Darkness flickered. In the swirl of the abyss appeared a tiny light. It danced through the void, growing and multiplying until it consumed the black nothingness. Silence receded to the conquest of a growing roar.

Ruby's eyes opened, the confused scene before her taking several long seconds to pierce through the dull ache in her head. She was half buried in a thick layer of snow that was illuminated by the blazing remains of their plane. The twisted metal fragments didn't look anything close to an aircraft any more.

There was a crunch of snow audible over the crackling of the fire. She tried to turn but her body wouldn't move. Pain rippled across her body at the slightest twitch. From sheer force of will she managed to inch her head to the side just enough to see white clad legs.

Words drifted through her mind, the sounds taking several moments to make sense in her confused state.

"Take their weapons. The general will want to interrogate them when they come around. If they all make it anyway."

Even as the words came to her, her strength gave out and darkness washed across her vision once again.


When her eyes opened again there were no harsh lights or sounds. A dull ache throbbed throughout her body but no one place felt unbearable. She tried to move but realised she was restricted. Energy-cuffs were fastened to her wrists and ankles while another was secured to her throat.

Panic rose up from within. From what she could see she was in a small, plain walled cell. There was no sign of any of her friends.

"Calm yourself, Miss Rose. Your friends are safe in my care."

The voice was that of a man and was familiar to her. The cell door slid open and General Ironwood stepped into the room. He looked like a man on the edge, worn down and sleep deprived yet filled with quiet resolve.

"General Ironwood," she said, finding her voice. Her throat hurt and the words came out in a slight rasp. "Why am I locked up here? Wait, what about Yang? The plane split in half. Is everyone else okay?"

He held up his hands to slow her. "One thing at a time. You are here because Atlas is on lockdown. Our borders are closed yet you fly a plane straight through without prior clearance or notification. That is illegal regardless of person or circumstances. Hence the cell. As for your sister, she wasn't at the crash site. My men picked up yourself, Miss Schnee, Miss Belladona, Mr Lie, a faunus girl and a young boy who looks fresh off a farm."

His stance softened slightly. "What happened up there? Our sentries reported a fireball propelled by glyphs crash landing in the mountains. If my soldiers didn't turn up then you would all have frozen to death."

Ruby frowned and tried to remember everything that had happened. "We were on our way to speak to you. There was a battle at Haven Academy and Qrow said he needed to warn you the enemy was on its way." This wasn't strictly the truth but she didn't know how far she could trust the general. Not without speaking to Ozpin first. "Our plane was attacked. We tried to fight them off but there were too many and none of us were suited to air combat. The plane broke apart after an explosion. Weiss kept us in the air long enough to make it to land, then, well, then I woke up here."

"Interesting. No other unauthorised airships were in the area. I'll have to step up security even further. We cannot fall to chaos."

"Err, General, can you unchain me now?"

Ironwood shook his head. "I'm sorry. Official procedures must be followed. I can't bend the rules just because I know you. Your story corroborates with those of your friends though so you should be released as soon as the paperwork is completed. Now I have matters to attend to. I hope to speak with you again soon."

He left the cell, the door clicking locked behind him. Ruby slouched as much as her restraints would allow, worry etched into her every feature.

"Please be safe, Yang."


There was a gunshot followed by a scream. A broad-shouldered man in ragged clothes fell back clutching his arm. His blade clattered across the wooden ground. The sea surrounded them, the small ship where they stood the only object visible beyond a dark line of land in the distance.

"I told ye to disarm them! In her case I meant literally!"

Yang smirked at the man, clenching her mechanical hand in grim satisfaction. "Let's make this clear, old man, we aren't your 'booty', your slaves or your wenches. And we certainly don't need our weapons to prove it. Now, you are going to take us to Atlas or I'm going to start getting angry."

The man laughed at her. A dozen armed men surrounded them and they laughed too.

"Atlas? Even if I wanted to I couldn't take ye there. This is a coastal ship. We plunder the shorelines across Mistral. It'd be suicide to try crossing the sea. So how about I make a proposal instead. We head back to land and I sell ye on the black market. Other than the blond runt there ye'd all fetch a fair price, yeself especially, my pretty."

Yang sighed. "We don't have time for this. Nora?"

Nora stepped forward and cracked her neck. "Finally." She flexed and the ropes that tied her wrists snapped apart with ease. The men continued to laugh and jeer at her. This tiny ginger haired girl in torn clothing thought she could take on twelve hardened pirates?

This lasted just long enough for Nora to grab one man by the ankles and repeatedly smash him into another man before throwing him clean over the side. The men piled in but Nora was a powerhouse. Even without her Magnhild she was fast and packed an unbelievable punch. Within seconds she has rammed through the cluster and laid her hands on one of the cannons that lined the edge of the deck. She lifted it and pointed it at the group of pirates. Strain showed on her face but only slightly.

