No Update. Edited.
The walk to first period is long and uneventful as usual. The warm morning sun on my pale skin would soon disappear once I set foot in the grand central hall.
Beacon Academy is an older school so most of the buildings are connected with long halls. Some parts of the building have been revamped and are new which means they are not part of the original building. Band and theatre class now have their own building to practice in and can be as loud as possible without bothering any other class.
Heels click while walking up the stairs, school books pressed against my chest, everything else in my bag. At the top of the steps are four separate double doors. Some students come out of the far left side as I open a middle door and step into the building. The air changes to a cooler feeling.
Grand hall has six floors for the six simple academic classes. Literature is the first, history second, science and math third, forth is art, the fifth is business and management. The one floor I'll avoid at all costs. All of the other classes like welding, robotics, and so on, have their own building.
Connecting all the floors together is the cylinder middle with a glass dome at the top. It is a sight to behold at first, but then you get used to it. The first floor is where the school keeps all of the lockers at which means homeroom is here as well.
Teachers will not allow you to go to your locker during class hours so you either have all you need or you don't. Students have tried during passing periods, but with only five minutes and you being on the sixth floor isn't going to happen. Even with the help of an elevator, it's impossible.
I never leave anything in my locker that would make me cause a scene in front of everyone. I would be an embarrassing mess if that were to happen. I suppose I should introduce myself.
I'm Weiss Schnee, top of my class, short girl with white long hair and those nerdy glasses you see in every stereotypical nerd movie. I suppose it isn't much stereotypical. It's more of a fad because of the media and other cultural things.
There is nothing much to know about me. A junior trying to major in art and trying to make a name for herself. I'm only trying to get by in life like everyone else.
The red digital clock on the wall reads seven forty-five. Thirty-five minutes before the first bell. I click down the hall to my locker. Juniors and lower classmen don't get the privilege of full-size lockers, unlike Seniors. Luckily mine is at the top so I didn't have to worry about flashing anyone or getting my stuff stepped on.
Locker 265 is where I stop every day before going to class. There is no lock on it because there is nothing worth stealing, to be honest. The dark green color would tell you these lockers are new, but that didn't stop them from sticking. Mine is easy to open though.
A scoop of the finger, a flick of the wrist, and my locker pops open. Not much is in there except for a backup raincoat, extra binders, books, papers, and so on. I grab my history and literature book for my first couple of hours. My art supplies are already in my pack along with my algebra four book.
I get my stuff prepared for my first class when the slam of my locker and my fingers nearly getting lobbed off, make me jump in fear while releasing a yelp.
"Hey, there pretty girl." A gruff voice says smoothly.
My skin crawls by the sound of the all too familiar voice. The same voice that bothers me every day and the same voice of a jerk. Cardin Winchester. The jock, who is more of a joke to me, stops by every day, trying to get me to go out on a date with him. I don't have much dating experience, but I know with one look, he isn't good for me or for anyone for that matter. With his spiky orange hair and soon to be sideburns, his blue eyes, which he doesn't deserve, and a cocky smirk.
I sigh. "Cardin."
"Gee, that sounded like you don't want me here." He grumbled. I don't. "Come on little lady," he leans in on me. "You, me, movie?"
He's now invading my personal space and makes me uncomfortable."S-Sorry Cardin, but no." I dip out, walking away quickly.
Once I reach a corner to hide behind, I wait for the boy to leave. Cardin's fist connecting with a locker, growling some unkind words (all directed towards me) and stomps off. Hearing Cardin saying those things lowers my self-esteem or what's left of it. I slump my shoulders, shaking my head slowly. "And here I thought today would be a good day."
Well, why don't you have some friends or a roommate that will back you up or be there for you?
It may be simple and easy for some people to get along with others, but not me. I'm not saying I'm rude, but I'm just socially awkward and closed off. And the fact my last name is Schnee, people tend to think I'm snobbish and rude.
I don't have dorm buddies either. One left because I'm a boring, weird, quiet antisocial kid, and the other reasons I'd rather not get into. The other graduated.
Coco Adel, the one that graduated, is a nice person with some sass in her. I recommend meaning her one day.
She always had a goal and she'd always reach it. She's open-minded with me seeing that I am a Schnee. She said she knows what it is like growing up famous. Adel fashion is a company with it's own everything I suppose. I don't know how the fashion industry works.
