A/N - Another story! I had written this one out before I decided to actually post it. As usual, this one came to me after I drew the main character, and I kinda couldn't put down my pen. I also wanted to do something a little different with this one. I usually have my OC meet their love interest through Haruhi, but I thought this time, they would meet through their parents in an arranged marriage kind of flow. I'm sorry if the story doesn't seem to flow, but I'll try my best with this one. As a reminder, the characters will be ooc. If you don't like it, don't read. This story is rated M for foul language and other mature themes.
Full Description:
Sawako never thought she would get married. Ever. The idea of settling down has never even crossed her mind. Yes, she would like to date, but marriage didn't seem like it was in the question for her. So when she found out that she was to be married to the son of her father's boss, she was horrified. To add salt to the wound, the first time she met him was at a party her father was invited to where everyone seemed to already know about their engagement, including her supposed fiance, Kyoya. And to add more to the whole ordeal, the pair have to last the entire trial period of six months in order to help her father. With jealous rivals wanting to ruin her and an ever-so nosy media, will they be able to last in one piece?
Her voice echoed through the empty hallways, a somewhat haunting sound that could hypnotize anyone within earshot. That's why she was so affectionately called Siren.
"Incredible, Sawako," Chizuru praised.
"Thanks. Do you think it's good enough for the festival?"
"It's perfect. And Miura-sensei has to love it."
"He's so picky, though. It was a shock that he even asked me to do the concert."
"I know. But you gotta do it. That way, you can become famous."
"I don't think that's how it works. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be stalking Momomiya-kun?"
"H-Hey! I don't stalk him!"
"You press your face to the windows to watch him play soccer. When are you gonna talk to him?"
"I-I don't know..."
"You'll never get anywhere with him if you don't take that first step. If you keep waiting, Shizuna's gonna end up stealing him."
Her friend growled. "That Shizuna..."
"You know I'm right. So do something about it."
Chizuru sighed. "Alright. I'll talk to him tomorrow."
"Good. Now, let's go home."
"Yeah." Sawako knew Chizuru was terrified of talking to her childhood friend. She wanted to be with him, but if she continued to avoid him, she was never gonna get anywhere. The two headed out the building, passing the soccer field where Chizuru's object of affections was practicing. However, when he caught sight of them, he ran towards the fence, prompting the poor girl to panic and hide behind Sawako.
"Aizawa-san, Mizuki-san."
"Hey, Daisuke, what's up?"
"Ah, not really much. Just wanted to say hi. And, I heard you're gonna be singing at the festival."
"Ugh, even you heard about it?"
He chuckled. "Was that supposed to be some kind of secret?"
"Yeah! I've never sung in front of an actual audience and I don't want everyone to start judging me before I actually perform."
"Makes sense."
"Shouldn't you be practicing?"
"On break. Actually, I wanted to talk to Mizuki-san."
Said girl jumped. "E-Eh?! M-Me?!"
"Yeah. I've wanted to talk to you for a while, but you always avoid me. I kind of want to know why."
Sawako knew this conversation was coming. She and Momomiya Daisuke were close friends from childhood. He was more like a big brother to her, and it was both great, and annoying. But, because of how close they were, they talked about everything, which included Chizuru. The thing was, he liked her, but he could never talk to her because she was scared. However, she had been scared to let any boy in due to a bad experience in middle school. So, it was Sawako's job to help her get past it. And she has, but the effects were still present.
"I'll head home first."
Chizuru snapped her head to her best friend. "Wh-What?"
"It'll be fine."
"I guess..."
"Come onto the field. You can wait by the bleachers until I'm done. I'll walk you home. Sound good?" Daisuke smiled.
Sawako smiled. "I'll see you two tomorrow." She left the pair, a little glad that the athlete stopped them. That meant Chizuru couldn't back out of talking to him tomorrow. When she arrived home, she found her mother smiling at her father, who looked rather disgruntled. She didn't expect her mother to be visiting. "Mom, I thought you were working today."
"I had a doctor's appointment."
"Is everything's okay?"
