Chapter 5

When Bernard woke, his daughter was gone, taken by the reaper. He knew he didn't have the strength to go after them, as he had been close to death himself. So the mockingbird decided to set a bounty for whoever could find his daughter and bring her safely home.

"And what will you do once she's home?" Doc asked, "How will you keep that snake from getting her back?"

"Return home. Go back to Louisiana where we belong".

She didn't sleep. She couldn't. Gale didn't trust the rattler any further than she could throw him. She already missed her father and longed for home. Gale knew she had done the right thing, but that only slightly lessened the pain. She feared for her father who had not been on his own for years. But a promise was a promise. As much as she hated the rattler, she wouldn't go back on her word no matter how tempting. Gale got up from the snake who was resting in a bolthole for the night and just barely went outside. The Nightingale couldn't determine if the night or the snake was colder.

She watched the stars and sighed. "When I think back on these times, and the dreams we left behind, I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life".

She really was happy to have had her papa. Since her mother had died, he was all she had. Gale looked back up. "When I look back on these days, I'll look and see your face. You were right there for me. In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life. I'll keep a part of you with me. And everywhere I am there you'll be. And everywhere I am there you'll be".

Learning to fly was difficult. Gale had always been afraid of falling, just as much as she feared singing in front of crowds. It was her papa who had taught her, and he encouraged her, but it was her mama who inspired her. Gale sighed, missing her too and wondering what she would've thought of this peculiar situation.

"Well you showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach. And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me. Your love made me make it through. Oh, I owe so much to you"

Indeed she did. Though she wasn't biologically theirs, her parents loved her just the same. They taught her to fly, to sing. To live. Gale spread her wings.

"You were right there for me. In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life. I'll keep a part of you with me. And everywhere I am there you'll be"

Gale flew a little over the bolthole. She was unaware her singing had actually woken Jake from his slumber. He looked around and for a moment he thought she had flown off but she continued her song above him.

"'Cause I always saw in you my light, my strength. And I want to thank you now for all the ways you were right there for me. You were right there for me. For always!"

The snake listened. He knew nightingales were known for their pretty songs, and Jake considered himself lucky to get a chance to listen. Sure he was an outlaw but he had an admiration for beautiful things.

"In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there'll always be a place for you for all my life! I'll keep a part of you with me. And everywhere I am there you'll be. And everywhere I am there you'll be.'ll be…" Gale landed just above the bolthole.

There was just a brief moment of silence and Gale felt like sobbing. But her moment was cut off by a voice.

"Well...I would clap".

She looked down to see Jake staring. At least for now he was looking up at her.

"How long were you up?".

"Not long. That's some voice ya go there, Birdie".

"It's nothing special. All nightingales have nice voices".

"Sure it is".

She sighed and looked down. "Just go back to sleep".

"Only if you do, little bird".

Gale came back down to the bolthole. She didn't want to sleep. She wasn't even sure if she even wanted to exist. Gale settled down and closed her eyes to try and rest at least. It took a few hours but finally the little nightingale fell into a dreamless sleep…

Author's note: meant to write more for this but oh well. The song is by Faith Hill :) thanks once more to my wonderful followers and favorites. Thanks half blood black Prince as usual and Marian glad to see you here. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer.