
Lance groaned and blindly groped for his blanket, pulling it over his head in an automatic response to the familiar voice. There was a dip in the mattress and Lance yanked his arm out of reach when he felt someone shake his shoulder.

"Lance! Wake up!"

"'m sleepin'. Go away, Keith," Lance mumbled, scrunching his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep.



Lance opened his eyes and sat up quickly, eyes widening as he saw none other than Keith kneeling next to him on the bed. Something flashed in Keith's face and before Lance could cry out in surprise, his mouth was covered by Keith's hand.

"Shh," Keith whispered, drawing close. "He'll hear you."

Lance's eyes followed the direction of Keith's finger as he pointed at the bathroom door.

"There isn't enough time for questions, so you're just going to have to believe me. Just keep quiet and listen carefully, okay?"

Lance nodded dumbly, still not quite believing what he was seeing. That seemed to be enough for Keith as he lowered his hand and gave him a stern look.

"Lance, I need you to focus. Hunk said that you might go into shock if I just blurt it out 'like I always do' but I need to debrief you before Lotor comes out. You can take it, right?"

"You're scaring me," Lance's voice trembled. "What's the deal, Keith? How did you find me?"

He jumped as Keith grabbed both of his shoulders and met his gaze. Damn, Keith had never looked so serious.

"This isn't real, Lance." Keith said firmly. "This is all going on in your head."

Lance's mouth split in a grin. "At least your awful sense of humor hasn't changed."

Keith's grip tightened. "This isn't a joke! He's gonna be out any minute now. I need you to believe me! Pidge thinks that they had to inject you with some sort of drug before connecting you to that machine. Do you remember something like that?"

"I…" Lance bit his lip. "They did inject me with something, but it just knocked me out, y'know? And what machine? What are you talking about?"

"Most consider it rude to enter someone's personal chambers uninvited, paladin."

"Shit," Keith pulled Lance off the bed and stood in front of him, his bayard materializing out of thin air. Lance nervously peered over Keith's shoulder at Lotor, who was standing unarmed in the middle of the room.

His expression was blank, but Lance could tell that he hadn't expected something like this to happen.

"You're a twisted maniac," Keith hissed. "Playing around with people's minds like that!"

Lotor blinked. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

Lance sidestepped Keith and stood between them.

"Keith. Explain."

Keith's eyes narrowed and for a moment Lance thought that he'd push him away, but much to his relief Keith lowered his bayard with a sigh.

"I don't know the technicalities, but we're all currently in a virtual reality that Lotor designed."

Lotor snorted. "That's ridiculous! I've never created something like that!"

Keith shook his head. "Not you. The real Lotor. You're just a digital copy, like everyone on this ship. The only real people here are me and Lance."

"Woah there, back up. Did you come here just to share one of your conspiracy theories? Because I already told you, Keith, I—"

"This isn't a conspiracy theory!" Keith snapped. "I'm telling the truth! Ugh, I knew you wouldn't get it, I shouldn't even bother—"

"What do you mean, I 'wouldn't get it'?" Lance's pitch went a bit higher than he'd intended. "I totally 'get it!' I get that you popped out of nowhere, rudely woke me up and won't even explain what's going on. Some rescue mission this is!"

"I already told you what's going on! If you just listened to me—"

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Lotor cut Keith off as he approached them and draped an arm over Lance's shoulder, "but if you're here to tell stories, I suggest we order some breakfast to go with it. Otherwise, I'm willing to give you one chance to leave without being pursued."

Lance's face grew warm as he saw Keith stiffen at Lotor's casual familiarity. He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want Keith to think that he was on the enemy's side, but Lance didn't want to hurt Lotor's feelings by shaking him off, either.

"I'm not lying," Keith grit his teeth. "And I'm not leaving without Lance. So either you get your arm off of him or I'll do it for you."

Lotor's grip tightened on Lance's shoulder.

"By all means, I would like to see you try."

Keith raised his bayard and Lance just about had enough.

"Stop it!" He yelled, stepping away from Lotor and narrowing his eyes at Keith. "Both of you."

"Lance," Lotor tilted his head and gestured at Keith, "you cannot possibly believe what he's saying, do you?"

"Of course he does! We're a team. We have each other's back. Tell him, Lance."

Lance hesitated and for the first time since Keith appeared, the other paladin looked unsure.

"Lance? Don't tell me…?"

"This is a lot to take in!" Lance said quickly, digging his nails into his palms. "You'd also find it hard to believe me if I suddenly materialized and told you that—"

"Okay. I get it," Keith cut him off. He looked resigned. "You want proof? Fine. I'll give you proof."

Keith raised his bayard again and before Lance could protest, he pointed it at himself. Lance's eyes grew wide and he cried out in horror as Keith pressed the blade to his own throat and slit it with one, quick move.


Lance ran over to Keith's body as it fell to the ground, grabbing it before it hit the floor. There was blood, so much blood and his eyes filled with tears.

"No…this can't be happening…"


"Get off of me!"

He shook off Lotor's hands as they tried to comfort him and he focused on covering the wound with his hands as he tried in vain to stop the flow of blood. Keith offered Lance a weak smile before his eyes rolled back and he grew limp in Lance's arms.

