A/N: sorry this update took so long

Peter and Kayla awoke the next morning to giggling. They had become entangled during the night and of course Eve and Madi found this hilarious. They could both feel their cheeks flushing as the two children sang a childish rhyme about them kissing.

"I suppose it's not that weird, they are boyfriend and girlfriend" Madi shrugged clearly just enjoying teasing the two teens.

"Ewww… Kayla kisses boys!" Eve squealed jokingly before running out the door barefoot.

Clarke and Lexa woke up in a very similar way, both cuddled up and entangled. Clarke woke with a start at the squealing coming from outside, she was used to just Madi who was much quieter in comparison to Eve. When Clarke made out what Eve was chanting she looked to Lexa for some sort of explanation and Lexa just snuggled her face into Clarke's shoulder while telling her that Eve does it pretty often to all of them and finds it hilarious. As they lay things suddenly got quiet, Clarke opened her eyes again and scanned the room; she spotted Eve's face pressed up at the window with her nose squished. She nudged Lexa who also spotted the little face pretty quickly.

"I guess we're up now," Lexa grumbled rolling out of bed thankful that she was fully clothed.

As the two stretched Eve was grabbed by Peter who had been searching for her. He playfully lifted her and placed her at the table they'd ate breakfast at the night before. He let Kayla sit next to Eve and he sat next to her. Madi was preparing what she called the best breakfast ever. Lexa and Clarke emerged hand in hand, with Lexa feigning anger at Eve for waking them.

"You're too cute to stay mad at," Clarke sighed and Eve nodded in agreement.

After breakfast they decided they should gather food, Lexa, Clarke and Peter all went to hunt while Kayla, Madi and Eve went to pick berries. As the group's separated Clarke reminded Madi what to do in an emergency and to remember not to pick the small red berries. Kayla kissed Peter on the cheek quickly just before they all parted and their shyness warmed Clarke's heart, they seemed so young at times like that but they were a lot more capable than that exchange would make you think Clarke knows it's a tough world out there.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked as they were walking.

"Yeah" Clarke replied.

"Are you a nightblood now, I forgot to ask...I just assumed sinc-"

"Yes, I am my mom figured out a formula to create nightbloods but we had no idea if it would work. Here I am though so it worked."

"Okay then, that's been bothering me for a while now.."

The two continued their conversation completely forgetting they were joined by Peter until he corrected Lexa on the story she was telling. Clarke couldn't help but wonder how they had managed to forget he was there; his footsteps were light and carefully thought out, Lexa had obviously taught him about hunting, he kept his gaze up at the forest around him, his brow furrowed as he focused on the sounds around him.

"Are you always this talkative?" Clarke teased, he stopped in his tracks glaring down at her, he opened his mouth to reply but just sighed, shook his head and started walking.

They managed to catch a deer and were getting it ready to bring back to the valley when Clarke heard Madi. She was running towards them shouting, Clarke could make out her own name and help but most of it was hard to understand. Madi came crashing through the trees and grabbed Clarke breathlessly trying to explain why she had been running.

"Madi, I can't understand. Breathe." Clarke explained rubbing Madi's back soothingly.

"Kayla...Breathing...Sick" Madi managed to get out around her gasping for air.

"Kayla has trouble breathing sometimes, is that what's wrong?" Lexa asked and Madi nodded.

They all headed to the valley in silence scared of what they might find. When they got there they found Kayla sitting down catching her breath and sipping on the water Eve had got her.

"I'm okay Madi, I just needed a seat," Kayla softly assured her seeing the fear in her eyes.

"It was really scary.." Madi managed as her lip trembled holding back tears.

"It is scary but I'm fine I promise," Kayla smiled and reached out to touch Madi's arm.

Madi was on the verge of tears and Clarke had her pulled into her side.

"She's fine now Madi don't worry, see?" Eve told her pointing at Kayla.

"Mhm" Madi nodded still unsure.

"I think we should leave the hunting for another day, we have enough for the next few days anyway," Clarke suggested and the group all agreed.

Clarke took a shaken Madi to their house to talk and the rest of the group decided on various activities to pass the time; Kayla and Peter went swimming in the nearby lake while Lexa and Eve played princesses and knights. Clarke watched Lexa and Eve fondly from her window, Madi had fallen asleep leaning on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around her daughter still finding it somewhat strange to think of her like that and smiled because for the first time in years it was no longer judt her and Madi.