I walk away from the scene, heading to my homeroom, literature, to claim my seat in the back as usual. The class isn't far from my locker, just down the hall and to the left. Room 343 is Goodwitch's class, strange name I know.
I'd say our connect is more or less subtle, to say the least. Goodwitch is that kind of teacher that teaches, seriously and literally, and just wants to get paid. Nothing more and nothing less. Never has favorites so it is hard to tell if she likes you or not, which puts me on edge every time she looks at me in class. That or she feels pity for me because my class is full of lively people who have friends and a social life.
When I step in, Goodwitch is facing the board, writing page numbers down for the class assignment, not noticing me. It's the usual. I walk up the steps, heading for the back where I sit quietly by myself for the whole class period.
"Good morning Miss Schnee." Goodwitch calls, still writing.
I pull my book out at the moment and nearly drop it on my feet when Goodwitch speaks up. "M-M-Morning." I say, stumbling over my words, picking up the book, and setting it down on the desk.
"Miss Schnee, I'm going to have to move you next to your partner. She doesn't like sitting too far back, so don't get too comfortable." Goodwitch tells me.
My heart skips a beat or ten which is not healthy. "W-why did you assign me to be p-partners with someone else. You know I'm better at w-working on my own anyway." I stutter.
Goodwitch disposes of the marker in the tray and turns to me. "I understand Miss Schnee, but I think it would better if you got to know some people. Don't worry, I have paired you up with miss Nikos, so stop holding your breath."
I do as I'm told and let out a relieving sigh. Pyrrha Nikos is more of a social, never forceful, person. All I know about her is that she's athletic, smart, kind, and has a boyfriend, Jaune.
He isn't exactly Prince Charming. He's more like Rapunzel and Pyrrha is the one who had to climb the tower to get to him.
The bell rings and a sea of people flood the halls along with chatter, yelling and cheering, laughter and gossip. A handful of students come in at first, but when there are only a few seconds on the clock, tons come flowing in. The chairs quickly fill up, chatter still in the air.
"All right students, please sit down. We have a lot to do before the break." GoodWitch says sternly. Most people quit talking while few linger in it. "Zip it mister Lark!"
Sky Lark, one of Cardin's pets. Slicked back grayish blue hair, scrawny and built like a twig. Sky snarled and quiets down.
Goodwitch nodded. "Thank you. Now, students, I'm sure you are all aware of the group project that we have talked about for the last couple weeks and I'm sure you all have made your groups. I've decided to mix up your groups." The class groans. "I understand that some of you are capable of working well as a group, but some lack work ethic." Her eyes narrow in on Sky. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
"I will start calling out your groups. Davis Moore and Jack Ling." The two boys stand up, cheer and bump fists. GoodWitch continued down the row of names.
I keep a sharp ear out for mine or Pyrrha's name. There is a mixture of groans, cheers, squeals, and dirty looks, but when it comes to my name everyone falls silent and turns to me. I gulp, wanting to shrink away.
"Miss Schnee, you will be with miss Nikos. But I'm afraid she is not here today. She has a triathlon tournament."
"Nikos bringing home the gold for Beacon!" Jack hollers. Others holler and cheer with him.
I silently thank Jack for taking the attention off me and I'm able to breathe again. Everyone goes back to facing the front and GoodWitch drones on. Once she is done reading the list, Goodwitch allows the students to move next to their parents. Mine is not here, thank goodness. There is nothing wrong with Pyrrha, I just… never mind.
"Okay students," Goodwitch announces, setting the paper of names back on her desk. "You and your partner will decide on a news topic and you will try to persuade other teachers, including myself, why your topic is the most important one. Good luck."
The room erupts into chatter and idea bouncing without skipping a beat.
I sit in silence with no one to talk to. A sad frown on my face as usual with group projects. It's not that I don't mind working alone. I just want what everyone else has. A friend. And watching everyone talk to each other like they've known each other since birth makes my heart hurt. I sigh, pull out some paper, a book and a sharp pencil out of my bag and go to work.
After the first period, everything seems to go by fast. Algebra four is boring as usual. Native history class is an experience with Oobleck. Lunch comes and goes. Art class is always short because time flies when you're doing something you love to do. Next is my German class. Once the bell rings for my last period, I neatly, and quickly, put my stuff in my bag and make a beeline for German. I hug the walls as I walk, keeping my head low, not wanting to make eye contact.
