Harriet Potter, Head Auror and girl-who-lived was tired of her boss. Minister Riddle, it was well known just who the Minister was. Lord Voldemort, yet witches and wizards worshipped him, some obsessively so judging from the copious amounts of gifts the man received every valentines day. After his return at the end of her fourth year he'd taken a more political approach after killing Albus Dumbledore and the changes were slow and she would admit only in her mind that they were good changes. Equal rights for werewolves, vampires. A change in curriculum at Hogwarts, muggleborns were found earlier and made aware of their world sooner, their muggle relatives sworn to secrecy.
Hermione Granger was head of that department, and muggle technology had been implemented within Hogwarts, the ministry and the public. Response to the changes were mixed but the purebloods were satisfied that magic was magic and dark arts had a place in society, as did traditions such as Yule and summer solstice.
"Head Auror Potter, are you well?" a smooth voice drawled from her doorway, Harriet didn't need to look up to see who had come to pay a visit and she wasn't going to admit that no she wasn't well because she didn't want to go home and sit alone. Single life sucks.
"I'm perfectly fine Minister Riddle, why are you here?" she asked whilst reading over another pointless report about her funding being rejected again.
"I want you to accompany me to dinner" Riddle murmured.
"I'm having dinner with the Goblins, since the Ministry can't provide my Aurors with much needed resources I'll have to fund it myself" Harriet said bitterly, wanting nothing more then the man to leave her alone. Yes he'd stopped trying to kill her, and yes he'd already explained about the fake prophecy and she understood it didn't stop him from trying to spend time with her.
"It wasn't a request" Tom hissed.
"I am busy Minister, can't you go reply to your fan mail or something" Harriet brushed him off.
"You are infuriating, you are required at this dinner with French diplomats. Go home and find something appropriate to dress in" Tom ordered, hating how this witch mocked, chided and aggravated him.
"Oh no not again, you're going to use the whole girl who lived angle aren't you? I sat through that horrid dinner with the German representatives... I don't get paid enough for this" Hari exclaimed, she should have admitted she was sick.
"No were going to use the youngest Head Auror who happens to be the girl who lived angle." Tom corrected
"I didn't get my position because of that title!"
"Did you want me to compliment you, will that permit you to go home and change?" Minister huffed frustrated
"No, I want you to clear this funding" Hari said brushing past the Minister and pushing the parchment into his chest.
"I didn't agree to this" Tom called out
"Oh but you will Minister" Hari laughed as she made her way from her office and to the lifts.
Wearing her emerald green dress and silver over robe she returned to the ministry and made her way to the ministry. She ignored the inappropriate wolf whistles as she passed, hadn't they ever seen a witch in a dress before. The Ministry's secretary greeted her with a frown of jealousy before allowing her to enter Tom's office.
"Lady Potter" Lord Malfoy greeted, his eyes appraising her current state of dress.
"Lord Malfoy, Minister, Severus" Harriet greeted the three wizards.
"Harriet, you look lovely" Severus complimented. She caught the Minister's glare towards the Potions master why was he jealous?
"Thank you, expect contact from Auror Johnson he's had difficulty identify a potion in his current case. I hope you don't mind that I pointed him in your direction"
"Not at all Harriet, enjoy your dinner" the man smirked at her disgruntled face. It wasn't a secret that she detested formal dinners, in her position she had to attend many.
"A dinner in exchange for department funding. Almost feels like prostitution but work is work" she sniffed, Severus snorted and left.
"Leave us Lucius" Tom ordered
"Yes Minister" the blonde lord bowed and left.
"Very.. Slytherin" Minister riddle eyes felt like they were undressing her, and she could feel her cheeks heating up.
"Well the hat did say I'd do well in Slytherin"
"Then why were you not in my house?" Tom asked surprised
"Met Draco Malfoy.." Harriet cringed, Draco had for months tried to court her. She was glad he'd finally got the hint and found himself a lovely witch to become his bride.
