Wow... thank you all for commenting! Your comments really motivated me into writing the second chap. As for the story I mentioned previously, I have decided to write it (thanks for supporting that idea .)! It might take some time to come out, but rest assured, I plan on writing it.

And special thanks to MM995 for informing me of a few grammar mistakes I made last chap! Constructive criticism is welcome!

Chapter 2 - Those left Behind

Dear Izuku,

By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be there. Lately, Mama has been under a lot of stress, so she needs to take a breather from everything that's stressing her out. I don't know how long I'll be gone for, but I'll be back. I might not come back tomorrow, or the day after that, but I will come back.

This is not your fault, Izuku. None of this is your fault. This- all of this is Mama's fault. Because she couldn't take it anymore, she has to leave for a bit. I still love you, Izuku, with my whole heart and soul. You are the sun of my world. You are my light, my little hero. Don't forget that, ok Izuku?

During my absence, I have asked Fubuki-san to look after you. You'll be a good boy for her won't you, Izuku? Remember to take care of yourself as well! I'm sure you'll be fine without Mama around for a bit!



Izuku stared blankly at the letter, his mind unsuccessfully trying to compute. He only snapped out of it when he heard a knock on the front door. Quickly putting the letter in his room, he went to open the door.

"Good morning, Fubuki-san!" Izuku greeted the young woman with a smile, letting her in.

"Morning, Izuku-san." She warmly greeted back. "Have you already eaten?"

"Not yet." Izuku said sheepishly.

"Well then, would you like anything specific for breakfast?" Fubuki asked.

"I'm not picky." Izuku said, shaking his head.

"Ok. I'll just make something quick for you before dropping you off to school."

"Thank you, Fubuki-san."

"It's no problem at all, Izuku-san."

Izuku stared out the window during class. It wasn't like he needed to attend class, he already knew the course material. For all his mother was easy going, she was strict when it came to knowledge and learning. She always made sure that he was ahead in his studies before he did anything else.

That's why he could afford to zone out during class, unlike the rest of his classmates (with the exception of Katsuki of course). Usually he wrote in his hero analysis for the future notebooks while in class, but today he couldn't seem to find the heart to do it.

Today was an off day for Izuku. With his Mom leaving him that note, spending more than a day without her constant presence – everything was different. Things were changing for him and he didn't know if he liked that change. To him, it felt it was just the beginning of his life spiralling out of control.

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts by two hands slamming down on his desk.

"Oi Deku!"

"W-what is it, Kacchan?" Izuku stuttered out. Izuku found it strange, for Katsuki to be demanding his attention when he usually went out of his way to ignore him unless he was "being a fuckin' creeper" with his mumbling. At least, he's pretty sure he wasn't mumbling… he really should work on breaking that habit.

Bringing his attention back to Katsuki, Izuku noticed that he had been wrong is his original assumption. Katsuki wasn't angry, he was contemplative. Katsuki was staring at him with narrowed eyes and brows furrowed as if in deep thought.

"Come with me." Katsuki finally said, dragging Izuku by his wrist.

"K-Kacchan?!" Izuku squeaked.

Katsuki lead him out the classroom door, ignoring the curious stares they were receiving from their classmates. They continued to walk in silence as Katsuki brought him to the roof and shoved him through the door.

"What's wrong with you." Katsuki demanded.

"Nothing's wrong." Izuku said, looking a bit bewildered by Katsuki's sudden concern for him.

"I fucking call bullshit." Katsuki said before a warning growl escaped his throat. "Don't you dare think you can lie to me, fucking Deku."

Izuku saw how his hands twitched in annoyance and how they began to make mini explosions with the blonde none-the-wiser. He gulped.

"I… uh, it's nothing, really." Izuku began. "It's just that, Mom had to leave for a business trip and will be gone for a few days." He admitted. "It just seems weird without her around. Everything feels different."

"To think I was actually worried." Katsuki snorted. "That's so stupid. Deku's missing his Mommy so he's taking it out on everyone? Such a cry baby. My parents leave me all the time, do you see me acting like that? No, because I'm not a Deku like you."

Katsuki's words were harsh, and they struck a chord within Izuku. He was being a child about the whole thing. His Mom said she would be coming back, she just needed time for herself. Who was he to be feeling down just because his Mom went out when there were others whose parents had to leave them more frequently, others who had better reasons to feel upset.

"You're right. Thanks, Kacchan! I'm ok now!" Izuku said, smiling at him.

