Disclaimers: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn




"Other Languages"


That smell...


It's so familiar...


With a flutter of my eyes, I was wide awake, scanning the entire area. However not much was to be seen when you're stuck in a small moldy cell that was almost meant for dogs, but instead held humans like livestock. I stared at the slightly dim area having to narrow my eyes just slightly to get a better view. I made out the shape of a bar door to my right. I could smell the old rust and mold from where I lay on the dirty ground. The other faint smells of death and the lingering smell of blood curdled the air in a way I could pick up the smell from anywhere inside this place. The faint sound of water dripped from just outside my cage, onto the deformed floor. Other, slightly less noticeable sounds could be heard, like the faint sounds of chains rattling or people shouting in enthusiastic ecstatic excitement. Most likely do to the forced fights.

My left index finger slightly twitched from laying in this spot. I ignored the sounds of the people shouting at the fights as I looked up at the ceiling. I couldn't see it. Only pitchblack indulged my eyes. I've been stuck in pitch black for so long most people would have gone completely insane and lost themselves to the imagination of their minds. However I've lost that one part of imagination. Or more so it's locked away inside my mind as many of my emotions have been to. I only feel pain. No love, anger, want. Just pure bliss of pain that seeps through my veins and my very core of existence. I've become numb and dull to the world. The only thing that keeps me alive is maybe... hope? No, maybe not that but something close. Maybe... selfish desires? Yeah. I think that may be it.

I am selfish. I wish to live. My mind keeps saying to live when my body itself has almost undoubtedly given up ages ago. I hang onto that desire to want to live and be something more than a caged dog as they call us. Not some pet they stole off the streets, to be taught to fight just to survive to fight just to fill their desires.

It was die or fight.

And I choose the latter. Even when I was forced to wrong what innocents I had in my mind, even when death crept upon my skin. I wanted to live and it was only animal instinct. That one feeling all every humans hold dearly for. I was no exception. Just another pest wanting to keep a position in this world by doing anything by any means.

I sat up from the ground into a sitting position with my hands behind me for support. I stared at the hardly noticeable bricked wall. I kept staring at it for a few minutes before getting to my feet. I wobbled slightly before taking on a strong stance. My muscles were slightly tense and stiff. My body became rigged and edgy knowing that it was almost time. I could only stand in anticipation, knowing full well of what's to come.

My hearing became heightened as the sound of screaming and cheering grew. The rich metallic smell of blood grew ten folds and I knew it was time. The door to my cage opened allowing me free range to leave. I turned my head towards the opening before turning completely to walk out. I followed the same route as I always have. The light increased immensely as I could see everything and everyone in the area. As I continued to walk I could see the people in the cells. Each cell held quantities and varieties of humans. Every single one of them was a child, to late teens, and every single one of them held nothing in their eyes but fright and a small sliver of hope that deep down they know most likely will never come.

I ignored them for the most part and continued towards and open area. Once inside the gate behind me closed locking me in a bigger cell. However there stood a door before me just like every time I've done this. Outside the cell you can see so much light that it's blinding to people like me who've been stuck in the dark for about a decade.

Ignoring the stinging and tightening of my eye muscles, I continued to stare out into the open area on the other side of this cage. I could hear the people on the other side, as if I was sitting in the crowd myself. The smell of blood had taken over every other smell around. Not even the disgusting scent of body odor or bodily fluids could penetrate the sick scent of oozing red.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We've once again come to the end of our game, and are ready to begin the finale, so we may bring this night to an end." The announcer began to speak to the audience. I could hear the quiet hush tones of people as some whispered and other went completely silent. My eyes focused on the ground outside the bar door. My eyes completely dull of any emotion stricken hard as if they were stone.

'I hate this' was the only thing I thought as the door leading out into the dirty arena was lifted. I walked up to the entrances and just as my foot hit the outside of sweet sanctuary. People all around began to shout and clap. People whistled and cheered out of excitement. My face never changed though. Even when the door to the other side of arena was lifted revealing a man about 6'6 feet tall with the structure a Greek warrior. The man seemed to enjoy the attention as he began to grin wildly standing up straighter to puff out his chest.

