When he opened his eyes again, the sun was far gone, and the only light in the room was coming from the fireplace. Next to his bed, a plate of fresh fruit, goats cheese, bread and a hot tea to wash it down. Sitting on the edge of the bed, and finally feeling stronger, he examined his own body.

His skin was getting better, the smell of some plant he could not identify on himself. Whatever she was using to help his body heal, was working. He did still feel weak, the lack of food hitting his energy levels. A faint sound was coming from downstairs, but nothing he was interested on at the moment. Grabbing the plate of food and the drink, he sat on the table next to the fire and started to eat and think what he would do as soon as he felt better.

His first thought was to take as much food and water as he could from this place, and then run away. That is the clever choice, he said to himself. Also, he would need more clothes, since his were nearly destroyed after the sandstorm. It still bugged him how he got trapped in it, but there would be other times to think about it. Finishing his meal, he noticed he needed to stretch his muscles after who knows how much time lying in bed.

Zaira had left some clothes for him. A pair of shoes, a cotton thobe and wool thawb to wear in the cold of the night. Looking at it, he found himself feeling conflicted emotions. On one side, he hated the idea of just being there, dependant of a human. Just the thought of her thinking, even for a split of second, that she had any kind of control over him, was enough to make him retreat his lips and growl. His knuckles went even whiter as his fist tightened around the fabric.

No one had any control over him, not anymore. Now, he was free, he was free.

And still, a small part of him, felt warm at the idea of her going through the effort of finding clothes for him. Exhaling, he let go of the clothes and started to get dress. The cotton felt clean against his skin, and the thawb kept the warmth inside. He decided against the shoes, they were restrictive, in his opinion.

He was about to go downstairs when he looked at his empty plate. Frowning, he went back to grab it. People might think him to be a savage, a wild djinn, be he did have manners. At least when he wanted to show them.

The stairs were dark, but there was enough moonlight coming from the small windows. As he went down, the faint noise he heard before became stronger. The hallway had some candles on the walls, enough to have some light and not trip with the furniture. Close by, orange light from one of the rooms, washed the floor on the hall. Stopping before coming in, he moved his head to point his good ear in the direction of the sound. It was Zaira, humming a traditional song that mothers would use to shoo their babies. Strange. For a second, he thought she might have a baby, but his smell told him for sure that there was no one else living in this house. He heard some movement from inside the room. The sound of a book closing, a blanket being push to the side and steps coming.

Zaira appeared from one of the rooms, a blanket over her shoulders, with her dog close by. When she saw him, a smile crossed her face.

-Ran, you are awake. Asir heard something and I was coming to check on you – grapping the blanket around her, she added -. How are you feeling? You had a fever for the last two days and haven't wake up until now.

-I feel better.

-And... anything else? - she said when he didn't say anything more-.

-My body aches, I need to move.

-Of course. Come, let me show you the way.

Walking through the house, Ran started to talk.

-Have I really been out for two days?

-Yeah, I was starting to get worried, to be honest.

Silence followed.

-You should grab something else, you will get cold outside – Zaira added as she put a thick coat around her-.

-I'm a djinn.


-So stop asking stupid questions and let's go – he pointed with a frown an pushing past her and through the door-.

He stopped on his foot immediately. They were in the middle of an oasis he had never seen before. Mouth opening, he could not believe he never knew about this place after six years living in the desert.

Zaira stood next to him and said something he could not hear with his deaf ear. Not like he cared, anyway. All his focus was on the scenery around him. Even at night, the moon and the stars provided enough light to see the place. Green, it was all he could see. Green all around. The ground under his feet was consistent, with grass growing more and more as it got closer to the lake that dominated the view. Of at least four miles long, moonlight reflecting on the still waters. Trees grew around the lake, some of them bearing fruit. A small garden was next to the house, where some vegetables were almost ready to harvest.

-I don't understand. How could I never know about a place like this.

The woman said something else, not noticing Ran could not hear her. And to be honest, Ran wasn't speaking to her.

He started to walk completely ignoring her. His steps were fast, his muscles aching with relief. The night was cool, and...

-Hey! - Zaira said while slapping him in the shoulder -. Stop ignoring me.

Turning around with a growl, he grabbed her arm. He was pissed, but so was she. Both frowning at each other and not stepping back, Ran finally moved her to his other side.

-That left is useless, use the other one – a snarl following this-.

