Happy one year anniversary!
Well everyone, here we are. For the first time in (forever) a year, Carol Likes Luna has an anniversary. This story doesn't just mark the beginning of a new, exciting part of my life where I found my best friend, a new family in the form of this fandom, and an OTP to rise above all OTP's… but it also marks the culmination of a months long journey finding myself as an author.
From having Luan and Maggie getting "carried away" in Wanderers, to giving all of my energy and passion to Sam and Luna in Luna is Strange, and taking a chance with Carol Pingrey and shipping her with a character she may never even interact with in the show, I've had the time of my life. I love what I do, and I love sharing it with others. I can't tell you how much your support means to me, guys. I'm the luckiest man in the world, and I have the cast and crew of The Loud House, an eleven year old girl fighting Cystic Fibrosis, and all you true believers to thank for it.
So if you're seeing this, whether you read from the beginning on January 27th of last year, or are deciding you might wanna check this out here on January 27th of 2019, thanks so much. I hope this has been worthwhile for you guys and girls too, because I know I love feeling this happy. Maybe I can put some smiles on your faces, too.
God bless you all, and god bless Carol Pingrey. Thanks for everything, and I can't wait to see you again really soon.
-JamesSunderlandsPillow, the dude who ships Caroluna.