Piper's POV

It's been four days since my date with Alex and my work week is finally over. We have called and texted each other every day since the date but we haven't had time to meet up due to me working and Alex rehearsing so much.

It's crazy how much someone can change your view on things and turn your life upside down in the space of a few days. This time last week I was much looking forward to curling up on the sofa with a good book and the thought of going out didn't sound the slightest bit appealing. I'd always been like that - quite happy to be in the presents of only my own company. But less than a week later the sound of curling up with a good book doesn't sound appealing whereas going out fills me with excitement due to a certain raven haired woman who I feel myself fall for more and more with every second.

Two days ago Alex invited me to her gig in a bar not far from where I first met her to which I immediately accepted. She's so different to anyone I've ever dated before and not just because she's a woman. The guys I've dated in the past have always been the safe and "the right choice" as my parents would say. They all had a stable job and never did anything out of impulse. They went through the same routine every day of their lives and stuck to the rules. They were all like clones of each other now I look back on it in relation to personality and how work absorbed they were. I never really had anything in common with any of them and I don't think I was ever even really attracted to them - I just tried to be the perfect daughter my parents so desired and picked who I thought they'd consider to be a good boyfriend. This usually meant they came from a privileged background and work all day every day. As nice as they were, they were bland and very much black and white so to speak.

Alex is the complete opposite of them.

She's confident, sarcastic, funny, spontaneous, adventurous, wild, intelligent... She has so many sides to her - she's a guitarist and singer in a band but loves to read old books, she likes to go on wild nights out and get drunk but also loves to stay in and curl up on the sofa and watch a movie, she can be hard but is also so caring and that's just to start with. Then there's her looks which makes my breath catch in my throat every time I see her. Her long black her that cascades over her slim milky shoulders like two waterfalls, her bright green eyes that glint with mischief so often, her perfectly sculpted eyebrows which she raises when she's teasing, her soft, pink lips that I'm completely addicted to... Then there's her toned, strong arms that make me feel safe every time I'm wrapped up in them and her delicate fingers. Her long legs that seem to go on for miles (and that I thoroughly enjoy intertwining with my own). Then there's her chest and stomach... I never really thought I'd be so mesmerised by a pair of boobs but that's very much the case with Alex's plump pair. Then there's her toned stomach that I'd love to lazily drag my fingers over...

She's not the safe choice necessarily, but for the first time in my life, she's the choice I've made for myself and I've never been happier.

I check myself out the mirror - I'm wearing a short, tight, black jumpsuit that has a plunge front and a criss-cross pattern on the back. On the front there's a zip between my boobs allowing me to do it up as little or as much as I want and is kept on my shoulders by two thin straps. I straighten out the straps and pull down the bottom of the jumpsuit which comes to my mid thigh. I check my make up which consists of foundation, winged eyeliner, smoky eyeshadow and lip gloss. I slide on my black suede ankle boots with a bit of a heel before putting my phone and wallet in the pockets of my jumpsuit considering I don't need a jacket given the fact it's fairly warm outside.

I enter the club and order myself a tequila beer for a change and walk through the crowd and stand by the front of the stage to the left hand side. No sooner as I take my position, Alex and the band take their positions on stage. As she walks on she sees me and quickly comes over to where I'm stood and looks me up and down causing me to look down and blush and chew on my bottom lip as nerves wash over me.

"Hey" she says as she jumps off the stage.

"Hey" I respond as I let my eyes wonder to her very exposed cleavage due to the low cut t-shirt she's wearing. I look down lower to see she's wearing very short denim shorts which allows me to see her long bare legs. "I've missed you," I comment as I feel the familiar feeling of passion stir in my lower half.

I look up into her eyes and guess my eyes have darkened slightly due to my arousal. I take a step closer to her and wrap my arms around her neck as she wraps her own around my waist.

"I missed you too Pipes... Especially your ass." She replies with a smirk as her hands move lower to fall on my ass.

I lean in and kiss her deeply suddenly feeling filled with confidence. As our lips touch I move my body as close to Alex's as I can. I run my hands through her hair as she gives my ass a squeeze. I gasp and blush at the sudden action. As my lips part due to my gasp Alex takes advantage and slides her tongue into my mouth making me smile. Just as our tongues begin to swirl around each other we're interrupted by Nicky.

"As much as I love watching a bit of free lesbian action, we have a gig to do Vause." She shouts over to us with a shit eating grin.

I go bright red with embarrassment and hide in Alex's neck.

"As much as I would love to carry on with this, I do have to get up there," Alex murmurs into my ear.

I pull away begrudgingly with a pouty face. Alex laughs and gives me a quick kiss and an ass slap before jumping on stage and giving me a wink and smirk. I roll my eyes and laugh as I take a large gulp of my drink which drains half the bottle.

"We are 'The dark side' and we're going to preform a few songs for you tonight. I hope you enjoy," Alex says into the microphone and making eye contact with me as she says the last sentence.

The band plays roughly seven songs and I go through three tequila beers. The whole time Alex is preforming we catch each others eye and Alex often throws a wink my way and she smirks as I move my hips to the beat.

"We have been 'The dark side' and we have loved performing for you tonight! Our last song is actually going to be a cover. We're going to do our own take of 'Crazy girl' by Rita Ora. I hope you enjoy." Alex looks me deep in the eyes as she says the last sentence.

The intro starts with a low rasp of a vocal from Alex and a plucked guitar pattern. The way Alex says the lyrics in her husky tone makes my core throb. As Alex sings through the first verse I can do nothing but watch Alex on stage as she stares right at me the whole time.

"Get up on me, grind me faster,
Tell me baby what you want,
Lovin' how I throw this body,
Know you wunna give me some.
Careful baby,
I am nothing like those other girls.
I'll eat you up..." Alex sings into the microphone whilst dancing seductively and looking into my eyes.