Surprised, she wanted to ask what happened, but decided to bit her tongue, just in case. They kept walking in silence, but Ran could feel her curiosity and her internal fight to not ask. And it was annoying. Very annoying.

-It was the last merchant that sold me.

She was so immersed on her thought, that the sound of his voice startled her. Knowing what the djinn was talking about, the young woman asked.

-What happened...?

-Who knows. Probably gave him a look he didn't like. I don't really remember. If I try, the only thing that comes to my mind is him beating me in the face with a stick. My ear has been useless ever since.

When Zaira opened her mouth to say "I'm sorry", she closed it and decided it wasn't a good idea.

-A shame I didn't get to kill him before I fled.

-I agree.

This time, he was the surprised one. Stopping on his steps, he looked at her.

-Do you, really?

-Well, of course I do – eyebrows rise in disbelief-. What kind of person do you think I am?

-A human. That's always enough.

-Well, you are wrong –crossing her arms and then opening them, embarking the oasis-. Why do you think I live here, Ran? In the middle of nowhere? The world out there is rotten, I rather expend the rest of my life here, alone with my animals, than in a city full of slaves.

-Of course, what matters the most to you, are the slaves, right? -sarcasm filling his voice-.

Biting her tongue, she turned around back to the house. Not waiting to see if he follows. After advancing a few yards, she stopped to look at him.

-C'mon, I'm going to show you something just to shut that mouth of yours.

Curiosity picking on him, Ran decided to follow.

Zaira wasn't happy with the situation. She wanted him to know that she did care about djinns. For some reason, she also wanted him to trust her. Not like he had any reason to do so, considering the little they knew about each other, but, still, she wanted it. Trying to ease the heavy atmosphere, she joked.

-I don't even know why anyone would try to make a slave of you. You are clearly way to stubborn for it. Probably the worst slave anyone could have.

Ran laughed. And honest, light laugh.

-That is probably true.

They kept the rest of the walk in silence, but this time, it wasn't uncomfortable. When they walked in, she took him to the same room she was before, and when the djinn followed her in, he could not hide the surprise. A library. It wasn't big, but every little ounce of space, was occupied with a book.

Zaira didn't noticed his surprise, as she walked to the fireplace to make the remnants of a flame into a proper fire.

As she did this, Ran grabbed one of the oil lanterns still lit, and started to read the titles of the books. It had been so long since he had the chance to read a book. Every genre was here. History, geography, astrology. Also, novels to entertain the reader, legends, fantasy, romance, blushing, he kept looking, but oh gods, wouldn't have been better to stop at romance. Full on erotica was there, too. He thought that before, he was blushing, but now his face felt as hot as the sun.

-Ran? Are you ok, your face is really red. Is your fever back? - she sounds concern as she approaches him-.

Moving quickly away from that section, he cleared his throat in a poor attempt to look casual.

-Yes, I'm fine.

Still dubious, she got closer to touch his forehead. In another situation, he would have move back with her attempt to touch him, but he was too flustered to be fast enough.

-Um... you are hot, but you are not sweating – touching his chest and arms, she added -. The rest of your body is cold... Are you certain that you don't feel any worse?

-Oh yes, very certain.

-If you say so... But please, do tell me if you think you are not recovering properly.


Giving him another look that just made him more uncomfortable, she stopped pushing the subject.

Anyway, come here – Zaira said, taking a big oil lamp and placing it on a desk on the side of the room-. Have a sit please.

Next to the desk, there was a bookshelf full of old tomes. Some of them were wrote on the old human tongue he never got the chance to learn. She grabbed two that looked, at least, a few centuries old. With utter care, she placed them down and took a sit next to Ran. On the side of one of the book, he read "Archives of Clan Sarham; VI-VII". Opening it from the index, he had a look before she found the right pages. "1. Djinnsah Arlhan" "2. Djinnsah Arlhan and the alliance", "3. The union of Djinnsah and Sarham". Djinnsah Arlhan, being djinnsah the word that meant "clan" in the djinn tongue, was one of the most ancient djinn clan to ever exist. What was this about? Moving the pages, Zaira stopped at The origin of Djinnsah Sarlhan.

-These books tell the story of my ancestors. For centuries, we made sure to keep writing our history here. This tome tells the biggest moments of the VI and VII centuries. Almost eight centuries ago – pointing to one paragraph, she started reading -.

