
This is a work of fanfiction, no copyright infringement is intended. I own nothing pertaining to the Archie Comics/Riverdale universe.

Chapter 23


"I hate to advocate drugs,

Alcohol, violence,

Or insanity to anybody

But they have

Always worked

For me…"

-Hunter S. Thompson


Fire rose high over the mounded wood pile, crackling and spitting in the cool night air. There were men milling around the cleared out forest area, some with leather jackets or vests, others with a gold plated W's around their necks. To be quite honest, it was unnerving. Watching the vastly different range of outlaws collectively gathered in this place. Jughead Jones was silent, watching the interactions between Wild Boys and Serpents, keeping his distance from James and Fenton alike. The looks from the Wild Boys hadn't gone unnoticed, not by a single Serpent, so Jughead knew to keep his distance. He nestled down on a semi hollowed out log, drinking a budweiser, and chain smoking. He was polite and kind, "yes sir, no sir" when he did say anything at all. Sweet Pea hadn't said anything to him, not since that night at the Wyrm. It was probably best this way, if his brothers found out he made out with Betty, he'd probably be gator dinner out here in the swamps.

It had been almost four days since he last seen or spoke to Betty. He'd already packed a bag and had it waiting at the Wyrm for their run. So he didn't return home, didn't even want to look at the beautiful blonde if he didn't have to, it almost killed him to break away from her and her tempting body, flawless in every way. He'd revisited their makeout session more than a few hundred times in his memories, it's he managed to get to sleep at night, how he got through three meetings and a trip to another buyer in Florida on the way to Everglade City. He'd never forget how Betty's body reacted to him despite her love for Sweet Pea. Delicious reminders of what he'd lost forever emblazoned in his eyelids every time he closed them. Pushing the images from his mind, he stood, draining the remaining liquid from his bottle. He needed another and went in search of one near the table and chairs outside of James' office. He could hear the men talking just inside. The little wooden shack was worse for ware anyhow, shattered windows and slats of wood missing from its ancient facade.

"Have ya heard from 'er at all? Seems a little odd she don't even call 'er Pa ta tell 'em what she doin'." James was genuinely concerned, feeling sorrow for Fenton in his situation.

"Naw, she hasn't called since the first week. Her doctor fills me in on her current status. Seems she's had a sort of mental break, somethin' I don't understand. They're doing evaluations, makin' some progress." Fenton took a long pull from his bottle. He kept his thoughts to himself, leaving as much information as vague as possible. He didn't hold anything against Jughead, he'd never actually said as much, to anyone. He seen how the kid had changed in demeanor on their way down from Riverdale. It was like a light switch, he hoped it stuck, because this version of Jughead Jones he could right with, be patched with. It was nice to see the real him. The two men exited the shack, to come and stand near the table, both nodding at the silent Serpent retrieving a beer from the ice bucket on the table.

"They treatin' ya good up there?" James grabbed hold of Fenton's empty bottle, tossing it into the raging fire. The younger man handed him another for good measure, lid pried off already.

"Oh yes sir they are. It's been a pleasure to be in Serpent country. They are some good folk there at the Whyte Wyrm, had some complications up north in Riverdale, but it seems that FP is turning a new leaf on that end of town." Fenton sipped from the new bottle. Making it a point not to get completely drunk.

Jughead had already retrieved another bottle, he used the bottle opener attached to the table to dislodge the tin cap from the beer. Not trying to draw too much attention, he found himself trying to scoot around Fenton and James and the ice bucket.

"Well hey there youngin'! I don't believe I've had the pleasure, Robisheaux, James Robisheaux, and you are?" The tanned man held out his hand to Jughead, a devious look etched into his face. Jughead took James' hand, firmly, just like FP had taught him.

"Jughead Jones sir. It's very good to meet you. Pardon my absence from the previous meeting, I can assure you, it was not my intention to do so." James brows shot up at the young Serpent's admission, he was a little surprised.

"That's alright Jughead. Good to know ya. I'm very pleased with how y'all do business, given how damn young y'all are. It's quite refreshing' to see the youth so active in our," He looked from Jughead to Fenton, a smirk replacing surprise. "Industry." A small chuckle escaped Jughead, Fenton tried to give a little more oomph to his own laugh while James had a full bodied chortle emitting from his bare chest.

"These kids are very business minded James, eager to further their club and keep peace among their streets. It's really something to see." Fenton winked at Jughead, draining his beer bottle once more. "I really must hit the head, don't wanna piss myself on the bumpy ride back to the motel, that'd be embarrassing'. Pardon me." Clapping a hand James' back, he headed back toward the office, leaving the other two alone.

"What do you say we try this herbal remedy Jughead?" Jughead's eyes snapped from the disappearing Fenton, to James and his glistening face.

