Author's note: This is a rewrite of my original idea because I felt that starting from Batman Begins was a mistake don't get me wrong I love the dark knight trilogy even though it had its faults but any movie does my story will still go into the Dark Knight universe but that's the future not the present this new story will start in the pilot of Gotham and will make its way into the dark knight universe when Bruce is all grown up and ready to become the batman.

Only it will have some slight changes in this Ra's had nothing to do with the Wayne's death as Sensei will be a radical who believes a little too much in the cause he will recruit Bruce and train him from childhood alongside his future grandson and then it goes Batman Begins from there minus Ra's wanting to destroy Gotham and like Sensei Bane is a radical and Talia will have known Bruce from childhood just like Selina does.

Also this story happened around the time the justice league became gods so future Batman will be the God of knowledge, future Green Arrow the god of archery and hunting, Future Flash or Savitar if you prefer the god of death and speed, future Wonder Woman the goddess of strength, Future Superman the god of the Sun and Power and Martian Manhunter the god of the mind.

Likewise my characters will also become gods themselves, Sam or Midnight Phoenix is the new god of war, darkness, fire and to a minor degree chaos, Cain or Super Saiyan (also quick note any of you who have read my DBZ story which he is the main character of should have seen this coming) is the god of destruction and metalworking and yes he did replace Lord Beerus, Ruby Prince also known as Ice Witch is the goddess of ice, light, order, and beauty, Adam Queen or the Black Arrow is the god of marksmanship and a minor of god of archery and hunting, Dean Allen or lightspeed or the black flash is the god of lightning and wind and a minor god of death and speed, Kiara Jones or Martian Girl is a goddess of dreams and a minor goddess of fire and the mind, I know in justice league of these characters may not have become gods like I know Barry, Bruce, and Clark did and I know they lost their godlike powers sometime after the darkseid war but in this story they defeated Darkseid and retained their godly powers and most of the Justice League members are now gods.

Any way I've rambled enough let's get to the story

Chapter 1

Midnight Phoenix V. Shadow Justice

The End of Justice

My name is Samuel Wayne I'm the Midnight Phoenix a superpowered Vigilante based out of Gotham I'm the youngest son and protege of Batman and Talia Al Ghul I'm a demigod thinks to my father being the new god of knowledge but thats not where my powers come from and thinks to my older Brother Damian's betrayal of it the new Heir to the league of shadows Warith Al Ghul.

A few years ago we were invaded by brainiac and a future version of Lex Luthor came back in time and set Exobytes loose into the earth's atmosphere these Exobytes gave whoever came in contact with them superpowers introducing a new generation of heroes and villains into the world I was one of those who got an exabyte my powers were super strength, a regenerative healing factor, the ability to heal others with my tears, the ability to revive myself from death out of my own ashes, and finally the ability to manipulate the Pyric Spectrum which is basically the fire spectrum.

But this isn't about my past its about the present and right now I think I'm about to die here's a quick backstory about five years ago Superman's two wives Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan (Love both of them with Clark specifically Chloe so sorry to those who wanted a Chole Oliver relationship) were killed by the Joker my father's worst enemy and if that wasn't bad enough he had also blown Metropolis up after that happened Kal came to Arkham where we were suffering a break out problem again that required me, Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, and Red Robin to all join by our father and sisters side and fight them off.

Father would be stopping criminals left and right using his new suit which was made from the mobius chair so we apptly called it the mobius armor, during the break out Superman and the Justice league showed up while we the batkids were busy fighting off the criminals Superman had killed the Joker but that's not all that happened my older brother Damian the brother I had looked up to most in my life had accidently killed our oldest brother Dick Grayson-Wayne.

After that the world went pretty much to hell Superman started a movement called the one earth regime and pretty much gathered army of meta humans including his nephew Cain Arashikage also known as the Super Saiyan, Wonder Woman and her Sister Ruby or the Ice Witch as she's known to the world, this not only hit my father hard because of his love for Wonder Woman but it also hit me hard to the woman whom I saw as a mother and her sister a girl I had fallen in love with had chosen my and my dads best friends over us and had abandoned us to this war.

My father had started a rebellion group called the insurgency a lot of the non powered superheroes such as Green Arrow and his youngest son who is also my cousin Black Arrow or Adam Robert Queen joined our cause as did the martian manhunter and his daughter Kiara joined us and Kiara tried to start a relationship with me saying it would get back at Cain and Ruby but I had declined her several times despite the fact I thought she was very beautiful I also only saw her as my sister and not to say I didn't try to find myself a new girlfriend but I just couldn't find the same spark I had with Ruby and that's what hurt most of all because I still loved Ruby, I also knew that Kiara was put up to it by Ruby and Cain to keep an eye on me and in some misguided way to make up for hurting me the way they did because deep down I knew that we were still friends but they need to be stopped and I have to do it or die trying.