After years of successful trading and good relations with the Djinnsah of the river, we finally achieve what our Clan always dreamt of. Djinns and humans always lived isolated from each other, at peace, but in two complete different worlds. Today, this change, today, we celebrate the union of the Arlhan of the river and the Sarham of the desert. Today, our clanes are united, today, with the marriage of the Arlhan leader and my daughter, Arisa, the Djinsah Sarlhan is born.

The next pages described the preparations for the wedding, the rites that would be created for this new clan. Ran was shocked before this revelation. Closing this book, she took the second one. This one, dating only four centuries ago.

"The War of Ziya". Ran knew this period of time. It was the time when humans and djinns went to work, with the final defeat of the last ones and the start of the slavery of djinns.

-I know this, I don't need to revive it- Ran said, not wanting to fester on the painful reminder of the fall of his people-.

-But you don't know the all that happened there. What my clan did, how this place was created.

With this, she opened the book, and started to read once more.

We are losing the war. Soon, we will be defeated, the rest of our people scattered and haunted down. Almost all our Djinnsah is either dead or captured. Our magic is not enough to stop their numbers, all the human slaves are fighting for their masters with the promise of freedom. They say how, if they win this war, humans will not be slaves ever again. We are desperate and running out of options. Our High Priestess has come with a way to create a Safe Haven for our people, but the cost will be high. In exchange for this safe place, we will have to give up magic. Forever.

Zaira moves the pages.

After long consideration, we choose to do it. Tomorrow we will start our way into the dessert and start the preparation for the ritual. If everything goes according to our theories, we will create a new oasis warded with magic. Anyone who gets close, will unconsciously turn in a different direction. The only way to get here, will be to know beforehand where you are going and keep the image of the oasis clear in your mind. We hope this will be enough to keep unwanted attention away from us.

She closed the book and looked at him. Both of them in silence. Ran was feeling confused. All this information was against everything he thought he knew. But he knew it was true. It also explained why he got trapped in that sandstorm. He was probably walking in the direction of the oasis, and he just kept walking in circles due to the magical protection. Which just lead him to have more questions.

-I would like to read these books.

-You can read? -eyes wide open-.

He felt offended, even if it was a logical assumption that, as a djinn, he wouldn't have the ability to read.

-Yes, I can read.

The look on his face made her know that it was best not to ask how he did learn.

-Can I read them, then? -he asked after she didn't answer his question-.

-Oh, yes, of course you can, Ran, you can help yourself with anything you'd like.

After sleeping for two days, you would think he would be fully recovered, but to his dismay, he wasn't. That short walk was enough to make him tired. Zaira stood, placing her hand on his shoulder. He was only wearing the cotton thobe she gave him and could feel the heat of his skin through the fabric. Their eyes locked into each other, both their mouths slightly open. Slowly, Ran lift his own hand and placed her over hers. It was the first time that they touch each other without aggression or a medical reason. And the sparks of energy between them were becoming more intense. Her smell became stronger on Ran's nose when he moved her hand closer to his face, tenderly massaging her knuckles. Before either of them noticed, Ran was on his feet, face to face with her, closer than he should.

Then, Asir barked, and both of them jumped and give a step back. Refusing to meet gazes, she went to the door while Ran was holding his weight on the desk.

-I-I- I'll – clearing her throat to stop herself from stuttering any further -. I'll go to get you something to eat, and then you should rest. You can keep the bed upstairs if you want.

Running away, she went straight to the kitchen, followed by a happy Asir who thought was going to get a treat. Rubbing his head and neck, she calmed down.

-Thank you, boy. I think you deserve a treat, what do you think.

Opening a scuttle, she started to pull a piece a robe. At the end of it was a jar full of lamb meat, kept at the bottom of this pit to keep it cold. Grabbing one of the half legs, she gave it to Asir, who quickly grabbed it in his mouth and took it to his spot in the kitchen, where he started to happily eat it.

After this, she took the remnants of a lamb stew and started to heat it up. Setting a table for two and making it a hot drink that would help both of them to sleep, she went to look for him.

Ran was surprised that she kept forgetting that he would always know where she was if she was close by. Her smell was so unique that he could tell it apart from anyone else. Still, he pretended he didn't know she was on the other side of the door, her heart racing, taking a step to then take it back. To be honest, he needed a minute himself. What happened before, he could not understand. This time, he wasn't drugged, this time, he didn't have an excuse for his behaviour. He felt drawn to her. He thought he had learned his lesson in the past, but clearly this wasn't true, as his only desire was to go to that door, pull her in his arms and kiss her. He wanted to push his mouth on hers and taste her.

