The Thrawn Initiative: Part 12

Mara Jade used her skills to con her way into Jabba's Palace as a dancer. Looking at herself in the dirty mirror she felt embarrassed. The outfit barely covered her in certain areas. It disgusted her that the crime boss liked to leer at the dancers and even attempt to solicit them for sexual favors. Luckily for her, Jabba preferred Twil'ek's to proposition. But it did gull her to have to dance, shaking her ass at the cheering gathering of scum that leered at her and wanting her to visit them at night in their quarters. She had already discovered that one of the so-called guards was Lando Calrissian. He would subconsciously glance over at the frozen Han Solo from time to time. Considering attempting to rescue his friend himself. Mara had seen it, she also knew that Luke Skywalker would soon arrive. Finishing her third dance for the evening, she went back to the sleeping slash dressing room that she shared with three other female dancers. Oola was crying in the corner of the room, she had caught the eye of Jabba and she was afraid.

"What is the matter Oola?" Mara asked as she handed the young Twil'ek girl a somewhat clean piece of material.

"Jabba has demanded that I dance alone for him. I am afraid he will want what I have been dreading what he wants from me." Oola stammered out as a guard approached the door.

"Great Jabba desires you to dance, Twil'ek." The ugly man said as he ducked back out of the small room.

"Goodbye Arica. You have been a true friend." Oola said as she stood and hugged Mara, believing or knowing that she was never going to see Mara again.

Mara watched the young girl leave and was tempted to do something. She had a transmitter that would reach a nearby back-up unit of Stormtroopers, she had her lightsaber carefully concealed within her baggage. But all such ideas would alert her true objective of her presence that she could not afford to do. When she heard Oola scream she knew that Jabba had dropped Oola down into the Rancor pit. "I am sorry Oola, I wish I could have saved you." Mara whispered as she felt tears well up into her eyes. Then she decided once she killed Luke Skywalker, she would make Jabba pay for killing her friend.

Two days later, Mara Jade the Emperors Hand had failed. Sitting in her private ship she just stared at her reflection. She had failed. It never happened before. When she first saw Luke Skywalker she was ready to use her small hold out blaster to shoot the man. But she hesitated. Something strange had happened, she felt romantically attracted to the man. He was to her estimation good looking, and while she was confused about the feelings she had. She missed the opportunity to shoot him. Later she could not bribe, cajole or even make Jabba allow her to go on the Sail Barge. So, she had failed. Making her report to the Emperor she waited for the punishment that she felt was due and she received it.

"So, you have failed. This is unexpected my Hand. You will go to Bothawui, Governor Praxis seems to believe that he has found a large cell of Rebels. You will investigate and if such a cell is located destroy them. Then you will return to Corsecaunt and await my return." Palatine ordered as he frowned at Mara Jade.

"Master, would it not be better if I joined you there on the Death Star?" Mara somewhat pleaded as she saw her Master shake his head. He was sending her on a mission that any of the Secret Imperial Agents could conduct.

"No, now do as I have commanded. I will see you when I have finished with the Rebellion, not before." He said loudly as she lowered her head.

"As you command Master." She said and watched the Holo of the Emperor turn off. Leaving her to stare at the empty space before her.

Ezra stood next to Sabine as she gave birth. He had heard her swear in Mandalorian several times before but never to that extent. On more than one occasion during she called him more of the profanities. Telling how much she hated him for putting her through this. The Doctor from the Training Center, told him that it was normal. Outside the Dwelling, Rex waited impatiently. This was the first chance in all those years that he had a chance to come visit.

"I hate you Ezra, I really hate you." Sabine stated angrily as she felt the pain filled contraction. "We are never having sex again." She groaned as she heard the idiot Doctor tell her to push. Of course, she was pushing, she thought as she bared down and closed her eyes straining against the contraction.

"I love you Sabine." Ezra said as he watched her giving birth. Ignoring that she had just told him that she hated him.

"If you loved me, you would never have done this to me!" She replied angrily as she felt the additional pain. Wanting it over, and wondering how women went through this.

"I see the head." The Doctor stated as he looked at her private parts. "Ok, now push. Come on push, push, push."

"I AM PUSHING." She screamed at him, seeing the Doctor flinch. Grimacing as she pushed with all her might. What seemed like hours she felt what something being pulled from her. Then she heard crying.

