Hello everyone, Horror here with the sequel to Shattered. Late it's previous story, this is rated for a list of reasons, so without further ado, please enjoy the first chapter.

Star walked into hers and Marco's room with Nova in her arms and saw Marco staring out the window. Star sighed and stepped closer to her husband, "Marco?" he looked back and Star frowned, "Is something wrong, honey?"

Marco sighed and shook his head before looking out the window again, "The other kingdoms want me dead, most of Mewni blames me for the anarchy in the underworld…I don't know, maybe if Rhombulus had frozen me, none of this would've happen, honey."

"Marco, if they were to happen, I'd be bringing Nova to see you in a giant crystal and one day she'll ask why her daddy is frozen and what do you expect me to tell her,"

"That he was a bad man and killed a lot of innocent-"

"I'm not going to do that," Star frowned and Marco looked back, "So the other kingdoms are in an uproar you got away with a capital punishment, who cares? My parents, Hekapoo and I know you weren't in control, it was the darkness consuming you and my mom took care of it,"

Marco sighed and nodded, "I know you feel like you should be punished, but it wasn't your fault." She kissed his cheek and frowned, "Don't worry Marco, in a few years' time, everyone is going to forget about the murder of the Lucitor's and everything will go back to normal."

"I hope you're right, Estrella," Marco took their daughter from her and slightly smiled down at her, "Hey Nova, how are you doing today," Nova babbled as she looked around in confusion and Marco chuckled, "Right, I figured as much." Hearing shouting, the two looked down and saw a crowd of people gathering outside of the castle, carrying torches and pitchforks, "Damn it, and here I was, hoping to spend some time with my wife and daughter,"

"Don't worry Marco, my parents will have Odion take care of them," Star assured and Marco nodded.

Okay, I understand this first chapter is a bit on the short side, but I'm still dabbling with some ideas. Please enjoy everyone and please let me know what everyone thinks.