For some reason, Erza hates the doctor. And she hates the dentist even more. She trusts Wendy and Porlyusica, however, the two cannot perform wisdom teeth removal surgery. And no matter how much Lucy badgers Erza about it, she will not go and see a dentist about her slowly imploding teeth.

"It's gonna be worse in the long run," Lucy reminds Erza one morning.

"I'll be fine," Erza insists.

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will."

Lucy sighs. They can go back and forth in circles for hours beyond breakfast, as evident by the pass few days of contradictory arguments, so she'll just have to deploy her newest scheme.

They sit in silence for a moment before Lucy points out, "Y'know our anniversary is in a month."

"I do know that, I put it on the calendar," Erza says with a small smile.

"And I may have an early surprise," Lucy adds.

Erza raises her eyebrows, "You do? Why so early?"

"Well, it's got some time contains so it has to be done early," Lucy insists. "Today would be a good day to it. It's beautiful outside."

"Then let's go," Erza agrees. "Though, will there be breakfast there? We haven't eaten yet since we were talking about dentists."

"Of course!' Lucy says. "Now, the place it's at is a part of the surprise, so," she pulls a blindfold out of her pocket and waves it in front of Erza's face.

Erza doesn't answer, just stares at the blindfold surprised at how prepared Lucy is. She quips, "Usually you're the one putting blindfolds on."

Lucy frowns, "You want to go to the surprise or not?"

Erza takes the blindfold, "Yes. It can't be anything bad."

Twenty minutes after guiding Erza through the streets of Magnolia, the two make it to their destination.

"Why does it smell like fluoride and despair?" Erza asks as they step through the door, a little bell rings to signal their arrival.

"Remove the blindfold and find out," Lucy teases.

Erza does so, and realizes she's been betrayed.

"Why the fuck are we at the dentist office?" Erza demands, turning to Lucy who is giving her a serious look. "I thought we were getting breakfast at a perfectly nice, dentist-free surprise!"

"First off," Lucy begins. "There's a child here, so don't swear."

Erza looks over to the other side of the waiting room, where a mother is glaring at her while her son is disinterestedly playing with a garbage truck in the corner.

"Two," Lucy continues. "You need to get your wisdom teeth removed. They're close to imploding and I know that you're in pain though you insist on shrugging it off. So please, let's sit down and wait to be called in."

"I don't consent,' Erza argues.

"I have a note from Porlyusica saying that you have to have them removed whether you like it or not."


"There's still a kid here!"

Erza pouts, but she realizes there's no escape, so she lets Lucy guide her to one of the chairs and they sit down.

"And you better not try to escape because I did bring handcuffs," Lucy warns in a whisper, showing Erza the pair in her purse.

"Why are you using our . . ." Erza eyes the kid, who is now staring her. He probably smells her fear or is trying to remind here that this is a child-friendly space. ". . . Private . . . toys . . . to get me to get my wisdom teeth removed?"

Lucy shrugs.

A nurse comes out and calls, "Teeth removal for Charles Luna."

The kid unceremoniously gets up and walks further into the office with his mother close behind. There's no fear in his eyes as he passes through the doors, and honestly . . . it intimidates Erza.

When they're gone, Lucy turns to her, "That kid is taking having their teeth removed better than you."

". . . That's not natural," Erza insists. "There's something unnatural about that child."

Lucy looks back at the door, then to Erza again, ". . . It's a kid."

Erza still doesn't trust him. Or anything about this place. Especially the dentist.

Lucy puts her hand on Erza's knee and tries to comfort her, "I know you don't like the dentist, but you will be worse off if you don't get this surgery done. And your dentist is a professional, he won't make the problem worse. Besides, you'll be asleep during the operation, and I will be right there as you go to sleep and there when you wake up."

Erza shifts in her seat, "Promise?"


The nurse returns, and calls, "Wisdom teeth removal for Erza Scarlet."

Lucy stands up and has to grab Erza's hand to drag her along as well.

"Nervous?" the nurse questions, eyeing Erza.

"Yes," Lucy answers.

"Don't worry," the nurse tries to help as she guides them to the room. "Dr. Skylark is a great dentist, your teeth will be out in no time."

Erza doesn't answer, just lets herself be led down the hall. Once they make it to the operating room, Erza sits down in the chair and Lucy stands by her side until Dr. Skylark comes in.

"Hey!" Dr. Skylark chimes, flashing his perfect teeth. "Are you ready for the surgery?"

"No," Erza says. "But I guess I have no choice."

Dr. Skylark and the nurse make some other preparations, but eventually he turns to Lucy, "I'm sorry, Ms. Heartfilia, we'll have to ask you to leave for now."

