Chapter 9: Forgiveness

Alison's POV

Dad held onto me as I licked him to death. Not that he seemed to mind.

"Oh Alison, Alison, Alison," dad started crying and I licked up his tears.

"Hey give that dog back!" I looked and saw the animal control officers coming after us.

"Fat chance," dad said. "Hold on Alison,"

I didn't know what he meant by "hold on," since he was the one holding me but then I realized what he meant when he started running away fast.

As soon as we were away from the humans dad took off like a speeding bullet. I had to close my eyes to keep myself from getting dizzy.

I didn't know how long it was until we finally slowed down but it felt like an eternity. It seemed like dad would continue running at a breakneck pace forever when I felt him slow down into a walk.

"You can open your eyes now," dad said as he put me down. I opened my eyes and found myself on the opposite side of town.

"Can't believe it," dad cried. "After so many years of searching I finally found you. Your mom is going to be so happy you know? Your brother to,"

I snorted. I had a hard time believing my brother missed me. He spent most of his free time making my life difficult. I doubt he missed me that much.

"I'm serious Alison. You are loved by everyone in our family. You have no idea how scared we've been all these years. Scared that something happened to you and-" dad started to cry and took a moment to compose himself. "How terrified we've all been that we would find out you were kill-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence but I knew what he was about to say anyway. He stopped walking and looked at me with tears coming out of his eyes.

I whimpered sadly.

"A dog?" he shook his head. "Why a dog? That's never happened before in the history of the tribe,"

I sighed. Wasn't that the million dollar question? Carlisle thought that one of my genes must've mutated causing me to phase into a dog instead of a wolf. He was analyzing and testing my blood work to try and isolate the gene and find out exactly what happened with me.

"It doesn't matter though. All that matters is that we're together again,"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"and Alison?"

I looked at him curiously. Urging him to continue.

"I am so sorry,"

Wait what?

"I am so sorry for not listening to you that day,"

At first I didn't know what day he was talking about. Then it dawned on me that he was talking about the last day we had seen each other. When I'd gotten the bad report card and fessed up that I was struggling because I got numbers and letters mixed up not because I was lazy.

"We should have listened to you when you told us you were were having a hard time and needed help. We could've easily gotten you the help you needed if only we listened to you instead of yelling at you for things that were not your fault. No amount of 'I'm sorrys' can ever make up for the damage we've done,"

I ran up to my dad and jumped on him and licked his face some more. Hoping that would get the message across that I'd forgiven him. I forgave him and mom. That I was just happy to be home again.

"Oh Alison you're more than I deserve for a daughter,"

I wagged my tail.

"I wish you could phase back for me. I've been longing to hear your voice for so long,"

I barked in agreement. If I had clothes I wouldn't hesitate to phase.

"I understand you need clothes though," he said.

I nodded my head 'yes'. If I had clothes I would phase in an instant. So I could tell my father himself how much I loved him and missed him.

I suddenly felt a strong, no, an intense pulling sensation in my chest. It was a strange sensation that I'd never felt before. It was like someone was yanking the end of my leash but only stronger. Every fiber of my being, every instinct, was telling me not to resist.

"Alison where are you going?!" Dad screamed when I ran off. I didn't care though. I just knew that I needed to be going in this direction.

I skidded to a halt on the sidewalk. I saw a little boy being bullied by a bunch of other much bigger boys. I instantly recognized the little boy being bullied as the one I saved from the kidnapper less than a week ago.

The strange connection to him that I felt the first time I saw him was back in full force. I didn't know this little boy but it was like a million steel cables had tied me to him.

Seeing the way he was mercilessly getting beaten up by bullies brought out that guard dog in me that I didn't even know existed.

"Alison!" dad shouted as I ran into the street without looking. I nearly got hit by several cars at once but I didn't care at that moment.

I ran straight at the boys and started barking and growled ferociously at them. They looked at me with scared shitless expressions. Meanwhile the small eight year old boy looked at me in bewilderment.

I growled at the bullies once more and bared my teeth as a warning. Once I was sure they were no longer a threat I turned toward my boy. I licked him a few times and helped him stand.

Suddenly I was grabbed by two of the boys and thrown into the path of an oncoming truck. The last thing I remember was the screeching tires and the bullies laughing maniacally as I braced for impact.

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