Chapter 4: Setting the Stage

Paris, France

October 13th, 2018

"Why are you here, Mr. Queen?"

Oliver lowered his gaze to the floor, running a hand through his short hair. He looked back up, making eye contact once more.

Diana saw tragedy in his gaze.

"Ms. Prince, Finn displayed incredible skill in Machine Shop in High school."

A breath.

"I interviewed his teacher. Finn has a way with grooving and detailing that would make him perfect for QC's RD. We have programs there that would greatly benefit him, and us."

Diana raised her eyebrows, her chin lowering in disbelief.

"And the Internship?"

"A gesture of good faith. I feel he will fit in. But the board doesn't want me throwing money at things I want, like Bruce Wayne."

That was a probe. Diana gave no visable reaction, but moved the topic away from her ally.

"There was an attack. Finn was caught in the blast."

Oliver allowed his gaze to drift to the young man on the bed. No visable burns, but several cuts and lacerations were visable.

Bruises were plentiful.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

Diana refocused her gaze on Oliver.

"Stay away from Paris. It's not safe here."

Oliver smiled, turning away as he strode towards the door.

"Star City isn't any better."

As Oliver left, Diana had the feeling that Oliver Queen knew more than he should.


The frown on Bruce Wayne's face was deepening by the second. The information from the Paris attack was sparse. A grenade had taken out Diana's son. But absolutely no footage of the attacker or attackers was anywhere to be seen.

With Victor out defending Central City aganist Barry's villain of the week, Bruce had no extra eyes in the digital sky. Clark was busy hunting Luthor, and Arthur was MIA. Suffice to say, he was Diana's only help. The League was spread thin.


Bruce had an idea... but it heavily depended on Luthor and the Mystery Attacker being connected.

With a sigh, he commed Tim, informing him that Batman would be unavalible for the next few nights.

It was off to Nanda Parbat. He needed to call in his favor.


Slade Wilson found himself in a spot.

On one hand, the boy had been taken out.

On another... It hadn't been him who did it.

He knew why Luthor needed the boy, Finn, off the board. But what complicated everything was the fact that Oliver Queen was in town.

The Green Arrow had gone rounds with Deathstroke in the past. Always one upping each other. But Queen always held him off, and Wilson always escaped.

The game of cat and mouse they played must be going global. Queen never persued him outside of Star City. The game had changed.

Pressing a button on his wrist, he opened up a channel.

"Luthor, Oliver Queen is on the board. Star City is open for business."

Lucky for them, the game needed to change.


Crime Alley wasnt always the slum of Gotham. It had fallen into financial ruin in the aftermath of Thomas Wayne's death. New leadership at Wayne Enterprises meant new directions. New directions meant layoffs.

The area saw poverty levels spike.

Now it was a burden. Too many mouths. Batman was normally to wrapped up in conflict to help. Even after he had plucked a kid from it's streets to fight as Robin.

Good thing Tim Drake was in town.

The new Robin was currently Gotham's only hero, as Batman was out with the league.

Drake was a competent Robin. Smarter than most of the city itself and trained by the Bat, he was more than capable of holding down the city.

A footstep alerted Robin. Whipping around, he saw him.

Lex Luthor smiled, hands clasped behind his back.

"Baby Bird, Baby Bird... Daddy left the nest."

Luthor signaled with his hand, and numerous armed men dressed in Black swarmed around at all angles. Tim whurled around, counting them off and devising a plan, an escape, anything.

Luthor smiled, then nodded.

Tim was stunned by the first electric dart, but the hail that followed only ensured the immobilization of Batman's sidekick.

His ear piece beeped.

"Luthor, Oliver Queen is on the board. Star City is open for business."

He smirked.

"Bag up our catch boys. We ride for Star City next."

With a maniacal chuckle, Lex Luthor joyfully walked to his transport.

Phase One was nearly finished.


Diana exited the hospital. An hour after Mr. Queen had left, the staff had agreed that Finn could be moved from the ICU. This was news to Diana, and her spirits were up.

Her son would live. She was overjoyed. Almost euphoric. But this was interrupted by a ring. Her phone was ringing.

Checking the caller ID, Diana frowned.

Barry only texted emojis. He never called.

She answered.

"Hello, Bar-"

"You need to get back here fast. We need all hands on deck."


"Luthor took Robin."

NOTE: I'M BACK. Im finally free. So this is coming back too.

Sorry if this chapter is short. But this next part needed an establishment.

Sorry for the wait. But I WILL be more consistent. Every other week at worst.*