"Oh, no thank you Sir. I don't partake." Jughead felt so uncomfortable. He wished he could get back to town, lay down on the stiff bed in the musty sheets.

"You don't smoke Jughead? Well hell! Alright, you don't mind if I do? Sweet Pea gave a little bit of that cookie dough, is that what it is? I can't seem to sleep. Maybe this'll do the trick. Come on Jughead, let's find us some friends." James gathered Jughead around the shoulders, steering him the direction of a group of Wild Boys and Serpents.

Sweet Pea watched the interaction, listened intently at the exchange. It was something he'd been doing lately, at least while they were in the company of Wild Boys. Fenton was one thing, he was prospecting now, his cutte saying as much. Sweet Pea trusted the older gentleman, knew he was someone who gave their word and kept it. James was something else entirely, an enigma like Jughead was lately. Missing his girl more so than the last time they'd ridden south, Sweet Pea went to find FP, see if he had to stay much longer. He was only here to distribute product the throngs of people, Sweet Pea found the Serpent's president, he was smoking a cigarette near a group of Wild Boys sucking back crawfish heads, he wanted to puke as he made his way in their direction.

"Hey! Sweet Pea! How you doing kid?" FP hugged him, patting him on the back.

"Hey Pres! I'm a little tired actually. Was wondering if I could head back to the motel, I'm beat to shit." Sweet Pea threw in a feigned yawn, a little eye rub for good measure. FP winked at him, on the sly, knowing full well the kid just wanted to talk to his woman. It was understandable, he wanted the same. It was different though, their circumstances.

"Oh yeah Pea, don't want you passin' out on the road." Hugging Sweet Pea in that way he always did, full on embrace, large hands clasping at the space between the young man's shoulders. FP whispered to him.

"Let our girls know I miss 'em. We'll be around here pretty soon." FP turned from Sweet Pea, bringing his attention back to the rowdy group he'd been chatting up before.

"Hey Sweet Pea?" Liam came jogging over, looking like he wanted to go home too. The feeling was mutual. "Think I could ride with you? I need to call my Mom, Grandma's been sick." The older boy stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, looking down to his scuffed riding boots.

"Hell yeah man. Probably shouldn't be rollin solo anyway. Let's head."


James spent a good long while showing Jughead the extent of his office, the little latch door that was concealed behind a large bookcase. The Serpents had been here on more than one occasion, never suspecting a thing. Allowing the pair to look around his work room, he took another bottle of beer out from his pants pocket. Lighter in hand, he nestled the but of it just under the lip of the cap and pushed. A little pop noise and the cap came tumbling to the wooden floor. He pushed it into a space between two floorboards.

"So whadya boys think? Pretty outta the way right? Not to mention I got the boys in blue in my pocket. Nobody gonna mess this operation up, not on my end." His deep hazel eyes found FP's bright blues. They nodded to one another in agreement.

"I think we have ourselves a deal Mr. Robisheaux." FP's hand was held out to the tipsy gentleman, a half smile on his face.

"Why thank you Sir! Ya ain't gonna regret it FP, I can promise ya that. With Fenton in your ranks, ya have nothin' but blue skies on your horizon." They laughed, save for Jughead who was ready for the night to end. Ready to get to bed, he was envious of Sweet Pea for the millionth time this month. He knew exactly where and what the dude was doing. Talking to Betty no doubt, that's what he'd be doing, listening to her sweet voice wash through the receiver into his tired ear.

"Jughead, come shake Mr. Robisheaux's hand. I know you're tired, we can head after this, I should probably get some shut eye myself." Hand extended, Jughead moved the two feet from a row of work tables and lamps to grasp James' hand.

"Pleasure doing business with you Sir. I look forward to seeing you again." Jughead stood tall, at his full six feet, spine straight, head straight, sober as the day he was born. James took this as a good sign, having his doubts when the young man showed up tonight for the bonfire. He'd heard from his men what this Jones kid was like on the Serpent's last venture south, it wasn't something he needed in his town.

"Likewise, Jughead Jones. Now, go catch ya some Z's." James smiled genuinely at the two fellows before him, extending his arm to allow them through the door first.


Over the course their time visiting, Serpents littered the streets of Everglades City, they ate breakfast in the local diner, visited barber shops, shopped in the market for toiletries and their various nicotine addictions, slaking their thirst at the two bars in town. The town had never seen such revenue, never had to restock from their dusty stock rooms in such a short amount of time. There would most certainly be room for the Serpents if they kept coming down on runs like this.

