Disclaimer – Own nothing.
AN – And I'm back! Check out the note at the end for a special announcement!
The next day, Jeff asked his four oldest sons to meet him in his office under the guise of needing to talk about IR. In reality, he wanted to talk to them about the Hood. So far, he hadn't told anyone about the phone call from Penny about the Hood's second escape from prison and he hadn't planned on it yet but last night, Alan told him that he was willing to try therapy. Jeff was relieved and proud of his youngest's decision, but it also worried him. With the Hood being free, there was a chance he might go after Alan again and that terrified Jeff. That was when he decided that his older four boys needed to be aware of what was going on.
"What's going on Dad?" Scott asked as he walked into the office, followed by John, Virgil and Gordon.
"Shut the door please." Jeff told his second youngest son, not wanting to answer his oldest's question until he was sure they had some privacy. Gordon frowned, but did as he was ordered.
"What's wrong?" John questioned, growing worried about his father's behaviour.
"Everything I tell you boys, doesn't leave this room. Got it?" Jeff told them using his commander voice. Realizing that whatever their father wanted to discuss was serious, all four of them wordlessly nodded and waited for the parent to continue.
"Penny called me yesterday. The Hood escaped, again." Immediately the room erupted into shouts.
"Do they know where he is?"
"Quiet down! I don't want anyone to hear us, especially not Alan." Jeff told them, which shocked the four into silence.
"What? You're not going to tell Alan?" Scott couldn't believe what he was hearing. His Dad couldn't be serious.
"No, I'm not." Before his sons could argue with him, he raised a hand, silently telling them to remain quiet as he continued, "Alan has decided to go to therapy, and if he finds out about the Hood, he'll change his mind. He'll regress back to how he was when he first came home. I don't want that to happen."
After a few seconds of silence, Virgil said, "Dad, I get that. None of us want to go back to how it was when Alan came home from the hospital. But doesn't he have a right to know about this? If he finds out the Hood's escape, and that we knew and didn't tell him, he'll be so mad at us."
"Is it even safe for Alan to go to therapy? To leave the island?" Scott wondered, not at all liking the idea of his baby brother being put in danger, especially after everything he had been through.
"The island's not a fortress Scott. The Hood has attacked us here too you know." John reminded his older brother.
"It's safer than out on the mainland, where the Hood or his minions could be anywhere." Scott responded.
"I agree with Scott." Gordon chimed in.
Before the argument could get out of hand, Jeff said, "Boys, that's enough. Alan is going to go to therapy, but not only will one of us be with him, they'll be a security detail with him at all times. And except therapy, he'll stay on the island."
"If you're not going to tell Alan about the Hood, how are you going to explain the security?" John inquired.
"I'll tell him it's because of paparazzi." Jeff quickly answered, having already thought about that. He knew that it would be a plausible reason, one that Alan would easily believe. Whenever any of them were in New York or any other major city, they were always followed by reporters and paparazzi. And since the public were well aware of Alan's kidnapping and he hadn't been seen, none of the Tracy's have been seen, since they took him home from the hospital, odds were that they'd be followed by them the second word leaked out that they were back on the mainland. From the looks on his sons' faces, he knew that they also knew that that reason made sense.
"Okay, but what about when school starts?" Virgil questioned. "He's starting to work on the schoolwork he's missed. He's a smart kid, he'll catch up soon. And then what?"
"By then, the Hood should be caught and back in prison where he belongs." Jeff told them.
"And if he isn't?" Scott asked.
"Then I'll," Jeff paused, trying to come up with an answer, then said, "I'll tell him that he can do his schooling online. He's been wanting to do that for a while now."
"Okay. That might work for a little while, but what if the police never find the Hood? We can't keep him locked up on the island forever." Gordon pointed out.
"We'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it. For now though, this is what we're going to do." Jeff replied.
Shaking his head, Virgil said, "This seems like a really bad idea Dad."
Judging from the expressions, Jeff could see that the other three agreed with his middle son. However, he had already made up his mind.
"This is what we are going to do. If anything happens, if anything changes, anything important, then we'll tell him what's going on. For now, we focus on keeping him safe and helping him recover. That's all."
AN – So, I am very pleased to announce that the long-awaited sequel to this story is coming! I'll post it a week from today (next Monday)! I am so sorry it took so long, I just got super busy with other stuff but I promise, I did not forget about it or decide not to do it! The story is going to be called Little Boy Found if you guys are still interested in it! Again, thank you to everyone who reviewed, favourited and or followed this story! I'll see you guys in a week!
To KateLynYT2002 – Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I did get your message and I did reply, but PM email notifications are turned off, have been since November, so I'm not sure if you got it or not. In case you didn't, thanks for your message and I'm really glad you liked this story so much and I hope you will enjoy the sequel!