Reposting: This story disapeared. This story will be reposted with the prewritten chapters.

I will be posting every Tuesday.

Hello. My name is Edward Cullen and this is my story. I was born over 100 years ago. Yet, I still look like I am seventeen. How is that you ask? Well, my father is a very good plastic surgeon and my family lives off the blood of virgins. You mean you have never heard of that old wives tale? That if you are a vampire/witch and you drink the blood of a virgin under a full moon you will have youth for quite a few years. No? Well, that's good because that's not what this story is about.

It is about me, but I am a vampire. I do not live off of humans. I and my family live off of animals. We drink the blood of animals to live instead of humans.

Anyways, enough about the gore, I want to tell you the story of how I became apart of my Bella's life. How she really saved me-even though she will say I saved her.

It was many years ago, in Chicago, my mother and I were sick with the flu. We were sick with what history now calls the "Spanish Influenza."

One night I heard my mother talking to a man. I could not see his face, just that he had blond hair and he was sitting in the chair next to my mother's bed. Thinking she was talking about my father, I reached out my hand and tried to tell her he had already passed away.

"Take care of him," my mother said to him.

"I do not know what you are talking about," he told her.

"Please I know what you are and what you can do. Please do not let him die. I know it is too late for me, but not for him. Please! Give me your word," she gasped.

"I do not know what you mean madam, but I will take care of him as well as I can." he said.

Grabbing his hand, and looking into his face, my mother exclaimed, "Please! Do not let him die! He is bound for more than this. He is important to you and your family."

With a queer sound escaping his mouth, "I have no family." he whispered loudly.

"I know, but soon in the future you will understand." she said to him.

I saw him look at her, "Do you know what you ask of me?"

Nodding at him, she reached out her hand towards me and with her last breath, "I love you, Edward."

"Mom. MOM!" I stretched out my hand to her. She did not respond even though she was looking right at me. I watched as the light left her eyes. I was alone. My father has passed earlier in the night. My mother, not wanting to leave me alone in this world has waited for the doctor to come into work. She waited until he was here wanting to ask him to watch over me.

I do not remember these moments. These are not my memories. I barely remember my human life, but I remember my vampiric one so far with clarity. I can say I remember moments...a handful at most. But this one. One I wish I could remember on my own. Is not mine. I "watched" it play in my adopted father's mind quite a few times. The doctor that my mother asked to watch over me the night she died. You see, I can read minds. I came into this new life being able to read the minds of other people.

At first, when I "woke" up, I thought I was going insane. I heard my own thoughts and the thoughts of others. As time progressed, I was able to separate my thoughts from others. Almost to the point of being able to ignore them all together. The only time it was a problem was when someone else's name was Edward. Then my head turned no matter what.

My adopted father was Carlisle Cullen. He was doctor by profession. I am not sure how he can be a doctor and a vampire. We crave blood all the time. Yet, he has been able to care for humans, without any cravings. I do not understand, but I do admire him for it.

He says the reason he can abstain from human blood is because he wants to help the humans not hurt them. So we drink the blood of animals. He hypothesized that this helps us retains the humanity we had when we were truly you.

As time progressed, our family got bigger and bigger. Carlisle found Esme in the morgue of the hospital where he had been working. He fell in love with her when she was sixteen, but he wanted to let her grow up a bit before he made his feelings known. Now several years later, he found her and brought her back to where we lived. He changed her in hopes that she would be his mate. And she ended up being his true love. How he found her is something he regrets.

He wanted her to grow up a bit before he made his feelings for her known, but her family had other plans. We moved away for a couple of years and she had been forced to marry another man. This man beat her repeatedly, even when she had gotten pregnant with his child. She delivered the child and he ended up dying two days later. Not being able to live without her child, Esme tried to kill herself by jumping off a cliff. Carlisle was working the area again and he recognized her when she was brought into the morgue. He stole her away and started her transformation into a vampire

At first, it was really hard living with them. Hearing their thoughts and seeing the love between them. I ended up rebelling against the life we had created for ourselves. I left.

I went out on my own. I did what I thought was helping the police. I feasted on murders, rapists, and thieves of the night. This went on for several years. I tracked my dinner by listening to their minds.