"Of course I'm right." Katsuki said with a gruff, before turning around and stalking off.

In years to come, Katsuki would look back at this conversation and swear at himself. If he had approached the situation differently, so many problems could have been prevented. But no one knew back then, what the future had in store for them. (Not yet.)

Fubuki had passed by again when it was dinner time "to make sure he ate a healthy meal" she had said. She also introduced him to Michi, her pet ferret. Michi had certainly taken to Izuku the moment they met. Michi wouldn't leave Izuku at all, and Fubuki had found the whole situation adorable.

And just like that, the first day had passed. Fubuki had come back the next morning and repeated what they had done the previous day. In the afternoons she would bring Michi over for Izuku to play with before they leave for the night.

Before Izuku knew, a week had past. Of course, he was still worried about his Mom and waiting for her to return, but it was so much fun with Fubuki. When his Mom returns, he'll try to set her and Fubuki up on a play date. Maybe she wouldn't mind being his friend too. He looked at the framed picture of him with Michi on his shoulder and Fubuki at his side with an arm slung around his other shoulder that was sitting atop his desk and smiled. Maybe they already were friends.

The days were passing, by and Fubuki was beginning to worry. It had been already been a week since Inko had left, and there still was no sign of her. There was no phone call, or even an email or a simple text, as to whether she is ok or not, or if the trip was being extended. Not to mention that there hadn't been a concrete date Inko was going to return by since the beginning.

And that was what was making her anxious. She didn't know when Inko was going to return, so she doesn't know what to tell Izuku if he asks about her. For Izuku's sake, she hopes that Inko would come back soon, or at least get into contact with them.

She doesn't want Izuku to be wondering if his mother was ever going to return. He was such a sweet and kind boy, it would break her heart if she had to watch him wonder his worth. The past few days with him had shown and taught her a lot about rumours vs. reality.

When Inko first asked her for a favour, she was hesitant because of what she had heard about Izuku, how he always caused trouble for his mother and she certainly wanted nothing to do with such a troublesome child.

But after meeting him, she realised that he was just a sweet little boy trying to find his place in the world. She found out that he wanted to become a hero to help people despite everyone trying to put him down just because he was quirkless. She's ashamed to say that she too used to be like them before she even met Izuku.

She has betrayed Izuku without them even knowing each other before. She will do her darned best that it won't happen again.

It had been a few weeks in of her taking care of Izuku when she received a phone call. It had been a call informing her about her parents, and how they had gotten into an accident and weren't expected to make it.

Ever since she was small, she had loved her parents with all her heart, and she still does. That's why she was so distraught and devastated when she received the news. To make matters even worse, Izuku was there when she received the phone call and subsequently her breakdown.

"Go see them." He said, looking at her in the eye.

"I'm supposed to be watching you. I promised your mother I'd look after you while she was gone." She told him.

"They're important to you, aren't they?" Izuku asked. "So go see them, that way if worse comes to worse, you won't regret anything, right?"

"Thank you, Izuku. Thank you." She said, bringing him in for a tight hug before letting him go. "But are you sure? Maybe I could bring you with me?"

"I have to go to sleep soon, otherwise I won't be able to stay awake at school tomorrow." He reminded her. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine!" He said with a smile.

Fubuki had to blink once, then twice. For a second there, Izuku looked much smaller than usual, in his big (empty) apartment. Fubuki swallowed the lump that formed in her throat along with the sense of wrongness that suddenly appeared.

"Take care of Michi for me tonight?" She asked.

"Of course!" He smiled, petting Michi's head.

"And Michi," she began, turning her attention to him, "behave for Izuku alright? I'll be back soon."

"Bye Fubuki!"

"See you later, Izuku!"

Izuku sat outside on his balcony, staring up into the night sky with Michi cradled in his arms.

"She never came back, did she…" Izuku whispered. Michi climbed up his shirt to snuggle against his neck. "Sometimes, I wish I didn't push her as much as I did. Or asked her to stay, even if it was only for a little while longer."

"The both of them."

Within the apartment, the moonlight shone through the only room with the blinds drawn.

Sitting atop one of the many shelves of the book case, the memorial plate glistened in the dark room.


I don't know about you, but personally, I found the ending a bit... lacking. If you have any suggestions to make the ending better, more emotional, please don't hesitate to tell me! This story is like a very short prequel to set up the situation of the story I am now planning on writing, so they're going to be separate stories! I will tell you guys when I finally get the next story up and running!

Don't forget to comment below! Remember, the more comments I get, the more motivated I feel!