Lance didn't have the chance to process the dramatic turn of events. One moment he was holding the bloody, lifeless body of his friend. The next he was kneeling on the floor, arms empty and clean.


"Missed me?"

Lance gaped and Lotor took a step back as Keith, very much alive, materialized out of thin air.


"I told you," Keith said with a triumphant smile. "This isn't real. I can die as many times as I want and come back because this is all happening in our minds."

Lance's mind was reeling. He knew better than to try to stand up. He looked between Keith and Lotor, desperately hoping for a better explanation, but none came. Lotor looked just as shocked as Lance felt.

"Don't ever do that again," Lance finally said, looking up and meeting Keith's gaze with narrowed eyes. "I'm not kidding, Keith. Don't you dare kill yourself in front of me…again."

Keith looked a little chastised and lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry. But it was the only way I could prove to you that I was right."

Lotor shook his head he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So you are saying," his voice was a little shaky, "that I'm just…how did you phrase it? A 'digital copy' of myself?"

Keith nodded curtly. "You're just part of this scenario Lotor designed. He hitched Lance to this machine that's connected to his brain. Pidge was able to connect me to it as well."

His voice softened as he turned to Lance.

"We don't have much time. The rest of the team is guarding us and Pidge is monitoring the machine. They're all waiting for us to regain consciousness."

Lance swallowed thickly. "Why did they connect you to it? Isn't that dangerous?"

Keith shrugged. "We tried waking you up, but Pidge figured that the only way to disconnect from the algorithm is from 'the inside', so to speak. Someone needed to talk to you and…I volunteered."

Lotor cleared his throat.

"And how does one 'disconnect'?"

Keith looked at him for a long moment before turning to Lance.

"You destroy the focal point of the algorithm," he said quietly. "The main object around it revolves."

None of them spoke for a few moments before Lotor sighed.

"That would be me, is it not?"

Keith's silence was confirmation enough.

"No!" Lance jumped up. He walked over to Lotor and stood in front of him, blocking the Galra from Keith's view. "You can't!"

"Lance, he isn't real. He's just a computer code. You wouldn't really be killing Lotor…unfortunately."

Lance shook his head fiercely. "I don't care! Just because—"

Keith raised his voice. "It's our only way out of here! Don't you want to wake up and go back to the castle?"

Lance's eyes watered. "O-of course I do, but—"


Lance turned around. His heart sunk as he saw the sad smile on Lotor's face.

He knew that self-sacrificing look too well.

"No," he said firmly, folding his arms. "Don't even say it."

"It's okay," Lotor said quietly.

"It's not okay!" Lance snapped. "How can you give up, just like that?!"

Lotor looked far too calm. It made Lance furious.

"Keith just proved that none of this is real, Lance," he said slowly, meeting Lance's eyes. "That I'm not real. How am I supposed to carry on knowing that I'm a digital copy of myself? How can I expect you to stay here, knowing that your friends are waiting for you in the real world?"

"…No. There has to be a different way!"

"There isn't," Keith unhelpfully supplemented from behind him. When Lance turned around to glare at him, Keith stepped forward and shoved his bayard into Lance's hand.

"Just do it."

Lance turned back to Lotor and held the blade between them. It felt heavier than anything Lance ever held before.

"…I can't."

Lotor leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around the back of Lance's head, pulling him close. The other hand grasped the handle of the blade and yanked it out of Lance's hand.

"Don't forget me, Lance…"

The next few seconds were a blur. Lance felt something warm and wet between them for the second time that day. There was blood. Too much blood.

Not his blood.

He tried to cry out but his lips were sealed by Lotor's mouth. There was a lurching sensation in his gut and Lance closed his eyes that stung with unshed tears. When he opened them, he saw Hunk's face hovering above him.

"He's awake!" Hunk exclaimed. He turned his head and nodded to his left. "Keith, too!" He looked back down at Lance with a warm smile. "It's good to see you back, buddy."

Lance opened his mouth to say something but choked. His eyes widened in alarm as he tried to move his limbs and none of them budged. Hunk held him down and rubbed his arms soothingly.

"Hey, shh, you're safe. Try not to move until Pidge says it's okay to take off all the Galra tech they put on you, 'kay?"

"You can unplug them!" Lance heard Pidge's voice not too far away. "I shut off the system!"

Hunk was quick to comply. The process didn't hurt as much as Lance thought it would, but he winced when Hunk pulled out the tube that was stuck in his throat. He sat up and stretched, wetting his lips as he rubbed his neck. His throat had never been so sore.

"Welcome back," Pidge grinned as she approached him, setting down an unfamiliar device and looking him over. "You'll have to tell me all about what you saw when we get back to the ship!"

"But first we gotta get outta here," Hunk pointed out. Lance turned to watch him help Keith onto his feet. Their eyes met but Lance looked away.

He felt numb.

The doors to the room suddenly opened and a few sentries rushed in, followed by Allura, who was quick to cut them down.

"Lance! I'm so glad to see you!" Allura rushed over and grasped his shoulder. "We were worried sick about you! Don't worry, we'll get you out of here and straight into a cyro-pod."