"Weiss!" I gulp, already knowing the voice. Cardin. I turn to face him. I wish I didn't. I should've ignored him and kept moving forward.
Cardin is looming over me in seconds, a scowl on his face. His hand shot out and grab my wrist. It's a tight hold. I gasp and start to squirm trying to get free. He yanked me close to him, his eyes full of furry.
"I'm getting damn near tired of your bullcrap Schnee." He spits. "I don't give a crap about your recitals, fancy dinner parties, or even your sickly mother. My family is wealthy just like yours is. I deserve the best and you're my only option. I'm not taking no for an answer!" He barked out the last sentence.
I shrink back, tears forming in the corners of my eyes, desperately looking for help. None is coming though. Students are too busy talking or running off to class.
"Well!" He growled, face inches from mine.
Fear is trickling down my body, heart pounding, mouth flapping open and closed trying to come up with an answer. "I-... I-"
"Hey!" A feminine voice yells. Cardin and I snap our attention in the direction of the voice.
A tall blonde girl, wearing a scowl on her face, glares at us. She dawns a black leather jacket, white v-neck, skinny jeans, and orange and white tennis sneakers.
The blonde walks straight up to Cardin as she speaks. "What do you think you're doing Winchester?" She growls, glaring the man down hard.
Cardin straightens himself up, attention now fully directed towards the blonde, still gripping my wrist. "None of your damn business Xiao-Long." He growled back.
She stopped just two feet from us. "Ooh, some naughty words for such a good boy like you Winchester."
Cardin's eye twitches. "What the hell do you want Yang?"
Yang Xiao-Long, a senior this year and a legend, is Beacons girls boxing and mixed martial arts champion for almost four years. I've heard her name more than a handful of times, but I've never met or seen her around.
Her lilac eyes fall onto me for a split second, she winks, then goes back to staring down Cardin. "It's simple, honestly." She shrugs. "All you have to do is let my girlfriend go."
My mind comes to a crashing halt and a silence falls over the three of us. Of course, Yang is gay, everyone knows that. Half the population of Beacon groaned in despair when she came out. Most, if not all, consisting of boys. I, on the other hand, have no idea which side on the spectrum I fall under. So her assuming I'm gay shakes some uncomfortable nerves in me.
Cardin's face screws up in rage, snapping his attention back to me. "You're gay!?" He yells. I shrink back more, the tears now flowing.
Yang steps in though, grabbing Cardin by the collar of his shirt and pulls him close to her face. "Don't you yell at my girlfriend like that!" She hisses.
Cardin released his grip on me. Yang commands me to go to class and that she'll check up on me later. I take it as a lie though. Some stranger wouldn't go this far out of their way for me. Especially not someone as popular as Yang.
"L-let go of me you damn blonde." That's the thing I hear Cardin say before disappearing up the stairs.
I can't focus in German. I'm still shaken up from the events in the hallway. The marks on my wrist from Cardin's iron grip is started to bruise on my pale skin. My emotions are a jumbled up mess after the little stunt Yang pulled off. How could she say something like that? What was the point of it? What she claimed is not the truth. I barely know her and not once did she say my name. Why am I still thinking about this? Ahhh!
German drags on. The only thing that I remember is that we are translating German into English until Miss Schwartz's class was interrupted by a student who burst into her class.
I don't recognize him in the slightest. The student has a streak of pink in his long black hair.
"Pyrrha did it! She won the triathlon!" The boy cries.
I've never seen a class lose it so quickly. I've also never seen a teacher jump up and in excitement either. I wish I could erase that last memory. The boy who came in must be a T.A. for Miss Schwartz apparently because she doesn't yell at him or kick him out. That or she doesn't care.
"All right. All right! Settle down, class. We only have ten more minutes until the bell then you all can throw a big party and do whatever it is you do for fun." Miss Schwartz announces.
Some classmates high five, fist bump or did some crazy handshake before sitting down. For the rest of class people whispered about Pyrrha's win or can't focus on the task at hand. I don't understand the big deal. Then again I don't understand sports at all. In any way, shape, or form. The bell rings and everyone bolts out of class. I can hear people cheering Beacon's chant out in the halls.
