I hope this one isn't too cheesy and out of character for them lol - but sometimes you really do just need a hug and getting one from the right person makes all the difference. Enjoy!


It was a gloomy Sunday morning, spring had arrived and true to the saying April showers bring May flowers it was stormy and rainy, the weather man on the morning news calling for showers for the next two days.

No surprise to Quinn the dull atmosphere of the weather put her in bit of a somber mood. She stood at the island in the kitchen, slowly chewing on the toast she had made her eyes entranced by the rain pelting against the window, that is until Santana walked out of the bedroom wearing grey sweatpants a black tank top and to Quinn's surprise white booty slippers given to Santana as a gift from Rachel.

Suddenly Quinn's spirits lifted a little, her dim energy turning into one of neediness. Quinn too was dressed in her own comfortable attire, having showered as soon as she woke up, but since the weather wasn't nice enough to want to leave the apartment today she decided to slip into an old pair of black capri yoga pants and one of Santana's hoodies, but still she wanted more comfort and she knew just where to get it from.

She couldn't help but smile as she watched Santana groggily roam around the living room searching for the remote for the television, yawning as she did, still sleepy from being up late the night before. Quinn smiled as the night replayed in her mind, having used the strap-on on Santana only something that happened on rare occasions, proud that she was able to pleasure her normally sex-goddess of a girlfriend into exhaustion last night.

With that thought in mind Quinn put her plate full of crumbs into the sink and headed over to the living room, stepping in front of Santana before she could start moving pillows around in hopes of finding the remote.

"Good morning, San." Quinn smiled reaching up to rest her hands on Santana's shoulders, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

"Mornin' " Santana mumbled still half asleep, "Where's the remote?"

Quinn gently grabbed both of Santana's hands and placed them on her own hips, "Probably pushed between the cushions after our impromptu intimate meeting on the couch last night."

Santana smiled but also rolled her eyes, "Just call it mackin', babe. We macked last night." Her arms finally circling around Quinn's waist.

"I think we did more than that, but okay." Quinn smirked slipping her arms around Santana's shoulders dipping her head down so she could nuzzle her nose into her neck.

Quinn pretty much melted into Santana's embrace it was one of her favourite places to be, obviously, but especially today on this brisk Sunday stormy morning it made her feel even more relaxed and comfortable. It was as though she fit perfectly into Santana's arms, maybe it was the fact that they were almost the same height causing them to mesh perfectly into one another fitting together like a puzzle piece, she didn't know and she didn't care to figure it out either, instead she planned to enjoy the embrace for as long as Santana would hold her.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she rested her head against Santana's, smiling at how drastically her life had changed over the years. Back when she was confused about her sexuality she needed the aid of alcohol to get her through nights when they were spent with men, usually disgusted and turned off when the alcohol wore off and she became sober. But now ever since she and Santana became a serious couple she couldn't seem to get enough of this woman, even after years of officially being together Quinn found she craved Santana even more so than before.

Quinn could feel Santana's hand slip under the back of her hoodie her thumb brushing back and forth against her lower back, while her other arm pulled her impossibly closer causing the blonde to actually quietly hum her approval. The closer they pressed together the more Quinn could feel Santana's lithe body against her own, Santana's strong arms lightly flexing as she held her close causing her to swoon.

For Santana's part she always loved a hug from Quinn. Quinn always smelled great and her body seemed to tuck comfortably into her arms and god did she love it when Quinn slipped her fingers into the back of her hair so she could massage the back of her neck. Santana also figured out the more she pulled Quinn closer, the more appreciative Quinn became with little kisses and soft hums of content. It also didn't take long for Santana's hand to happily travel from under the back of Quinn's shirt and down until it reached its final destination to rest on Quinn's ass, the small squeeze she gave her perfectly shaped tight backside always causing Quinn to actually quietly giggle, a sound Santana didn't even know Quinn Fabray former HBIC of McKinley high was capable of making.

Neither of them knew how long they stood hugging like this, but it was Santana who was the first to slightly pull away. Even though Santana enjoyed all this closeness it was still early for her to be awake and she really just felt like being lazy for a little while more before she fully woke up.

"Babe..." Santana pulled back ignoring the little whimper of protest coming from her girlfriend, "We going to stand like this all morning?"

Quinn sighed reluctantly letting her arms drop, not surprised their little intimate moment had come to an end, wishing it could last longer, mumbling out a, "Sorry..."

Out of the corner of her eye Santana finally spotted the remote reaching down to grab it, once it was in her hand she plopped on the couch, quickly reaching out for Quinn's hand before she walked away, "Hey – where you goin? You want me to hold you right?"

Quinn's pout instantly disappeared and an uncontrollable smile graced her beautiful features, silently answering with a nod.

"I'm still waking up, let's do this the lazy way." Santana said shifting around until she was sprawled out onto her back.

"Thank you." Quinn said carefully laying on top of her so her head was resting on Santana's chest, those protective arms wrapping around her once again.

"I've gotchu." Santana pressed a kiss to the top of soft blonde tresses pulling her in close, her hand skillfully seeking out and resting happily on Quinn's ass.

"Yes you do." Quinn happily smiled her eyes fluttering shut simply enjoying her stormy Sunday morning cuddle's in Santana's arms.

Yes, I do see your prompts and I promise I'm trying to work on them lol

Thank you once again to everyone who keeps reading and reviewing!