This is my first proper shot at a story with plot, so don't judge too harshly.
I stood before the large battling field in Konikoni City on Akala island. The audience sat on the steel bleachers around us at a safe distance, forming a half-circle with the other half leading off to a cliff edge. Almost the whole island as there, and why wouldn't they be, for this was the battle to choose the new island kahuna.
Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Kai Akamu and I'm the trial captain for Brooklet hill, sometimes known as the water trial by tourists. I have brown hair, green eyes, average height, you know, the works. Nothing to dwell on too much. My sister Lana, you probably know her, used to be the captain but she passed it on to me after she wanted to take care of our little twin sisters Harper and Sarah. I was 19 when she first passed on our legacy to me. At the time, I was a prosperous pokemon trainer. Having beaten all the trials and the four kahunas, I was almost ready to take on the new pokemon league addition to the islands, the Elite four.
It could have not come at a worse time when my sister finally told me what I had to do.
"You want me to what!?" I yelled surprised, taken aback by the words that left her mouth. "Please Kai! Mom and Dad are hardly home anymore and Harper and Sarah are growing so fast!" Lana said pleading. "Lana, you know I'm a trainer, I'm not cut out for this kind of work". Lana still pushed on. "Yes I know. I also know most of your pokemon are water type right? I'm sure they'll be fine here" she said. It was true, 3 of my pokemon were water type, my Floatzel, Delta, my Poliwrath, Aaron, and my Primarina, Stella. Lana knew my weakness, she knew I always put my pokemon before myself. "Y..yeah I know, but being a trial captain is boring! All you do is tell people what to do and then they fight the totem pokemon, I'll never get to battle!" I replied, slowly losing the upper hand.
Lana seemed to light up, "Well good news! The league is introducing a new thing in the trials, now when people come, they can either do the trial or fight you. It would be like a gym battle in the other regions" she said smiling. That did ease my nerves a bit and eventually I crumbled. "Ok, fine, I can take over the trial" I said defeated. "Yay! Thanks so much Kai!" Lana said excitedly. "I've got to head back to the house, see you later!" she waltzed off. I sighed, releasing my pokemon from their respective balls. "Guys, there's been a little change of plans…" I told them solemnly. I told them what Lana had asked of me.
Much to my surprise, they seemed to take it really well. "It doesn't sound so bad" said Stella, giving me a cheery look.
It was a good thing translators came out a few years ago, ever since then I've seen how much all my pokemon care about me.
She nuzzled the top of my head affectionately. "We'll get to spend time together, be relaxed and enjoy ourselves" she continued, obviously trying to get me out of my slump. To give her credit, she did a really good job on her part. I smiled back at her, "Yeah I guess it won't be that bad" I said, giving her a rub on her hair. I should mention that me and Stella have a bit more of a, so to say, 'intimate' relationship. But more on that later.
At that point I was given the role as trial captain and moved into the captain's home, which had been passed down through my family for generations. It isn't intended for family use, only the captain, so they can be at the trial at all times.
As people came to the trial for either a battle with the totem pokemon or me, I saw my non-water types getting used to the area. My midday Lycanroc, Lester, was always relaxing by the water while my Espeon, Clair, and Absol, Chloe, hung around the forested area. Things were going great and were about to get better.
I received a letter about 2 years after I took over the trial. Opening it, I discovered the kahuna Olivia had gone missing and has since been presumed dead. It was a dreading time for the people but we had to move on. With the absence of an active kahuna, no one would be able to complete the grand trial. This meant all the trial captains were to meet at Konikoni city on June 15th at 8:00pm to battle for the spot of the new kahuna and receive the blessing of Tapu Lele.
I was beyond excited, for one thing, the island kahuna always gets to battle with those who completed all trials on the island, so I'll get more competitive trainers. Another, even cooler thing I was excited for was the spot on the Elite four, the four people who someone has to pass through to get to the champion.
In the corner of my eye I saw my two opponents on the left and right of me. Kiawe, the fire trial captain and Mallow, the grass trial captain. Mallow looked content and carefree as always, while Kiawe had his signature serious look on.