One day, I stopped cold turkey, I could not continue. I was tracking a mind. It sounded young, but sometimes you could not tell. Not everyone had an education. Sneaking up on the voice in my head, I stopped short. It was a kid. He was thinking of how to kill his parents. I was astounded. How could this young kid think of killing his parents? According to him, his parents had not done anything except not give in to his whining. He just wanted their money. At 12, he wanted to kill his parents in cold blood. IT blew my mind.

So I crept up behind him and knocked him out. I took him to the police station and dropped him off. On the wall was his wanted poster. He was wanted for possibly killing his brother and sister. I felt sad for him. I just could not understand why he would want to kill his parents. I left soon after he woke up wondering how he had been caught. He thought he had gotten away scot-free.

I knew that all kinds of people were capable of doing wrong, but seeing it in this young child sent me back to my family. I went back with my heart in my hand. Carlisle and Esme welcomed me back with open arms. They never asked what I had done or where I had gone. I never volunteered. It was just forgotten. They were glad I was back.

A year after I came back, Carlisle came upon a young woman who had been brutalized. She was extremely close to death and he brought her home to save her. I recognized her as Rosalie Hale. The fiancee to the local banker's son. A very popular woman in the town we currently lived in. Carlisle knew this and we soon had to leave. So he gathered her up and we ran to Canada.

I never came out and said it, but I had hoped for something like that as well. Yet, when she started to wake up, I realized it would never happen. She woke up wondering what had happened and why she was not dead. After explaining everything to her, Carlisle showed her a mirror and she fell in love with herself. Rosalie became so self-absorbed she never showed any consideration for anyone except herself.

Until she ran home with Emmett. We had all just thought she was full of herself; that she could never care for anyone else. Emmett changed all of that. She found him on the verge of death and begged Carlisle to change him for her. He had been attacked by a bear and Rosalie did not trust herself to change him. Carlisle took one look at her face and knew he was her mate.

From that moment, she became more caring and loving to everyone. Although, she still fought with me constantly. She could not understand how I did not find her beautiful as others had all her life. She did not realize that I knew that the beauty was only skin deep. She was shallow; only thinking of herself or Emmett. She never left his side though, during his transformation or since.

Fifteen years later, Alice and Jasper show up. They introduced themselves, asked which bedroom was theirs and moved in. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett wondered where they got the gall to waltz in and ask that question. They took my room. Something about it had the bigger closet space. Granted I was on a hunting trip by myself, but that did not give them the right to just move me out of my room.

It was noticed that they both had golden eyes, which happens when you drink from animals and not humans. This helped everyone relax a bit. Alice said she and Jasper had been mates for a few years already. She had been waiting in a diner when he walked in. She told him he had kept her waiting long enough. Tipping his hat he replied, "My apologies, Miss." Rosalie and Esme just sighed. The story was romantic apparently.

So now many years later I find myself living with three couples; waiting for my mate to come along. Or at least hoping that I have a mate out there somewhere.

As the years progressed, Alice, who is psychic, started to have visions. Not clear ones. At first it was just pictures of different kids. A boy and a girl. It was the mid-60's and she started to have random visions of these two kids. Every couple of years or so they would change, they were getting older and older in the visions.

Then one day she had a vision of them getting married and getting pregnant. Not sure what that was about we just ignored them. Then she got random visions of a baby girl. She even got one of the little girl walking next to the man. This man had a mustache and was wearing a police uniform.

They were just glimpses. We never knew names or where they lived. It was not apparent what the visions were for or whom they could be for until one day. Alice had a vision of the girl, now about the age of three and her mom was calling for her.

"Isabella, come over here. You don't want to get your dress dirty now do you?"

The young girl stood with her hands on her hips and said, "It'z Bel-wa, mama! Not Iz-a-bel-wa!" She was dressed in pink gingham overalls, white tights and mary janes. I found myself compelled to find out as much as I could about this little girl. I started to scour Alice's memories and visions whenever I had a chance that she would not catch me. This led her to leaving the house more and more often. I finally figured out she was have more visions more often and she figured out that if she pictured Jasper in various forms of undress I would stay out of her mind.

Over time, Alice learned that the little girl's name was Isabella Swan, but she preferred to be called Bella. Once that was discovered, we did a search for her. At that time, it was the mid-80's and we found a Charlie and Renee Swan. They looked like the couple who were in Alice's visions. We also determined that the visions that Alice had in the sixties were of her parents Charlie and Renee. They seemed to coincide with her parents growing up, falling in love, getting pregnant and Bella being born.