But that's not even the worst of it a year after the war began Green Arrow and Black Arrow joined the Regime betraying me and father and a few months later our entire army left us including Starfire and Zatanna who had joined us to avenge their shared lover Dick my older brother luckily I caught a break after killing my grandfather Ra's and becoming the new Ra's Al Ghul which I was proud of but father was not due to his no kill rule and Thea Queen also known as speedy didn't agree with her brother, nephew and now ex husband Roy so she joined us through the league of shadows, but then the unthinkable happened two years later or a few months ago for me my father left us and finally joined the Regime Superman and Wonder Woman had done something not even Joker could they broke the Bat Clan except for one, me.

I'm all that remains of my clan so I adopted Thea into it also to feel like I had someone I started a relationship with Queen heiress but it was more for a physical need and the fact we were both descendants of the league of shadows her through her father and me my grandfather.

Now here I stand with Thea and the League the last bit of the Insurgency as we prepare for what I feel like is the last battle of the war or at least for me I took out my dagger, a dagger given to me by Ruby this dagger was called Ares Razor a dagger forged by Hephaestus for Aphrodite to gift to the man she truly loved Ares the god of war before he became a bloodthirsty, warmongering, lunatic it had one other like it Aphrodite's mirror Aphrodite had requested to daggers to be made one for her and one for her love Ares Ruby explained that the twin daggers symbolized the love and trust between Ares and Aphrodite and to a certain extent the love Hephaestus had for his best friend and brother Ares and the woman he loved as his sister Aphrodite until Ares went crazy and Aphrodite took the dagger back as he was imprisoned she gave the dagger to the amazons to be passed down and Ruby received them from her mother and she gave me Ares Razor as an anniversary gift funny enough the same way Aphrodite gave Ares the dagger.

I guess if this war is an analogy then I'm the insane war god about to be imprisoned by the people he loves most much like Ares was I continued staring at my ex-friends and family and couldn't help but think "So this is where it ends for me." and I made a gesture for the archers to fire the arrows and shouted attack sword and dagger drawn my final battle had begun.

A few hours later

I wish I could say we were winning but it be a lie because we were losing bad most of the assassin's were dead and I knew I had to convince Thea to take the surviving assassin's and go I knew this is where I would die and Thea would become as my second in command the new demons head and leader of the insurgency I just hope I've done enough good to get into a good afterlife.

"Thea you need to fall back to Nanda Parbat take the survivors and go." I told the female archer "I will not abandon you like everybody else you loved has." said Thea "Damnit Thea this is me commanding you as a caring friend and your leader fall back I'll cover you and so Thea and the assassin's who weren't to wounded grabbed the dead and the survivors and took them from the relief helicopters to get them back to Nanda Parbat, and there I stood in my weapons drawn in the center of Gotham City and the entire meta army of the Regime lead by the founders of the justice league and my friends and brothers and sisters stood before me and I watched the helicopters fly far away from Gotham.

I turned my attention back to the enemy and said "so we gonna do this or what and I fought my friends Shadow Justice in the end though I couldn't kill any of them so I decided even if it was cowardly I let them kill me and the one to land the killing blow my best friend and brother in all but blood Cain Arashikage I just looked into his eyes blue meeting blue and smiled tears in my eyes and blood pouring from my mouth two small holes over my lungs where his ki beam had hit me twice.

As I fell forward he caught me I handed him Ares Razor and a flash drive "When you and Shadow Justice are alone together watch what's on the Drive I promise Kain-El it will turn you back into the man who used to be my best friend Cain Arashikage and I guess Ares Razor belongs to you after all your Ruby's true love it seems and I passed into the cold yet gentle embrace of Death who appeared as a pale black haired woman and took me away towards a light at the end of a tunnel.

Back on Earth

Cain Arashikage the Super Saiyan sat on his knees his best friends body in his arms and his dagger and a flash drive in his hands as his tears fell he had not meant to kill his friend just incompactate him and move him to a reeducational facility but he had misfired and hit his lungs and now here he was dead after the battle Kal had taken Sam's body I had thought we would bury him next to his brother, butler and grandparents but no Kal had but the body in a steel coffin and sealed it shut with heat vision and carved the kryptonian symbol for traitor into it while nobody was looking I carved the saiyan symbols for friend and brother into it as I had done for my two fellow saiyan hybrids Gohan and Trunks after they died before the war started.

Aquaman, Batman, Kal, and Flash grabbed the coffin loaded it on a javelin and flew off me and Shadow Justice returned to our base and put the the flash drive into our massive computer and found an encrypted video file while Dean was hacking it I returned Ares Razor to Ruby because I knew I wasn't her true love I was just a mistake that would never happen between either of us again, Dean finally said he couldn't crack Ruby then came up and typed Ruby Helena Prince-Wayne into it and it unlocked this nearly sent all of us to tears even in death he seems to love Ruby.