"It is a girl." The Doctor announced as he cut the cord and handed the bundle to Sabine.

Sabine looked down at the little girl and started to cry happily. "It is a girl." She proudly announced as she looked lovely at her husband then back at her baby. "Look my love, we have a girl."

"Ursala Bridger Wren." Ezra announced as he put his hand on Sabine's shoulder. Feeling glorious. Then signaling the others that they could come in, since they would now be safe from Sabine's anger.

With the Destruction of the Second Death Star and the Death of the Emperor four years ago, Thrawn felt vindicated. He had been right; the Second Death Star was tactically a huge blunder. He would have returned sooner but other details made it impossible, now he knew what he had to do. The operations in the Unknown Regions were ahead of schedule and the expansion and preparations were proceeding. His actual presence was unnecessary since now the Fortress on Nirauan had been constructed on time and his personal assurance of his own survival had been initiated. It still required a couple of additions to be added once he had the chance, but the clone was already being grown and the instruction and personal intelligence was added. Touching a switch, he summoned Parck to his quarters. When Parck arrived, he had him sit.

"Captain I am leaving you in command of the Hand of Thrawn until my return. I must return and assume command of the Empire and prepare them for the imminent threat that someday will come. To that end I shall force the Rebels into also being prepared." Thrawn told Parck as he leaned forward to observe Parck's expression.

"But Grand Admiral you are needed here." Parck insisted as he felt suddenly overwhelmed.

"No, everything is in position or soon will be. I am also using my personal authority to advance you to Admiral. Congratulations Admiral Parck." Thrawn stated holding out his hand to him.

"Are you going to take any of the ninety-seven Victory Class Star Destroyers with you. Or even the two Imperial Class Star Destroyers that arrived here with you." Parck asked as he hoped that at least the Grand Admiral would take some of the resources that they had established.

"No, they are needed here. On occasion you might want to check on Ezra Bridger Wren's progress with the instruction of Jedi. They are still the best possible success for the future. You must also keep them a secret. Tell no one, I have instructed Kres'ten'tarthi and Admiral Ar'alani to also keep them a secret." Thrawn advised as he stood. "To that end I have decided to move the Stormtrooper training grounds off Hithor'ack to Bolnavorai. Inquire with General Rex if he will assume command of the garrison and Fighter base that will be on Hithor'ack instead."

"Of course, Sir. Is there anything else?" Parck asked as he also stood. Silently going over Thrawn's orders in his mind.

"No, all other details can be accomplished upon my return. Ah, one more thing. If you hear that I have fallen and died, expect my return in Five years after such an event." Thrawn stated slightly smiling as he exhaled. "Please have a Lambda Class Shuttle prepared, I will depart as soon as it is ready." Picking up a data chip, that had the transponder transmission code for the Cimmeron he walked out of his private office.

Mara Jade thought back to when the Emperor had died. She had been in a daze for several days afterward. She had found the Rebels on Bothawui, but when she heard and felt the Emperor die. She did not have the will to gather a strike force or even destroy them herself. Leaving Bothawui, she seemed to just go from one system to another, not sure where to go or what to do. Only a few higher echelons knew of her true title and station at the Imperial Palace. Most thought she was a decorative addle-brained floozy that the Emperor had to amuse himself with. In truth she thought of the Emperor as her father, she was not sure if he cared about her but he did trust her. Swallowing she glared at Luke Skywalker as he lay unconscious in a secure room aboard the Wild Karrde. She pondered if she could just reach down and put a pillow over his face and suffocate the man. It would be justified. Frowning she reached down and moved a stray hair from his forehead. "Blast." She stated in a near whisper, she was still attracted to him. Even after all these years she still felt her heart beat harder when she looked at him, she wanted it to be that she hated him but in truth she still felt some desire to be romantically involved with him in some way. Leaving the room, she glanced down the corridors. She did not want anyone to know that she had visited him while he lay in a drug induced sleep. But as she rounded the corner she saw one had guessed that she would be there.

"So, is he still alive?" Karrde asked as he looked at Mara Jade with interest.

"Yes, the drugs seem to keep him unconscious." Mara replied, not feeling guilty about being in the room for almost an hour.

"That is not what I meant, and you know it." Karrde followed Mara towards the Cockpit.