A sunny day in 1989, Alice fell over in a vision and Jasper ran over to her. The vision came on so quickly she had no time to prevent me from seeing the vision. It was Bella and I in a meadow, lying next to each other, and I leaned in to kiss her. Alice came out of the vision believing that Bella was my mate.

I broke the window, "SHE IS NOT MY MATE!" I screamed and startled everyone in the room. No one but Alice and I had any ideas what I was talking about.

Carlisle and Esme ran over to Alice to see if she was all right. I just stood there heaving even though I did not need to breath.

"What did you see Alice?" Carlisle asked.

"She saw Bella and I lying in a meadow next to one another." I stated.

"How can this be she is just a little girl? A baby." Esme asked.

Alice looked at me, "You weren't supposed to see that yet. And yes, Esme, Bella is Edward's mate. But she won't be ready to meet him for a few more years."

Muttering to myself, I said, "It will never happen. I will condemn her to this life. I will not be apart of her life at all."

Alice's eyes glazed over again. She sagged against Jasper as the scene in her head played out. "NO," she screamed. "It can't happen that way." Everyone just looked at me to relay what she had seen. But I couldn't It was too horrific. Seeing Bella's unseeing eyes and the blood all around her was just too much.

Due to my decision to never be in her life she was going to die at a young age. A blond and dirty vampire would taker her life in high school or college.

"That can't happen, Alice. I won't be responsible for her me how I can make it right?"

Sobbing, Alice stated, "It will happen unless you accept that she is your mate and learn to love her."

Knowing I had the power to help Bella, I decided that I would find her and follow her. If only to end this rogue vampire who had his heart on ending her life too early for everyone in her life and ours.

"I don't know what you decided Edward, but you just fixed her future. I can see you both in the meadow again." Alice said grinning.

"I am glad you can see her again. She seems to be too precious to be lost to a monster like blondie." I said.

A few days later Alice had a hit on where she lived and who the man in the mustache was. Little did we know we lived close to them, or at least close enough for us to go on a quick run to fine them.

Forks, Washington, is where Bella Swan lived with her parents. We were in Alaska at this time living with the Denalis. She was about three years old at this time and a cute little girl. I plucked the address from Alice's mind and took off like a shot out the door. I wanted to see for myself what she looked like in person and not in Alice's visions. When I left, Alice was calling up my cell phone and I decided not to answer the call. She was determined though, the phone rang six more times and had numerous text messages from her and the family. I was already in Washington State, when I stopped to read the first one.

Edward since you are determined to see her and ignore me. WE are headed your way. Just be warned the smell of her blood will be like no other to you. Carlisle calls it "il tua cantante." Her blood will call to you almost like singing. It would have been best if you had waited for someone to go with you. We are headed your way.

Not believing her, but still not wanting to hurt Bella, I held my breath when I got to her house. I found her room with no problem and Alice was right. Bella's scent called to me. My throat started to burn like it had never burned before. I can say it was truly on fire when I entered her bedroom.

I expected to find her there asleep. But I was too late. I could hear her father quietly crying in his room. His thoughts were on how he had lost his little girl and the only woman he had ever loved. It seemed that Renee, Bella's mom, had left her dad and was moving them to California.

I was heartbroken. I walked down the stairs quietly. Looking around I saw pictures on the fireplace mantle. Alice's visions did her no justice. She was breath taking even as an infant. I could not begin to tell you what caused me to change my mind about her. Bella was my mate, she had to be. There was no other explanation for what I was feeling. IF I compared it to the feelings I had gleaned from my family and other mated couples I had been around. It was the same feeling and it was glorious. But she was still a child.

In my reverie, I never heard the door opening up and I never heard the click of a gun's hammer. I never stood a chance either. In walked Renee and Bella. My phone which I had set to silent was vibrating in my pocket.

I quickly took it out and I read...We are almost there. Please hold your breath and do not talk.

"Turn around and put your hands up." I heard Renee say. I put down the picture and turned around. I gasped when I saw Bella standing behind her mother. I did what Alice did not want me to do. I took a breath. This was the wrong thing to do. My throat was burning and I had to have her.


I took one step towards Renee and Bella. My brain immediately calculated how long it would take me to end Renee and take the precious blood giving life from Bella. Seconds. It would take mere seconds. Long enough for Bella to start to scream and it would be all over.

With this in mind I took a step forward...