"Ah, so you asked"
"Begged, definitely begged to be put anywhere but that house" Harriet laughed, before she realised she was laughing with the Minister and stopped herself. That had been happening too often recently, laughing, smiling In the man's presence like she had come to enjoy it. She blamed her working hours, she sometimes worked closely with Tom, had spent weeks in his home after too many threats, she'd begun to learn things about the man that she doubted many others did.
"You're over thinking again" Tom whispered, Harriet backed away when she realised how close Tom had gotten to her with out her notice.
"You're being inappropriate again" Harriet countered, when Tom grabbed her wrist firmly his thumb rubbing softly against her skin.
"Perhaps, I am tired of you running away from me. From us" Tom said quietly
"There is no us" Harriet denied, except that one time where they'd snogged like teenagers and she couldn't blame it on alcohol as neither of them had any.
"There should be, you just keep denying yourself"
"There is many reasons why we shouldn't" Harriet pointed out before wrinkling her nose. "And aren't you currently courting that American witch?"
"No, she tasted like flowers."
"Tasted like flowers? That- you're insane" Harriet snapped she remembered Tom's husky voice purring in her ear how she tasted like treacle tart before he devoured her again.
"Not anymore, are you not dating Wilde?" Tom purred
"Merlin no, he had to use a wand for everything and he left ring stains on his kitchen counters." Harriet cringed "That sounded petty didn't it?"
"No, you're a powerful witch you want an equal and someone who can clean after themselves" Tom told her, his hand cupping her face.
"We shouldn't.." Harriet repeated
"Say no and I'll stop" Tom said moving closer, she should say no shouldn't she? Her treacherous body instead moved the distance between them and then those familiar lips met hers, her back met the wall and her hand gripped into the Minister usually immaculate hair. Tom hands greedily ran over her body, before the lips were gone and Tom growled resting his head on hers.
"Dinner, we have dinner plans" Tom said unhappily reminded, if Harriet wasn't just as disappointed she would have smirked at the slip in emotions but instead she pushed on his shoulders for him to step back. The man ran a hand through his hair, whilst she neatened her dress and robes. Silently hoping her lips weren't too obviously bruised and swollen. She didn't flinch when Tom kissed her softly a few more times before they both entered the Ministers floo calling out the restaurants name. Instantly she knew something was wrong, there was too many people.
"Minister Riddle, welcome and you must be Head Auror Potter I've heard many things about you" a man greeted as he approached. Too casually.
"Monsieur Picques, I wasn't expecting such a large entourage" Tom murmured, so it wasn't just Harriet who had noticed it. The wizard fidgeted under the red man's gaze before attempting to straighten
"Many stories have been told about you both. It is natural to be concerned"
"Of course, but there is a pre cast oath that myself or the Minister will not harm you during your visit. This is unexpected but let's not let it spoil your trip" Harriet said smiling, a fake smile but the man didn't know that she planned to alert her Aurors.
Pre drinks and wizards she didn't know the name approached them, politely greeting them both. The Minister stood close to her side and glared when a wizards polite kiss on the back of her hand lingered awkwardly.
"Possessive no?" The unnamed wizard asked teasingly. Harriet chose to just raise an eye brow in dismissal.
"You owe me for this" she hissed in parseltongue to the Minister, taking two glasses of champagne testing both and passing one to her boss.
"I'll make it up to you" Tom hissed back rolling his eyes.
"If you think sex will make me forget about this you're wrong" Harriet huffed, Tom shot her a perverted grin but said nothing. Harriet blinked when an unfamiliar wizard approached them, he was tense and her necklace hummed that the wizard was concealed by a glamour or poly juice potion.
"Good day Minister, Potter" the wizard greeted rudely
"Is something wrong Mr..?" Harriet prodded
"What don't you recognise your first friend Potter?" a victorious smirk.
"Concealed to look like someone else? Of course not Mr Weasley, you are aware you're wanted yes?" Harriet asked slowly
"Don't patronise me! You're a filthy traitor, you were supposed to kill him yet here you are his whore!" Ronald snapped, gaining the attention of the rooms occupants. Harriet rolled her eyes, before Ronald could withdraw his wand she had placed suppressor cuffs around his wrists and legs. She walked closer to him and removed his wand from his holster, scanning for any hidden wands or weapons non verbally.