The announcer took center stage, and held a microphone. "This is a battle for the new position of Island kahuna on Akala Island!" he announced. The crowd cheered with anticipation. "The battle will be fought between Kiawe of Wela Volcano, Mallow of Lush Jungle and Kai of Brooklet hill". We turned to the crowd and waved, Mallow going so far as to blow kisses to the crowd.
"This will be a three-way battle with each trainer using one pokemon each, neither Z-moves nor mega evolution are permitted in this battle" he continued. "Captains, prepare your pokemon!".
"Go Marowak!" Kiawe yelled, throwing out an Ultra ball, revealing a small bipedal being with a skull on it's head and a flaming bone club in hand.
"Alright Lurantis, let us shine on the battlefield!" said Mallow, throwing a ball out while simultaneously doing a pirouette. A flower like pokemon came out, it's pedals shined a brilliant pink in the evening sunlight. The Lurantis was larger than normal, most likely because Mallow knew how to grow grass types well. Finally my turn.
"Come on Stella, let's give it all we got!" I tossed up the pokeball, revealing a beautiful mermaid-sea lion cross pokemon with flowing cyan blue hair and a cute, pink sphere nose. A dark blue tail flowed out, stretched a few feet before tapering into a heart-shaped tail. "You ready for this?" I said reassuringly. "Yep! I'm totally one-hundred percent ready Kai!" she said in her chipper tone.
"Ready…" the announcer paused in suspense. "...begin!".
"Lurantis use solar beam on Primarina!" Mallow yelled. The flower pokemon started charging up the evening sun's power on the top of it's head. "Quick! Use hyper voice on Lurantis!" I told Stella. She prepared herself and started singing at Lurantis. In the path of her voice, you could see the air rippling and dust being kicked up. To anyone else's ears, it would have sounded like the sweetest song in the world but Lurantis was keeling over and trying to shut out the noise. The distraction caused the solar beam to disperse and me not to realize what Kiawe was doing. "Marowak, use shadow ball on that Primarina!" he said calmly. I forgot that because Marowak was a ghost-fire type, normal type moves wouldn't work. "Quick Stella! Dodge it!" she stopped singing to turn her head. She tried to jump out of the way but the ball brushed against her tail and exploded. "Stella, are you alright?" I said concerned. She stood up, "Yeah, it'll take a lot more than that to beat me!" she said with a smile. "In that case.. Use surf!".
A large wave of water welled up from beneath Stella and was sent out at Marowak and Lurantis. Kiawe started to panic as there was nowhere for Marowak to dodge to. "Ergh.. Marowak, use Flare blitz to get through the water!". The Marowak was engulfed in flames as he rushed head-first into the water.
The wave crashed into Marowak and Lurantis. As the water cleared, Lurantis was still very steady as grass types didn't sustain much damage from water type moves. Marowak was a different story, it had multiple injuries from the water and the damage it did to itself from the flare blitz.
"Now Stella, use aqua jet!" I called out. Stella rushed forward, forming a veil of water around her, almost like a comet. She slammed into the Marowak who, in turn, fainted as it crashed into the ground.
"Marowak is unable to battle, therefore, Kiawe is eliminated from the competition" the announcer said. Kiawe looked shocked before taking out Marowak's pokeball. "Very well, you fought well Marowak, take a rest" he said solemnly.
I turned my attention to Lurantis which seemed to be charging something. "Now Lurantis! Use leaf storm!" Mallow cried out. Lurantis sent out a stream of razor-sharp leaves which came hurdling straight for Stella. "Use protect!" I shouted. Stella formed a protective bubble around herself, deflecting the leaves around her. I gritted my teeth, the move was protecting her but it was only a matter of time before it wore out
I glanced around, trying to find a way to finish this. I started to feel my eyes flare. It's weird to say this, but whenever I need to think clearly in moments of intensity, my eyes flare a crimson red before resting at their natural green. This could happen anywhere from once to many times. It's always a personal enigma for me, I never knew anyone else who had the same gift as me. Strange I suppose, but it's never done me wrong before. Being smart in the world was who I was, not many could tell me different.