He looked around the arena until he found me. He looked shocked at first but went back to grinning like an idiot. Even when he stared me down I stayed slouched. I did what I always did. Ignored the world.

The buff man crossed his arms waiting where he was. I stayed where I stood not caring to move a muscle or distance myself even though we were already a good ten feet away from each other.

"The rules are simple. Either kill your opponent or render them immobile. So basically with death or mercy rule. The ones fighting will decide. You've all placed your beats and no money will be refunded for any reason. Now let's begin..." As the announcer finished the bell rang and people began shouting and roaring like wild animals stuck between a bigger predator and the only thing they can do to live is bite and howl.

I looked up from the ground seeing that the man began to come towards me. Within minutes he was dashing towards me until he was in arm's length. As soon as he made a grab for me I ducked under his arms stepping past him until I stood behind him, where I quickly pivoted on my foot to turn my body towards his back. I easily placed my foot out in front of the others and forcefully tripped the unexpecting man. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. Causing dirt puffs to scatter in the air in the process. With my action people chanted with excitement. Not waiting for the man to get up I easily kicked him halfway across the arena. Just as he went flying I could hear the faint sound of a crack.

'I might have kicked him to hard' I instantly thought. But not too soon after the man got to his knees and hands with a huff and groan. He visible showed pain on his face. He coughed slightly, inhaling large sums of oxygen. Attempting to restrain the wheezing he now visible had. He slowly got to his feet spitting to the side before looking back towards me with anger and hate. I stood with a uncaring manner, which seemed to infuriate the man even more so. The crowd shouted various words to the point of by it all became a humbling mess of shouted words over and over again. The words could hardly be made out and sounded like a different language or even high pitched scream. Both sounded accurate by this point.

'I detest everything about this place' I instantly thought, sneering slightly in disgust. The man that stood in front of me watched my face expression and took the sneer of disgust directed towards him. Soon he was rushing at me again. Wanting to finish this quickly in hopes of being left alone afterwards.

I could feel a soft flicker of hope, determination and willing to live raise up in me as it always does when I go to this form. I closed my eyes before letting out a deep breath. I opened them again showing well calculated precise sunset orange tinted eyes. A small flame of purity regardless of what I've been through flickered upon my forehead in a fluent like dance almost. I leaped forward fast after the man went for another swing.

Punched him in the jaw sending him flying back before moving fast to land a kick to the back. All this happened so quickly the overseers could barely say a word or keep up.

The man hit the wall before sliding down into unconscious. My flames flickered out but my eyes still remained narrowed and watchful. The crowd began to cheer happily and applause could be heard fork every single person.

"Once again our Merciful Sky spares a life!-" before he could continue I turned to walk away and ignored every word he said. It was the same as always. They would talk about how 'amazing' he was and get money out of being bet on. My body was rigged with adrenaline regardless of my expressions and my body was on complete alert ready for a fight making some of my senses dull. Though it wouldn't last long.

After leaving the arena many of my sense came back ten fold. My nose picked up the smell of blood on my hands immediately. I stopped midway with my hand out stretched in front of me. The blood ran down my pale skin painting it a different color. I hadn't realized until now that my punches and kicks had been a little to rough causing the man to bleed. I clenched my hand into a fist before walking back into the dark I call home. My bangs shadowed my eyes and my lips held a tight line of a frown.

The other people that were hidden in the dark shadows behind a bared caged looked at me with pity and understanding of where I emerged from. I looked at them slightly without turning my head. I could only see what looked to be a new caged 'dog'. A little girl, who only looked to be seven or nine. She smiled brightly at me in confusion, kindness and... acceptance? I smiled back at her sadly.

My mind however stayed blank as I didn't care to register anything, after the little girl, besides getting back to my own cage. My body was ready to sleep regardless of my short battle.