I feel my body temperature increase and undo the zip on my jumpsuit a little which also exposes more of my cleavage.

Throughout the whole song I can't take my eyes off of Alex as my need to touch her grows by the second.

Too quickly for my liking, the song comes to an end and I make my way to the bar to get a tequila beer for Alex and myself (not that I need another as I'm starting to feel rather tipsy).

I feel two arms snake around my waist which causes a smile to light up my face knowing it's Alex. I turn around and put my arms around her neck.

"That was so fucking hot!" I exclaim as I sway a little due to the alcohol.

"I'm glad you enjoyed, it was all for you." She starts as she slides her hands down to my ass. "Are you drunk already?" She questions with an eyebrow raise before taking a swig of her beer.

"Maybe a little" I say with a cheesy grin. "Dance with me?" I ask after downing my beer in one.

Alex quickly drinks the rest of her drink and in no time we're on the dance floor with our bodies moving together.

I start off with my back against Alex's front and with the confidence given to me by the alcohol, I start to grind my ass into her front to tease her. I look over my shoulder to Alex's face which is mere centimetres away from my own to see her eyes darken with what I can guess is lust. I smirk and bite my lip as Alex's gaze drops to my lips. I briefly grind into her harder before turning around and putting my hands around her neck as I move up and down her body slightly whilst maintaining eye contact. As Alex puts her hands firmly on my ass I move one hand down to her boob which I give a brief squeeze before leaving my hand to rest there.

As the songs continue to play, our touches start to get less and less innocent and I feel the desire build up in me. Between my large consumption of alcohol and Alex suddenly cupping my pussy I lose all sense of self control.

"Take me home." I demand as I kiss down her neck. I pull back and Alex gives one swift nod.

After what felt like the longest Taxi journey of my life we reach my apartment.

Alex's POV

The second we get into Piper's apartment I guide her over to the sofa where we fall so I'm sat down and Piper is straddling me.

Our mouths instantly re-connect and I feel Piper's soft lips on my own. I hear a moan rise from Piper as our lips touch and I can't help but let one of my own escape at the taste of her lips - I could swear they permanently taste of strawberries. I slide my tongue across her bottom lip and she parts her lips allowing my impatient tongue swirl and twist around hers. They clash together in a fit of passion as Piper lays her body fully on my own clearly needing as much contact as possible like myself. With every second that passes by I feel my desire for the beautiful blonde straddling me grow.

Piper suddenly stands up.

Whilst stumbling she slowly un-zips the zip on the front of her jumpsuit. My eyes follow the zip lower and lower until it can go no further. At a painfully teasing speed, Piper slides the material off her shoulders and it drops to the floor leaving her stood in nothing but red lace underwear. I can't prevent my jaw dropping as my eyes scan over her whole body - her long, toned legs, her flat, muscled stomach, her sex that seems to have left a damp spot on her underwear, her perky tits... I take an audible gulp and lick my lips at the sight in front of me. I signal for her to come to me with the single motion of my finger.

She smirks and slowly shakes her head no causing me to frown. "Take. That. Off." She accentuates each word slowly whilst lazily pointing to my clothes. I stand up and take off my shirt first and then my shorts.

We both stand in Piper's front room half naked whilst hungrily looking at each other.

Piper starts to walk over to me and drunkenly stumbles and falls over causing her to fall into a fit of giggles. I laugh with her and extend my hand out to help her up.

We look each other in the eyes and the laughter dissipates.

"Fuck me." Piper whispers in a low tone.

I'm shocked by her forwardness. If Piper was any other girl I'd say yes... But this is Piper and right now, she is very drunk.

"Pipes... I want to more than anything, believe me I really do... But I can't" I say with a frustrated sigh as I angrily run my hand through my hair. "You're drunk and you probably wont remember this in the morning but it wouldn't be right for us to have sex for the first time whilst you're drunk. I want it to be perfect and meaningful. I don't want it to be something rushed... I want to take my time with you." I explain with a soft tone because it's completely true. I want it to be memorable. Not some drunken quickie.

"But Alex..." She says dragging out my name.

"You're drunk Piper." I say again but with more authority. "When you're sober and I think you really want it, I will happily fuck you because I really, really want to." I say in a frustrated tone as I angrily run a hand through my hair.

"Will you at least stay the night?" Piper pleads with her bright blue eyes.

I smile, "I'd love to.

I eventually get Piper in her bedroom after a great deal of stumbling and knocking over her lamp. She points me in the direction of some baggy t-shirts to wear to bed when I sit her on the bed. I throw one to Piper and pick one out for myself. I put it on and turn around and get into bed next to Piper and lay on my back. I feel her turn to face me.

"Alex...?" she asks in a sleepy whisper.

"Yeah kid?" I respond whilst turning to face her.

"Could we maybe spoon a little?" She asks with a nervous tone to her voice.

"I would love to" I reply.

Piper turns over so her back is facing me. She shuffles back a little as I move forward. I wrap an arm around her waist to bring her closer to me and we tangle our legs together.

I place a light kiss behind her ear, "Good night Pipes." I whisper.

"Good night Alex" she says in a sleepy tone. Seconds later I hear her breathing even out which causes me to smile.

I close my eyes and fall in the best nights sleep I've had in a long time.

A/N I'm aware some of you are probably pissed at me right now because of the tease of a sex scene but I promise you it's coming very soon. You're also probably pissed at how long it's taken for me to update and I'm really sorry! I've had so much going on lately and I've either not been in the right head space to write or I've not had the time. I'll try update again soon. Thank you for reading and for the reviews you've left - it means the world.