"B-E-A! C-O-N! BEACON! BEACON! BEACON!" They all cheer while jumping and throwing their hands.
I'm not too excited to walk out to the sea of people, but if I want to get to my dorm as quickly as possible then I will have to push past everyone or I would have to wait for the crowd to disappear. Not wanting the second option, I shove my stuff into my bag and dash out of class.
I squeeze through any small gap that is possible in the crowd. People can barely hear me when asking to get past them and even fewer pay attention. Elbows poke me, feet stomp on mine, and I yelp every now and then from the string in my toes.
The stairs are mere feet from me when a pair of hands grab me. Meaty and fat hands clamp down on my mouth, an arm wrapped around my waistline.
"Scream and I'll break your nose." Cardin's voice makes my body shiver in fear. I nod in understanding. "Good. You understand you gay slut." He shoves past all the people to the stairs.
I try to make it as hard as possible for Cardin to get me down the stairs.
Once on a floor that has been completely cleared out, I dig a heel into his foot. He growls in pain, letting go of me.
Feeling freedom, I run as fast as I can, but running in heels is next to impossible. Cardin screams some foul language and trudges behind me. I stumble down the stairs to the first floor and run to the closest exit. A wave relief flooded my mind. I am so close until another pair of arms wrap around me and raised me up. I squirm with the little might I have left, trying to break free. "L-let go!"
"Woah, woah, woah, hold on there." The warm feminine voice says in a calm demeanor. I recognized that voice. Yang.
My body and mind immediately calm down.
She holds me up until I fully relax. "Ya Good?" She asks.
I am surprised that Yang Xiao-Long is talking to me for the second time today! I am more surprised that a person is talking to me on their own account. "M-me?" ask dumbly.
I can feel the eye roll. "Yes you, dummy."
I'm set back down on the ground, my legs wobble now remembering that I'm wearing heels and not actual shoes. "S-sorry." I rub my arm out of awkwardness and a terrible habit. "People don't usually talk to me."
Yang hums, stepping up next to me. For some weird reason, I feel a little intimidated and yet safe having her next to me. Yang is much better than Cardin, I can tell you that. She's this tall, muscular, blonde that is… is… is a tall, muscular, and blonde.
"So you want to tell me why you're running down the hall like someone is going to murder you?" Yang askes casually. "Also want to tell me your name. I don't want to call you girl for the rest of the day." She adds, putting her hands behind her head.
A tiny smile creeps up on my lips. It feels nice to actually talk to someone not be ignored. Yang seems nice enough to talk to at the moment.
"WEISS!" Cardin roared from behind.
Yang and I spin around, fear rolling back up to me. Cardin and three of his goonies have accompanied him, one of them being Sky. I'm not surprised.
"You're going to go out with me whether you like it or not. I don't care if you're some gay pig. I deserve the best this place has to offer." he growls, stepping forward. His voice hard and cold like ice.
I step back. The fear in my body makes me shiver all over again. "C-cardin, I-I don't want t-to do this. I- I-"
"Like hell if you deserve the best. Princess isn't interested in you, gingerbread boy." Yang snaps back, filling the gap between me and the group of goons. "Did you not listen last time Cardin. She's is my girl and she isn't your pet, you fat hog."
A vein is popping out of Cardin's forehead now. He looks like an angry cartoon character. His fists and teeth are clenched like he's trying to squeeze the life out of something. "You're calling me fat!? Have you seen those balloons you call a chest? I'm sure you got plastic surgery to boost your confidence for being a dyke."
"No. Thanks for pointing out my own boobs Cardin." Sarcasm is dripping from her mouth. "I just don't think they are as bloated as your ego."
"Why you-"
"What is the meaning of this?" A woman interjects.
Cardin and his goons turn to the woman and immediately take off running, yelling and shouting at each other to move faster, Cardin struggles to keep up because of his hurt foot. Professor Goodwitch stands in the middle of the hall, foot tapping, wearing a scowl on her face. Yang goes stiff with a tint of fear in her body language.
"P-professor Goodwitch!" I squeak out.
She comes clicking up to Yang and me, her eyes traveling between the two of us. This time I'm on my own. Yang can't save me from this just as much as she can't save herself.