But still, he could never trust her. He had known others like her before. Humans that were sympathetic with djinn, and every single one of them, choose themselves before Ran or any djinn. And it wasn't even a decision for their lives, Ran would never blame someone for choosing their own survival, but this people, they betrayed him only for their convenience, because it was easier to have him punish or even sold, than accept the slightest problem in their lives.

And he knew that if faced with the same problem, Zaira would choose herself.

He needed to remember that all the time, otherwise, he would fall in the temptation, then he would get attached to her. And her feared that if that happened, the moment she betrayed him, he would kill her and lose himself forever.

His thoughts were interrupted when the young woman opened the door.

-Food is ready.

Still, she would not meet his eyes. Probably ashamed of herself. Getting up, he followed her to the kitchen. There, a table for two was ready. Hot drinks steaming in the dark. Sitting down, he observed her going to the fire and taking a bubbling pot. The smell was amazing, and his stomach growled in answer.

A faint chuckle escaped her lips. Filling both their plates and bringing some bread, they started to eat. Ran was hungrier than he would like to admit and finished his food in no time. When he lifted his eyes from the food, he blushed when he saw Zaira's expression while looking at him.

-At least I don't need to ask if you enjoyed it – pointing at the pot, she added with a chuckle -. Feel free to eat more if you are still hungry.

Still slightly red, he filled his plate again, and this time ate with more patience. When they both finished their meal, she said.

-You haven't get clean in... well, gods know. I prepared you a bath on your room. If you go up now it will be hot still.

Surprised with her kindness, he nodded respectfully.

-Thank you, Zaira.

She wasn't sure about it, but she tought this was the first time he called her for her name. She liked the sound of her name on his lips.

-Of course. Now, if you excuse me, I'll go to sleep now, I have a long day for tomorrow, and I need to catch some sleep.

When she walked past him, Ran had to stop himself from grabbing her and pushing her to his lap.

-Good night, Ran. Please come and call me if you need anything, I'll be sleeping in the library.

-Wait. You are sleeping in the library?

-The only bedroom is the one you are using. I couldn't let you on the couch while you were recovering. And anyway, you are my guest now.

-Have the bed.


-I said have the bed, woman -. Frowning at her, his red eyes became more intense as he stood in front of her.

With her hands on her hips and frowning as well.

-And I said no. Now, cut that attituded and go to have your bath, you stink.

-Excuse me?

-I thought you djinns have enlighten senses, I'm surprised you haven't pass out with your own smell. You can be sure I don't want to sleep in a bed that smells like weeks' worth of sweat.

Offended by her comments, he sniffed himself, and... she was right. He did stink.

-Fine, but tomorrow you are going back to your room.

-I think I can decide that for myself, thank you.

-Phf, whatever.

The water felt like the touch of heaven. With everything that was going on, he didn't think on his own hygiene for a moment, he was glad he was doing it now. Allowing himself to relax in the hot water, he stood inside until the water started to get cold. Getting out, he dried himself, put some minimum clothes on, and slide under the covers. Suddenly, he remembered something. His eyes locked on the opposite side of the room. The pillow he throwed was still there. Getting up, he grabbed it and put it back in the bed. Closing his eyes, he indulged himself on the sweet smell, and left sleep take him.

Meanwhile, a wide awake Zaira was moving on the couch, unable to sleep. Looking at Asir, who was looking at her with interest on his face, she asked.

-What am I going to do, Asir?

The only thing she could think about was Ran's hot body against hers. She wondered how kissing him would feel like, and gods, didn't she want to find out. It took every little ounce of control on her to not go upstairs and get in bed with him.

But that would be a terrible mistake. She was sure that Ran would never want anything with her. He hated humans, and that was it. She was surprised he didn't leave as soon he woke. Regardless, she would make sure he knew he was welcome here for as long as he wanted. And this had nothing to do with the fact that she felt attracted to him. Even if she didn't know him at all, she had the feeling that he was a good person, and as any good person he deserved the opportunity to be somewhere where he would not be look down to, just a slave with no sympathy or consideration through him.

At least, she could offer him that.