"Listen up, boys," she announced loudly. "I've just been in an explosion, a crash landing into icy water, and I can't find Ren. I'm a little stressed and I'm pretty sure I've missed a meal. So you are going to listen to Yang or things are gonna start gettin' real interesting. Okay?"

The captain frowned at her. "You realise cannons need to be lit, right, because currently you are just holding a very large club."

Yang flicked her wrist and fired at the fuse. Fire caught and the rope began to blaze.

"You'll kill us all! Firing a cannon into the centre of a ship will sink it you fools."

This prospect didn't seem to bother either woman, though Jaune was looking a little panicked, Qrow was still unconscious on the deck while Sun lounged Idly on the railing, watching the confrontation with interest.

Yang shrugged. "We are trained hunters and huntresses. As Nora pointed out, we survived an aircraft exploding, a giant fall and freezing water. Do you think that we wouldn't make it back to land on a wooden raft built from the remains of this hunk of junk?"

The man relented. "Fine. This is more trouble than it's worth. Lads, get the ship back to port."

"Wise decision. You aren't off the hook yet though. I had a lamp. Where is it?"

The captain hesitated then sighed. It's in me quarters. I'll go fetch it for ye."

Yang smiled. "See, was cooperation really that hard? Nora, put the cannon down and move Qrow somewhere safe. Keep your eye on these guys though, just to be sure."


Jaune approached her and spoke in a whisper. "Don't get carried away. We only survived the crash because I was able to boost everyone's auras. I can't do it again until my strength recovers."

"Don't worry about it. Men like these just need a firm hand. How do you think my Mum keeps her bandits in line? The bigger concern is finding another way to Atlas."

"The others, do you think they're safe?"

Yang nodded. "Yeah. They're all more than capable of looking after themselves. That doesn't mean that I don't want to check in with them all again soon though. As soon as we get to land we'll need to get another plane or a bigger ship."

The captain returned then with the relic in his hands. He handed it over without argument. "Ye may as well give up on Atlas. Their army closed the borders. No trade or travel allowed. News is slow to spread these days but word is starting to get out now."

"They'll let us through, believe me. Now take me somewhere quiet. I need to think."


Ruby andher friends who had made it to Atlas sat around a large desk in an imposing room. General Ironwood sat across from them while two soldiers guarded the door. The students were looking worse for wear, all of them battered and bruised, and Ren with his left arm in a sling.

"So, it really is you?" Ironwood said after the Ozpin situation had been explained. "You secured a relic and defeated Salem's forces. Perhaps we can win this war after all. But we must be ready if they are coming here next. Security is already at maximum but things can always be improved."

"Beware your own intentions, James. What you see as necessary protection will come across as the actions of a tyrant. You've already angered the businesses by closing the borders and spread fear in the public by increasing the military presence and setting curfews. No doubt there are whispered voices of dissent that suggest you are making a power grab."

The people can believe what they want. If ensuring Atlas' safety means falling on my own sword once all of this is through then it is a sacrifice I am more than willing to make. The people of Atlas aren't as soft as those from Vale. We understand what hardships must be endured to survive."

A look of sadness filled Oscar's eyes. He sighed softly, his voice still that of Ozpin. "I have been around humans long enough to know that sometimes they act against their best interests. I only hope that you're correct."

Ironwood ignored the comment and paced across the room absently. He appeared to be so tightly wound that he could snap at any moment.

"Do you have the Haven relic with you?"

Ozpin hesitated. "It is in the capable hands of Miss Xiao Long. I have the utmost faith in her ability to keep it safe."

"You mean it is lost. Face it, Ozpin. Judging by the state of the plane and the approximate location of the attack, the other half had nowhere to go other than ito the sea. At least it will be out of Salem's grasp there."

"Don't you dare write Yang off like that!" Ruby's voice quivered with emotion as she spoke, the sudden outburst taking the others by surprise. "She is the strongest out of all of us and she never lets anyone down." Her voice grew quiet as everyone stared at her. "Don't underestimate her."

Ironwood was stiff for a moment then his features softened. "Yes, you are right. My apologies, Miss Rose. Forgive my bluntness." He sat back heavily onto the chair. "I must admit that I'm struggling. I'm no politician but it seems that is what the world requires at the moment. I'm doing all I can to protect Atlas yet it seems that our own Schnee Corporation is my main opponent of late."

Weiss' face grew dark. "My father?"

"Yes. He, as you know, was not a supporter of my decision to close the borders. Closed borders means no foreign trade and that means reduced profits. Your father has a lot of money and influence and has a lifetime of experience in getting what he wants. He has rallied several major businesses against me and is manoeuvring for my dismissal. I can organise a battlefield but all of this cloak and daggers plotting is really not my style."

"Indeed it is not, General."