Yang gulps, stepping first. "Professor I can expl-"
Goodwitch holds up a hand which shut Yang up. "Miss Xiao-Long I only have one question," Yang shrinks back, her tail between legs like a scared dog. "And that question is not for you to answer. It's for miss Schnee to answer." Goodwitch turns her attention to me. Her hard glare melts into a softer look. "Miss Schnee, would you like to tell me how you met miss Xiao-long and why there was a yelling match between her and Mister Winchester?"
All the pressure is on me now. Even with Goodwitch's soft gaze, I feel vulnerable and helpless. Yang nudges me, giving me a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. She herself doesn't look so confident in her own action. The smile cleared my head though and I am able to explain how Cardin stopped me in the hall earlier today and Yang kind of saved me, then she did it again when Cardin tried to force me to go out with him.
"Well, I'll see to it that Mister Winchester will not bother either of you again," Goodwitch states, crossing her arms. "I swear that boy needs to be taught some manners." I breathed out a sigh of relief. We're in the clear. "Miss Xiao-Long." Maybe not.
Yang cringes."Y-yes?"
Goodwitch is back to her ridge and stern attitude. "Make sure Miss Schnee makes it back to her dorm safely."
Yang is able to breathe now, a smile splitting her face that almost cuts her in two. Yang gives a two finger salute as Goodwitch starts to walk away. "You can count on me Goodwitch."
"Yes, Yes. Just make sure you two don't get into trouble again." Goodwitch waves her off.
Once Goodwitch rounds a corner, Yang jumps up and down, trying to keep herself from screaming out injoy. Before I know what's going on, I'm lifted into the air and twirled around like a doll. Yang repeatedly thanks me before setting me. I'm barely able to catch myself.
"Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods! You just saved me from eternal damnation. Praise the gods of luck." Yang continued to ramble on about being on Goodwitch's watch list for so-called 'bad' kids as Yang puts it. I stand there awkwardly listening to her.
Yang finally sucks in a big gulp of air and breathes it out. "So? Weiss? Right?" She smiled sticking out a hand. "I never got to introduce myself properly. I'm Yang Xiao-Long."
A light blush comes up on my cheeks. "Y-yes, it's W-weiss. Weiss Schnee." I stick out my own hand and shake hers. This causes Yang's smile to broaden.
She chuckles, letting go of my hand. "Now I understand why Winchester was trying to hook up with you. Rich girl, rich boy. Rich family."
"I wish it wa-wasn't for that reason." A sputtered sigh comes out. "I a-also never got to thank you for saving me… twice."
Yang shrugs, swinging a leg forward to start her walk. "No biggie. Now, let's get you home."
I lightly trot to catch up, having realized within a span of four minutes of knowing very little about Yang, she is a drop of sunshine. I mean that with the fullness of my heart. She is enjoyable to listen to, never forcing an opinion down your throat or trying to get you swallowed up in her hardships. She is positive, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be cautious around her. For all, I know Yang could be a murder or a psychopath or a bully who gets to know her victims before picking on them the next day? Or she's just some kind person trying look out for me.
One question particularly keeps popping up in the middle of my thought. Is Yang my friend? I weigh my odds. They do not seem to be in my favor.
We just met on two bad accounts. I am a shy and quiet girl who is nowhere near as fun or interesting as Yang, so we're the opposite of each other. We barely know each other. Doubt creeps into my mind at an alarming rate, my walk begins slow to a stop. I feel lonely again, standing in the middle of the hall, staring at my feet. Yang continues to ramble on while walking awake. I thought she would leave me behind, but I thought wrong.
"Hey! Ya coming or what?" Yang calls to me. I crane my gaze up to her. A smile is on her face as she waits. "I don't have all day. I gotta meet up with some friends later." I quickly catch up with her.
We walk side by side. I listen to the one-sided conversation Yang and I are having. She never asks me any questions, but she still talks to me. No complaints come from me. Like I said, a drop of sunshine. Yang talks about her time here at Beacon, her friends, and their crazy antics, though she doesn't say much about her family except her sister. Ruby is her name if I heard that correctly.
I don't care about that though. All I care is if Yang is showing interesting in being a friend of mine. Yang doesn't show much interest though which makes me feel dull and boring on the inside. I lead her to a brick rustic building. The words Light wing are carved into the side of the building. I pull open the metal and glass door, holding it open for Yang.