"I understand," Lucy says. She turns to Erza, squeezes her hand and kisses her, "You'll be fine, okay? Trust me."

Erza squeezes Lucy's hand back, almost breaking it, but Lucy tries to stay strong and bear through it.

"I love you," Lucy finishes up. "And I'll see you soon."

Erza finally nods, "Alright. I love you too."

With that, Lucy leaves the surgery room to wait it out.

A couple hours later, the nurse comes back out and informs Lucy that the surgery went smoothly and Erza is still asleep. She's invited back into the offices to a small curtained off area where Erza is sleeping in a chair.

"She should wake up soon, but the anesthesia will still be in effect," the nurse explains. "I'll be checking back in soon."

"Okay, thank-you," Lucy says as she sits down next to Erza. Even though she was nervous about the surgery, she seems to be sleeping peacefully for now. She reads through some broachers and has a brilliant idea just as Erza's waking up.

"Hhm," Erza opens her eyes and immediately asks. "Where's m'wif?"

"Where's what?" Lucy questions, pressing the record button on her phone.

"M'wife," Erza repeats.

"Well, we're not married yet, but I am your girlfriend," Lucy says with a laugh.

Erza gets a shocked look on her face, "We aren't? But yer te prettiest person I've ever seen!"

"Aw," Lucy sighs. "You're pretty too."

"Yer prettier," Erza insists.

The nurse comes by and changes the gauze out of Erza's mouth, and she looks extremely confused about it.

"Why do I hafta have this shit in my mouth?" Erza questions.

"Because it's bleeding still after the surgery," Lucy explains.

"Shouldn't the surgery have stopped the bleedin'?" Erza asks.

"It wasn't that type of surgery," Lucy adds.

"Oh," Erza's contempt with that. But then her mind goes back to, "Why aren't we married?"

"I don't know," Lucy continues. "We've talked about."

"We should get married," Erza insists.

Lucy smiles, thinking about the engagement ring hidden at her desk back home, but doesn't say anything else. She laughs adds, "Maybe you should get on it."

"Oh, shit," Erza's eyes go wide. "Maybe I should."

They end all marriage conversation there, since the nurse comes back over and fills Lucy in on the recovery process. Then, they're cleared to go, so Lucy takes Erza back home. By the time they make it to their apartment, Erza's close to falling asleep, so Lucy gets her into bed and waits for her to wake up.

In the meantime, she shares the videos she took with their friends.

When Lucy goes into their bedroom to change the gauzes, Erza is sitting up, fully awake and not high. She glares at Lucy as she mumbles, "You betrayed me. I thought we were going out to breakfast, but instead I got my teeth ripped out."

Lucy shrugs, "It had to be done. I don't think you'd like having your teeth imploded more than going into surgery."

Erza frowns and adds, "You also weren't here when I woke up."

"You were awake," Lucy argues. "You were just high. And then you fell back to sleep."

"Oh," Erza still frowns.

"You wanna see the video?"


Lucy laughs and sits down at the edge of the bed, "Maybe later then, now, I have to change the gauze."

"I can do it," Erza insists.

"Do you really want to touch the bloody and gross gauze? I'm offering to do it for you."

"Okay, fair."

Lucy changes the gauze, but Erza is still upset. Lucy rubs Erza's arm, "Are you okay? Besides from being tricked into surgery."

"I'm going to hold that against you for a while," Erza huffs. "But . . . I'm not going to be able to eat anything solid for a while, am I?"

"Yep, just yogurt, pudding, soup, and any drink of your choice" Lucy answers.

"So, no strawberry cheesecake?" Erza pouts.

"No . . ." Lucy begins. "But, I did find some strawberry cheesecake pudding at the store. You want that?"

Erza lights up, "Yes."

Lucy chuckles but leaves and gets the supposed pudding for Erza. Lucy had gone out and bought it while she was sleeping. Knowing Erza, she bought out the store's supply and it now took up a full shelf of space in their fridge. She only takes Erza one cup, to start with something small.

Lucy returns, and Erza grasps for the pudding, but she holds it out of her reach, "Wait, this is the last gauze. You still have to wait a bit before you can eat."

"Why do you taunt me?" Erza counters.

"Soon," Lucy insists. "But . . . are you truly angry at me?"

Erza sighs, "I . . . suppose not. But I am going to be peeved for a couple days."

"Understandable," Lucy laughs. "Your gums are swollen. You should be able to eat now."

Erza hands shoot out and she takes the strawberry cheesecake pudding. Of course, she has to get the gauze out first, so Lucy helps out with that. Then, Erza's good.

And strawberry cheesecake pudding isn't as good as the real thing, but it'll work as a substitute for now.