"I wouldn't count on it."

Lance bit his lip as he watched Lotor (Lotor) enter the room, followed by his generals. His friends stiffened next to him and had their bayards pointed at Lotor, but he didn't seem phased by their hostility.

"How did you sleep, Lance? Did you enjoy the little setup I prepared for you?"

"Don't you dare talk to him, you manipulative bastard," Keith barked. Lance looked at him in surprise and noticed the way his right hand quivered, as if he was trying to hold himself back.

"I suppose it wasn't as good as I'd thought if your friends were able to hack it, though," Lotor sighed. "I'll have my scientists perfect it for the next time."

Allura stepped forward. "There won't be a next time," she said tightly. "This mind game of yours is low, Lotor. Even for you."

Acxa stepped forward but Lotor held out his hand, holding her back. He offered Allura a condescending smirk.

"I'm flattered by your high opinion of me, princess," he said dryly before turning his head to meet Lance's gaze.

Lance froze.

"Your opinion is what I'm most curious about. How did you find my digital counterpart?"

Lance couldn't help it. The tears he'd been holding back since waking up now rolled freely down his cheeks.

Lotor's eyes widened for a split second before his face brightened with a delighted smile.

"I can't believe it! Don't tell me that you came to care for me?"

Lance could feel his friends' gazes on him and hung his head. It hurt too much to speak.

"Watch it, Lotor."

Lance raised his head in surprise and looked at Keith. After everything that happened, he hadn't expected Keith out of everyone to come to his defense. Especially about this.

"Did I strike a nerve? Oh, this is absolutely charming," Lotor smirked. "Do tell, Lance. Was I kind to you? Were we friends? Or…"

He stepped forward and the paladins were spurred into action. They ran forward and were met with Lotor's generals, protecting their leader and holding Lance's friends back as Lotor approached him.

Lance knew that he was supposed to run away while unarmed, but he couldn't bring himself to move as Lotor stood in front of him and reached out to grasp his chin in his palm.

"Did you fall for me, paladin?"

Lance met his eyes briefly before looking away. Lotor released his chin with a chuckle.

"Amazing. You must have been starved for attention in there. It's rather pathetic, really, but I suppose you aren't to blame. I am an excellent actor."

"What…do you mean?"

His voice was raspy and his throat killed him, but Lance needed to understand…whatever it was that happened.

Lotor raised his brows. "You don't actually believe that my digital copy loved you?"

Lance frowned.

"He did. I'm sure of it."

Lotor's laugh was mocking. "Not possible. My copy had exactly the same memories and behavior patterns as I do. Why would I ever care for someone like you? Believe me, I am not attracted to silly, expendable humans."

Lance's throat burned. He looked around to see his friends trying to hold their own but it was clear that they were outmatched. Even Keith was having difficulties keeping Acxa at bay.

"It was stupidly easy to keep you here and make it impossible for the paladins to form Voltron," Lotor mused, watching the fighting around him as well. "And you were the perfect bait. How does it feel to be your friends' downfall?"

Gritting his teeth, Lance reached out and grabbed Lotor by the collar. He didn't meet any resistance, and if anything, Lotor's patronizing smirk incensed him like nothing else.

But something held him back from punching Lotor in the face.

"What's wrong? Did you fall for me so hard that you're unable to hurt me?"

Lance narrowed his eyes and released his hold. Lotor sneered, but he yelped as Lance leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his neck. He looked startled and severely uncomfortable.

Lance used those moments of uncertainty to pull Lotor down so that he could whisper in his ear.

"You aren't a monster, Lotor, despite what they said. I know you aren't. So stop acting like one."

He lingered for a second before pulling back and unwinding his arms. Lotor's eyes were wide as he looked down at Lance, as if seeing him for the first time.

Lance met his gaze unwaveringly and waited.

Lotor turned around abruptly and turned towards the dueling pairs.

"Stop!" He ordered. His generals immediately obeyed, pulling back and returning to his side, though they looked at him questioningly. The paladins looked after them in confusion, their bayards still raised in midair.

"Leave my ship at once," Lotor snapped, addressing them all. "Go. Before I change my mind."

Lance silently sidestepped him and joined his friends. They looked at him uncertainly.

"Let's get out of here."

"But we've got them!" Keith protested, pointing his bayard at Lotor. "We can finish it right here, right now!"

"Keith," Lance said sharply. "We're going."

Allura and Hunk exchanged a look before nodding and turning to go. Pidge pursed her lips and followed, dragging a disgruntled Keith along with her. Lance brought up the rear, making sure that everyone left the room before looking back over his shoulder.

Lotor was starting at him, his expression blank and unreadable. Their eyes met for a long moment before Lance turned back and walked away. Maybe one day he'd learn to read this Lotor's expressions, too.

But for now…

He was going home.

Hello everyone :) Thank you to all those who've kept up with this story! I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I've been wanting to write this story for a very long time. As you can tell, it has Matrix elements, but I mainly based the idea of a digital copy on Black Mirror's Christmas special, 'White Christmas'. The virtual reality in which Lance finds himself is a mix of the two.

It would mean the world to me if you shared your thoughts!