"Hey! I live in this building too!" Yang points out with lots of enthusiasm. "Hm, what are the odds." She walks in, flashing me a big smile.
"So which side do you live on?" She asks.
My first question. It gives me a spark of hope knowing that Yang is showing some sort of interest in me.
"I live on the north side, the fourth floor… Where do you live?" I ask with hesitance.
Yang pulls open the door to the staircase allowing to me walk in. The stairs zigzag all the way to the ninth floor. "Northwest, sixth floor. Not too far from you, I guess we could visit each other if neither of us are too busy." I hide a smile. "But we are in college so the likeness of being free is next to zero." My smile drops. "But then again I do nothing so if you want to come over then just come over. I haven't had any new friends in a while."
My foot slips on a step and it causes me to have a mini heart attack. I don't know if I heard those words correctly.
Does that make us friends or are we acquaintances? My mind buzzes like a bee-hive. Does Yang really want to be friends with me? That's absurd! Who would want to be friends with a weird, quiet girl, who can't function properly around other people?'
"You okay?" Yang's voice breaks my train of thought. I shake my head, reply with a simple yes, and continue to walk up the stairs. We soon make it to the fourth floor, Yang gets the door for me again.
"Madam." She looks goofy, pointing an arm inward to guide me.
I give a half smile and walked in. "Thank you." I bow, playing along. I then regret the action. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
We walk up the rest of the way in silence. Not an awkward or uncomfortable silence, it's a warm and okay silence. I stop abruptly, recognizing my dorm number. Yang stops as well, after taking a step and swinging back around.
"This your stop?" I can practically hear the smile. That smile that I've grown fond of already. AHHH! What's wrong with me?!
I release a sad sigh. "Yes. Thank you for walking with me, Yang."
Fishing out a silver key from my pocket and thrusting it into the padlock. I twist and click, the door swings open with a squeak.
The dorm room is like every other. A small desk is stuffed in the corner across from the foot on the bed. One side is occupied and the other, dull and empty.
Yang peaks over my shoulder, seeing the inside. "Woah! Do you live by yourself? That must be a nice score!"
"Not really." I step in, toss my bag on my bed and turn back to Yang, thanking her one last before closing the door.
Not fast enough to keep her foot from getting wedged in the doorway. "Hold up! I got something for you!"
Shock strikes me like lightning. It comes and goes just as fast. I pull the door back open. Yang grabs my arm, pushes up the sleeve, pops the lid off of a sharpie she had in her other hand and begins to write on my pale skin. It sends jolts and shivers up and down my arm. Weird.
"W-what are you doing!" I ask. Yang does not reply, most likely to keep her writing steady.
Once finished, Yang adds a smiley face. "There. See ya around Weiss!" She walks away, leaving me with several questions.
I watch her free-flowing golden locks disappear around the corner. Mouth gaping, mind trying to process what had happened, I bring my arm up for inspection. A series of numbers are written neatly along with a small message at the end. See you around!
My mind is fitting all the pieces of the puzzles together and fast. I quickly slam the door shut, threw myself onto my bed and screamed into my pillow out of pure emotions. I don't know whether they were good or bad emotions. That is something I have to figure out on my own.
For the next couple of hours, I try to comprehend what happened today while staring at the numbers of my arm. Did she like me as a friend? Does she want me to be her girlfriend or am I misunderstanding something? Usually, when someone gives you their number, it's like dating thing. Right? I trap myself in my never-ending questions and fears of misunderstanding Yang or over thinking everything. The problem isn't finding an answer. It is stopping myself from thinking about Yang.
It's been a long time since I've had someone kind in my life, not saying that my family wasn't nice. They were always protective me since I was the second youngest and didn't have the best childhood with my stepfather. He was a drunk and insane man once the wealth went to his head. He got killed in a car wreck shortly after two years of marriage and a year of divorce. He was the second man my Mother married at the time. The first one, Winston, died of a heart contusion. He was me and my sister's biological father. The third one is a nice gentleman that was like my first father. Dice Schnee. My younger stepbrother and his son, William or Will, as we can him, will be ten this coming June. My family may have been broken at first, but I believe we've finally gotten our feet back under us.