All heads turned to the door where a tall, dark haired man with a large moustache and a tailored suit stood.

"Watts, What is the meaning of this?" Ironwood asked as he stood up, his face a frown.

"Don't mind me, General, I'm only taking care of some unfinished business." Without warning he drew a gun and fired at Ironwood. The bullet slammed into the general's chest causing him to stagger back. Then robotic soldiers stepped into the room behind Watts, firing upon the guards then levelling their weapons at the students.

Ruby charged at Watts, her scythe opening out before her as she ran. The robotic soldiers moved to guard the doctor then opened fire on the group. Ruby's semblance activated, her body becoming a blur of petals that flowed around the incoming fire.

"You'll have to do better than that, my dear," Watts chided. He took a device from his pocket and pressed a button on it. Without warning, Ruby felt her semblance dissipate. She fell to the floor hard.

There was a flash then a spectral lancer rushed into the soldiers, its stinger tearing through their metal bodies with ease. Blake and Ilia split off to either side of the room to flank them, peppering them with attacks as their focus was drawn by the summoned wasp. Ren ran through the gap and helped Ruby escape a circle of the automatons. Oscar leapt over the desk to Ironwood.

There was a shattering sound then the lancer exploded into white fragments. Watts lowered the device and smiled.

"The progress of science marches ever forward. Your archaic practice of meeting problems by hitting them repeatedly Will soon be outpaced by brilliant minds. Now, if you'd all be so kind as to stop resisting, I have so much to do. I don't like leaving a job unfinished though."

"Students," Ironwood hissed through gritted teeth. "Fall back to me. Now!"

They obeyed as best they could, falling back gradually as they returned fire from behind a defencive glyph that Weiss had created. Watts clicked the button again and the glyph burst but a new barrier spang into existence around them. Ironwood's hand rested on under his desk on a hidden button of his own.

"A personal defence sphere built into your desk. How quaint." Watts commented dryly. "You know I helped to design that technology. That means I know they are designed for limited use to buy time for aid to arrive. Only, help isn't coming to you. All of the mechanical soldiers you ordered scrapped after Beacon are in my custody now and many human minds have been swayed against you. Between my own schemes and the influence of Jacques Schnee, you were a fool to even imagine that public opinion wouldn't be turned against you. But then that's all you are, isn't it, General." He made the title drip with mockery. "A fool who thinks in metal and ice. And now you'll die."

Ironwood laughed, though it was obvious that it pained him to do so. "You're right. I do only think in metal and ice. They are the lifeblood of this kingdom. You think I wasn't prepared for something like this. You may be intelligent but that counts for nothing if you can't see the forest for the trees."

His hand moved and something clicked. Gears began to grind then the floor around the desk lurched. Slowly it began to descend. Ironwood offered a sly salute then a metal hatch slid above them and sealed off the hole.

"How bad is the situation, James?" Ozpin asked quietly.

"Bad. Atlas will be under Jacques hands now. I'm a wanted man so won't have access to any Atlas systems or have the loyalty of the army. Jacques is pigheaded but not evil, but if he has Watts whispering in his ear then who knows what will happen. I assume he was the one who attacked you?"

"Yes, and he likely works under Salem," Ren confirmed in his usual calm manner. "He wasn't at Haven though."

Ironwood grimaced. "That can only mean that Atlas is in grave danger." The ground came to a stop and a door slid open revealing what appeared to be a sewage tunnel. "Soldiers will be here any moment. Come. We need to regroup and think of a plan."

"But how?" Weiss asked as they stepped out from the lift shaft. "We have all of Atlas coming for us and you are injured. We won't be able to run far enough to escape them."

"I don't plan to run. Retreat was never my style," He answered, some of his former confidence returning. He tapped a seemingly random brick beside the door and a series of bricks folded back to reveal a hidden room. "Hunters expect their prey to flee. They'll search through every tunnel but no one will think to look right where they lost you. Welcome to your new home.


A/N: Hello again! Hope you enjoyed your little Valentine's Day gift.

I have a few bits of information for you. The update schedule isn't set in stone since I work full time, have my personal writing, and then social/family/video games/anime/Youtube to fit in too. Still, expect a new chapter every two weeks. I'm planning for 16 chapter to cover all of Volume 6, though this could change as the story develops. I fully intend to have this completed before the official Vol 6 airs.

Feel free to drop suggestions, comments or questions in a review. I will respond to any review or PM that warrants one.

If you are enjoying the story and want to support me then consider buying my book Thorns of the Shadow: Blood, Blades and Bacon. Or check out my gaming website , or my author website . Follow me on Twitter matthewroys or look me up on Facebook. I swear my original stories are 100x better than anything I post on here, (and I don't think anything here is too shabby).

Either way, enjoy yourselves and I hope to see y'all next time.