"I did not harm him in anyway. I wanted to but I promise that he is still alive. Unless he somehow drowns in his own drool." Mara smirked, hoping that it would provide cosmic balance if he did drown in his own drool as he laid in the chemically induced coma. Giving a half chuckle, she continued to the cockpit. "Are you going to go and check?"

"No, I trust you." Karrde said, still silently wondering why Mara Jade hated Luke Skywalker so much that she would think it just that he drowns in his own mucus and die.

"Oh no not again." Ezra protested as he watched Sabine in the Refresher. Their three-year old Ursala playing on the floor. Trying on Sabine's Mandalorian helmet.

Looking at the med scanner, Sabine smiled then glanced back at Ezra. "It must have been the little vacation we took to the falls."

"I do not think I can go through this again." Ezra complained as he exhaled, remembering what he had experienced the last time.

"What are you complaining about, I am the one that is pregnant again." Sabine stated as she felt overwhelming joy spread through her. She knew that Ezra was being Ezra, he was happy and as soon as she stepped out of the Refresher he would be showing her how happy he was.

With four new students arriving soon, he was worried that he would not have the time to be a father of the one they had. Only recently, his current Students were progressing mostly without him so he had time to be a father to Ursala. As Sabine stepped out of the Refresher, he attacked her. Grabbing her in his arms and joyfully hugging her tightly. "Well at least this time I know what to expect and can prepare for it."

"Are you saying that I was difficult last time that you have to prepare for it like a mission." Sabine asked squinting her eyes at him.

"No, you were a joy to be around." Ezra stated rolling his eyes and hoping that she did not see him do that.

Their conversation and celebration was interrupted when Kres'ten'tarthi and General Rex ran into the Dwelling. Both were out of breath.

"What is wrong?" Ezra asked as he saw their faces, both were in a state of shock.

"We have just heard from the Holonet, Grand Admiral Thrawn has been assassinated." Rex said as he inhaled trying to catch his breath.

"How, when and where?" Sabine asked feeling ashamed that a minute ago was a happy moment.

"Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo was attempting to reestablish the Empire into a formable force and build up the Rebels as well. It has been reported that his Norghi body guard Rukh had stabbed him." Kres'ten'tarthi replied in a stupor, unsure what they were going to do without Thrawn. "Some of us are unsure what we should do?"

"We continue, that is what we do." Sabine said as she took Ezra's hand. Feeling anguish over hearing that Thrawn was gone. She had come to like the Chiss Admiral over the years, even though he manipulated her and Ezra to join his Hand of Thrawn. She suspected that in some way he planned on her having a child when she did. But that was just her paranoia. "You need to contact Admiral Parck, make sure he knows. Rex could you check to make sure that the new Students are still coming. I will tell the others here about this."

Ezra, Kres'ten'tarthi and Rex were impressed as Sabine took the reins and gave the right orders due to the situation.

"Admiral Parck is at the Command Fortress on Nirauan, I will depart as soon as we return to the Base. Unfortunately, I may even be required to stay to help continue the work. You are right Sabine Wren we must prepare for the imminent Threat." Kres'ten'tarthi replied as he stood straighter.

"I will contact the Base and have Three Claw Crafts prepped. It will be the fastest way to Nirauan." Rex stated as he pulled his commlink.

"Oh, Kres'ten'tarthi you can also tell Admiral Parck that we are expecting another Wren." Sabine said smiling slightly as both Rex and Kres'ten'tarthi stared at her wide eyed.

"That is good. Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo believed that the Jedi is essential to the future of the Hand of Thrawn. I shall inform him after I tell him of Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo's demise. It will lift Admiral Parck's spirits." Kres'ten'tarthi replied. "He may even want to come and congratulate you himself."

Ten Years later, Sabine and Ezra along with their children returned to what was now Republic Space for a visit to her family on Mandalor. While there they did not tell anyone where they had been or why they had to return. Avoiding the possibility of being discovered they only visited for one month. But while they were on Mandalor, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had discovered the Hand of Thrawn on Nirauan. But did not discover that the Hand of Thrawn had fourteen fully trained Jedi within their ranks and believes that they did not discover what other preparations that they had within the Unknown Regions. Returning to Hithor'ack, Ezra began to train others that the Hand of Thrawn had discovered. While Sabine went to training a new Special Assault Force that would be used to support any Jedi in a combat situation.

Still waiting for the imminent Threat to arrive.

The End?