All but four Serpents left on the fifth day of this particular run, they had to stop in Philadelphia on their way home. Leaving Tall Boy, Fenton, Liam, and Tobias to distribute the remaining boxes in the cargo van, returning home to the Southside when they finished. The streets were lined with bikes, leather clad men astride them. Waving goodbye until next time, with the overwhelming Serpent presence streaming away from their tucked away town, some of the locals felt uneasy. Others were glad to have them gone, the Wild Boys were both disappointed in their absence as well as happy for the business that had come their way. It was a small price to pay for a good connection both in business and personal relationships. James Robisheaux sat back for a moment, eyes glazed over from his total relaxation in over a decade. Being a veteran in this country meant the VA evaded helping you as much as humanly possible. He'd been hurt in Iraq, back was mess, head was even worse. So when Sweet Pea offered a few different strains for his unique type ailments, he almost laughed it off. The sincerity in Sweet Pea's gesture however, had James thinking twice about what the young man said. His first night, he was anxietal, chest heavy with his muscles spasming from his undeniable flashbacks. His wife reached for the box that was given to him earlier in the day. It looked to be hand carved, very much a personal gift indeed. The contents nearly made James feel ashamed for waving the boy off.

"The little card says for anxiety to use the Northern Lights." She packed a bowl for him and handed her deranged looking husband a lighter. He hadn't slept quite that well since he was in high school. His back felt better too.

What Sweet Pea had put together for him, was remarkable. It was like a medical grade cannabis version of a box of chocolates. It was genius. Simply put, James was rather fascinated by the idea of the ganja sampler. For another time, another proposition, another monetary endeavor. Maybe the next meeting between the two gangs would be on the Serpent's own turf. Wouldn't that be a turn events? Wild Boys in yankee country, wouldn't that be some shit. Either way, he rolled over in his bed, feeling so light, a mere fraction of the pain and disarray of headspace he was used to feeling. His wife was fast asleep beside him, the swell of her hip rising under their patchwork quilt. He watched with a renewed love for the woman, having put up with his antics for the better part of almost two decades. She bore his children, waited patiently for him to return home to her, never once became cross at his war torn mentality. She set back with him, loved him completely, helped him when no one else would. No one, except for Sweet Pea.

Jessie-Ann Robisheaux was the perfect ying to James' yang, and damn it if he didn't owe Sweet Pea and FP a little thanks for allowing him to see it. Allowing him to see the past 10 years with clarity and full blown appreciation for his woman and his new found, dare he say it, friends. With the last few flutters of his drooping eyelids, James vowed to return the favor of friendship, to extend his kindness no matter the circumstances. He had a feeling things would be much more prosperous when he did so. A smile lain over his prematurely aged face, as he fell into a restful slumber.


"Walk tall, kick ass,

Learn to speak Arabic,

Love music

And never forget,

You come from a long line

Of truth seekers, lovers,

And warriors."

~Hunter S. Thompson


Knowing full well something was terribly off with his riding mate, Sweet Pea kept an eye on Jughead, as best he could riding next to the guy. They'd been riding for an hour or so now, just outside of the city limits of Philadelphia. They were a hard group to miss, a dozen leather clad Serpents nearing the state line, on their way back from a run that their small town knew they'd left on. Sweet Pea was anxious to get home to Betty, but she was acting just as weird as Jughead. Suspecting a fight between the two, he didn't ask for details, nor did he want them. He just wanted to get home, kiss his girl, and find solace in the small things.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sweet Pea noticed Jughead glance at him, their eyes locked and they both acted like they hadn't noticed each other. Things went on like this for quite some time, damn near til they reached the Wyrm. Til they were met with a sea of women and Senior members, waiting for their return. Sweet Pea let go of the off feeling he'd been traveling with these last five days, and searched for his blonde beauty after parking his bike. The helmet was tugged off immediately and set on the bitch seat. Breathing in the familiar air of the Whyte Wyrm, used motor oil and beer. He was finally home. Still searching the hoard of people before him, he watched as FP held onto Alice for dear life, rubbing his palm over her growing belly.

He found it comforting, the innocence within the outlaw world. He knew it was still here somewhere, lost to him, Toni, Fangs and even Jughead. Speaking of which, was leaning against a fence pole, smoking a cigarette and scanning the people milling around in the parking lot. Their eyes met again, briefly albeit, but long enough to jerk the niggling feeling of unrest back into the forefront of Sweet Pea's mind. Still watching the jaw muscles work in discomfort on Jughead's face, Sweet Pea rose from his bike, swinging his long legs from around it's worn leather seat. The upset in his chest and stomach made it difficult to keep searching for Betty, he simply could not stop watching Jughead, the way he inhaled the smoke, or the way he let it swirl out of his mouth when he bit at his chapped lips. Nor did Sweet Pea stop staring when the butt of the cigarette when hurtling toward the asphalt and was smashed and smeared into it, completely obliterated by the sole of a worn out riding boot. Every movement that Jughead made, every little twitch was being documented by Sweet Pea, collected neatly into his 'dick head' catolog for a time they'd finally beat the piss put each other. Yet something gnawed at the already flip flopping contents of his stomach. It was ripping into him, causing a tiny panic attack to rise in his chest.