"You're upset that you couldn't continue stealing from me, that the marriage contract didn't hold. That's okay Mr Weasley you'll have plenty of time to get over it in Azkaban. You will be placed in Auror Custody, anything you say can and will be used against you at your trial. Is that clear?" Hari asked softly, it wasn't long before two Aurors came to collect the red headed Weasley and escort him to the holding cells.
"That was too easy" Harriet whispered feeling uneasy.
"Yes though Weasley isn't the brightest of wizards, he had help... have you checked everyone?" Tom asked just as quiet
"Yes. Though that doesn't mean he hadn't already left something, he came here for a reason" Harriet assessed, guests were already getting seated ready for the dinner and she knew she would soon be. Though she felt on high alert and wasn't comfortable just ignoring her gut feeling. "Make excuses for me" She asked quietly of the Minister who looked frustrated but nodded. She didn't give him chance to argue. She left the dining room and started casting detection spells as she walked, entering the kitchen she disillusioned herself quickly when she heard raised voices.
"Potter is here, we can finally get rid of the bitch." A male hissed,
"We shouldn't Bishop, they've got Ron already and he told us about her. She'll suspect something. We should retreat and come up with a new plan" Bishop didn't sound familiar, maybe a code name? And although the second assailant wanted to back out they were complicit in what ever had been planned.
"No, we've waited months! Run along Kota if you've changed your mind" the wizard currently identified as Bishop challenged, Kota frowned but stayed put. Harriet moved so she could see what they were doing, the food was set out ready to be served and they had vials of potions lined up. They were behind the mysterious potion. Knowing she should call and wait for back up, but she was Head Auror and she'd missed field work plus they were here made her forego protocol and she moved stealthily behind the two wizards. Cuffs and stunned she warded of the area and sent a patronus to her Aurors, all units available were to get to her as soon as possible.
She continued around the kitchen and her blood went cold, unconscious witches in different states of undress had bombs strapped to their bodies. She felt like she'd walked into a muggle movie, she had barely any knowledge on bombs, and she wasn't wanting to risk the restaurant full of French diplomats and Tom to test her knowledge. Don't panic, wait for backup, ignore the countdown. 19 minutes 38 seconds is plenty of time, breathe, release, breathe.
Deciding to first clear the premises she returned to the dining hall, removing her disillusionment charm and casting a sonorous.
"I apologise for the inconvenience, but I require you all to accompany Aurors Black and Malfoy to the Ministry. It is for your own safety that you leave quickly but remain calm." Harriet spoke clearly
"What is the meaning of this?" Picques demanded
"At this time I'm unwilling to disclose to much information, however I will divulge that this area is now a crime scene. Please accompany Aurors Black and Malfoy to the ministry, more information will be granted when I see fit" Harriet answered. Her Godfather and Draco lead the group through the floo, knowing they'd all would be required to answer questions and leave details in case they need to be contacted later.
"Zabini, time to show off your skills. Four witches with muggle devices strapped to them, through that door and to your left." Harriet instructed, the Italian wizard nodded and strode off. Harriet turned feeling Tom behind her "Minister you need to leave"
"I don't think so" Tom hissed sharply
"are you going to question me and my Aurors capabilities right now?" Hari snarled "Leave, before I push you into that fire place myself. Parkinson, Thomas I want you to collect all the food and vials from the kitchen. I suspect it to be related to Johnson's case."
"They've all gone Boss" Sirius grinned as he returned with Malfoy
"Good, Malfoy take the two detained to the left of this door to lock up and Black take the Minister with you. Stun him if you have too." Harriet ordered before sauntering off.