The Video opened and we saw Sam as he was when I killed him accept cleaned up "Diary of Samuel Thomas Wayne day is july 15th, 2035 Cain, Ruby, Dean, Adam, Kiara if your seeing this it means the worst has happened I've died worst of all your hands but I will not let myself die in vain I have something to tell you all I didn't kill your other friends and family Cain I didn't kill your parents the Z fighters, Gohan, Goten, Mirai Trunks, and Trunks or Bulma and Vegeta in fact they supported our cause from the shadows but then Kal found out they supported the insurgency so he went and personally killed them." Sam said and then went silent "Your lying you have to be my uncle would never do that to his own sister." Cain said and Sam said "Are you done." as if knowing Cain deny it "if you don't believe me here's proof." said Cain and switched to what looked like a party being held at capsule corp Cain saw all his other friends his godfathers Kakarot and Vegeta his father Kurama his two half saiyan friends and their brothers his godmothers Chi-Chi and Bulma, Krillin, 18, Piccolo, Hit, Cabba, Whis, Beerus, Kale, Caulifla who were visiting from universe six that day with Champa and Vados.

All seemed to be going well Cain remembered that day his mother and father wanted to tell him something then to Cain and everyone's surprise Kal not Sam showed up "maybe he's there to protect everyone." said Cain under his breath then as his mother Selene walked up to him a kryptonite dagger in a lead sheath behind her back Kal broke her arms took the dagger and stabbed it into her heart Kurama screamed and transformed into a super saiyan as did the other saiyans in the room the saiyans all fused Kakarot, Kurama, and Vegeta into Kogeta, Goten and kid trunks in Gotenks, Gohan and Mirai into Gohenks, and Kale and Caulifla into Khalifa and Cabba went super saiyan and the fighters and gods attacked but like the kryptonian before them they fell except the destroyers and their angels whom had retreated knowing a losing fight last to die were Bulma and Chi-Chi who couldn't even defend themselves a few seconds later Sam had arrived seeing the carnage Kal had caused and Kal had smiled and flown away Sam had tried to cry his healing tears but they wouldn't flow but then Gohan as he laid dying called the Phoenix host to him.

"Kal did this to turn you and Cain against each other don't give up on our friend he just needs the truth save our old friend." said Gohan and he died and the scene cut back to Sam "well that was emotional wasn't it." said Sam as tears flowed down his face "can't believe now I cry where were you when this happened tears." said Sam,

"Ruby I know you blame me for Hippolyta's death but I loved Hippolyta like my own grandmother why would I kill her but you'll need proof so I'm sorry Ruby and Sam burned away and was replaced with Ruby's now dead mother Hippolyta Ruby was about to cry as she to remembered this day and how she and the Amazon's had blamed Sam for it Hippolyta and Sam sat talking "so we can count on your support Hippolyta." said Sam "Of course Sam and you know you can still call me grandmother what happened between my oldest daughter and your father changes nothing between us." said Hippolyta "Ok grandmother thank you." said Sam now looking happier than Ruby had ever seen him before and that honesty made her happy knowing her mother had loved Sam like a grandson or even a son then suddenly a figure in black broke in attack Sam and Hippolyta.

The figure proceeds to attempt to stab Sam but Hippolyta takes the blade for her grandson and not long later Hippolyta is dying in her grandson's arms she says some words to Sam and they here banging at the door she sends a now blood covered Sam out to the balcony to escape and that's when Ruby breaks the door she and Sam make eye contact and he escapes the island and Diana is crowned Queen of the Amazon's and they give their support to Kal.

"Now you all know what I know unfortunately Kal didn't need to trick the rest of you to join him you guys just followed your mentors now what you do with this new info is up to you I can only hope that you believe me since you made it this far so great job on that goodbye you guys Ruby I love you always have always will and appreciate you and Cain trying to set me up with Kiara but I can't hurt you two goodbye, this is Samuel Thomas Wayne and I'm dead." and the video ended the entire group had tears in their eyes at their fallen friend a friend who never gave up on them and Ruby just stared at Ares Razor and Aphrodite's mirror.

Cain then stood up anger very clear in his eyes and went outside the door a golden aura starting to surround the teen saiyatonian hybrid hair going rigid and eyes going teal Ruby wasn't much better as she was surrounded in an icy aura her hair and eyes turning white, meanwhile Adam had a killer look in his eye, Kiara's eyes glowed red, and Dean had Lightning in his eyes and Shadow Justice made their way to the council room where the Justice League no more resembling the Justice Lords than anything they realized was discussing plans for Gotham and tracking down the League of Shadows and Cain blasted the door off its hinges his Rage no unleashed his hair blonde and his eyes pupiless as a blue and yellow aura surrounded him (yes SSJ Rage) "KAL" Cain screamed in rage "you killed my friends and family and made me kill my best friend I should beat you into a red, blue, and yellow paste but no what I'm better than you I give you a few months to make peace with Rao before I hunt you down and eviscerate you." said Cain.

With that last word Shadow Justice packed up and went to find its other members found which were still loyal to Sam deep down and left for Nanda Parbat while they sent Cyclone son of Aquaman also known as Orion Curry to find Sam's body knowing that Kal had it thrown in the deepest part of the ocean.