Something about Jughead's off behavior and his twitchy movements made Sweet Pea want to interrogate him, demand answers to questions that had only formed in the last hours of a trip that made his heart burn with discontented regret for having even left in the first place.

The door of the Whyte Wyrm swung open with force that could only be from someone who was in a mission. It garnered the attention of Jughead, who instantly blanched with embarrassment for his actions only days previous. His mind reverted to the intense pain gnawing at his insides at the site of Sweet Pea's affection for Betty displayed on her neck for all to see. He bathed in the feeling of her under his control. Her lips being swollen by his mouth, her legs spreading for his hips between her thighs on their counter top. He would never, in all his days to come, forget that he had fucked up royally, that he'd never again taste Betty Cooper's tongue on his own. In the time he'd mused over such tragedies in his short life span, he never once thought that Sweet Pea was watching him watch Betty burst through the doors of the Wyrm in search of her lover.

Eyes skimming the crowd, Betty almost forget to breath when she seen Sweet Pea in the back by the fence. He was standing tall and looking brutally volatile, it made her heart skip a beat. He was so sexy when he was determined, when he had look of hellfire in his eyes. She couldn't help the surge of want and need that flowed through her, spurring her on in his direction. Pushing through Serpents and friends alike, she felt like she'd never reach him, even though there were only a handful of people to get past before she had to sprint five feet to run her fingers through Sweet Pea's inky black hair. Only 15 feet in all before she could taste his minty tobacco tongue on her own, before she could smell his old spice deodorant and his leather mixed with musk. It made her mouth water to think of him being within her grasp.

She'd finally pushed through leather and flannel and into the space between her and Sweet Pea, a smile filled her face, the muscles of her stomach contracted as she pushed herself forward over the broken asphalt. Two feet and she was facing him, a smile splayed over his handsome features. Her heart threatened to beat straight through her chest. Meeting her half way, each taking a foot to close the distance, Betty leapt into his arms. She could feel the tears stinging behind her eyelids. Even Five days was far too much for her to handle being away from him.

"God I missed you Sweet Pea!" She gasped as the tears fell from her eyes. He pulled back a little, hearing the emotion in her voice. Large palms cupped either side of her face, his eyebrows knit together with worry.

"Oh baby girl. I'm here, I'm home. Don't cry baby, I'm here with you." His lips found hers, amidst the tears and all, he didn't care. Slender fingers wove into the hair at the base of Sweet Pea's head, tugging him closer to her, humming his appreciation into her mouth.

Instinctually her lips parted for him, she moaned at his flavor on her tongue. She hadn't known she'd ever miss the feel physical pain over the absence of Sweet Pea's tongue in her mouth, or the feel of the tips of fingers playing at her hairline, nor did she anticipate the incredible need to feel his naked flesh over her own.

As if he'd read her mind, reluctantly, he pulled his lips from her own. "Let's go home baby girl." She nodded her response, then jumped on the back of his bike with him.

Curling her arms around his torso, Betty inhaled the scent of his leather, burrowing her head into his back. She never seen the speechless exchange that Sweet Pea and Jughead shared. She hadn't seen the covetous way that Jughead watched their reunion. Nor did she see how Sweet Pea became entirely territorial over her. He let Jughead gawk all he wanted, knowing that the other boy yearned for it to be him who Betty wrapped herself around, whom she couldn't wait to see. Sweet Pea had know the whole trip that Jughead must have done something monumentally stupid before they'd left. He knew it deep in his soul, based on Betty's reaction to his return, the encounter with Jughead must have solidified what she felt toward Sweet Pea. So he gloated. Taking their kiss to another level altogether. He'd take it no matter how he got it, because Betty chose him.

With a tip of his head toward Sweet Pea, Jughead accepted his defeat, accepted Betty's choices, and retreated into the Wyrm for copious amounts of whiskey and chain smoking with Fangs and Toni. Sweet Pea pushed off from the ground with a roar from his motor. It was all too familiar, the way left the parking lot. It brought back all of the memories of that first night for both of them when Betty yelled out.

"Oh my god Sweet Pea!" Her arms squeezing him to her at the increase in speed.

"Hang on darlin'" He shouted back at her. He knew things would always be like this for them. She'd be his ride or die no matter what the circumstance. She'd work hard with him, wait for him while he was on runs, then run into his waiting arms upon his return and love him no matter what, and he could live with that.




A/n: Thank you for going the distance with me through this. I do believe this particular love affair has come to an end. I have more up my sleeve with this pairing however. Keep an eye out! Thank you for your support and interest in this story. For being kind and helpful and always coming back for more! Until next time…. ~S.C.