"She'll kill me if you don't come with Minister" Sirius swallowed not sure who he should be more scared off. The Minister sighed but left the restaurant, choosing to return to his office rather than to where the diplomats were. He barely noticed the time passing as he looked through a mountain of paperwork, it was approaching 7pm and he wondered if Harriet had gone without stopping to see him. In usual Potter fashion he thought fondly, before grabbing his coat and walking towards her office, a light was on indicating she too had stayed late.
"Do you have a home Potter?" he drawled leaning against the doorframe, he was disappointed to see the witch had changed since their disastrous dinner.
"I do" she replied simply, her quill scratching against parchment.
"Do you intend to go home this evening?"
"Why are you here Minister?" she huffed the report just needed to be finished and then she could drink wine, have takeout and then sleep
"Why do you call me Minister out loud, yet call me Tom in your head?" Tom questioned coming to sit on the edge of her desk, removing the quill from between her fingers.
"I told you to stay out of my head" She glared
"Come home with me" Tom asked amused when she gaped at his forwardness
"Excuse me?" Hari squeaked
"I said come home with me" Tom repeated with a small grin
"I can't-" Harriet denied before frowning "Why?"
"No more running." Tom said watching as she fiddled with the report nervously.
"It's been a long day and-" Harriet sighed, Tom silenced her with a finger on her lips.
"Take away, wine and quiet company. Nothing strenuous I swear" Tom bargained, he moved slightly when the witch stood showing her form revealing Auror Robes, showing the body he felt beneath his fingers earlier.
"As you won't take no for an answer I suppose I can bare your presence for one night Minister" the witch sounded exasperated, Tom would have believed her if it wasn't for the slight grin.
"Chinese?" Tom questioned as they walked through his manor. She shook her head.
"Fish and chips, I've not had one for a while.. since I was here actually" Tom remembered those nights, the witch often fell asleep on his sofa after two glasses of wine whilst waiting for the food to arrive.
"They've opened a new fish and chip shop in Diagon, I'll have an elf order from there" Tom said handing an elf their coats and taking a seat in his living room, here he could relax. Slouch and put his feet up on his sofa.
"It's still odd seeing you like that" Hari told him, he looked at her laid out on the opposite sofa as she used to do during the weeks it was demanded he have protection.
"Not many would believe you" which made Harriet snort, who could she tell Hermione? Possibly, Luna probably already knew and Neville but he was still terrified of Voldemort and didn't like talking about him. So no she would not be gossiping about slouch emperor Voldemort anytime soon. She leaned over to reach her wine and sat up to sip at it, hoping food would come soon since Tom was watching her so closely.
"Go on ask me" she said, tired of being worked out like a puzzle
"When did you know something was wrong?" if Harriet was surprised by the question she didn't show it.
"As soon as I walked in"
"Yet you said nothing"
"You already knew, you mentioned the occupants. As for any of the other guests, well it wouldn't have worked out so well if I created a panic now would it?" Harriet said lightly
"The target?" Tom asked intrigued
"You, they weren't expecting me. Terry Bishop, the wizard in the kitchen he was pleased that I was there, Kota the brighter of the two tried to change their plans since I was unexpected." Harriet grinned, being on active duty gave her thrills
"You miss field work?"
"Sometimes, paperwork gets a little monotonous don't you think?"
"No or I wouldn't do it" Tom drawled, no Hari thought he wouldn't that's what minions are for. "Your mind wanders to much when I'm close to you, isn't that risky?" Tom drawled close to her ear.
"You get close to me often, why is that?" Hari murmured
"You're refreshing, you know who I am. Minister, Dark Lord, Voldemort and yet you don't care for the titles. You appreciate my looks, but you don't gush with those other witches. So I wanted to learn more about you, you're so different. I actually like your company, your lack of fear, you infuriate me, mock me and tease me for some reason I let you get away with it." Tom said softly, removing the wine glass from her hand, placing it on the table and peppering kisses on her face.