An empty pit forms in my gut. Thinking about my family makes me think I am the loneliest of all. I sigh, crawl out of bed and trudge to the bathroom. The shower turns on with a squeak than a groan. I hold a hand under the spewing water, waiting for it to warm up to the right temperature. Once satisfied with the warmth, I go back to reclaim some clean clothes and a towel. Then retreating back into the bathroom and shutting myself in.
I take off my glasses, pull out my side pony and discard my dirty clothes into a nearby hamper and hop in the shower. A content sigh escaped my lips, feeling the water roll down my back. I dip my head under the water to let my hair soak. My hand reaches for a shampoo bottle. The bottle pops open and a clear gold liquid pours into my awaiting hand. I set the bottle aside, dumped some in my other hand and applied it to my hair. Rubbing and massaging my head down to the scalp until my head and hair are equally soapy and clean.
I then dip under the water again, letting my fingers run through my hair to help get the cleaner out. Once done with the shampoo, I reach for the soap and a body sponge. I put soap on my sponge and start to wash, letting the dirt and grime fall from my body. Scrubbing one arm then washing the other. My palm facing upward once I am ready to wash the other arm. My eyes widen, blood draining from my face. I scramble out of the shower and out the bathroom door with only a towel around my body. I struggle to find a pen and paper.
Panic is the only thing running through my mind, but the feeling soon subsides once finding what I need. I sit at my desk and start to write the smeared and fading numbers down. The last two numbers I had to guess on, because of how blurry they are. How could I have been so stupid! The numbers of my only friend have almost been washed away. I sigh, staring at the numbers, memorizing them before heading back to my shower.
It's nearly seven, my usual studying time when I got out of the shower. I sit at my desk, hair in a bun, wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, with no motivation to get my work done. Instead, I keep staring at the piece of paper with Yang's number. The memory of almost washing it away will haunt me forever. I instantly start to dig for my phone to put her number in so I don't forget or lose the slip of paper. Once finding it, I clicked my way through the phone until I get to contacts and put in her number in.
Should I call her right now? Yes? No? I bite on my bottom lip. She's most likely hanging out with her friends like she said earlier… she could be done by now. I slouch in my chair, whining. Why am I acting like this? I've never acted like this before! Ugh! I slouch more, still eyeing the phone.
'Come on! Call her! There is no harm in it.' The voice in my head pokes. But… it's weird to call someone you just met. Besides, she's with her friends.
'It's going to eat you alive if you don't call.' My subconscious is right. If I don't call then I wouldn't sleep tonight; it will bother me too much.
I want to scream, but I force myself to sit up. I open my phone, heading straight for the contacts list. I find Yang's number and get ready to call her. So many self-doubting questions swirl around in my head. What if she thinks it's weird for me to call her on the same day we met? What if it's a fake number? What if she doesn't pick up? I grumble and slump back into my chair.
I cup my face and let my hand slide down. "This is so idiotic. I can't ruin the chance of having a friend for this."
Am I really that desperate to have a friend? To call her on the same day we met! Yang is hanging out with some friend and I don't want to bother her.
The thought of Yang having fun with all of her friends, the popular and cool kids, make me feel like I wouldn't-won't-belong in her party or gang, or group, or whatever you call it. I'm not popular or a party animal. For the love of Remnant's gods, I read books and know pointless facts about random stuff. How is that fun?! Why would she want me as a friend anyway?
Self-doubt is back again. Uninvited and unwanted. I pull my knees up to my chest, curling myself up in a ball of dumb emotions.
Stupid. Stupid! Stupid! I chant in my head.
It is eight when I sadly get up from my chair, flick off the lights, and crawl into bed. Setting my glasses aside, I pull the covers up to my chin. I wrestle with my bed and blankets, trying to find a comfortable spot. Tossing and turning until I end up facing the wall. The thought keeps repeating itself in my mind.
Why would she want me as a friend? Why would she want me? Why me? The thoughts in my head caused my throat to swell with emotions. I tried to choke back the sob building up in my throat, but the tears are already flowing.
I shrink under my covers. A pitiful whimper filling the cold, empty, and lonely dorm room. I will always be lonely.
I repeat my little chant to try and not think of the question. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I just did some editing! If you're new leave a like, comment, and subscribe. BYE!