Chapter 10

The battle against the two sides started. Every villain and hero emerged from their hiding spots. It was chaos all over the place. Hero against villain, good vs evil.

Only one group stayed away from fighting: Tomura's original group.

"Ah, this what the world is going to come to soon enough. An all out war, with villains rising to the top. Don't you agree Izuku?" Tomura asked Midoriya with a creepy smile spreading on his face

"Definitely, it's going to be a wonderland of chaos!" Midoriya said with the same smile as Tomura

Making some small talk, Class 1-A secretly made their way to Midoriya. They had 5 pro heroes with them to help. The students were charged with getting Midoriya back as well as the papers, while the pro heroes had to distract the group of villains.

The attack then commenced, everyone doing the job they were assigned.

Soon Midoriya was surrounded by his 'old classmates', he waited for them to strike, waited for just the right moment to finish this once and for all. But they did the unexpected, they poured their hearts out to him by saying what Midoriya had personally done to make them better, to make them a person they could be proud of, someone who called themselves a hero.

"You made me want to become like you, a person who wouldn't care about them but about saving others." yelled Uraraka

"You saved me from making a wrong decision that almost resulted me getting killed, going down the wrong path." shouted Iida

"You allowed me to see that I could become a hero, even if I used both sides of my quirk. I can see that I am not like my father at all." Todoroki yelled

Soon enough everyone was shouting and yelling at Midoriya. He meant so much to them, that they wanted to do everything they could to save Midoriya Now it was their turn to save Midoriya. Even Bakugou said something:

"You made me realize that I can't look down on everyone, to be a hero I have to put them first." Bakugou said this quietly but loud enough for the real Deku to hear him.

With all of this, Midoriya felt overwhelmed, he felt like he was losing control of himself. He realized he was falling deeper and deeper into darkness, like he was going to disappear forever.

The real Midoriya now realized that All for One gave him a quirk that so complex, it would take a miracle to break free of it. He was given another personality, another him that relied on the darkness, even if just a little, that dwelled in his heart. The darkness had grew and grew until it had completely consumed the good side of him, the hero side. With the help of his classmates, his friends, he could break through his prison and try to banish his villain side. But this would take some time. Midoriya's body had collapsed and he was surrounded by his friends hoping the real him would wake up this time. While his body was at rest, Midoriya's mind was in a battle.

It was a battle between the two sides of his personality. Good vs Evil.

Looking over at Izuku, Tomura realized that everything was about to come undone. So he disintegrated the papers of information and planned his escape.

"Kurogiri, lets go. Looks like fate had something else in plan for this battle. I guess it was already written we would lose. Come on guys,it's time. Let the pawns do their work." Tomura said emotionless.

With that, Tomura's entire group left, leaving the battle, leaving everything they worked so hard for behind. They left knowing they weren't going to win, Midoriya was strong and with his other self fighting for control everything was going to go down in flames.

With Tomura's absence from the battle, the villains started to lose more and more people on their side, losing more and more battles. Now their time was up, they failed their mission, and lost the war.

With everything over (at least for the most part), all that remained was the wait. Even if the villains got away, Midoriya was still unconscious, and that was far more important to anyone at the moment. Days had passed and still nothing changed.

Meanwhile inside Midoriya's mind

"Give up already, you won't win this fight. Look at you pathetic and weak. No one wants you or ever will!" said Dark Midoriya

"That's not true! I heard everyone, I heard their hearts speaking to me. I've kept them waiting long enough for me. I will win no matter what dammit. You hear me!" exclaimed the real Midoriya

With this, Midoriya took his fighting stance once more, rallying up to give one more deciding blow. Using what everyone said from their hearts as motivation,Midoriya charged towards his opposite, getting ready to deal his punch. Dark Midoriya did the same only using what little darkness Midoriya held in his heart as power.

When the two collided punches with one another, it was decided right then and there. The victor, stood victorious ready to regain his body, and go back to the normal world to his friends and family.


Midoriya opened his eyes, hazy vision as his eyes started adjusting to his surroundings. He looked around the room and tried to sit up regardless of his aching body.

Surprised,he saw the sleeping bodies of his classmates, who stayed with him the entire time he fought the other him. The sun had began to rise and his sleeping classmates started wrestling as they too started waking up from their slumber.

One by one they came awake, though not yet realizing their rescued classmate was awake and staring at them.

Quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear "I'm back you guys!" Midoriya said with his usual caring smile. With that everyone, looked up tears welling up (in almost everyone though), and began the tearful reunion with their once lost classmate.

Thank- you to everyone who stood by this story and me as I wrote. I would say it had a great turn even though it's my first fanfic and serious writing ever. I will probably do more stories in the future but I'm not sure what they will b about. If you guys have any ideas for stories you are welcomed to send me message. If not sooner or later I'll find another interesting topic to write a fanfic about Till then see you all around.