Once inside my cell the door closed with a clank and a bang. Signaling that it had been firmly locked to no escape. I insanely fell on hay and dirt. The straw poked my exposed skin making it fell uncomfortable but from years of laying on it I've gotten used to it. I rolled off the stack of hay laying where I was this morning in nothing but cold dirt that clung to my skin like a germ. I let out a sigh before looking up at the black nothing. My mind was blank and my body was sore as if I had been exercising for the fist time in my life, however this pain was more pleasurable then unbearable. I reached up to my neck feeling a leathery collar which I had forgot was there till now because I had worn it like a second skin. I absolutely hated it. It reminded me everyday why I was here and what I went through. I've tried removing it before but could never get it to budge so after many years of it being there. I just okay with it in hopes it would just...vanish of flak off. After playing with it for a while, my hands went back to my side.

After laying in the spot for five minutes without doing anything, my eyes began to shut. I could vaguely feel a headache starting in my mind as I knew something was going to happen.

While I was asleep I could faintly start to smell something. Unconsciously, I took a deep breath and as soon as I did, I instantly began to cough roughly. I could feel my lungs burn from the raw polluted air that no consist of burning smoke. I sat up fast causing a feeling of nausea overwhelm me. I hurriedly turned my head to see a blazing light outside. The same smell of smoke made its way into my lungs. I stood up fast practically jumping over to the door to see a fire ablaze outside.

I instantly lit the flame on my head and punched the door before me sending it off the hinges. I ran out not seeing a single person that wasn't inside the cells. I could hear the the panic hectic voices and breathing. I began to run past them even when they called for help.

'Just keep going, ignore them. Your so close to getting out!' I thought, but then I thought about the little girl and everyone here, just before I reached the door I stopped. I clenched my out stretched hand into a fist and grind my teeth together. In a fast motion I was turning around and running back towards the trapped people. I began breaking down the doors using my flames. My hands were bruised and scratched, even so I had one more cell door to destroy. The fire had grown worse the longer I stayed in here. The cracking and whistling the fire reached my ears every step. I broke the final door down with a huff. The people inside started rushing out.

"Get out as fast as you can! The fires spreading faster!" I shouted pointing my finger towards the exit. They all nodded frantically before rushing towards the exit. I followed behind them after making sure everyone was out. As they were running the little girl tripped over her own feet. She got to her knees rubbing the sore area she fell on. She stood up hastily looking around to see everyone had gone on ahead. But just before she was about to start running again the beam above her head cracked. She looked up frightened. I reacted fast, running to her aid. I pushed her out of the way just as the beam was falling, however I wasn't so lucky as I got stuck underneath the burning wood. I screamed in agony for a short minute before I clenched my teeth together and hurriedly got out from underneath get beam. The little girl was crying as she held her arms to her chest.

"A-are yo-u all r-right?" I asked stuttering through pain. I smiled down at her with sincerity and kindness regardless of how much pain I could feel radiate through every muscle or even the burning sensation on my back. She only nodded towards me.

"That's g-ood. We s-should get out of here" I stuttered less this time as I held my hand out. When she grabbed my hand I hastily pulled her up into my arms as I once again began to run. She squeaked slightly from the fast and unexpected movement of the pull. She instantly clung to me like a monkey as her arms raped around my neck. She coughed slightly from the air around us. I frowned at this revaluation placing her head between my shoulder trying to help keep the smoke away. I grinned happily however when my eyes reached the door that leads outside. I quickened my pace, earning a tighter grip from the girl in my arms.

The door was left wide open revealing the night. I could faintly see the other people outside looking at me from the inside with hope and happiness. I looked at the door realizing the door frame was unstable, as it too, began to crack. Luck must have wanted to help me out this time because the frame held out until I made a dive through the door shielding the little girl with my body taking in the full impact. The door frame collapsed quickly afterwards. I opened my eyes not realizing they had closed to look down at the little girl who was clinging to my chest desperately. After getting a good look I finally could see she was alright besides a few miner scrapes, not only that but the little girl from before.

I sat up placing her down in front of me. Steading her into a sitting position. I smiled at her, whipping the stray tears away, causing her to look up at me. But just before she was about to speak my head started spinning and my surrounding became nothing but s blur of black. My mind drifted toward the pain and became clouded with only that. My body swayed before I let the little girl go falling to my side. My eyes were hardly open as I watched her scream words and shake me. While in the middle of her screaming she instantly stopped looking back surprised. She stood up quickly running away fast running back with someone in tow. I couldn't see who because I blacked out.