"And when you've worked it out?" Harriet asked guarded
"I doubt I'll ever figure you out Hari." Tom said against her mouth, they could talk later Hari seemed to agree as she shoved him over so he could sit on the sofa and she moved to straddle him. Opening her mouth so he could push his tongue inside, whilst he gripped her hips when she ground down on his hardening cock. She released a whimper when he bit down on her bottom lip, before laying her down on the sofa vanishing her robes. He groaned not expecting the witch to wear such revealing lingerie, her breasts were covered with semi sheer emerald lace, emerald leather under band and silver studs embellished the straps.
"Tease" Tom said around mouthing and sucking down her neck, his hands palming at her breasts.
"Just fuck me" Hari moaned tugging at his hair when he lowered to her nipple.
"Beg" Tom ordered "Beg for my cock" before sucking her nipple back into his mouth.
"That's uh unfair" she wouldn't beg, she wasn't that desperate.
"Dark lord" Tom purred moving further down her body.
"Bastard" Hari hissed as a tongue pushed against her clothed pussy. She tried to move her hips wanted to feel more but one of Tom's arms restrained her across her stomach "Merlin Tom, I hate you"
"Do you want me to stop?" Tom asked moving away from her pussy, making her whine.
"Stop talking" she said pushing his head back down receiving a chuckle from the man then she felt a wash of magic and her knickers vanished. A tongue scrapped against her slit, digging inside her and finding her clit, the slow wet circles were driving her to her orgasm she needed more. "Bite me, my lips bite them" she ordered, feeling her walls pulse when Tom listened to her order. Her mind screaming yes yes yes... as she climaxed
"You're going to kill me" Tom said hoarsely, lapping at her juices. A finger pushing inside her, Salazar she's so tight.
"Need more" Hari said squeezing around the lone finger, wanting to be filled.
"Say please" Tom purred circling her hole. Pushing his finger in and out of her slowly, looking up at her flushed face and sweaty glistening skin. Listening to the moans and whines, as Harriet tried not to resort to begging.
"I fucking hate you, Tom please" she choked out, her body burning with pleasure and she just wanted the teasing to stop, she wanted Tom's cock. Tom added a finger pleased that the witch wanted this, though he could probably cum just listening to the noises and the sweet pussy on his tongue.
"Tom please your cock now please" Hari begged when three fingers were screwing inside her comfortably. Couldn't he see she was dying here. She whined when cold air hit her pussy, Tom's fingers and tongue moving away from it and a weight pressed against her front. Tom's tongue tasted bitter in her mouth, was that really what she tasted like? Kind of gross but she was close to delirious and feeling a smooth cock pressing against her entrance was enough to silence any protest. Tom pushed inside so slowly, filling her up why did the dark lord have such a big cock? She was slightly concerned it wouldn't fit but then his hips met hers and she wiggled at the very full feeling pulling up her knees and tilting up her hips to take him inside further.
"Fuck" Tom swore when he was fully sheathed
"Yes fuck me now" Hari urged, rolling her hips.
Tom pushed in and out of the tight wet warmth, his cock sliding against the slick wetness creating wonderful friction on his already erect cock. The resistance as he pushing back inside and the suction as he pulled back out. Salazar he was having sex with his one time enemy, she was willingly accepting him inside of her body. He'd always acknowledge that sex was power and freedom, but he must be thinking with more then his cock as sex with Harriet Potter was different. A good different.
"Fuck yes yes yes" Hari cried beneath him, Tom tensed at the flood surrounding his cock. His sensitive cock being strangled inside a hole full of hot pussy juice. They kissed through her orgasm, and Tom thrust erratically before he was releasing inside her. Pulling a shorter orgasm out of her, he with difficulty stopped himself falling on her in a boneless heap.
"Master Mipsy be bringing you food sir" an elf squeaked embarrassed.
"Leave it on the table Mipsy" Tom sighed, not wanting to move just yet. He lifted his head slightly and was pleased that his elf had left two robes. He summoned them both and after feeling Harriet using a wandless cleaning spell passed one to her. He wasn't expecting her to stay, he'd decided to stop running from her but she had tried to avoid as much as possibly recently.
"I don't think I could psychically run right now" Hari murmured tiredly to him. For now he'd take what he could get.