A Guide to the Klingon in "Specialisation is for Insects", as Mowgli asked

I'm not that fluent in Klingon, so most of the phrases were just googled up, so there may be a few mistakes.

==48 ==========

"Hab SoSlI' Quch" = "Your Mother has a Smooth forehead" A classic Klingon insult.

"Qu'vatlh!" = Roughly translated it's "Dammit", an expression of Frustration. Literally, it's "A hundred tasks", in the context of "having a hundred things to do but frustrated as you have no time to do any of them. "

======Paintball =================

He Growls "rInDI'may'jIngagh 'e' vItIv!" into her ear

She laughs and answers "Qapla'!" then grabs his right hand and playfully bites his trigger finger, growling.

Howard is astonished. "Oh my god, You taught her Klingon?"

Penny looks over her shoulder, grinning "Only the good bits!"

Howard shakes his head and mutters " Dochvetlh vIneH"

Leonard sighs "don't we all"

"rInDI'may'jIngagh 'e' vItIv!" = "I like to mate after battle"

in the film Garden State Jim Parsons says a phrase (in gibberish they claim is Klingon) that they say means "I like to mate after battle" (Or "kill kirk!" Or "hallelujah!" ). it's "Kentar petiki maia, al fooksu."

I thought it was funny to see him not be Sheldon and speak fake Klingon, so had to have Sheldon say it correctly

Klingon mating rituals start with sniffing or biting the weapon hand

Qapla' = Success!

Dochvetlh vIneH = I want that (thing)

Howard is fluent in Klingon, so would love his other half to speak it.

===========79 ================

"P'takh weaton." (Weirdo= a mild insult )

"Sheldon! jagh yIbuStaH! " (Concentrate on the enemy = stop messing about)

"qaStaH nuq jay'? (What the hell is going on?)

tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'? (Do you speak klingon?) "

"Yeah, loQ vIjatlhlaH (A little).