My eyes rested on the sun, or what was left of it for that few straggling rays that remained barely peeking above the horizon. If I can get Stella out of there without her getting too hurt, Mallow will be forced to use a long-ranged attack, and if solar beam is the one she would use, then the battle is mine. If not however, it could cost me it. It's a long-shot but I have to try.
"Stella, you have to get out of there now!" I called out to her. "But I'll get hit!" she yelled back, struggling to hold up the protect shield. "Trust me!" I encouraged.
She hesitated for a moment before dropping the shield. Using her fins and strength, she quickly pushed herself away from the leaf storm attack, farther away from Lurantis. Thank arceus that Lurantis can only shoot leaf storm in one direction and cannot move the attack easy. I saw Stella breathing hard, looking down her figure I saw some of the leaves have cut into her.
"Alright Lurantis! Let's finish it with solar beam!" Mallow called out happily. I let out a sigh of relief, this battle was going to end and I would be the one to do it. Lurantis to bring in energy on top of it's head like it did at the start of the battle. As it grew to the halfway point, it stopped growing and started shrinking. "Wait...wha?" Mallow's normal smile faltered. "Why isn't it charging up properly!?" she yelled in a panic. I glanced over at the sun, sure enough it was nowhere to be seen. Even the few rays seemed to have faded. A small smirk started growing on my face. "Well Mallow, solar beam is kind of hard to do when there isn't any sun around, isn't it?" I said smugly. She simply looked stunned at the set-up she fell into. "Alright Stella! Use ice beam!" I exclaimed. Stella readied the attack, a small light blue ball appeared in her mouth, slightly jolting out at points as if it were electric. She fired the beam with peak precision.
"Dodge it Lur-" Mallow started but it was too late the ice beam impacted Lurantis and froze it solid.
"Lurantis is unable to battle, Mallow is eliminated from the competition, therefore, the winner is Kai and Stella!" the announcer called out.
"Kai! We did it!" Stella pushed herself over while I ran to her. "You did great Stella!" I said, hugging her tight. The crowd cheered on as Kiawe and Mallow clapped in sincerity.
The celebration lasted briefly as people's cheers slowly died down as they focused on the sky. A tiny being descended from above the battlefield. It had a black torso and pink curly hair, along with a shell that had an egg shape with her head sticking out of the top. It was the guardian deity of Akala island, Tapu Lele.
"Whoa, you two fought great, I can sense the bond between you is strong" it said, gesturing to me and Stella. I kneeled on one knee, "Thank you Tapu Lele, I appreciate the gratitude" I said bowing. "Ugh.. you guys are always so formal with this stuff, come on, get up" said Tapu Lele, sounding like an annoyed teenager.
I stood up, Tapu Lele hovered near my head. "Now, state your name please" it said.
"Kai Akamu"
She placed one of her digitless hands on my forehead, "Do you, Kai, accept the position of island kahuna with all your heart and soul?" she asked calmly with a sense a religious in her voice. "I do" I replied, the feeling of anticipation coursing through me. Wondering what she would ask of me next.
"Alright! There we go! All done!" Tapu Lele said happily.
"What? That's it?"
"Yep, pretty much, the others basically take what I just said and stretch it out. Anyways, see you around"
She removed her hand from my head and floated off to, what I think to be, the ruins of life. I honestly didn't expect it to go that way and I'm pretty sure not many people did either. However that didn't seem to change the ambience from the crowd. The night was filled with cheering, whistling and partying. Some people came down to shake my hand or take a picture with me. The attention was nice but I don't know if I could handle it if it was everyday. Hopefully it wouldn't.
The battle had ended and the after-party had begun. Fireworks of a spectrum of colours flashed above in the night sky, spreading sparks that merged with stars.
The celebration was supposed to last until midnight and possibly into the next day but I slipped away on a late running bus at around 11:00. As sad as it was, I put Stella back in her pokeball. I try to keep my pokemon out at all times, that's why they always roam over the Brooklet hill area. The bus rode through Heahea city and Paniola town, while with less people was still alive with party and action. I was alone on the bus but it relaxed me. The bus driver was so busy looking at the dark road he never made conversation. There was no one that would pester me.