"Everything's perfect."
"Then, why is dad all grumpy?"
"It's something completely different."
The teen stared at her mother, watching her seem to glow, the same way she did when she introduced her stepfather to them. There was only one reason for this. "Oh my god, you're pregnant."
"I told you she'd figure it out. You can't hide anything from her," she said.
Sawako's eyes widened. "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE PREGNANT!"
Her mother grinned. "I am!" She was squeezed, laughing at her daughter's excitement. She was actually really relieved that she took the news as well as she did. She remembered how she reacted to her new husband, and it was a while since she ever smiled like that.
"Does Kazuhiko know?"
"I told him as soon as I found out. He's ecstatic."
"I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you, sweetheart."
"Now, why is dad all grumpy?"
"Well," he began. "You know how every year, my boss throws a party for the employees to celebrate our hard work? And how he invites everyone, and I mean everyone?"
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"Well, we're allowed to bring family, but I haven't done so since I started working at the hospital. I didn't want to overwhelm you."
"Ootori-sama told me to bring you along."
"He wants to meet you. Actually, all of you."
"Oh god. And you couldn't say no."
"Well, that's just lovely."
"Oh, Sawako, don't be so negative. This will be a good experience for you," her mother said.
"I thought we established that I was allergic to all social events. We established this mom, we established this."
"Stop being so dramatic."
"You're just saying that just so you and obaachan can dress me up."
"Perhaps, but just imagine. You get to eat rich food and see what it's like among the elites. And imagine all the cute young men that will fawn all over you."
"Ugh, pass. I can feel myself breaking into hives already."
"Stop it."
"Besides, they won't fawn over me."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. They won't approach a girl from outside their high society. Even if they did, I doubt they would be polite about it."
"That's why I won't let them near you," her father mumbled.
"Yuuna, boys are evils. Especially the rich ones."
"What about Daisuke?"
"Momomiya? He's the only boy I'd allow near her."
"He likes Chizuru," Sawako said.
"Oh? They'd make a cute couple," Yuuna said.
"Then nothing. We're gonna go to my mother's to pick out dresses and tuxes."
"But, the clothes she makes make Sawa look too old."
"Keiichi.." she growled. "stop complaining. Sawako is sixteen, not six. She's growing up and it's around that time where she starts thinking about dating. You need to let her be a teen. And if she so happens to meet someone at the party, so be it."
"So be it."
"But what if she doesn't want to date?"
The two stared at her daughter. "Actually...I wouldn't mind dating..."
Keiichi sputtered, trying to come up with a coherent sentence. Yuuna, however, laughed. "What happened to passing on the boys?"
"Listen, there won't be any guy that would want to get to know me at that party. I know it. That doesn't mean I'm opposed to dating in general. What if I like someone during my last year?"
"Keiichi, so be it." When his ex-wife got like this, there was no arguing with her. However, he also knew she was just as scared as he was. Her firstborn, growing up. She knew that she would want to date soon, but she also knew what boys were capable of. She remembered what Chizuru went through. She didn't want Sawako to go through the same thing. But, she also knew she was old enough to make smart decisions. She had to give her her freedom, and so did Keiichi.
"Fine, but I still don't like it."
"You don't have to like it. You just have to tolerate it."
"Ugh." The pair hated keeping secrets from their pride and joy, but if they told her the actual reason for her coming, there would be a huge fight. Ootori Yoshio wanted to help Keiichi start his own medical chain, as long as Yoshio had a small part in it. This meant he had his own clinic, and could expand into hospitals. In order for that to happen, Yoshio wanted his youngest son to marry Sawako. Yuuna and Keiichi spoke to him about it, and it would work out perfectly. They were extremely skeptical, and proposed a counter. Their children would be engaged, but they had to come to like each other and last six months. If they can't seem to do that, there would be no engagement, and all that would be done is the bare minimum, which was opening the clinic. Once Sawako learns the truth, she wasn't going to be happy, and that was what he was most worried about.
"It will be okay," Yuuna said.
"I hope so."