"Agh!" Ethan shouted as Jesse bit in his wrist, feeling the burning venom going into his veins. However, instead of Sarah coming to save him like last time, she wasn't there.

He was all alone.

As Jesse's mouth left Ethan's wrist, Ethan started changing. He writhed and twisted on the floor at vampire speed, while Jesse looked on, pleased with himself.

'Finally. I get back what was stolen from me. I get back what's mine' He thought to himself

Ethan then stopped writhing on the floor, and got up and looked at Jesse, eyes yellow and fangs showing.

"Hey E" Jesse said, using Ethan's nickname, smiling widely at him

"Jess? What happened? My head is killing me" Ethan groaned, holding his head

"What's the last thing you remember, E?" Jesse asked, curious

"I remember that we were arguing about some girl that you wanted to date, but then there was a bright light and I can't remember anything after that. What happened Jess?"

Jesse frowned, what he remembered happened 3 years ago. He forgot everything else after that?

"Remember that dork that we were making fun of at lunch?" Jesse

"The guy who has the locker right next to mine?" Ethan asked, and Jesse nodded his head

"Yeah, and you know how I told you that he's a wizard?"

"Just tell me what happened Jess! Why can't I remember anything?!" Ethan shouted, getting angry

"Calm down, E. Anyways, he did a spell that went wrong. He was trying to make a human forget her memories and bring them back to her for fun while, in the middle of his spell, you got in the way. The spell hit you in the middle of the incantation, and you couldn't remember me. That dork and his friends made you believe that you were best friends with them and that I was the enemy. We didn't know how long the spell would last. So, just now, I came up with the brilliant idea to turn you into a vampire to see if you would regain your memories and that the spell would wear off" Jesse explained, watching Ethan.

"I'm going to kill that dork" Ethan growled out, eyes red

"Calm down E. You're a fledgling, remember? You can't kill him in front of everyone or we'll be exposed!" Jesse shouted

"Well, I am a fledgling and I need to eat someone" Came Ethan's annoyed reply

"I think you know what to do from watching me so much" Jesse smirked, and Ethan rolled his eyes playfully "Of course, how could I forget? You brought me on multiple trips that I thought it normal for you to drag me without no warning whatsoever to watch you drink blood"

"I really missed this you, E" Jesse said and pulled a surprise Ethan into a hug. Ethan hugged back "Wow" Ethan said as they pulled apart

"What did I do to you to make you miss me this much?" He asked, amused

"Oh, you know. Try to kill me a bunch of times and stopped me from achieving multiple plans that would've worked" Jesse said casually

"WHAT? I TRIED TO KILL YOU?! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT DORK!" Ethan roared, and ran away at vampire speed, Jesse going after him.

Ethan growled when he saw Benny, on his chair in his room playing video games without a care in the world.

"E" Someone whispered from behind him urgently, and Ethan growled at Jesse "What?"

"Other vampires are coming. We can't let them see us and we can't ambush him while he's protected by them" He said knowingly, and Ethan let out a frustrated sigh.


"Let's go get you some food. You must be starving" Jesse said, looking at Ethan, who now had red eyes and his fangs showing, indicating that he's hungry.

"Oh no! I got a paper cut!" They heard a teenage voice complain to another

"Come on, Ashley. It's just a paper cut, and it's barely bleeding" Another voice spoke, and Ethan inhaled deeply at the smell.

"Go for it, E" Jesse whispered, and Ethan couldn't control himself any longer. He rushed towards the girl who had the cut and put his fangs deep into her arm, feeling the warm blood oozing down his throat with each gulp he took. He was in heaven, he had never tasted anything so delicious before. He wanted, needed more.

However, unfortunately, for Ethan, he had sucked the blood out of her so much that there was none left. No, Ethan needed more.

He then had a brilliant idea. He looked to the girl's friend, who was frozen in shock, too horrified to move.

He smiled at her, showing his blood stained teeth, and started to advance towards her. Her eyes widened, and she scrambled back, and when she opened her mouth to scream, Ethan spoke.

"You will not scream. You will not move unless I say so" Ethan stated, eyes yellow as he looked at the girl's, whose eyes were glazed over, looking at him. "Do you understand?"

She nodded, and he said "I said, do you understand?"

"I understand" She whispered, and he said to her "Stand up"

She immediately obeyed him, and he liked that.

"Come closer to me"

She did so.


She did so


She did so, and stopped when they were face to face. Ethan said to her "Tilt your neck and expose it to me" She did that to.

Without warning, Ethan bit her shoulder, relishing in the taste of blood while Jesse stood there, dumbfounded at what he just witnessed…