The bus rolled into Brooklet Hill, I stopped on my way out to pay the driver, just two dollars from Konikoni city to Brooklet hill. To my surprise he stopped me. "No need to pay mister kahuna" he said simply, giving me a small smile. I smiled back, "Well then, have a nice night sir" I replied, and walked off the bus.
As it drove off Lester came up to me, like he does every time I go off somewhere. "Well? Did you win? Didja? Come on tell me!" he said hyperly, not giving me time to answer. I chuckled lightly, "Yes Lester I won, were gonna be moving to Konikoni City in about a week" I said rubbing the light brown fur on top of his head. "Ooh really?" a voice called out from the shadows. Chloe came strutting on out from the forest to get some affection as well. "Yep, moving trucks should come in about a week" I said stroking her white fur with my free hand. "I'm going to head inside now, you can get the others and sleep in here if you want" I offered. "Nah, we're good, listening to what you and Stella will do in there would keep me up all night" said Lester, Chloe simply nodded in agreement. I blushed slightly, "I.. I don't know what you're talking about hehe" I said sheepishly. "Whatever you say.." said Chloe, flashing a smile. "Good night Kai!" they said in unison. They walked off in their own separate directions.
Yeah, my other pokemon know of my uh... 'doings' with Stella. I'm aware that they also don't feel the same way toward me as Stella does. I don't mind much, Stella is the only one I could be with.
I turned the knob of the front door and walked inside. For a one-story building it was quite spacious, it had an open living room with a kitchen built off to the side. The bedroom and bathroom were two rooms built at the back. The bedroom was a decent size, it had all the necessities and some other stuff, as well as a view of the large lake at Brooklet hill.
I released Stella from her pokeball, letting her stretch out. "You fought great out there Stella!" I said to her. She blushed, "Aww.. thanks, but you were the one with the great strategy" she retorted jokingly.
"And you were the one who executed it so beautifully"
"Well… you… why is this always one-sided?"
"Only 'cause you always amaze me" I smiled.
"Oh, come here you.." she said in a seductive tone, bringing me into a kiss.
Yeah, that's what I meant by an 'intimate' relationship. It was pretty clear to see there was something going on between us, even my preference to use euphemisms wouldn't throw people off. It had started off when she evolved into Brionne. I'm not sure if it's because I was travelling with her a lot or something but I started to have feelings for her, unfortunately I wasn't sure about the reciprocal and I'm sure she wasn't either. Then that fateful night when she went into her first heat with me.
I remember she started to rub against me, more aggressively than normal and in a particular spot of hers as well, all when I was still asleep in the tent. When I woke up to dark stain on my sleeping bag and Stella right next to it, I couldn't believe she actually felt that way about me. Maybe it was corny but that night we confessed our love for each other and had our first *cough**cough* session. It was a good thing that pokephilia was legal on Akala island. Besides Ula'ula island, it could get you in prison for quite a while.
But enough about the past this is the present.
She pushed hard onto the kiss, having her muzzle slightly tilted to fully get her lips on mine. The feeling of it was indescribable, Stella had quite a bit of experience doing this and boy, did it show. My hands made her way to her back as did her fins to mine. I started to push back on the kiss, trying to gain the upper hand. It was always a battle of dominance between us, if one of us let our guard slip, then the other would take the opportunity.
I felt her tongue press against my lips, begging for entrance. This was no new strategy, I had fallen for it time and again but not tonight. I pushed back hard, parting my lips in the process. I already had my tongue inside her mouth by the time she had hers in mine. As we moved our tongues around each others mouths in unison we elicited light moans from us both.
We continued to french-kiss toward the bedroom. Stella was able to push herself without her fins because of her tail though the speed was slower. No problem, only more time to enjoy ourselves. I freed a hand from her back to open the bedroom door. Finally when we got down on the edge of the king-size bed, our lips separated, me and Stella breathing hard from the lack of air and the intensity. "Hee hee, look who couldn't handle it" Stella giggled, even raising a fin to slightly cover her mouth, making her look so innocent in the process. But that facade quickly fades when I get in bed with her. "Oh please, you just wanted to be on top " I said jokingly, taken aback. "Hmmm.. we'll see" she said slyly.
