A/N: so this short one-shot is an attempt to help me get inspiration for the next chapter in Stone heart, the chapter is a mess right now, and I can't seem to figure out how to bring it all together.

Bold writing is in the past regular writing is present and the fun part is you can either read only the bold, only the regular or both at the same time as one complete story.

I hope you enjoy it, I loved writing it.




It had happened by accident…

"Your parchment is due next class. That is all, as ever I look forward to your sloppy and underrated handy work. Class dismissed."

The group consisted of fifth year Slytherins and Gryffindors, all in a hurry to make their exit and leave the cold dungeon behind.

"Mr. Potter, you will stay." came the professor's smooth yet strict voice.

Two months ago, a potions class gone wrong, or maybe it had been the perfect mistake….

Harry gave his companions a look, trying to dispel their worry, though he had a feeling he knew why he was being singled out, so he played to their confusion.

The potion was supposed to be pink, Harry's had been red…. A deep scarlet red.

When everyone else was gone the door swung closed and Harry jumped at the noise, his nerves ready to fire off at the slightest provocation.

"Don't loiter Mr. Potter, come up to my desk." Professor Snape said in an eerily calm voice. It did not soothe Harry's anxiety, did not dispel the shaking of his hands or the fast beat of his heart.

Snape had yelled for everyone to clear the room, but Harry hadn't been by his cauldron, he had been by the ingredients cupboard, the furthest away from the door.

"Yes, sir?" he asked carefully, unable to read the man before him, unable to determine if this was meant to be a serious conversation or something else all together.

Professor Snape continued his writing, eyes down and hand flying fast across the page, he was writing a note, to who though, Harry wasn't sure. All he could do was wait, wait and worry and wonder.

Snape had grabbed him, tossed him under a desk and thrown himself on top. The blast had been deafening.

Finally, the man placed his quill in the ink pot and folded the note twice, summoning a house elf and handing it to him, "Take this to Professor Mcgonagall, and be quick about it, please."

The elf nodded and was gone with a pop. Harry had watched the creature bow and go, not a word spoken and when he looked back to his professor he felt his stomach twist with anxiety and his heartbeat stutter.

"The note sir, what was-"

"To Professor Mcgonagall, to let her know you will be late to class." He said, his hand sliding across the surface of his desk as he leaned back in his chair.

"Am I in trouble, sir?"

When the smoke cleared both Snape and Harry had been left unharmed, physically at least, Snape looked both himself and Harry over thoroughly, making some vague utterance of being lucky that the potion had not worked. Snape had been furious and in turn assigned Harry detention that very evening.

"No." and Professor Snape stood slowly, coming around his desk to stand before his student, his height and age glaringly different compared to the short youth before him. A step forward made Harry step back and the desk collided with his backside, a breath hitching in his throat.

"Nervous, Mr. Potter?" and Harry quickly shook his head in the negative but still his hands trembled and his heart continued to pound like a drum inside his chest.

"You're pale, are you hungry?" The man asked quietly, his hand raising slowly, a single finger moving messy hair to the side in order to expose shining green eyes.

Normally, this tone would be the calm before the storm. In every class Harry had ever attended, such a tone meant Professor Snape was mad, soon to follow would be acidic words and sarcastic insults followed by copious glares, sneers and quite possibly extra detentions.

That evening everything had seemed normal, Harry had sat quietly and worked on his homework from several different classes. The clock ticked out rhythmic tocks into the mostly empty room, Professor Snape at his desk scratching grades onto first year papers.

Harry had found his mind wandering back to his professor as it had been doing all day. On more than one occasions he had caught the man glancing at him before barking at him to get back to work.

All day, his thoughts had been consumed by the man, and the weirdness of realizing he was excited about his detention that evening had severely freaked him out as he tried to sort out why.

Eventually his homework was finished but he still had two hours left, this had not gone unnoticed by his professor who had ordered him to scrub the big cauldron in the corner. Having done such a thing before Harry knew the best way was to tip the giant thing and wedge it into the corner, that way he could easily scrub the inside and the muck would run out.

"Do you know why I asked you to stay behind?" and that long slender finger ran down Harry's cheek and veered onto his bottom lip, moving back and forth across the pink skin, Harry's mouth parting and the area being touched trembling as he sucked in a breath and felt sweat form on his brow.

The instant he had started to scrub his body temperature rose and he was soon removing his robes. A few minutes later his vest and tie followed, the top three buttons being undone to release the pressed collar of his shirt and get it away from his throat.

Thoughts of his professor continued to plague his mind, and the hotter he got the more fevered his thoughts became.

He never heard the chair behind him scratch across the floor, nor the approach of his professor from behind.

