taking care of Izumi before heading to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Thanks so much for taking care of my sister Mr. Aizawa."

The black eyed man turned his gaze to his student before sighing, "Drop the 'Mr. Aizawa' stuff. It's a little weird to have you calling me that outside of school."

The young boy gulped, "Uh...what should I call you then?"

He scratched at his stubble, "My name."

Izumi stepped up to her brother, "Go on, Izuku. You won't get a lot of chances to call him that!"

"Uh...o-okay. Sh...Shota."

Aizawa blinked and turned to the door without a word. Izuku looked up to his sister, worried that he shouldn't have done that. Izumi merely grinned at him, "Don't worry little brother. Shota will never admit it, but he loves being domestic. He doesn't get a lot of chances to show affection, and he doesn't receive much to begin with. He'll open up the more he gets to know you."

She followed the hero who was already out the door.

Aizawa turned to her, "Sorry for the short notice."

Her green eyes twinkled at him with warmth. She shook her head and took his hands into her own, "I know you like your privacy. And...I feel like you weren't telling the whole truth in there, about why you showed up today."

His dark gaze stayed fixed on her face. He stayed silent for a moment before bringing her closer to him. Her cheeks flared at their proximity, her eyes shyly looking up at him from under her lashes. He kept her gaze and traced his hand to the outline of her cheek, "You don't really know how to hide your disappointment every time you ask me to meet your mom and brother."

The heat of her cheeks spread to the rest of her face and she looked down in embarrassment. The taller man placed his index finger under her chin, lifting it gently to have her gaze back on him, "And because you...mean a lot to me."

Her eyes widened at his confession.

"Your family means a lot to you. You know I'm not good at showing it, but I care. And meeting them meant a lot to you. This was my way of showing that I care."

Izumi's eyes watered at the heartfelt sentiment. Aizawa's lips twitched a little at her sentimentality and swiped his thumb across her cheek at the tear that escaped. He cupped her face in his larger, calloused hands and brought her closer.

Izumi allowed him to guide her head and let her eyes flutter close as their lips met. Their lips moved in a slow and gentle dance, one kiss morphing into another. Izumi was the first to pull away, her breath labored a little, but a smile firmly set on her face and eyes gazing at the hero with adoration. Her eyes crinkled further as she noticed the small tint of pink on her boyfriend's cheeks.

He cleared his throat and stepped away, "I'll...I'll see you back home in a few days."

She grinned and nodded, "Yeah. Thanks again Shota. It means a lot."

He merely nodded his head once and turned to make his nightly rounds in the area he usually patrolled.

Izumi stayed out there for a while longer a hand lingering on her lips. They still tingled even after she had laid her head to sleep that night.

AN: Hey all! I hope you liked this chapter. I wanted to write Izumi having a love interest. But this will conclude the AU segment for now. We will go back to our regularly scheduled Child!Izumi chapters next time! Thank you to Love Remedy as always for the review last chapter! I'm glad you enjoyed it. If any of ya'll have some scenarios in mind for little Izumi, please let me know!

Also, I wanted do a little plug for a fan of this series. Please, if you have time, check out a story by AmandaLucia. She was so kind as to ask my permission in using a few traits of AU!Izumi to create her own story. It's also an Aizawa romance! The story is called And Then You Returned. Leave her a review on what you thought of it!