She pushed me down onto the bed, her fins firmly gripping the waistbands of my pants and underwear. She smiled devilishly at her victory before slowly sliding my pants down, creating a tent in my underwear from my hardening member. She rubbed my manhood with her fins, slowly making it stand at a ninety-degree angle. Even after it was fully erect, she still rubbed it through my underwear, getting soft moans from me. I knew she wanted to be on top, she was just waiting for me to submit. "Are you going to do it or what?" I said, trying to get her right into the action.
"Hmmm.. only if you ask me tooo~" Stella said in her singsong voice.
I crumbled underneath her. She was nothing if not patient at times like this and I knew nothing would change if I didn't say anything. One time, similar to this scenario, she started doing this and, because I refused her my submission, continued for another thirty minutes. She rubbed me with my underwear still on, it was nice but, while arousing, isn't enough for my release. And during that time she sported the same wicked grin she wore tonight.
"Please Stella... Please use your mouth on my dick" I said defeated.
"Heehee of course Kai" she said cutely. She slowly slid my underwear down, showing my member's six ½ inches in all its glory. She grasped it in her fin and lowered her mouth to it. She rolled out some of her tongue, licking the tip and covering it in her saliva. She lowered her head and took in about half my length and started doing her signature blowjob.
Stella and I had been doing this for quite a while now and her technique has reached near perfection. It seems she knows exactly which spots to hit and how to get them no matter the position. Her tongue wrapped around my dick inside her mouth while giving it a little coil and flick every once in awhile. Her head bobbed at an easy pace to get me started.
I had developed experience from this as well. Unfortunately the only thing I've learned from it was that I can't last long when she does this sort of thing. Any time I build some resilience to her, she simply makes it better. It just feels way too good to last.
Her head bobbing, while remaining at a steady pace, took on more and more of my length, sending my tip and some of my shaft down her throat. I'm unable to speak for all water types but it seems with Stella's mouth, there is a lot more liquid than a human mouth from what I'm aware. I'm not complaining though, it makes it feel a million times better.
My moans of pleasure were impossible to contain as I let some escape my lips. The precum that was leaking from the tip was quickly lapped up by her tongue. After only a minute, I could feel my orgasm rising in me.
Stella took my dick out of her mouth. "Are you close Kai? I can feel it throbbing" she said, lightly stroking it with her fin, precum still leaking. "Yes.. I am.. please... don't stop.. noww~" I said, struggling to get my voice through the pleasure. "As you wish.." she said, taking my member and deepthroating it repeatedly.
With her taking in all of my manhood, me feeling her throat as well as her tongue lapping at it like a dog with a treat, it was just too much to contain. "St..Stella! I..I'm cumming!" I yelled out in ecstasy. I felt myself orgasm inside her mouth with her throat convulsing, swallowing all of my seed. I heard her gulp a few times before taking her mouth off my dick. I laid down, sprawled across the width of the bed with my legs still hanging off the edge.
"You tasted good, as always Kai" she said, I couldn't even respond as I was still catching my breath. I blew out in relaxation as I caught my voice. "I've still got another round in me, if you want to go all the way" I said still slightly tired. "You know, I'm always ready for you" she said sweetly.
I crawled to the top of the bed, my head resting on a pillow. I took off the rest of my clothes and threw them on the ground. Stella cooed at me as I took off my shirt to reveal my slightly toned body. Stella moved in on me, her body hovering a bit over mine while her entrance, dripping with anticipation, rubbed against my slightly flaccid member. It didn't take me long to catch my second wind.
"You really love my body don't you?" she said sweetly, feeling the hardness of my manhood press against her entrance, located at the junction between her tail and upper body. "I don't think I could ever love another" I replied smiling. She moved close to my ear, "Well then, let me give it to you~" she said with sultry.