Harry shook his head quickly, eyes trained on the man before him, his cheeks burning red and his stomach filling with butterflies.

"Don't you?" and Snape's hand took up the boy's chin, a thumb pressing against thin lips as he said in a silky voice, "I think you do, in fact I think you are in denial...am I correct in this assumption?"

Harry went to shake his head again but the man's grip on his chin tightened and he said through clenched teeth, "Do no lie to me. Do you know why I held you after class?"

Slowly, with a large amount of trepidation Harry nodded and met the man's eye, his anxiety calming slightly as he finally admitted it, knowing full well what was actually going on.

Harry had felt a presence behind him, had slowly pulled his head out of the big iron pot to glance back over his shoulder, having to crane his neck to see who was there as he was on his hands and knees.

His professor stood behind him, breathing heavy and looking red in the face, "I do believe we have a problem Mr. Potter." The man had said, his hands clenched into fists so hard his knuckles were white.

"Very good, honesty is always the best policy, do you not agree, Mr. Potter?" Harry nodded again, unable to stop the heat filling his lower abdomen, unable to stop his hammering heart and the images starting to creep into his mind's eye.

"Then, I have a question for you, Mr. Potter." and Snape's voice was calm, soft, quiet and filled with a certain amount of wonder.

Harry's hands tightened on the edge of the desk he was pressed against, his eyes wide and entranced by this man before him.

"Sir?" the boy had asked, shock filling his system when he looked upon the man and for the first time saw something he had never seen before. He had slowly turned around, standing up and pulling at his collar, it was so bloody hot in the room.

"I have become aware that the potion you so expertly crafted did not just blow up, I do believe I am experiencing side effects….it would be in your best interest to leave now. You will finish your detention next week."

Harry should have left, should have listened, but it was as if his body had a mind of its own and he stepped up to his professor, looking at him and seeing things he had never noticed before, the shine of the man's hair, the high cheekbones and strong brow, the way his nose hooked and gave him a very regal appearance. His height, the heat coming off of him, the man's smell and Harry knew he should leave.

"The side effects, sir, what...what is happening...you look different...and I want…" but Harry had been unable to finish, his hand coming to rest on his professors chest.

His mind growing stuffy and filled with haze.

"Leave. NOW." Snape had ordered, but Harry didn't and his professor grew increasingly agitated.

"If you had the chance….would you do it again?" Snape asked quietly, as if he was worried the walls had ears, "I made the decision for the both of us to not repeat what occurred despite the fact you told me you wanted to...it's been two months...the potion has worn off...but...if you now, of your own free will were given a choice, would you-" and Snape stopped, his fingers sliding off the boy's chin to the top most button of his dress shirt. They stopped there, waiting, frozen on a button, unmoving and solid.

"Would you?" the man asked again, leaning down a little bit more, bringing his face less than a foot away from Harry's own.

"You will leave now or I will hex you out! I cannot be held responsible for what will happen to you if you stay, we are not in our right minds, our judgment has been influenced by the potion. I was fine until you started to clean that bloody cauldron...was fine until you-"

"I haven't been fine all day and you ordered me to clean the cauldron, sir. Maybe we should just do whatever the potions wants us to-"

"Absolutely not. Foolish boy, we do not actually want what the potion is encouraging us to do! We do not want-"
"I do, Sir. Please, won't you touch me?" Harry had asked boldly, much too boldly for what his normal personality would allow.

Harry didn't have to think about it for he had an answer, but still he hesitated because despite the man's overly intimate touches he wasn't sure if this was a test or if Snape was trying to gauge his reaction so he could move forward into more forbidden waters.

Harry was honestly terrified, he had wanted more even after the potion had worn off three days after the incident. In those three days he had been nearly inseparable from the man before him.

They had hidden it expertly well, neither willing to repeat their first encounter but more than okay with large quantities of physical contact and fevered snogging.

When the potion had finally worn off, despite Harry's protests and a rather large fight, Snape had forced them apart, forced things to go back to normal. That had been two months ago, but Harry's want of this man had not subsided, and still his thoughts were filled with him, so to were his dreams and many fevered nights had caused him extreme discomfort.

"GET OUT!" The man yelled, though he had not pushed Harry away or tried to force him out.

"I want you to touch me, please, just...on my face...I'm so hot." and Harry had grabbed the man's hand, bringing it to his forehead. Despite the man's cool touch, Harry felt the burning in his skin increase and he had given a soft moan of frustration.

"Get...get out." Snape had said though it was much weaker a command, his own voice wavering with trepidation and mild desire.

Harry had quickly started to unbutton his shirt, hands shaking with excitement as he licked his lips and Snape had grabbed at his hands to stop his progress, "Don't. You. Dare!" the man had hissed, "Crazy, foolish boy! Keep your clothes on! Do not put me in such a-"

Harry had pressed up onto his toes, his lips locking with his professors. Large hands came to his face and pulled him closer, tongues battling and hot breaths escaping out as they moaned.

