A/N: I'm glad that I finally got my lazy bum out of that lazy, lazy time. Seeing the activity with this story lately, I felt the need to update, since I know that feeling when you are left hanging, and it is simply a terrible feeling. I apologize for the short chapter after months of waiting. The next date of the next chapter is unknown, for I will be occupied and lazy, but I will try. I also have another story to update, and it is almost half a year overdue for its ending (one more chapter left, and a reflection).

Spirited Away belongs to Hayao Miyazaki.


I turned my head to a confused Rin. I grinned sheepishly, with Fumiko still awkwardly wrapping her shaking arms around me.

"Hold on, Rin. I'll be right back," I said, and guided Fumiko to where Boh's former room was. I turned my head and looked back, seeing Rin and the frog spirit talking. I noticed Rin turning to glance at me, and I didn't miss the particularly odd, sly grin that she gave me. 'What was that about?' I thought in confusion as I turned my gaze to Fumiko, who was looking at me sheepishly.

"Well?" I asked and looked at my best friend, expectantly.

"Ah, you see . . ." Fumiko began, and looked at the floor. "I, uh, followed you. Out of curiosity and worry for you!"

I walked up to Fumiko and pulled her into a welcoming embrace, which she returned happily. "I'm glad you're safe."

Fumiko buried her face into my shoulder. I felt a relieved smile form on her lips. "Me, too."

I pulled away and looked at Fumiko with warm eyes.

"Now that you're here, let me give you a more welcoming introduction to this place. Welcome to the Spirit World, my friend!"

Fumiko laughed and looked around.

"Hey, Chi. This is a very nice room. I wonder who it belongs to," she commented merrily as her eyes inspected the room. I tilted my head and looked around. Emerald. A mix of emerald green, teal blue and silver-white everywhere. The combination seemed familiar, reminding me of something, but I forgot what . . . or who. I shook my head and continued to inspect the vast room.

It certainly no longer looked like Boh's room. I spotted a large futon placed neatly in the side of the room; there was a small shrine that sat opposite of it. The bookshelf was still the same, but more implanted into the wall, and a smaller desk below it. Its shelved books seemed much, much older compared to the literature shelved when Boh was still residing in the room. All in all, the room looked quite traditional.

"Look at this painting, Chi! It's so beautiful," exclaimed Fumiko, in awe. She stood in front of a stand beside the bookshelf, and I moved to where she was, giving her a confused look. Fumiko pointed at something on the stand—no, more like hanging on the wall above the stand. Like what she said, it was a painting. Painted on the canvas was a very familiar silver dragon, its serpentine body swimming through the painted night sky. On the dragon was a girl, and she certainly seemed to be enjoying the ride. My eyes widened and I cupped my mouth in shock. I released a silent gasp as I finished reading the caption beside the painting.

"In dedication to a very dear friend who gave me a fresh start in my new life."

I quickly scanned the room and returned my gaze to the painting.

'It can't be. Wait a minute. Is this . . . his room?' I then recalled Rin's grin, before Fumiko and I entered the room. A burning sensation seemed to crawl up my cheeks as I glanced at Fumiko in realization. Grabbing her wrist, I turned towards the door and dragged ourselves out, mumbling an embarrassed, "Let's go."

'Stupid, stupid! That was Haku's room wasn't it? We shouldn't have been prying into his private life, and his room at that! Stupid, Rin, for not warning me, and stupid me, for not taking the hint!'

"Chihiro, look out!" Fumiko warned, but by the time I snapped out of my thoughts I felt my face collide with the wall.

"Ow . . ." I muttered as I gently rubbed my nose. Fumiko hurried to my side and poked my cheek.

"What the heck was that? You were so gone that we already made it close to the elevator!"

"Heh, sorry."

My best friend looked at me worriedly, which caused my embarrassed grin to fade. I averted my gaze and looked back at the wall.

"I think I was fretting too much over accidentally entering that room," I muttered.

After a sigh, Fumiko chuckled. "Clumsy much. But don't worry, it's just a room, no matter who it belongs to. Now come on, that woman you were with before must be laughing her butt off because, you know, your random exit from the office must be quite a sight. I found it funny, before you rammed yourself into a wall of course."

I nodded and room the hand that Fumiko offered. The two of us got up and made our way back to the office.

Apparently Fumiko was right. The moment we reentered the office, there stood

Run, who was trying to muffle her snickers with her hand, but failing so far. I groaned as Fumiko innocently waved at Rin.

Time for introductions.

A/N: Might as well turn this into a Fumiko X Chihiro fanfic, lotsa moments of them. To explain the romance tag, it's there, but it will come much later, to let you all know. I'm not sure if it is to be a slowburn yet, but that's up to you. Welp, see you next chapter (and hopefully not half a year later)!