Stella lowered her body, impaling herself on my rod. Her moans pierced my ear with a shrill tone that was oddly harmonious. She pushed herself down further, taking in inch after inch until she reached my base.
"Aaahh.. It feels like we haven't done it in forever" she said, containing her moans. She started to bounce on top of me, going at a slow pace at first but I knew this was only a warm-up, she can really get moving when she gets into it. Her tight pussy sucked in all my length before pulling out almost the whole way and then proceeding to take it all in again.
I don't know exactly how to put it to words but Stella's pussy is simply the best. Because she's a water type, her entrance always seems to be primed for action with her juices serving as an amazing lubricant. The inside is even better, she can control her muscles extremely well to a point where she doesn't even have to move to pleasure me.
Stella started bouncing up and down with more vigor than before, plunging me deeper and eliciting louder moans from each other. I noticed her breathing starting to get raspy and her actions a bit more profound. Her orgasm was close, she was quite sensitive when we haven't done it in a while. And by 'in a while', I mean more than two days. And don't even get me started when she's in heat; then, I'm lucky if I don't get torn to shreds. It doesn't bother me though, if she's happy then I'm happy.
Somehow, in all of the mind-numbing pleasure, Stella managed to find her voice. "K..Kai! I'm going to *hnnnng!* cum soon!" she yelled out. It was no lie either, her muscles were contracting every time she slammed down into me, slowly getting tighter.
After a few moments more of further tightening, she pushed herself down until I was balls-deep inside her where I felt a sudden clench down on my length. "I'm.. I'm cumming!" she exclaimed. I felt her juices spill out onto my groin and trickle down to the bed, staining the tan sheets a darker tone. Yet, after her intense session, I still hadn't reached my own orgasm.
"Haaa.. that was so amazing.." she muttered. As her senses came back, she noticed the lack of my seed inside her. "S..sorry Kai, I'm usually not that sensitive" said Stella with a bit of a sad tone.
"No, it's fine Stella, I'm glad I can give you pleasure" I replied, combing through her hair.
"I guess... but I'm not happy until I pleasure you, you know that!"
I thought for a moment before a devious idea popped in my head. Quickly I grabbed Stella's sides and flipped us. Despite her size, she was quite lightweight, making it easy for my plan. Now I was on top and she was the one below me. She looked at me wide eyed before growing a smile, "Kai, you devil~" she said softly.
I thrusted into her cunt, bringing a fast pace to pleasure ourselves in. With her increased sensitivity from her previous orgasm, I could feel her muscles slightly tighter around my member. Her folds desperately trying to milk me for my seed. It seemed every time I shoved myself inside her, more of her fluids would come out, allowing for an even faster pace. And with that faster pace came louder and more exaggerated moans from both of us.
Before long, I started to kiss her cervix with my tip. Her silky, mermaid-like tail wrapped itself around my leg, drawing me closer. She pushed her lips onto mine, forcing her tongue in my mouth. I lost some ground when she started the kiss. Despite everything happening, she's still trying to be the dominant one. Our tongues tangled within our mouths while our lower parts still continued their dance.
The sinful noises of squishes, slaps and moans rang out across the room like a symphony. I guess I could understand why my other pokemon wouldn't want to join us inside, it was pretty frickin' loud. The symphony only picked up speed as we seemingly increased our tempo exponentially.
Before long, I could feel her muscles crushing my rod between her folds; foreshadowing her second orgasm. This time, however, she wouldn't be alone as I felt my seed welling up in my shaft. Her long tongue was punching its way through my mouth, almost hitting my throat each time.
Only a few moments later, we broke the kiss with us thinking the same thought. "Stella! I'm gonna cum!" I called out. "M-me too!" she replied with a slurred voice. Briefly after our cry, I felt her pussy clench down again, harder than the last time. Her fluids spilled once again, all over the bed. Her orgasm triggered my own and I sent shots of cum into her.