Seconds later Harry was on the floor panting, his professor having shoved him away and turned to walk to his desk, palms landing harshly on the surface, shoulders hunched and back to the boy on the floor.

"Answer me, Mr. Potter...would you now? Without the influence of a mucked up Lust Potion? You were so adamant after...adamant to continue after the potion was clear of our systems. So ready to be my worst mistake..." and Harry swallowed and took a breath, his eyes looking into Snape's black ones, those deep fathomless pools that held such a hypnotic stare.

Harry had gone to the door, his eyes staying on the man across the room as he locked it. Black shoulders tensed at the noise but no other acknowledgment had been made. As he crossed the room he was busy removing his own shirt, leaving it to fall to the floor, sweat forming on his brow.

He should have left, should have heeded his professors warning, but when his hand came to rest on his professors back and the man jerked around sweating his hand away he knew he couldn't. The man pressed back against the desk, this eyes running over Harry's bare chest and torso.

"Let me help you." Harry said softly and this mysterious yet bold knew bravery allowed him to reach up to the top most button on the man's tunic and flip it free.

Knowing what his answer was already Harry slowly nodded and leaned up closer, narrowing the gap between their lips to inches, his heart finally reaching a point of hurting from the tumultuous way it pounded.

It had taken a few minutes to get all the way down, so many buttons in the way of his goal. Yet, his professor hadn't protested until the last one was free, his white undershirt near blinding in the dark room.

Harry reached up, sliding the tunic off the man's shoulders and down his arms before fingers strayed to Snape's belt line, pulling the thing free, hands meeting flesh and rubbing up a smooth stomach and chest.

"Then we are in agreement, Mr. Potter, something must be done."

"Yes, sir." The boy finally spoke softly. Snape's hands came to rest on the desk on either side of Harry's hips, and the man leaned in slowly the rest of the way. When their lips met it was like fire and Harry thought his heart might finally give out.

"You need….to leave…" Snape had ordered but Harry did not, he was pushing the white shirt up, dragging it over the man's head and tossing it to the floor.

They stared at each other a moment before Harry moved forward and wrapped his arms around the man's torso, their bodies connecting on a grander scale than before and both moaned and breathed out at the contact of their burning skin.

"Touch me, please." Harry breathed out and finally, still with a reluctant hand, Snape rubbed his palm down Harry's back.

The kiss lasted minutes and soon turned into something far more farrell, hands instantly moving to pull and tug at clothes, the older man gripping Harry's hips and hoisting him up onto the desk.

A mouth hovered next to Harry's ear and lips moved against stray hairs as a silky voice asked,"Do you want me? Do you truly want this with me? You need to be honest, if you are worried about repercussions-"

"Yes, Professor. I want this, with you." and Harry sought out lips, hands finally unfreezing and working on that long trail of buttons.

That night they had failed to resist the temptation, had failed to retain the boundaries of the student teacher relationship. Snape had taken him on the desk, and again on the floor. It had lasted well past curfew and when the man had attempted to walked Harry back to his dorm they had gone for a third time in an abandoned classroom.

The following days were filled with touching, kissing and fevered rolls on the professors bed but they had managed to not cross the line again, the sins of the flesh being forced away and replaced by innocent exploration.

It had been an accident, and for a time they were able to refrain…

But one night, nearly two months after the accident, the realization had come that even when the potion had left their system…

Snape took Harry up in his arms and bit his neck, the youth moaning out and latching finger nails in to the man's shoulder blades.

The lust was still there.

"We do not have a lot of time….what do you want to-"

Potent and brutal, driving them to once again approach and breech that unspoken rule...

"Take me, on the desk like before." Harry murmured out as he kissed Snape and pulled him down. Harry was quick to yank at his belt and button, a lip clamped between teeth as he desperately tried to rid himself of his pants.

Severus had watched with wide eyes before he yanked at his own belt, a single hand able to undo it and his buttons. He grabbed up the boy's narrow hips again and pulled him to the edge of the desk, Harry's hands coming into his hair to grip painfully hard and seconds later Snape was pressing in to him.

Harry hissed through his teeth and Snape grunted as he pressed harder, refusing time for the boy's body to adjust, just wanting to be back inside, surrounded by slick muscles and aching heat.

Both were so starved for it, neither would admit it to the other, but the comfort alone was worth the risk...

Harry gave a small cry as his hands came to the man's chest, instinctively trying to push him back and slow down his entry but Snape took up those hands in one of his, bringing them to his lips he kissed them and continued his rather harsh intrusion.

A thump came from the boy's head falling back onto the desk, his mouth open in a silent scream and eyes clenched tight. Snape only stilled when he was in all the way, rooted in the boy's core, his very center and he let out a gasp of relief.

Two neglected souls, reaching out grubby greedy hands for something more solid and deeply bound in reality then they had ever had before...

"Gods, I've wanted this for weeks." Snape admitted, though there was resentment but Harry understood it, "Of all the people I could have gotten saddled with...it had to be you."

"Sorry." Harry said though he sounded far less upset than Snape, "I'd give anything for it not to be you...yet here you are...here I am…"

"Just do it." Harry pleaded and Snape sneered, "With pleasure, I do love to watch you squirm."

Apart they were broken...together... for just a moment...they could be whole...

Snape pulled out and shoved back in, Harry arched his back off the desk and his hands slapped the edges on either side, fingers wrapping around for better resistance to such a sharp thrust. His body jerked again when Snape repeated the movement and seconds later the man was pumping into the boy in earnest.

"I missed this, missed you." Harry gasped and he took up one of his professors hands and brought the fingers to his mouth, sucking on them gently.

What the potions professor did not know, however, was that more than just sex was taking place….

"I did too you wretched thing." Snape whispered out under his breath, his eyes slowly melting from angry to desperate as he watched the boy suck on his fingers provocatively.

Snape leaned down, his stomach and chest meeting Harry's and he pulled his fingers free only to replace them with his own lips.

His heart was changing and so was his mind, the boy right along with him...

He kissed Harry deeply, his senses dulling as his mind focused on this one task, the task of taking this soon-to-be adult on his desk. He felt the heat of the boy's body, felt those tight muscles clamping down on his length and in this moment he thought he could get used to this.

The feeling of being so uncontrolled and carefree, focusing only on this boy and his body and the feelings that arouse from their joining.

Soon, blistering words would be impossible to speak...

"This doesn't mean I like you. You don't...mean a thing to me...do you understand?" and he laced fingers through that brown mess of hair and kissed the boy's neck.

"Yes, sir! But I like you, I can't help it but I...Ah, like you a lot! I want this and you….every night!"

Dark glares would be replaced with affectionate smirks...

"Foolish boy, utterly stupid and...wonderful." He gasped out the last part, his body speeding up its movements as the end drew close.

"I'm going to...to-"

"Do it then!" Snape yelled with an uncharacteristic amount of excitement.

When the boy released his entire body tensed, including his muscles and Severus grunted at the sudden seize at his length. He grabbed the boy's hips and started to thrust harder, his own climb just beginning.

Hatred would melt and eventually...over time...over many weeks, months and even years….

He took in the boy's face, those ruddy red cheeks, the sweat on his brow, eyes shut tight and his mouth slightly parted as he let out the most desirable sounds. Harry looked like he was in some form of euphoria and Severus savoured the idea that he had caused such a reaction in someone.

So enjoyable was it to him that he shot through his climb and came brutally hard only seconds later. He buried himself deep, as deep as he could and gave short hard thrusts into the boy as he came and filled him, spilling out and shuttering as a blinding white light filled his mind's eye.

It would be replaced with trust and an undying ever powerful and alluring...

"My God's what a glorious accident." he whispered out as he gave one more short thrust in and finished.


Snape looked down to see Harry nearly comatose and he hid his smirk and gently pulled out, bring a hand up to lightly smack the boy's face, "Wake up, Potter. You have a class to attend."

Harry seemed to jerk awake then and he sat up quickly, hissing at the sudden motion and jumping off the desk before grabbing at his backside.

"Shite." He hissed again.

"The downside of being on the bottom." Snape said with that tone of utter smarmy delight.

Harry gave him a dirty angry look before he shook his head and moved away. The silence was suddenly deafening and both dressed slowly before Harry headed for the door, he stopped when his hand gripped the knob.

"Can I have a detention tonight Professor? Or are you busy with grading papers?" Harry asked between deep breaths, his eyes closing as he waited for a reply.

"I have no reason to give you a detention. It would not due to have others suspect something strange afoot."

Harry looked back at him, his eyes studying the man as his jaw set. He turned around fully and crossed the classroom to stand before his teacher.

Quicker than lightning the boy threw a fist and it landed squarely on the man's jaw, Snape's body jerking back and hitting the desk behind.

"Now you do." Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Snape stood quickly, fingering the area Harry had just struck, " Why you little-"

"Sorry Professor, it's the downside of pissing off a Gryffindor." and with that the boy turned and left.

Leaving Snape to stare after him, a smirk slowly etching it's way onto the man's mouth.

A/N: Leave a review, I do so love them. I may write a sequel if I think you liked it!