Feeling the warmth of my seed inside her, she relaxed back, laboured breathing coming from her. As I took myself out of her a small amount of our mixed fluids flowed out of her flower. Looks like I'll be changing the sheets… again… for about the millionth time. I got off and laid down next to her and we held each other in a tender, loving embrace. "That… that felt really good Kai, I love you so much" said Stella, nuzzling the crook of my neck. "I love you too" I put simply, kissing her forehead.
We laid down for what seemed like hours, neither of us saying a word but still awake. However, there was something I had to say to Stella, it was a big question; the next step in our relationship one might say. In the left bedside table's drawer was a small, blue box and inside that box was a object which would push us into a new life.
"Is something wrong Kai? You seem to be thinking of something" Stella asked concerned. She always seems to know when there's something on my mind. It makes me think all females have that power.
"W..well yeah.. there's been something I've been meaning to ask you about.." I said slightly nervous.
She backed away a bit to get a fuller view of me. "What is it?" she said with a smile that could make any guy melt. Welp, no turning back now.
"Well.. we've been together for quite a while, right?"
"For a few years now, yes" she said still smiling.
"You've always been there for me…"
"The same goes for you"
"But... I don't want our relationship to be kept as boyfriend and girlfriend"
She seemed in a surprise at this, "Kai, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying…" I got down bed and opened the drawer. I took out the box and got down on one knee. "Stella, you mean the world to me and I want to stay with you to the end of my days" I said palming the box in one hand with the other on top. "So…"
I opened the box, inside the white cloth walls was a necklace. The thin, shiny, golden chain was decorated with several jewels along the edges and in the center was a large sapphire.
"Stella, will you marry me?" I said in the most confident voice I could muster. If her look before was of surprise then this one surpassed it and put it to shame. "Oh my arceus Kai, yes! Yes! A million times yes!" she exclaimed. She pushed herself over to give me a passionate kiss. My thoughts were in a blur while I was coming to terms to what she said.
Did I really ask the question?
Did she answer yes?
Are we really going to spend the rest of our lives together?
And the answer to all of those questions was yes.
As she continued the kiss, I could feel the leg I was kneeling on start to turn to jelly. My arms too; the lightweight box in my palm started to weigh me down. I was about to collapse when Stella broke the kiss to retrieve the necklace from the base. She looked at it lovingly before whipping it over her head.
"Oh Kai, it's so beautiful.. but may I ask why not a ring?" she asked still marvelling at it. Stella was well accustomed to human practices, how usually a ring is presented to a marriage partner. We watched movies all the time with her favourites being the romance ones. They were corny but somewhat enjoyable. Especially since they almost always got her in 'the mood'
"Well, I thought with your fins, it would be a little troublesome" I said motioning to her flat fins. "I still love it all the same" she softly said, looking at the sapphire with content, almost hypnotized by it. "How did you afford this?" she said.
"I sold my masterball" I said with a small smile.
"You mean the one you got as thanks for helping the collector get his stuff back from team skull? And the one you said you would capture a legendary pokemon with?" she said, looking at me in surprise.
"I would trade it all for you" I stood back up and crawled into bed again. Before I knew it, we were in a big and long lip-lock session. It wasn't a sexual kiss but a nice loving one. It wasn't bad, it's always nice to have a good and easy love-filled kiss. After we parted with a thin string of saliva connecting us, she resumed the position of her head under mine. She pulled herself closer, lightly wrapping her tail around me.
"Kai, I love you so much, you have no idea"
"Oh, I think I have an idea Stella"
She nuzzled me more affectionately before closing her eyes, signalling the sandman was taking over. "Good night Kai.." she said barely audible.
"G'night Stella" I pulled the covers over both of us and went into a position that was comfortable.
I closed my eyes and descended into the dark of the night. With my fiancee at my side, I was on cloud nine and had no intentions of coming back.
Maybe if I had been more observant I would have seen the shaded figure standing outside the window...
Well that does it for now, I do have school so I'm unsure when I will upload. It could be tomorrow (definitely not) or two to three weeks from now, whatever it is we will never know. Oh yeah, also uploading this to Archive of Our Own. (Already uploaded over there, for some reason I procrastinated putting it on here, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Until next time.
Peace! -MinusBomb